Eastern Kentucky University Encompass Eastern Progress 1934-1935 Eastern Progress 2-22-1935 Eastern Progress - 22 Feb 1935 Eastern Kentucky University Follow this and additional works at: http://encompass.eku.edu/progress_1934-35 Recommended Citation Eastern Kentucky University, "Eastern Progress - 22 Feb 1935" (1935). Eastern Progress 1934-1935. 10. http://encompass.eku.edu/progress_1934-35/10 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Eastern Progress at Encompass. It has been accepted for inclusion in Eastern Progress 1934-1935 by an authorized administrator of Encompass. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ■■fci.1: ■ ' ■ . THE EASTERN PROGRES Student Publication Eastern Kentucky State Teachers College VOLUME 13 RICHMOND, KENTUCKY, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1935 NUMBER 11 LELIA LEWIS CHOSEN MISS EASTERN KIAC TOURNEY Donovan, Jones At Nominees for Beauty Queen At Eastern LEBANON GIRL GETS START Spring Convention WINS CAMPUS Dr. H. L. Donovan and 'Dr. W. C. Jones left Richmond Tuesday aft- AT WESTERN ernoon for Atlantic City, N- J., to BEAUTY RACE attend the spring meeting of the Maroons Engage Morehead American Association of Teachers Baiunbardner, Coving-ton, Colleges, of which Dr. Donovan is Eagles in Second Round president. The convention started Begtey Are Named Today Thursday. As Attendants Yesterday afternoon Dr. Donovan addressed a nation-wide audience WESTERN IS FAVORITE on a Columbia Broadrastlng Sys- WHITE, ASHMORE WIN tem hookup of 70 stations. His sub- ject was "The Teachers College in (Special to the Prop-ess) the Service of the State and Na- Letts Merritt Lewis, of BOWLING GREEN, Ky„ Feb. tion" On the same program, Dr. Ky., was elected Miss Eastern fee IL—Favorite* came thru ma ex- A. L. Crabbe, of Peahody, spoke. the year 1935. in the fatal balloting pected In the firrt round of the The American Association of K.I.A.C. tourney, which started Teachers Colleges elected Dr. Don- held yesterday on the wampus by . yesterday at Bowline Green. ovan president at the spring meet- the Milestone, Fast era anneal..Her Western, tournament favorite ing last year. attendants will be Nancy Covinftoo, and boot, easily defeated the Berea Mountaineer*, 40 to 19; Murray had' a soare but man- Begtey. Mlaa Marian Hagan, the aged to eke out a 20 to 18 win 12TH NIGHT other nominee, withdrew before the over Kentucky Wesley an; and balloting started. , Georgetown remained in the Faye White, CaUettabrg, was naming by a win over Union, WILLBENEXT n to NL elected as the most popular girl and Eastern arrived in Bowline Ben Ashmore, Madison vine, was Green late yesterday afternoon LTC PRODUCT chosen most popsdar boy. and will play Morehead at 4:30 TheNs today All Departments in School The 15 candidates for the posi- The annual K. I. A. c. basketball Will Cooperate in tions of campus favorites were tournament got under way yester- nominated in the primary which day afternoon with a Joust between Production was held by the Milestone, Eastern Kentucky Wesleyan's Panthers and yearbook. the Murray State Teachers College Miss Eastern, the five who led Tborcnighbreds. Western, present TRYOUTS BEEN MADE the primary and were thus eligible State Champions, opened their de- for consideration in the finals, fense of the title last night when were: Bessie Baumgardner. Glenna they met the Berea College Moun- The casting for the Little The- Begley, Nancy Covington, Marian taineers. tre production of Shakespeare's The tournament this year Is be- Hagan, and Leila Merrit Lewis. ing held at Bowling Green for the "Twelfth Night" was completed In the contest for the most pop- first time since its inauguration at last night by Miss Pearl Buchanan, ular girl the winners"'were Louise head of the dramtlc department Baldwin, Sarah Goodrich, Ruth Wesleyan several years ago. The Hayes, Dorothy Tyng, and Faye tourney was held at Winchester head of the dramatics department White. each year until last year when the comedy by the Bard of Avon will ooaehos voted to hold the meet at The primary winners for the most Louisville, deciding moke Interest be presented at an early date. popular boy were Ben Ashmore, would be aroused were the tourna- "All of the departments in school Sam Beckley, ■ Richard GreenweU. ment held at different schools. will cooperate in helping us to Ed Hill, and Otwell Rankin. Western's mighty HBltoppers are stage this production," said Miss Miss Eastern Candidates the logical tournament choices and Buchanan, at the dose of the cast- In the group of any team which Is successful in ing period. "It is going to take a Miss Eastern then are S knocking them from their throne lot of work to produce this play. one sophonanraj. and imm will earn the championship, with But from the talent I have seen Two of the. a record of hawing won the ttts evidenced in these tryouts, I be- boro. two lieve that we can have a creditable from Lebaaoa, no other tesew her^ver donor they performance" Miss Bessie are favored to repeat this year. There will be several faces that Middlesboro, was one of win be new to Little Theatre play- tendanta to Miss Mary capable of goers when the curtain is rung up Nominees for the position of Miss Milestone and Progress officials, The other three beauties were year's queen. She had on the work of the English master. Eastern were voted on Wednesday Leila Lewis was adjudged the win- elected as attendants, and each will Sponsor for this year. them one As the little Theatre has in tha- and Thursday, and with the tabu- ner. Marian Hagan withdrew be- have her picture in the Milestone Miss Glenna Begley, junior, Mid- but in their last mealing past confined Its actiivtles to the lation of the ballots last night by fore the balloting started. favorite section. dlesboro, is attendlg Eastern for DWdle's Big Grey team com. production of modern drama, the the first time, having transferred annihilated, the Racehorses. forthcoming effort will be a variety here from Pikevllle College in Sep- teams Centre and Murray to dramtlc fans here. tember. a slight chance of upset- The cast as chosen by Miss Bu- DATE, COMMITTEES FOR Miss Nancy Covington, soph- Western boys and their chanan Wednesday is as follows: BAND TO BE omore, Richmond, was the other are Indeed dim. Centre JUNIOR PROM ARE SET PI OMEGA PI attendant to last year's Miss East- represented by a Sopho- Duke Orsino Luther Jones Sebastian Norbert Rechtin ern, placing weU up in the contest ub which has climbed Into HEARD FEB. 26 At the last Junior class meeting as a freshman. In the K. I. A. A. stand - Antonio .Walter Engle COMES HERE Miss Marian Hagan, junior, Rich- lng a bye through the fust Captain Paul McOlnnls held Monday, February 11, a com- mittee on the Prom was appointed mond, was the winner of the Miss round) will engage the winner Valentine Don Michelson Murphy, Rigby, Baxter Will National Honorary Commerce Eastern contest as a freshman two of the -Wesleyan tussle to. Sir Toby Jack Hughes by Thomas Farris, president, and Also Appear On instructed to proced with plans for Fraternity Now on years ago. That year she repre- night ,y should experience Sir Andrew Kelly Clore sented the college at the Mountain little difl ity hi eliminating the Malvolio Jack McCord Program the dance this year which Is to be Campus Panthers and the battle between Fabian George Scharf held on Friday, May 17. Laurel Festival, and was chosen The committee is headed by Don- Queen of the Festival by Governor the Colonels and the Thoroughbreds Curio ....Joseph Meccia Ruby Laffoon. She was one of the should be one of the best games of Feste .....Marshall Ney STUDENTS INVITED ald Michelson; others assisting him 18 ARE INITIATED nominees in last year's contest, the entire tofirney. The winner of Olivia Maude McLaughlin are: Robert Rice, Marshall Ney, but withdraw her name before the this conflict will engage the victor Viola ....Marian Hagan Lucille Bond, and Francis Hannah. final balloting. of the University of Louisville- Maria NWva Richardson The Eastern band will broadcast Two more appointments, however, The first fraternity ever to be in- Transylvania Oollege tussle Sat- a 30-minute program from the stage Miss Leila Merrit Lewis, fresh- Priest Bob Terrill are to be made. stalled on the campus at Eastern man, Lebanon, entered Eastern as urday si ternoori f or the right to Other members in the club who hi the Hiram Brock Auditorium The^queen of the Prom will be represent the top bracket in the over-WHAS Tuesday, February 28, has just been organized and the a freshman in September. will probably take parts as ladles chosen sometime in the next few formal initiation was* held last finals Btaurday night. ' From here from 2:30 to 3:00 o'clock. This will weekst --. ' "* - • Miss Popularity It seems that will earn that and gentlemen of the court are be the .second appearance for the week. The national president, Al- Louise Baldwin, sophomore, Har- Mary Dorris, Elizabeth Mcllvalne, According to the chairman, one of right. The Louisville af- band this school year in a broad- berta Kappeler, Indianapolis; the rodsburg, worked in the college fair should be hardfought Mildred Hancock, Margaret Wil- cast. November 27 the band was the best orchestras in the state will cafeteria until the beginning of battle with Transy's superior spe>»d loughby, Elizabeth Elmore, Donald on the air for the entire Eastern be contracted for the ocasion which national organiser, Frances Bots- this semester. and defensive ability proving to be Dorris, Willis McKee, Curtis Bur- broadcast.
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