CONTRIBUTIONS TOWARDS A BRYOPHYTE FLORA OF IRAN, NEW RECORDS FROM IRAN W. Frey & H. Klirschner Frey, W. & Kurschner, H. 1983 04 01: Contributions towards a Broyophyte Flora o f Iran, new records from Iran. Iran. Joum. B ot. 2(1): 13-19 . Tehran. 40 additional taxa are reported as new to the bryophyte flora of Iran. They are listed with their localities in this country. Bryogeo- graphical remarks are given on some species. Wolfgang Frey, Botanisches Institut I, Senckenbergstr. 17 - 21, D 6300 Giessen, West Germany. - Harald Kiirschner, Institut fur Biologte I, Auf der Morgenstelle 1, D 7400 Tubingen, West Ger­ many. 14 W. Frey & H. Kurschner IRAN. JOURN. BOT. 2 (1), 1983 Introduction severely neglected up to now. Some of the species listed are of St®rmer ( 1963 ) published the moss col­ special interest from the bryogeogra- lection made in 1959 by Wendelbo in Iran phical point of view. Jubula hutchinsiae and summarized all known finds up to subsp. Javanica, found in the Caucasus 1962. Frey ( 1974 ) listed all known and in the forests on the southern coast liverworts from Iran. Since this time of the Caspian Sea (Hyrcanian forest only a few papers on the bryophyte area) and Black Sea (Euxine forest area), flora and vegetion o f this country have appears to be a relict o f the late Tertiary been published ( Amell 1963; Frey & and Quaternary. The nearest otherfinds Probst 1973, 1974 a, b; Frey & kiirsch- are in the Himalayas, followed by South­ ner 1977; Tregubov & Tregubov 1969 — east Asia and Oceania (Guercke 1978). 1970). J. hutchinsiae is apparently an old tribe Between 1972 and 1977 we made which was divided into two separate several journeys to Iran and to Afghanis­ areas already before the ice age. The tan for geobotanical research. There we western tribe, J. hutchinsiae subsp. hut­ had the opportunity to collect many chinsiae, is distributed in the European bryophytes and also to investigate the and Macaronesian region, whereas the bryophyte flora and vegetotion, especia­ eastern tribe , J. hutchinsiae subsp. lly of Iran. We are greatly indebted to Javanica , has survived in the forest the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.the refuge areas on the southern coast of the Sonderforsschungsbereich 19 (Tiibinger Black and Caspian Seas. The one is a Atlas des Vorderen Orients) and the Tertiary relict, and the other, like Pala- Department of Environmental Conser­ mocladium euchloron, is a palaeoende- vation of Iran, which sponsored this mite which is descended from a tropical journeys. flora of the Indo - Malaysian type and The first results (Frey 1974; Frey & which has been able to live on under Kurschner 1977, 1979) indicate that suitable climatic conditions. Among the the bryophyte flora of Iran, particularly flowering plants a number o f species in the southern Caspian forest region, with the same distribution, such as can be expected to show much more Albi:ia julibrissin, Gleditsia caspica and variety than had previously been assu­ Nelumbo speciosum, are well known. med. This can be seen from the many Trachycystis ussuriensis indicates a species reported for the first time in north and east Asian influence and pro­ this study, such as Pedinophyllum inter- bably immigrated to the Elburz from the ruptum, Riccardia multifida, Dicranum Caucasus. scoparium, Rhodobryum roseum,Mnium Conspicuous among the Alniaceae is punctatum, Mnium stellare, Rhytidiadel- Mnium thomsonii listed as a new find for phus triquetrus, Rhytidium rugosum and Iran by Frey & kurschner ( 1977 ), a Pogonatum aloides, which are well species which is distributed in the subar­ known to many botanists and easy to ctic and northern boreal zone. It occurs recognize. It is clear that the bryo­ in mountain regions in southern latitudes , phyte flora of this country has been for example on the eastern periphery of IRAN. JOURN. BOT. 2 (1), 1983 Bryophytes o f Iran 15 the Elburz mountains, at Kuh - e Alw Fissidentaceae Bagh massif. The records forFossombro- nia caespitiformis and Southbya nigrella Fissidens cristatus Wils. ex Mitt. are the southeastemmost localities known Mazandaran: Kelardasht, 1200 m, mont­ for these species. ane forest, at a brook, 1 - 2545; S. of Among the species treated in this Abbasabad, 700 m, lowland forest, on paper which are new to the bryophyte rocks, 1 - 3232 . flora o f Iran 5 species, A nomodon longi- jolius, A. rostratus, Trachycystis ussurie- Fissidens exilis Hedw. nsis, Orthotrichum obtusifolium and Mazandaran: S. o f Abbasabad, 700 m, Encalypta ciliata, may be regarded as lowland forest, on soil, 1 -3223 . new to the flora of the Middle East. Fissidens minutulus Sull. We gratefully acknowledge help with Mazandaran: Polsefid, direction to pan- identification and hints from R. Grolle. dar, 1200 m, montane forest, on rocks, Our thanks also go to H. Bischler, W.R. 1 - 3231 . Guercke, T. Koponen, S. jovet - Ast and J. Vana . Fissidens rivularis (Spruce) B. S. G. The material is deposited in the her­ Mazandaran: S. o f Abbasabad, 400 m, barium of W. Frey and duplicates are lowland forest, waterfall, 1 - 3201 . in the herbarium o f the Botanical Insti­ tute o f Iran, Tehran. The numbers men­ tioned refer to the herbarium o f W. Frey. Pottiaceae Tortella Iminilis (Heu ..) Jenn. LIST OF SPECIES Mazandaran: Babolsar, — 10 m. dune, 1- 763. MUSCI Encalyptaceae Polytrichaceae Encalypta ciliata Hedw. Mazandaran: 5 km SW. o f Rudbarak(Kel- Pogonatum aloides (Hedw.) P. Beauv. ardasht), 2100 m, on rocks, 1 - 3218. Mazandaran: 12 km S. o f Abbasabad, 400 m, lowland forest, on soil, 1- 2533. Bryaceae Rhodobryum roseum (Hedw.) Limpr . Dicranaceae Mazandaran: 12 km S. o f Abbasabad, 400 m, lowland forest, on soil, 1 - 25^6. Dicranum scoparium Hedw. Mazandaran: Kelardasht, 1200 m, mont­ Mniaceae ane forest, on rocks and soil, 1 - 2597, 1 - 2601. Trachycystis ussuriensis (Maack & Regel) IRAN. JOURN. BOT. 2 (1), 1983 16 W. Frey & H. Kurschner Khorasan: Mountain range S. o f Mehma- Kop. Mazandaran: Chalus - Kandevan road, nak (Gorgan - Bodjnurd road), 900 m, 1850 m, scrub, leg. W. Probst, det. T. on calcareous rocks, 1 - 2066, 1 - 2069; Koponen, 1 - 2622. 5 km W. o f Havar, 1200 m, on calcareous rocks, 1 - 2516. Mnium marginatum (With.)P. Beauv. Orthotrichum obtusifolium Brid. Mazandaran: 7 km S. of Ramsar, 400 m, Khorasan: S. o f Jowzak (Gorgan - Bodj­ lowland forest, on rocks, 1 - 2521; 2 km nurd road), 1700 m, on Quercuscastane - SW. o f Makarud (Kelardasht), 1200 m, ifolia, 1 - 3094; - Fars: 30 km NW. of montane forest, on soil and rocks, 1 - Ardekan, 2000 m, on Pyrus syriaca, 3248; 5 km SW. of Rudbarak(Kelardasht) , 1 - 2508 . 2100 m, montane forest, on rocks, 1­ 3253; Dalir - valley (Makarud at Marzan- abad), 1800 m, montane forest, on soil Fontinalaceae and rocks, 1 - 3241, 1 - 3252. Fontinalis duriaei Schimp . Mnium punctatum Hedw. Gilan: Langarud, —10 m, rice - field, in Gilan: Between Hashtpar and Hirabad, water, 1 - 2620; — Mazandaran: 2 km E. 600 m, lowland forest, 1 - 3246. o f Mahmudabad, —10 m, alluvial forest, in water, 1 - 2617 . Mnium stellare Hedw. Mazandaran: Between Ramsar and Ney- dasht, 800 m, lowland forest, on soil, Lembophyllaceae 1 - 113; Kelardasht, 1200 m, montane forest, on rocks and soil, 1 - 2512; FAO- Isothecium myurum Brid. Camp near Lajim (15 km E. of Polsefid), Mazandaran: Kelardasht, 1300 m, mont­ 1600 m, montane forest, on soil, leg. W. ane forest, on rocks, 1 - 2579. P r o b s t , 1-119.—Ostan-e Markazi: Gadok - pass (Firouzkuh-Shahi road), 2100 m, on rocks, leg. W. probst, 1 -1 1 8 . Thuidiaceae Bartramiaceae Anomodon longifolius (Brid.) Hartm. Mazandaran: Kelardasht, 1200 m, mont­ Bartramia halleriana Hedw. ane forest, on Carpinus, 1 - 2105; FAO- Mazandaran: 5 km SW. o f Rudbarak Camp near Lajim(15 km E. o f Polsefid ), (Kelardasht), 2100 m, montane forest, 1600 m, montane forest, on soil, leg. W. on rocks, 1 - 3185 . Probst, 1 - 89; near Behshahr in the direction to Sari, 100 m, on soil, 1 -2053. Orthotrichaceae Anomodon rostratus (Hedw.) Schimp. Orthotrichum anomalum Hedw. var. sax- Mazandaran: 7 km S. o f Ramsar, 400 m, lowland forest, on rocks, 1-2078 . atile Mild. IRAN. JOURN. BOT. 2 (1), 1983 Bryophytes o f Iran 17 Brachytheciaceae (N. o f Bandar - Abbas), 1000 m, Calcar­ eous rocks, 2-379, det: S. Jovet - Ast. Oxyrrhynchium schleicheri (Hedw. f.) Roell. Riccia lamellosa Raddi Gilan: 12 km W. o f Ramsar, 100 m, Ostan-e Hormozgan: 20 km S. o f Khagan lowland forest, on soil, 1 -2635. — (N. o f Bandar-Abbas), 1000 m, calcareous Mazandaran: 7 km S. o f Gorgan, 450 m , rocks, 2-390, det, S. Jovet - Ast. lowland forest, on soil, 1 - 2529. Riccia trichocarpa Howe Ostan-e Hormozgan: Kuh-e Geno near Rhytidiaceae Bandar - Abbas, 2050 m, calcareous rocks, 3-384, det. S. Jovet - Ast. Rhytidiadelphus triquetrus ( Hedw. ) Wamst. Mazandaran: 5 km SW. o f Rudbarak Codoniaceae (Kelardasht), 2100 m, montane forest, on rocks, 1 - 2081; FAO-Camp near Fossombronia caespitiformis De Not. ex Lajim (15 km E. o f Polsefid), 1700 m, Rabenh. on soil, leg. W. Probst, 1-168,1-169. Fars: 70 km NE.of Borazjan, 300 m, wet gorge, leg. W. Kramer, det. R. Grolle, Rhytidium rugosum (Hedw.) Kindb. 2 - 375. Mazandaran: Kelardasht, 1300 m, mon­ tane forest, on soil, 1 - 2626. Lophoziaceae HEPATICAE Barbilophozia barbu^a (Schmid.) Loeske Mazandaran: 5 km SW. o f Rudbarak (Kelardasht), 2100 m, montane rock Aytoniaceae formation, on soil, det. R. Grolle, 2-459. Plagiochasma rupestre (Forst.) Steph. Ostan-e Hormozgan: 5 km N. o f Hajiabad, Jungermanniaceae 1300 m, 2-378; 20 km S. o f Kahgan , 1000 m, 2-381.-Fars: 17 km E. of Jungermannia gracillima Sm. Kazerun, 1100 m, 2-386; 91 km from Mazandaran: 4 km SW.
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