A T1.10S1ssubmltto.D to the Faault1{ 'Of 1;Ll$ July) 1943

A T1.10S1ssubmltto.D to the Faault1{ 'Of 1;Ll$ July) 1943

CA~DOLIC YOUTH DRGA.IZA~IO. ,. -,.,' -~,;;;",.~;;;;"";;-",;;",,,,---~ ~ , L.. <--<.-,v,A:;£.- S1a:t:e::t" Mat'i.e Clare,. s.n. t B.A. A T1.10s1ssubmltto.d to the Faault1{ 'Of 1;ll$ Grsd;uate SChool:t. M:arquottE) ur.d v6l"'s1t:y , In hl"t.!:tll F!llfillr~$nt Oc£ tho- Requ1!'~m~nts for trie Deg,x>6o~f l'hl:llt.,-:%' oJ? Arts Milwaukee,. Wisconl:!.n JUly) 1943 11 OF CO NTENTS TABLE ~ " . CUAP'l'ER I 1 .. lJoeds, o·r Youth" If ", • '...... .. w . .... .. ... 'II. ... \It .. ' . .. .. ~ .- 1 ., co. Church' s At.t1 tudlJ '!'m'J11.N Youth •...•.••.• •• 5 3. Y<11..rth!i!ovement and Youth OrganIzations .... 1'2 4. .j." oundation or the C. Y . 0 . .• . ..• .. .. ...••.• 15 CRAPT rsa . II 1. origin and Growth of the outste;nd.1ng Youth Ol';{anlltation in EurQPo - The Jocista... 21 OIiAPTElR- . - III. 1. Ristor'1cal skat oh o~ t he Church ' s "tt1tude Towa:rd youth . • •. - ••. , ••. ••• 54 2 . Hatlonal Ca.tholio welfar'e O.onfel'e,n.ce /u1d 7. outh . • . • '. " ' "0 • • • • • • • • . 4·1 a. Cn~hQ , 1 1Q Youth Agene1-cs. •• . • • • • • • • . • • . • 47 iii l' A B L E OF CO JITENTS CHAPTh'lt IV origin and Development of the Oatl.lo11e youth OI"ganiz.ation in the Archdiocese 01' Chle;ago .... * 55 1. Historical Be.ckground . .•. ,... ... .. .. 56 2. Ob jac t i ve s . .. .. • . • •. 56 3 . organiz·stion . .... , . .. .... ....... '51 4 . Progr am-S-ervlce Bu:reau ...•....... .. .• .. 58 5. Activities • .• .•. • . .. •. .. ....... .. ...• 7:3- 6. Ftne.n.ce s . 76 '7. R,esul t G. • • . • . • • • • . • • . • . • . • • • • • • . • . • . • • • 7& CHAPT-ER V Origin and Develop."'Y1ent of the Catholic youth or ganization in the Archdioeese of Boston •..•• 78 1. Introduction . .•.....•.. ... .. .. .. ... ... 79 2 . Diocesan or ganization .......... .. ....... '79 3. D'.),t:te:s of the Deanery Directors. .. ... 80 4. P-ulsh Di .ree-t ·ors .. • ~ . .•... .•.•.. •. •. .. 80 5 . Fundamental principles •.. .• •..•.. .. .. .. ••• 81 6.. Acti vitios! Splr1t1lal - CuI tUPe.l - Recreational - Hobby- Ol ubs . • 82 1v TABLE O F CO NTEnTS -- • • . '.' -- ! . ...-- -Gfi.AYrER VI*- origin and Da v.alopment of' t he Catholic youth Or ganizatlOI:l. in the Arehd1oee.se, of' New Yo.r k • • • as 1. Hi stor1oal Baekground .. o, + •••••••• ,•••••••• c. 86 2. or genizat1Qll . ... .. .... .. ~ .••••. •• ..• " ... as .s. pr0(7'am and Act1vlt101h ••••..••.• •.•.•.••• 88 Recreati onal. • • . ..• na O"')'·l ,tura ,l c • • . ' •• II' • .. • .... .., ". .. • • * .. .- • .e, '. ·89 Be-leial ..... t!. If .. .. .. .... .. ., ., .. "" OJ' . ...' • •• 90 Scou t1.ng . o· • ••••• • • •• • • • - • ••• " '90 P'llbll.cl ty. • . ... 9,0 Volunta~~ b'Uraau •. • •• • . • ••.••• • •' 90 Sp i 1'" i tU,nl. • • . • . .. .' • . • . • • . •• 90 4,. Statis:tio61 Sun~a17"""" " "" '" • • •• • • " .91 App~r.dix A Survey and QuGstionnaire . ••. • 94 ApIJarLdu B Dlocemm Ycr.Jth Directors ... 100 ~1bl.io$l" · aphy . ••..•••.•.••.• . .. .. .. .. '. ..• " '" .106. v ---FORE\'-10Rll'----- Today the eye-,s of the world are fo:cuaedon YQuth. Bvel..,-whnre yooth 1& in the limelight, whet-hal' as a problem of the present or as a ~bol of the future. The past twenty yGQI"S of 80o.i 0. 1 ". ecouOllllclil, ·and polItical unrest have isola.ted 'Youth from tne !lUl.S8 of humanltyand have reve a lad. him to 8 world nssomething distinct, Q$s.or.:lething definite, with its 'own: characteristics. it• . Q'fIn exigenci.es:, its own powers . "1'oday, there le. not e. countt'y, not a move ~ ment . whether political, soalal, or religious, whorein }"Quthis not as}~ed to playa conspicuous. p . ~t. The world has become y outh conscio\ls. rt'ha Oatholic Cb\WCb., 00lXlg 's. universal Cl'luX"cn, cannot but be 'interested 1n something $,o.,Qrld-wlde· &s the 'stresa being plnced. ~pon youth" She rea11zeg that her youth are boing s{lturat ~d with the- lIbel'S.]., atheistic. anti-saelal influe.nc.es ema:oat1ngfrOO1 the leadel\'s of organlz~d groups. She 1s also aware of the d,a.;~ora arls1ng frOlU unemployment, too much leisure. and a morally decadent enviromnent , Con "­ sequent,l .,. , t.he Cllul"Ch no longer considers 'tbQ CathQl1c edu-catlon aoquired in a parochial SChool e.s au·f f'1,cient to shape the lives of hal' children. She now reo.ognlzes thase yea.rs from fourteen, to t ;wenty-one as stl!..l bel:anglng 'co tho formative years when youth. lacalled u,pon to weigh C.athaIlee principles against those of Uamm:on.. Therefore J vi 'beeauslS) youth n~a4s ~ld.anc~, pl"'ote,etlcn, and :s:lneorf,i €l;ppre"" cia:tlontor his rellgiO'l'h the Church bas set in mot.ion a seri.aeof movsr.lents to gain t retall'h and :reolaiJn. youth. one of the ,m .Ol1~ reGeontly e.s tab li,$hed. organIzations intl'lis &eries Is t hat ot the CA'!rlIOLIC YOUTH mtGAYI7..ATI01ir , whleb 1s tho sub Ject of this too$ls. In the Fll"st ChaJilttll"of tb,1,8 study , 1 nave cat,tempted to bring to lIght tl:1£:l ntiJeds or youth; tnt) past and. present attlt:ude o.f the Churen" which nasculm1nnted in the found&.­ t lon ot the C« Y . () . in the l1nltce.d st,st,e$. • In Cbapt.er Two, asa bttckgroun.ti for tho ~'es, t of the thesis, I heve glvl'}ll, a d~tal1E1d pictu1"$ of p'$l~p8 the eloaest QPpl~aeh to an existlng youth movement in t;;lle truest sense ~nam.e:ly) that ot the J'oe,i.etsot Europ.e;, 1thel"e> youth t undep )"outb: 1~adereh1p and. lnltlst1ve, aro do ing 80 mtt.oh to sa,lvage Cllth()~1c.1t7amon6 the working elass. Ch,a,pt(;1" Three tF:ac.es historically the Youth {')r g'an1zQ .... tiona in the tJnlt:ed St.ates 1 wlth emplUls15 on tbe CatholI0 agencies in the Youth f'ield. 'rile l"(lmnlningaha:ptal"s dGal With theor1€$in and developm.eat Qf the Catho11e youth organiaation in the Aroh­ dh')cas68 ,o:f' Chioago, Boston 1 and wew Yark. BecausC' of th& laCK of material in. l"'Ur'21 d1striots. I wss unable to fol low the o1"1g11)&1 plan Qf studying tw.o predominantly nu~sl gnd two predominantly urban t1Jcet,-ups. In fact" Ioho.se the acbove set-ups bec.a'tls·e-tl1ey bu:d suffioient workable und usef\tl .nlatel:'ial. v11 Iwlsh to express rr:r:r gx"atltu.dG to Dr. P·QUl J. l;~undle" Head of the Sociology DeP8.rtme'ut, Merquett e tinlve:r·sity, for his guidan.ce in the \1rltlng or this thesls.; to n Ight, Raverend 'Michael J. Ready,. Ge:neral Secretary, U. C. W. C." Washington; to Reverend Vincent Mooney, C-.. S .• C• ., .r~~r Director of' the Youth Bureau., Washingt on; to Re verend .Paul Tannerlt Director of the youth Bureau, Washington, t or his generous assistance and suggoatlon&.. lam also indebted to Re verend Damian Lyons, 0.'·.. 11 . J S.T.D" Sent. narb.PJ"o , Co.llf'ornla, for per tlnent material vth1ch proved so helpful in thin the:sia; to the youth DlrectOl'1fl at' t ile various' Arcbd1·0,cesea ·end Dioceses 1Ih:os-e p.roorp,t, ooul'teo\ls replies to the qU0stiomullres aldod in lIltlk1ng th1.s study mOl"O interestIng and, 1nform-atlve·. Fins-lIT, I amdeoply gratef'ul to my sister,. Sist et" Lucy Ignatl"", SistoI' of' Chartty, Mount St: . ;joseph, Ohlo~ viloac encoU:ro.gellWl1t, uncll"1:ng l)at1ance ~ /illld ·able .Q$-s.1.st.anee quae the comple tion of this W01"K pos·s.lhl-a. CHAPTER I 1_ Ne eds of Youth 2 . Chur ch-a Attitude T owa~d YO\lth :S o Youth Movement and Youth Organl~at1on.s 4.. Found:a.tlon of the Ca.tholic Youth Orgen1.gation 1 nEEDS o F YOUTH The world 's problems affect youth YOUTH I S PROBI:E!%l$ partieulru-ly. Alt hough each genera­ tionencounters it.s Indiv1du!\1 pl"oblem ~, the youth o.f t h e prasent face unique difficultle,$· b ecaus.e changes in the circumstances of living have been swift and rad ical. Over and above t he 'Ordinary problems of youth.·-­ the or ientati 'On 'Of mind and body to t he eonveutl·ons· of adulth ood--w6 f ind our whole social, moral _ and ec onomiC strll.cture inns,t at e of flux. Annrt1ele., '''''{outh' s Problems," in the 1941 Uatlonal Catholic Almnnae, lists t he following f actoI'sascauses for t he unsettl ed condition of youth: 1. flThe £'am ily in t he hOlile as t he basic s ocial unit hBS suffered. ' The strese of OUi' tlm~s,as well external as internal, lu.at erla.l and spiritual alik o,lllnd the man ifold e r r'ors wit h the ir count less reper-eu saiolls are tasted by n ol'lOSO bitterly ·as t hat noble little cell" t he f am ily.t (Pius XII" ~summip-on tifie8tus fl) 2. "The influence of relig1on, e s ;) e oial1y outside of t he Cath olic Ohurch , has greatly de el in~d . The majority of' the c hil dren in the United s tates l .60%# have no relig10n and re­ c elve 1'1.0 religious in struct i on whatsoever. 3. "Means .of oOID.(iiunies.tion and transpor ­ t a tion ll-ave diminished distances; 111o tion pIe tUl"'es, radi o and i ncre-e.singly n:Ul1lerous mag,az,lnes 1 books and newap·apers h ave beeome l llir gel y infl uential in t he life of t he youth . 4 . ttLeis'ur6 time, constantly increasing, will fost-er evil in one not morally i ntegrat ed. Enforced l eisl1re t ittle organized under non­ Chri s tian or materialistic influence presents 2 dangers which must be counteracted by whole- · s ome Catholic usc of leisure time.

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