I Index to Persons, Places and Subjects Rulers and their consorts are entered under their Chxistian names. Royal peers are under their title, non-royal members of the peerage and the episcopate under their family names, with cross references from their titles and sees. Page numbers for illustrations are in italics. Abergavenny, Lord we Neville, Bavaria, Blanche of Lancaster, Edward. Duchess of, 95. administration, knights’ role, 101. Bavaria, Louis of the Palatine, Duke alchemy, popularity, 100, 102. of, 95. Alcock, John, Bishop of Worcester, Beauchamp, Elizabeth, Lady Ladmer, 43, 45. 123. Aleyn,_]ohn, moneyet, 61, 62, 63. Beauchamp, Henry, Earl of Warwick, Alyngton, William, 33. 35. Anne Boleyn, queen of Henry VIII, Beauchamp, John, Lord Beauchamp 98. ofPowick,74. Anne Neville, queen of Richard III, Beauchamp, Margaret, Countess of 56. Shrewsbury Annesley, Sir Hugh, 111. property, 119. apprenu'ceship,records, 47. seal, 128, 132. Arthur, Prince of Wales, 92. Beauchamp, Richard, Bishop of Anmdel, Constance d’, Countess of Salisbury, 75. Amndel, 96. Beauchamp, Richard, Earl of Amndel,john (1’, Earl of Amndel, 96. Warwick, 19. Anmdel, Earl of :22 Fitzalan, Thomas; Beauchamp, Richard (son of Lord Fitzalan, William. Beauchamp of Powick), 74. Arundel, John, Bishop of Chichestet, Beaufort, Edmund, Duke of Somerset, 76. 20, 70, 80. Ashton, SirJohn, knight, 102. Beaufort family, genes, 4, 8, 9. Ashton, Six Thomas, 100, 102. Beaufort, Henry, Cardinal, Bishop of Askell, Sir Thomas, 122, 124. Wmchcster, 9, 19. Audley, Lord .ree Tuchet, John. Beaufort, Henry, Duke of Somerset, Bangor, Bishop of .ree Edenham, 16. Thomas. Beaufort, Joan, Countess of Barre,_]ane,Lady Catesby, 123. Westmotland, 8, 9. Basynges, Sirjohn, 110. Beaufort, John, Earl of Somerset, 9. Batail, Thomas and Joan, 48, 52, 53, Beaufort, John, Marquess of Dorset, 58. ‘ 70, 80. Bath, Bishop of we Stillington, Robert. Beaufort, Lady Margaret, Countess of battles Richmond and Derby, flower, 130. Bamet, 81-82. Beaufort, Mary, 20. Nibley Green, 73. Beaufort, Thomas, Duke of Exeter, 9. Saint Albans, 18. Beaumont, William, Viscount 210 Beaumont, 70, 77, 81. Buckingham, Duke of we Stafford, . Bedford, George, Duke of m’ Neville, Henry. " George. Buckland, Richard, 19. Bedford, Jacquetta, Duchess of, 15, Bulmer, Sir Ralph, inactivity. 106. 18, 23, 24-25. Burgh, Elizabeth dc, Duchess of Bedford,]ohn, Duke of, 16, 19. Clarence, 98. Berkeley family, property, 120. Burgh, William de, Earl of Ulster, 98. Berkeley, William, Lord Berkeley, 73. Burgundians, and Crosby Place, 92. Bernard, Robert, 126. Burgundy, Anthony, Bastard of, 26, Bemers, Lord In Bourchier,]ohn. 27-28. Birchefotd, Brother Andrew, 105-106. Burgundy, Charles, Duke of, 27, 28, Blount, Walter, Lord Mountioy, 69, 30, 38, 39. 79. Burgundy, Margaret of York, Duchess Bond, William, and Crosby Place, 93. of, 8, 13, 124. Booth,]ohn, Bishop of Exeter, 70, 71, Butler, Lady Eleanor m Talbot, Lady 82. Eleanor. Booth, Laurence, Bishop of Durham, Butler, Ralph, Lord Sudeley 70, 82. as Lady Eleanor Talbot’s father-in- Bosoun, Robert and Joan, 53. law,114,115,116,117,130. Botcler, Ralph, Lord Sudeley .ree seal, 127, 131. Butler, Ralph. ' and von Wesel's newsletter, 70, 78, Bourchier, Eleanor, Duchess of 79. Norfolk, 121-122. Butler, Sir Thomas, 114, 115, 116, 130. Bourchier family, 69, 76. seal, 127, 128. Bourchier, Fulk, Lord Fitzwarin, 72- Butsyde, Thomas, 33, 43. 73. Cade,]ack, and Lord Scales, 16. Bourchier, Henry, Earl of Essex, 69, Calais ' 72, 76, 79. captaincy, 30. Boutchier, Henry (d.1458), 17. Staple, 85. Bomchiet, Humphrey, Lord Canterbury, Archbishop of we Cromwell, 69, 79, 81. Bourchiet, Thomas. Bourchier, Sit Humphrey, 80, 81. Carlisle, Bishop of Ice Story, Edward. Boutchiet, Isabel of York, Countess of CatpenterJohn, Bishop of Wotcestet, Essex, 17. 76. Bourchier,_]ohn, Lord Bemers, 71, 72. Catru, Sir Nicholas, 103, 104. Bourchiet, Thomas, Archbishop of Cassiman, Préfessor Jean-Jacques, 13. Canterbury, 69, 70, 79, 80, 82. Catesby, Sir Wllliam, . Boutchiet, Sir Thomas (d. 1491), 79. Catesby, William, , 45. Boutchiet, Sir Thomas (d. 1512), 80. Catesby, Sir William, 114, 122, 123. Bourchiet, William, Lord Bourchiet, Catesby, William, 123-124. 69, 79. Caxton,William, 22—23, 24, 25-26, 39- Bracebrigge, William, 88, 89, 91. 40, 41. Bretailles, Louis de, 23, 29. Chamberlain, Sir Roger, 108-109. Bruges, 1468 joust,27-28. charity, and Anthony Woodvflle, 24. Bryan, Sir Thomas, 45, 125. Chaucer family,9, 39. Bryce, Sir Hugh, 60. Chaucer, Thomas, 19. Chedworth, John, Bishop of Lincoln, DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid), 2-3. 70-71, 82. ‘ Dublin, Archbishop of we Ttegury, Chester, Bishop of In Hals,]ohn. Michael. Cheyne, Sir John, 107. Dudley, Lord we Sutton,John. Cheyney, John, 1 18, 120, 121. Durefort, Gaillard de, Lord Duras, 70, Clarence, George, Duke of, 34, 70, 76, 76, 78. 77, 82. Durham, Bishop of m Booth, Clarence, Lionel, Duke of, 98. Laurence. Claver, Alice, 51, 56, 57. Dymock, Andrew, 29, 33, 34-35, 44, Clinton, John, Lord Clinton, 74. 4S. Clopton, Thomas, and Mowbrays, Dymock papers, 36. 126. Edenham, Thomas, Bishop of Bangor, Cobham, Lord, 71. 76. Colepepit, Sir John, 106. Edinburgh, Philip, Duke of, DNA, 1, Colvyle, Sir John, 104-105. 5-6. Comwall, Sir John, Lord Fanhope, 96. Edward IV, 7, 27, 66, 76, 85, 125. Cornwall, Sir John (1404-21), 96. and Anthony Woodville, 15, 39. Courtenay family, 73. and Lady Eleanor Talbot, 120, 125. Courtenay, John, Earl of Devon, 70, and Lord Scales, 16, 17. 80. and von Wesel’s newsletter, 69-70, Courtenay, Sir Philip, 103-104. 77-83. Coventry, Bishop of m Hals,]ohn. Edward V, Prince of Wales, 32, 41-42, Coventry (Warwickshire), 77-78. 80. Creswyck, William, 52. Edward, Prince of Wales (son of Crick, Francis, and DNA, 2. Henry VI), 70, 83. Croft, Sir Richard, 32. Elizabeth I, 7. Cromwell, Lord we Bourchiet, Elizabeth Woodville, queen of Humphrey. Edward IV, 15, 21, 32, 40, 80. Crosby, Sir John, 84-94. Eldngton,]ohn, 60, 64. lst wife, 85, 86. Ely, Bishop of m Gray, William. 2nd wife, 91, 92. Erik VII, King of Denmark, Norway background, 85. and Sweden, 95. tomb, 85-89, 90. Essex Crosby, John, 91. Theydon Gamon, 89, 91. crown servants, status, 59, 60. and Woodvilles, 21, 35. Dacre, Ralph, Lord Dacre, 71. Essex, Earl of :22Bourchiez, Henry. Danyell, Thomas, 36-37. Eton College, and Anthony Derby, Earl of m Stanley, Thomas. Woodville, 24. Devereux, Walter, Lord Ferrets of Evars,John, 122, 124, 129. Chardey, 70, 7178. Exeter, Bishop of we BoothJohn. Devon, Earl of m Courtenay,_]ohn. Exeter, Duke of m Beaufort, Thomas; Dim: and Stylingqf the Phi/amply”, 22- Holland, Henry; Holland, John, lst 23, 39-40. Duke of Excter; Holland, John, 2nd Dinham, John, Lord Dinham, 71, 72- Duke of Exetet. 73. Fanhope, Lord .ree Cornwall, Sir John. diplomacy, knights’ role in, 105. Fastolf dispute, and Pastons, 31-32. 212 Faucoatg, Bastard of m Neville, Hansa merchants, 66, 67-68. Thomas. Harsyk, Sir Roger, 106. Fenny Compton (Wamrickshite), 113, Hastings, John de, Earl of Pembroke, 1 16. 96. Fiennes, William, Lord Say and Sele, Hastings, Si: Ralph, 80. 70, 78, 81. Hastings, William, Lord Hastings, 30, Fisher, Thomas, 89. 59, 60, 123, 124. ' Fitzalan, Elizabeth, Duchess of and von Wesel’s newsletter, 69, 70, Norfolk, 122. 78. Fitzalan, Thomas, Lord Maltmvers Hatton, Nicholas, 50-51, 55. and Earl of Amndel, 70, 71, 78. Haute, Anne, 'and Paston family, 31. Fitzalan, William, Earl of Amndel, 72, Haute, Richard, 44, 45. 76. Henry II, DNA, 4. Fitzhugh, Henry, Lord Fitzhugh, 73- Henry IV, claim to the throne, 95. 74. Henry VI, 102. FitzLewis family, 19-22, 39. and von Wesel’s newsletter, 70, 78, FitzLewis, Henry, 20, 44. 79, 80, 81, 82. FitzLewis,john, 15, 19. Henry VII, previously Earl of FitzLewis, Lewis, 20, 21. Richmond, 7, 35, 85, 95. FitzLewis, Mary, 15, 20, 44. Henry VIII, 98. Fitzwarin, Lord we Bouzchiet, Fulk. Herbert family, 29. Fleet, Wllliam and Isabel, 50, 52, 55. Herbert, William, 2nd Earl of France, English knights’ role in, 108. Pembroke, 32, 71. Gascoyne, Sir William, 109. Hereford, Bishop of In Stanbuty, Gate, Sir Geoffrey, 35-36. John. Gedding, Robert, watdship, 35. Herryong family, 60, 61, 62, 65. Gloucester, Humphrey, Duke of, 108. Hett family, 60, 62, 63, 65. Gloucester, Richard, Duke of m Heywood, Humphrey, 60. Richard III. Heywood, Thomas, 84, 92. goldsmiths, and Mint appointments, Hobart,_]ohn, 125. 60. Holland, Anne, Lady Neville and Gray, Wllliam, Bishop of Ely, 69, 70, Countess of Douglas, 96. 79, 82. Holland, Anne of York, Duchess of Green, Sir Robert, 59. Exeter, DNA, 1, 10, 96. Grey, Anthony, Lord Grey of Ruthin, Holland, Constance, Lady Grey, 96. 70, 71, 78. Holland, Elizabeth of Lancaster, Grey, Edmund, Earl of Kent, 72, 96. Duchess of Exetet, 95-96. Grey, Henry, Lord Grey of Codnoxr, Holland, Henry, Duke of Exeter, 70, 71. 77, 81, 96. Grey, Sir John, 15. Holland,]ohn, lst Duke of Exetet, 96. Grey, Sir Richard, 41. Holland, John, 2nd Duke of Exeter, Grey, Thomas, Marquess of Dorset, 96. 40, 96. hospitals, knights’ role in, 105-106. Hals, John, Bishop of Coventry and Howard family, 30. Lichfield, 70, 79. Howard Household Book, 37. Handy, Sir Robert, 122, 124. Howard, John, Lord Howard and 213 Duke of Norfolk, 18-19, 69, 80. linen, and silkwomen, 46-47. Huggeford, John and Thomas, 122, Lisle, Viscount .ree Talbot, Thomas. 124. Llandaff, Bishop of m Hunden, John. Hunden,]ohn, Bishop of Llandaff, 75. London Husy, Sir William, Lord Chief Justice, Crosby Place, 84, 92. 45. Shoreditch, and moneyers, 62. Ibsen,]oy, DNA, 11, 74. and silkwomen, 46-58. Innasseyson, Gilbert, 33. Smithficld joust, 26-27, 36. Isle of Man, 110-111. London, Bishop of m Kemp, Isle of Wight, 35, 37. Thomas. Jane Seymour, queen of Henry VIII, Louis XVII, DNA, 1.
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