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MacProductsUSA 1-800-MAC-DISK i 9709Brown Lane Suite E Austin Texas 78754 512-832-0ggs CIRCLE 4 ON READER SER\TCE CARD IvlacFiordable:$449 The\lacintoshl'fbr allits sophi$ication, hru ablein llacintosh 5ll, Plus and SEversions) can onerather small problern: the screen. alsobe used to dril'e m0$ proiection srstems. Plus Ardcurrent add-on dirylnrs hal'e one rather \'0ucan dril,e 6or more \laclarger svstents u,ith largeprohlem: the price tag. oneIlacintosh. Nolvllere sohed both problems. Introducing Heresthe best part ofall.\\irile other thetrlrtcl.arger'" l'icleo svstenr tiom Pou,er R,the Ilacintoshvideo and nroiecti0lt slstems cost firstlow-cost solution to magnif ing and rnultiplv- lron'51,i0{) loS;,000. the Ilrrcl.ruser ritlro ingXlacintosh displars. svstemcomes conplete and readr'-to-go fbran Imagesget 70'); larger lvith Xlacl.arger but incredible$449.Vtith anequallv incredible retainthe llacintrish's flicker-fiee 511x 312resolu- 0lleVear warraltt\t tion.So lrn canactualll'.rae the r.l.onderful bLrt pre- Findout more aboutMaclarger, the viouslvpint-size things the Xlacintosh cloes. first affordableMacintosh video system. trlacLargerinstalls quicklv without X{acintosh CAll(206) 547-8000for the dealernearest nodificationAnd its contposite r,ideo adapter (al ail- you or an informationpacket. (iDlrght r l9t- P(trkfR \ltcl.trgrf\ r lfxrtentrrIr)l l,(tr\fr R \hc]|lr)5lt \hfrfli)shI'lu\ rr(i \lilftftr)\lt\h ilrefc{l\lftrLi tlrLltntrris ol.\ppic l.rDtltutrr Ilti RlMeraR 1606l)exterAenue North . Seattle.\\Ac)8109 . 5+i-8000 CIRCLE 7 ON READER SERVICE CARD Volume4. Number12 -- ,- - - --- - - - ^ II - - III -- - I IT I II JE December1987 -I I- IIJl- --- - TJTI'I i1 I - rl - -I - I'I -- ru\- -- EATURES CD-ROM TimlvnnBobitskv ond Jim Solmons CD's put thewhole world in your hands. Hypermedioond CD-ROM ' Croig Roglond I-./'7 An electronicmaniage of conveniencewill transfbrmthe informationworld. ri/ Kowosokilnterview puge l0 FormerApple softwareimpresario enlists in a Newspopers Jovce Thomoson Macintoshesinvade the news world: scoops. deadlines.city desks.and MacDraw. On the Cover DTPCose History Jonine West Compoct discsmove beyond MacintoshHorizons bares its soul:How we music,The informotionstoroge put out a magazineusing Mac technology. technology for the l99Os, Cover photo by Mike Urbon MulliFinder Jeff Meyer page I8 Leamingthe art of applicationjuggling with Apple'snew Systenrsofiware. HyperTolkTutoriol Jeff Stoddord ThePlutonium Learnhow to makeyour stackstalk. FinishingPlant RoikesTolk Jeff Roikes Microsoft'smarketing ace talks about the impact andfuture of the Mac II. Mocintosh Horzons (ISSN 8755-4909)is published LUMNS page 2 I monthly by Apple Puget- Sound Progrom LibroryEx- pomdel Anorew Hrmes 14 chonge, 290 SW 43rd Street. The world'sbiggest computer show hits LasVegas. Renton,Woshington 98055, Q06) 251-5222.Bosic srrbscrip Out of My Tree tion price is521 per yeor PhillipC, Russell MemhershininAPPlFCo- Tips.quirks. rumors and tricks. op, which includesmogozine subscription,is 526 per yeor Acrossthe Desklop pluso one-time S23opprico- BillKoye lion fee Adclitiortoipostoge is A new versionof MicrosofiWorks landsin the stores. requiredfor FirstCloss or foreign delivery, RondomAccess page 36 Second-closspostoge poid KeithTolemon ot Renton,Woshington, ond An openletter to Microsott. ot odditionol moiling offices, POSTMASTER:Send oddress chonges to EPARTMENTS Mocinlosh Horizons TheZoom Box 5 Addresschonge, A.P.P.L.E.Co-op New Produclsond Speciols 25 290 S,W,43rd St., TheMoc Morketploce 46 Renton. WA 98055, A.P.P.L.E.Consullonls 45 MemberServices 45 AdverliserIndex 27 PRESIDENT:Bob Huelsdonk VICEPRESIDENTT Merle H, Dovis TREASURER:DoveDeGroot SECRETARY:Dovid F,VonBerkem DIRECTORS:Michqel D, Bronhqm Jock Connick Don Willioms EXECUTIVEDIRECTOR: Dick Hubert GENERALMANAGER: Don Steele PUBLISHER:ChorlesStillmon APDA DIRECTOR:Dove Lingwood MARKETINGTRichKnopton EDITOR:Andrew Himes ASSISTANIEDITOR: Jonine L.West ARTDIRECTORT Michoel Gilmore EDITORIALASSISTANT: Kqrlo Londsverk CONTRIBUTORS: Croig Roglond rMick O Neil .Keith Tolemon oPhilRussell .Jovce Thomoson Jim Solmons.Timlynn Bobitsky oJeff Meyer .Douglos S. FroseroBill Koye TECHNICALCONSU LTANTS: ShoriCornohon r ChorlesStillmon CONTRIBUIINGARTISTS: Som DoY . RobertWilliomson NATIONALADVERTISING MANAGER: Dovid Morton (206) 251-5222 PUBLICRELATIONS MANAGER FronkCotolono Mocintosh Horizonsis published monlhly by Apple Puget- Sound LlbroryExchonge. 290 SW 43rd Slreet. Renton. Woshington 98055, (206) 251-5222 Bosic subscriptjon price is 52l per yeor Membership in A.P P L.E Co-op. which includesmogoz ne subscription,is S26 per yeor p us o one-t me S23 opplicotion fee Addltiono postoge is requiredfor FlrstCloss or Foreigndellvery Entlreconlents copyrght o 1987by Apple Pugetsound Progrom Librory Exchonge. All rghts reserued Authors ond odvert sersore responsiblefor the occurocy of their submitied moteria Opinionsexpressed do not necessar- ly representthose of A P.P.LE Co op App e usersgroups moy reprinl editoriol motler contoined heren for non commercio purposes,provided outhor, title, ond publ cotlon creditsore given, ond writien notice issent to our editorioiotfice A P.P.LE. Co-op is on independenl suppod group of Apple product users.ond is noi offilioled wiih Appte Computer, Inc The following ore trodemorks of Apple Computer. inc.,iAppie. Apple ll, Apple ll+.Appe le, Apple llc. Apple lGS,N/ocintosh, Mociniosh Plus,Mocin- tosh XL, Liso. lmogewriter. LoserwriterPlus, MocPotnt, Mocwriie. DOS 3.3. ProDOS,Applewriter. Appleworks. Applesofi. ond UniDisk3 5 PrinledinUSA CompactDisc - ReadOnly Memory: ScienceFuture from the '40s TimlynnBabitsky and Jim Salmons ompulerpioneer Vunne- All thispower is not just for a f'eufblks physicalCD music discs apply to CD- r ar Bush. in hir li)+5 with bi-emonev and even bigger computer ROM discsas well. CD-A andCD-ROM Atlantic Monthl;- artrcle budgets.CD-ROM productscan be pro- discscost about the sameto produceand "As We May' Think." ducedand sold b1'nearll' an1' compan)' purchase.and they needno more special envisionedsomething he and directll usedbv almostan1' buyer. handlingthan that given by a l4 yearold to "memer." ealled a u hreh allow'inginstant access by' manY to very his/herMichael Jackson disc collection. "mechanized he definedas a privatefile andlibrary While Bushcouldn't have predicted CD-ROM is a What'sSo Great the exactshape his vision of the future AboutCD-ROM? would take- a Macintoshrunning a hy- powerful breakthrough pertextapplication like HvperCard.fbr Althoughdata stored on theCD-ROM - example- he wouldn'thave been sur- in information storage is in digital fbrm so retrievingand - prised at how fast it is taking shape.' processingby computeris a natural Developmentsin the optical publishing technology,and CD-ROM technologyis notan outgrowth world are bringingeach of us our own an exciting new of computertechnology. It comesdirectly "intimatesupplements to memory."The out of LaserVisiondevelopments in the paceof changeis astounding. educationaltool that consumer electronics industry nearly CD-ROM is a powerfulbreakthrough twentyyears ago. And it is themarriage of in intbrmationstorage technology. and an could changethe way laser optics data storageand computer excitingnew educationaltool that could we think and learn.
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