oi.uchicago.edu i KERKENES SPECIAL STUDIES 1 SCULPTURE AND INSCRIPTIONS FROM THE MONUMENTAL ENTRANCE TO THE PALATIAL COMPLEX AT KERKENES DAĞ, TURKEY oi.uchicago.edu ii Overlooking the Ancient City on the Kerkenes Dağ from the Northwest. The Palatial Complex is Located at the Center of the Horizon Just to the Right of the Kale oi.uchicago.edu iii KERKENES SPECIAL STUDIES 1 SCULPTURE AND INSCRIPTIONS FROM THE MONUMENTAL ENTRANCE TO THE PALATIAL COMPLEX AT KERKENES DAĞ, TURKEY by CatheRiNe M. DRAyCOTT and GeOffRey D. SuMMeRS with contribution by CLAUDE BRIXHE and Turkish summary translated by G. B∫KE YAZICIO˝LU ORieNTAL iNSTiTuTe PuBLiCATiONS • VOLuMe 135 THe ORieNTAL iNSTiTuTe Of THe uNiVeRSiTy Of CHiCAGO oi.uchicago.edu iv Library of Congress Control Number: 2008926243 iSBN-10: 1-885923-57-0 iSBN-13: 978-1-885923-57-8 iSSN: 0069-3367 The Oriental Institute, Chicago ©2008 by The university of Chicago. All rights reserved. Published 2008. Printed in the united States of America. ORiental iNSTiTuTe PuBLicatiONS, VOLuMe 135 Series Editors Leslie Schramer and Thomas G. urban with the assistance of Katie L. Johnson Series Editors’ Acknowledgments The assistance of Sabahat Adil, Melissa Bilal, and Scott Branting is acknowledged in the production of this volume. Spine Illustration fragment of a Griffin’s Head (Cat. No. 3.6) Printed by Edwards Brothers, Ann Arbor, Michigan The paper used in this publication meets the minimum requirements of American National Standard for information Services — Permanence of Paper for Printed Library Materials, ANSi Z39.48-1984. oi.uchicago.edu v TABLE OF CONTENTS LiST Of ABBReViatiONS ............................................................................................................................. vii LIST OF PLATES ............................................................................................................................................. ix PREFACE ......................................................................................................................................................... xiii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS .................................................................................................................................. xv BIBLIOGRAPHY.............................................................................................................................................. xvii DiSCOVeRy Of SCuLPTuRe AND iNSCRiPTiONS. Geoffrey D. Summers ................................................. 1 CATALOG ........................................................................................................................................................ 7 SCULPTURE (CAT . NOS. 1–10). Catherine M. Draycott .............................................................................. 8 Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 8 Statuary (Cat. Nos. 1–2) ....................................................................................................................... 10 Catalog No. 1. Statue of Draped figure ......................................................................................... 10 Catalog No. 2. fragment from Head of Lion Statue ....................................................................... 21 Small Reliefs (Cat. Nos. 3–8) ............................................................................................................... 24 Catalog No. 3. Small Reliefs from a Block .................................................................................... 24 Catalog No. 4. Rosette ................................................................................................................... 54 Catalog No. 5. Single Rosette Petal ............................................................................................... 55 Catalog No. 6. Curved Molding ..................................................................................................... 55 Catalog No. 7. fragments with Curved Molding on Background.................................................... 55 Catalog No. 8. fragment from Molding(?) ..................................................................................... 56 Miscellaneous Sculpture (Cat. Nos. 9–10) ............................................................................................ 56 Catalog No. 9. fragment from Statue of Bird of Prey .................................................................... 56 Catalog No. 10. Possible Relief of Lion Tail(?) .............................................................................. 58 Summary and Comments ...................................................................................................................... 58 ARCHITECTURAL ELEMENTS (CAT . NOS. 11–12). Geoffrey D. Summers .................................................... 61 introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 61 Catalog No. 11. Stepped Slab or Base ............................................................................................ 62 Catalog No. 12. Bolster Slab .......................................................................................................... 63 Tentative Comments on the Original Composition of the Sculpted and inscribed Monument ................ 65 InsCRIPTION FRAGMENTS (CAT . NOS. 13–20). Catherine M. Draycott after Claude Brixhe....................... 67 Catalog No. 13. inscription fragment i .......................................................................................... 67 Catalog No. 14. inscription fragment ii ........................................................................................ 67 Catalog No. 15. inscription fragment iii ....................................................................................... 68 Catalog No. 16. inscription fragments iV and X .......................................................................... 68 Catalog No. 17. inscription fragment V......................................................................................... 69 Catalog No. 18. inscription fragments Vi and Vii ......................................................................... 69 Catalog No. 19. inscription fragment Viii..................................................................................... 70 Catalog No. 20. inscription fragment iX ....................................................................................... 70 v oi.uchicago.edu vi TABLE OF CONTENTS THe PHRyGiAN iNSCRiPTiONS. Claude Brixhe, translated by Catherine M. Draycott ................................ 71 CONCORDANCe Of iNVentory AND Catalog NuMBeRS .................................................................. 77 INDEX OF PLACE NAMES ............................................................................................................................. 81 TüRKçe ÖZeT. Translated by G. Bike Yazıcıoğlu............................................................................................ 83 PLATES oi.uchicago.edu vii LiST Of ABBReViatiONS arc architectural elements ca. circa, approximately cat(s). catalog(s) cf. confer, compare cm centimeter(s) CT Clearance Trench e.g. exempli gratia, for example et al. et alii, and others etc. et cetera, and so forth fig(s). figure(s) GPS Global Positioning System iD identification Number(s) ibid. ibidem, in the same place i.e. id est, that is K Kerkenes number METU Middle East Technical University mm millimeter(s) m meter(s) n(n). footnote(s) no(s). number(s) pers. comm. personal communication pl(s). plate(s) stn stone STT Schmidt Test Trench TR Trench TT Test Trench vol. volume vii oi.uchicago.edu viii oi.uchicago.edu ix LIST OF PLATES frontispiece. Overlooking the Ancient City on the Kerkenes Dağ from the Northwest 1. Map of Anatolia and Adjacent Regions Showing Sites Mentioned in the Text; entire iron Age City on Kerkenes Dağ, Seen from Manned Hot-air Balloon 2. Triangulated irregular Network (TiN) Simulation of the City Made in ArcView 3D Analyst from 1,400,000 GPS Readings 3. Plan of Monumental entrance to Palatial Complex, Showing Locations of Trenches 4. Plan of Monumental entrance to Palatial Complex 5. Plan of eastern end of Palatial Complex 6. Trench 11 from east in early Stages of excavation in 2003, with Part of Trench 1 in foreground; and Mass of Burnt and fused Superstructure fallen into Doorway through Wooden facade, figure Crouches on Burnt earth floor of Room on far Side of facade 7. Front Portion of entrance, Looking east at end of 2005 Season; in foreground is Rubble Base of foundation Trench for Timber facade, five Large Pavers Mark Position of Wide, Double Doorway with Sandstone Plinth on Right; and Rear of entrance, Looking South, with Rubble-filled foundation Slot and Later Pits, Not fully emptied; in foreground, Disturbed Column Base. fallen Aniconic Stele in Center, Drain at Right, and Burnt earthen floor of Room in Central Section at Left 8. Trench 11 and Part of Trench 1 at end of 2003 Season; and Looking Westward through Monumental entrance at end of 2005 Season 9. South Tower-like Platform with figure by Corner; and Sandstone Column Base by front of South Tower-like Platform 10. Rear of entrance, Looking South, Drain Just behind figures with Disturbed Column Base at Left; and Stone fallen from South Tower-like Platform 11. Ornamented Architectural Blocks fallen from Corner of South Tower-like
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