1929 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 1827" REPORTS OF COMMITTEES ON PUBLIC BILLS AND Spanish-American War; to the Committee on. Invalid Pensions. RESOLUTIONS 498. By Mr. GRIEST: Resolution of Colerain Grange No. ; · Under clause 2, of XIII, 1667, Lancaster County, Pa., urging the adoption of the deben- J Mr. SNELL: Committee on Rules. H. Res. 46. A resolution ture plan as a pa1t of the farm relief legislation; to the Com- providing for the consideration of H. R. 2667, the tariff bill; mittee on Agriculture. 1 499. By Mr. McCORMACK of Massachusetts: Petition of New withcut amendment (Rept. No. 10). Referred to the House 1 Calendar. England Shoe and Leather Association, Thomas F. Anderson, · secretary, Boston, Mass., urging protective duties on boots, PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS shoes, and leather; to the Committee on Ways and Means. Under clause 3 of Rule XXII, public bills and resolutions wel'e introduced and severally referred as follows: SENATE By Mr. LEHLBACH: A bill (H. R. 3294) to provide for the FRIDAY, May ~4, 1929 reincorporation of the Rho Sigma fraternity ; to the Committee on the District of Columbia. (Leuislatit·e day of Thursday, May 16, 1929) Bv Mr. SIMMONS: A bill (H. R. 3295) to restore officers The Senate met at 12 o'clock meridian, on the expiration of now· on ilie active list of the Regular Army, formerly retired for the recess. physical disability by retiring boards, to places on the promotion Mr. JOHNSON obtained the floor. list and relative list they would have had if they had not been :M:r. FESS. Mr. President, I suggest the absence of a quorum. retired; to the Committee on Military Affairs. The VICE PRESIDENT. The clerk will call the roll. By Mr. STEELE: A bill (H. R. 3296) to amend section 15 The legislative clerk called the roll, and the following Senators of the interstate commerce act, as amended; to the Committee on answered to their names : Interstate and Foreign Commerce. Allen Fletcher King Smoot Ashurst Frazier La Follette Steck Barkley George McKellar Steiwer MEMORIALS Bingham Gillett McMaster Stephens Under clause 3 of Rule XXII, memorials were presented and Black Glenn McNary Swanson Blaine Goff Metcalf Thomas, Idaho referred as follows : Blease Goldsborough Norbeck Thomas, Okla. Memorial of the State Legislature of the State of Wisconsin, Borah Greene Norris Townsend urging Congress of the United States to enact during this special Bratton Hale Nye Trammell Brookhart Harris Oddie Tydings session the necessary legislation which will revise the tariffs on Broussard Harrison Overman Tyson farm products and products that enter into the manufacture of Burton Hastings Patterson Vandenberg Capper Hatfield Pine Wagner substitutes for farm products, such as oil and fats and copra, Caraway Hawes Pittman Walcott to conform to the said schedules presented to the Congress by Connally Hayden Ransdell Walsh, Mass. the National :Milk Producers' Federation; to the Committee on Copeland Hebert Reed Walsh, Mont. Couzens Heflin Robinson, Ind. Warren Ways and Means. Cutting Howell Sackett Waterman By 1\fr. COOPER of Wisconsin: Memorial of the Legislature Dale Johnson Schall Watson of the State of Wisconsin, memorializing the Congress of the Deneen Jones Sheppard Wheeler Dill Kean Shortridge United States to increase the duty on farm products and prod­ Edge Kendrick Simmons ucts that enter into the manufacture of substitutes for farm Fess Keyes Smith products, such as oils and fats and copra; to the Committee on The VICE PRESIDENT. Eighty-nine Senators have an­ Ways and Means. swered to theh~ names. A quorum is present. By Mr. WOLVERTON of New Jersey: Memorial of the Legis­ BUSINESS OF THE SESSION lature of the State of New Jersey, recommending to the Con­ gress of the United States that legislation providing for the l\lr. WATSON. Mr. President, I have been asked by many regulation of interstate motor bus passenger transportation be Senators and doubtless shall be asked by many others as to immediately enacted; to the Committee on Interstate and For­ whether or ·not there.. is likelihood of a session to-morrow. I eign Commerce. want to take the liberty of e:q}laining the situation as I view, it from the floor. The pending bill, providing -for the fifteenth decennial census· PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS and apportionment of representation in the House, has not had Under clause 1 of Rule XXII, private bills and resolutions a fair chance· for full -discussion. So many extraneous matters were introduced and severally referred as follows: have been brought in from day to day that but a short time- By Mr. PALMER: A bill (H. R. 3297) granting a pension to comparat~vely has been given to a discussion of that measure, George Goetze; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. important as it is. Unless some satisfactory progress is made Also, a bill (H. R. 3298) granting a pension to Pencela Shaw; to-day with the debate, to the exclusion.. of other matters, and to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. unless and until some arrangement for a final vote shall have. Also, a bill (H. R. 3299) granting a pension to Wilmina: been entered into, it occurs to me there is nothing. else -for. the Campbell; to the Committee on ·Invalid Pensions. Senate to do in all good conscience but to meet to-morrow. · By Mr. SHREVE: A bill (H. R. 3300) granting an increase · Furthermore, I warit to make another statement, with the of pension to Anna Katherine Pierce; to the Committee on- permission of the Senator from California. With but rare ex­ Invalid Pensions. ceptions. the Members of this body are anxious for an earlY. Also, a bill (H. R. 3301) granting an increase of. pension to adjournment or re-cess, as occasion -shall determine; That can Margaret C. Hotchkiss; to the Comm.ittee on Invalid:- Pensions.- not be done howe\Ter until the Senate shall have finally ·dis­ Also, a bill (H. R. 3302) for the relief of Lorenzo E. Leonard ; posed of t~ - farm·· rellef ·bill and referred the tariff bill to the to the Committee on Military Affairs. Committee on Finance, and the House shall have disposed of Also,.. a bill (H. R. 3303) granting a pension _to Michael the bill now before the Senate; because if it be not passed Sheridan ; to the Committee on Pensions. before a recess is taken there is no use to pass it at all. By Mr. WINGO: A bill (H. R. 3304) granting an increase of Mr. President and Senators, the House has arranged to vote pension to Martha A. Minton; to the Committee on Invalid on the tariff bill on Tuesday. Therefore, if we expect an early Pensions. adjournment or recess after the reference of that bill t.o the By Mr. WYANT: A bill (H. R. 3305) granting a pension to Committee on Finance the Senate must dispose of the pending Lovina Smith; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. measure at a very eariy date in order that the House may deal Also, a bill (H. R. 3306) granting a pension to Ida l\lay with it before it takes a recess. So far as I am concerned, after Jones; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. having consulted with the Senator from California [Mr. JoHN- Also a bill (H. R. 3307) granting an increase of pension to soN] and the Senator from Michigan [Mr. VANDENBERG], I Martha J. McLaughlin; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. shall insist on a session to-morrow unless some arrangement shall have been made to take a final vote. PETITIONS, ETC. l\Ir. HARRISON. Mr. President-- Under clause 1 of Rule XXII, petitions and papers were laid The VICE PRESIDENT. Does the Senator from California on the Clerk's desk and referred as follows: yield to the Senator from Mississippi? 4W. By Mr. FITZPATRICK: Petition of the Common Council Mr. JOHNSON. I yield. of the city of l\Iount Vernon, N. Y., approving Senate bills 476 Mr. HARRISON. I want to ask the Senator from Indiana if and 477, providing for the revision and equalization of the rate he does not think the farm-relief legislation should be disposed of pensions _of the veterans of the Civil War and providing of before any recess of the Congress shall be taken? further relief in the way of pensions to the veterans of. the Mr. WATSON. I do. 1828" CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE MAY 24 Mr. HARRISON. Does not the Senator think that the con­ ers will permit tlie House to vote on the debenture plan as an amend­ ferees on the part of the House should take the bill to the ment to the tariff bill. Since the taritr bill originated in the Hou e, the House and permit the membership of that body to vote on the proposal satisfies the House's argument as to its constitutional pre- debenture plan? . rogative. ' Mr. W .A TSON. That is for the Senator from Oregon [Mr. Nevertheless the Republican leaders in the IIouse are fighting the pro­ McNARY] and the conferees on the part of the Senate to posal. They do not wish to have a vote on debentures. They do not determine~ say why. But everyone knows why. :Members of the IIouse come up Mr. HARRISON. If we read the papers correctly, the House for reelection in 1930. The debentures are immensely unpopular with conferees are insisting upon action. protected manufacturers and immensely popular with the more impor­ Mr. WATSON. That is for the conferees to determine, I will tant groups of 1'armers. The leaders of the IIouse know that to risk a say to my friend from Mississippi. It is a matter into which I vote is to put many of their followers in a position where they are have not entered at all.
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