HAPPU Bíla:Gbàay llÍst roldlcrr oí oü? oui wl3h ío? th. oh hl. blrlhdây lü thc ona thrt haü llway3 Yorz anlro cctlanary th,e ç,lo,gê onà ban- mot ad osl haarts. nerre onà íDbo firdac}l bêhÍrrà úhêra, Mây hê r.mrln ln th. futu?. reemenabea GlJ.aC yorr dl2ê fíghtÍng IoE the ga.eaÊ,eet edíJ,€e f,ho,c, otra hooe whât hc l! tod.y ird âlwâys çolk wlll bôi Fought folâ ín o úhoaaonô yeores, onà ôo nof, [oteget rrrho alao gaoe yon thê Íôêo Our Hltlerl C,,,o,C, goeê uriÉb Gl>e eymbol: HÍú[epl Greêtinqs, First of all we would likê to wêlcomê yoú to our N4agazine Yithgena", ánd we hope you ênjoy our work. Ifl the last few yêar§ the Portu- rte áos: to Trâitors) guêse fêmalê movement has been forgottên and therê hasn't been many activities by Portuguê5ê Females. Although our female movêmênt isn't big, and wê are also not a big country we the women of Aithgena would rath- er to be a few worftên who are trustabl€ and worthy sisters, than bê a hugê group wlth many unworthy and unhonourablê women, So in this way Aithgênâ (the rêborn) a magazine de- velcped by Women for Aryan Unity Portugal, is OUR way to pre§ent and spread world wide the Lvsita- niãn women's voice. Our main goal it's fóêus and spread worldwidê the Lvsitàniàn Culture, mythol- ogy, Portuguesê movemênt and WAU Potugal news ànd activitles. Aithgenô will be rêlêàsêd twice a , year, it will bê free to POWS and PPs and 5€/$5 to ! free world, All the money wê make with Aithgena 1 hêlpL-r- us,,- tor- send free magazines toi^ POWSô^\^rê and.á/ PPs,DDê helF the WAU funds. We hope you enjoy this first issue of Aithgenô, as well ôs future issues of Aithgena! Thank you for your support I only with hard wôrk and dedicatioí we can reâch a better 'Future to our folk For more details Contâct us ati WAu-Lusitania@yãhoo.com WAU Portugal APARTADO 4547 T 5I I.OU I ilN200,6 Lisboa Fqr more info: odio_h Portugal ln tl:is lssne LvSrnNIÃ Editorial given to Portugal, Situated in the most west- Lvsitania Lusitania it§ the name prevlously and later named Lusita- Who are Lvsitans? zrn paÉ of Eurape, called Lusitani Interviêw Fgrum Nacional nia by Ra,,ans, the suffrx la meant there lived lusitanians. Ataeoina Inteúiev{ Aryan Broth€rhood PT The Lusitania [anguage was an ancient Celtic lênguage. Portuguêset POWS cornÊr still havê nowadats sbout 200 words of cêltic or'lgin in their vocabu- Heil Schicklgruber lary' lberian Wolf crosswoÍds Lusitania about 900 BC, The Celts of Warllke Celtic tribês formed the Intêrnational daY Peace (LusltanlônS) were lead bY Noble Prize of Peace Viriâto, who gallantÍY re- Bilderber§ Roman advances, Lvsitanian Women sisted National Front The Romans had tremên- White Festival dous dlfficulty cônquerlng top 1o this count{y, which they Kids'n Us callêd Lu§tania. The Lusi- wAU Portusal tanian chiêf, Viriâto/ held Grupo1143 off vast Român l€gions for Viriato years, Aftêr ViÉato was as- Réaders'Corner sassinated, thê Rornans conqueÍêd Lusitania. But thê provineê of Lusitãnia was only established jn 27 Calendar 2005 BC by Octâvian Augusts. There wêrê two major reli- gions in Lusitaniá. one wâs Roman and anothef was the ancient pre- ;oman religiôn. The romanized nattves adopted the român religion, In general, the Romahs were tolerênt of rêligion, receivlng Grêek, fgyptian, and Germanic gods. So everyone was freê tQ worship the- góds of thêir choice, Tiat was tl1ê main reason-for thê perslstencê of pre-roman eults like the Êndovelicus or the Trebaruna, which.were rnuch diffusêd in Lusitaniia. Nov\,âdays Lvsitania it! named Portugal, which derived from â Ro- man harbour city namêd Portus Cale. t$tinfi, WHo ÃR€ TH€ LySrnxlÃNS . nrI Nowadays a Lusitan -."+,.l&lq$*n means a pêrson from Lip-iriÍlRT4ld ,i:r1. i *t, WAU: FOr those who do not know what..Fórum Naciónall is Portugal/ but to êxplain u*\ can you give us a brief description and its history? the lusitans origin, which has líved for morê than Fórum Nacional: Thê ideâ of thts forum startêd some years ago, when 2500 years ôgo in Portu- therê êxistêd a Pôrtuguese Nationàl Socialist site and Forum, where gal isn't easy, lrr " -oF soÍne Portuguesê nationaiists attêmpted and leavê their opinions. {: But the fact of forum being in that site, afld bêing a NS forum/site Apparently it war Estra- oE- '; didn't let many people fÍom other pôlitical ldeologies êxpress freely ban, Greek historian who ' i- thelr ideas. So a group of peoplê dêcided thên to create a prôper 5+i first mention the lusi- - ru.s[ 'i forum ln those free servicês which we can find âll ovêr intêrnêt. But tans, saying: "they are soon thé Political Correct cênsorship closêd the forum without any the greatêf oí the justification from the company, who gavê us that freê servicê. (In Iberian tribes, who this tlme PTNS did not havê forum maktng only onê link in its,.site,, had fought Ro- the r:, *,i*u,i for the Natjonôl Fórum). mans for many yêãrs It wâs dêcided ln contract a proíêssional sêrvices ôf a compâny in ". Pliny and Ptolomeu, the United States wherê, exists somê freedom of speech and whêre as well other old writ- we can say the word Racê without bêing accused of "rêcism,,, .'xeno- ers had âlso mêntioned _,, C0[Ét phobla", "discrimination", etc, thê "môgic words,, for censorship in them as the "Celtici". uút ""mrs Eurôpe. Although when (and if) thêy close this onê we will open another one, Rêcêntly study about , â and othêr one etc. By the way thê censorship nevêr was thê best lusitans roots, demonstratê with way to finish with rnovements -- recent history demonstrãtes êxactly sufficient evidence and arguments, . that lusitanS this. What is happening today is not vêry different of what happenêá where people with Cêltic origin, perhaps orlginating frorÍ in the so-called dictatorship. but the Sy;tem proclaims the opôosite. the Swiss Alps, who enterêd in thê Penin- sula during the Celtk Nowadays cds, books and mabazin€s are apprehended, aná people migrations. arê arrêsted becausê of .,opinion crime,,, but the paedophiles are rê- j[:.["J1":T:nt and' most sêrious' it is that no- rhe Lusones fixed in the rêsior of the sprínss of the rêjo or", un, ;3',Jr"x#',*ct5::# the Lusitans contlÉued marching, following the valley of this rlvfl until the Atlantiq searching for bettêr lands, which they found lÍ wÀUr But whi€h was the main ideã when you decidêto buitd Portugal, thê forum? Ahd purpose? FN: The idêa and purpose is still thê same as in beqinning; to allow opinions so that people who participate in them or simply read them every person/ in their name or in the namê of a group, divulgênêw6, learn something, And if it Is possible someone gets êducated there, têxts, opinions, etc,, which aren't usually ôllowed in Political Correct better, wê know that in our forum "ZOG" does not put his ôr her forums- The difference bêtwêen us ãnd other forums iF they only al- filthy hands, so it is already a victory for us. Honestly we think it is low a freedom of spêech for the assented opinions. ln this way/ our essential â mentality revolutlon, over ôll in the populâtion. How it is purpose of gathering alternative texts, politically (uft) correct, is they possible that a recênt study rêvealêd that 90o/o of our young pass arê not acceptable in ãny othêr place, We also have the purpose df be thêir free timês in malls? It is, or is not, necêssâry a great revolution a place whêre peoplê c:an discuss and meet freely - we cannôt forget in this System? that behind êach "on-line nlcknêmê" is always a person. This wayour purposes are bêing accomplishment but, of course. wê always deslre WPr Do yôu think ForuÍn Natiônal has bêen a good weâpon to more and betterl sprêad nâtionãlism in Portugal? WP: But with your crescent rlsing you started developlng FN: I can only assure you of one thing; the "movement" or nãtional- §ome campaigns ánd gatherings and in some way you Bêt out ism in genêrâ|, Can only count on thosê who have enough detêrmina- from net to streets. tion to bê part "of it", Only an iron will and a disposal to rjsk every dôy morê, and morê, is what will allow the growth of nationalism. FN: Yes we had done a fêw activities until now. A gathering wlth a Agêinst whât mâny pêople think, "The N4ovemênt" does not grow lunch Ín April 2004, ône year ôgo, where attempted 123 people, In only because we havê a plãcê to vôte evêry four years, Only an ac- that gathering êvêry person donatê môney, which allowed us to hlru tive milltancy can crÊate a "nationallst futurê". And all will win with the company who actually provlde us the forum service to provide us this: the individual, the "movement", groups, àssoclations, partiês, that service. or the "target" ôf our fight: our Peoplel We also promoted a campaign appealing to a Portugal to PoÍtuguêse, WP! We would like to thank you for this intêrview, and the In this campalgn we had print 10.000 stlckers, which were sold out little but wise woÍds you have told us, wê wish you thê best in a fêw days, we had to print 10,000 more. In les6 than a month wa wishes ànd succêss in future câmpalgns and activitles.
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