LICENSE FEES 1983 Licenses may be purchased from any Alaska Department of Revenue Field Office, or from Department of Revenue license agents (most sporting good stores) throughout the state, or by Al ASKA 1 mail from the Department of Revenue, Fish and Game Licensing, 11 07 W. 8th SI., Juneau, AK 99801 , telephone (907) 465-2376. SPORT FISHING RESIDENT LICENSE REGULA Tl ONS Resident sport fishing license . .. $10 Resident sport fishing license for the blind . 25' SUMMARY Resident hunting and sport fishing license . .$22 Resident hunting, trapping and sport fishing license . $25 Alaska Board of Fisheries However, the fee is 25 cents for the head of a family or a depen­ Beaton, Jim, Chairman . Juneau dent member of his family or one solely dependent upon himself Sundberg, Harry, Vice Chairman . Wrangel! for support upon proof presented by the applicant thal the appli­ Angason, Val. .. .. .. ... Dillingham cant: Goessel, Ron .. ... ... .. Stevens Village (A) is obtaining or has obtained assistance during the lsleib, Pete . Cordova 1 preceding six months under any state or federal welfare program Jolin, Ron . Kodiak to aid the indigent, or Weiler, Paul. .. .... Kenai (B) has an annual family gross incarne of less than $5,600 for the year preceding application. Alaska Department of Fish and Game NONRESIDENT LICENSE P.O. Box 3-2000 Visitor's 14-day sport fishing license .. ... $20 Juneau, Alaska 99802 Visitor's three-day sport fishing license . ... $10 Nonresident sport fishing license . $36 Commissioner Nonresident hunting and sport fishing license . $96 Don W. Collinsworth MILITARY LICENSE (on active duty, permanent/y stationed in Alaska) Dlrector, Division of Sport Fish Military sport fishing license . .. $10 Richard Logan Military sport fishing pnd small game hunting license . $22 LICENSE REQUIREMENTS NOTICE This summary of regulations is not complete, nor quoted ver­ A sport fishing license is required annually and must be in the batim from State law. Il is an informative abstract of 5 AAC 42- 5 possession of ali persans 16 years of age or older (see following AAC 75, simplified for your convenience. For further details, orto special exemption) while sport fishing, including digging razor inspect a copy of the official codified sport fishing regulations, clams. consul! your local Department of Fish and Game representative or Department of Public Safety, Fish and Wildlife Protection Division An Alaskan resident who is 60 years of age or more and has offices in: been a resident for 30 consecutive years or more, as long as he remains a resident, does not need a sport fishing license. A Anchorage (344-0541) Kodiak (486-4791) special permanent identification card is distributed by the Alaska Cordova (424-3212) Kotzebue (442-387 4) Department of Revenue, Fish and Game Licensing. Applicàtion Delta Junction {895-46.32) McGrath (524-3323) forms for this card are available from license agents or Fish and Dillingham (842-5925) Nome (443-5167) Game offices. Fairbanks (452-1531) Palmer (7 45-5015) Glennallen (822-3309) Petersburg (772-3801) No persan may alter, loan or transfer to any other persan any Haines (766-2830) Seward (224-3017) license issued to him; no persan may use any license issued to Homer (235-8191) Sitka (747-5355) another persan. Juneau (465-4270) Soldotna (262-9368) Ketchikan (225-5195) Tok (883-2972) Alost license may be replaced for $2.00 through locallicense King Salmon (246-3340) Wrangel! (87 4-3822) vendors. Yakutat (784-3291) MAP OF ALASKA Arctic Ocean Barrow Arctic-Yukon-Kuskokwim AREA Upper Copper-Upper Susitna River; Yakutat Southeast Alaska Susitna-West Cook lnlet Bristol Bay Alaska Peninsule and Aleutian Islands HOW TO USE THIS BOOKLET 1. Read the Statewide Provisions (page 3-5). This section summarizes general requirements, methods and means, and restrictions thal apply statewide. 2. Use the map above to determine in which area you will be fishing. 3 . Turn to the Area (pages 6-27) and follow the Area instructions. Regulations for each Area are presented in a tabular format showing waters, seasons and catch limits, and special regulations. Codes are used for open seasons and catch limi.ts. 4 . To translate the codes use the Code Key shown in blue. Subsistance Flshlng Regulations Shellflsh Flshlng Regulations Subsistence fishing regulations are published in a separate Shellfish fishing regulations are published in a separate booklet booklet thal is available at offices of the Department of Fish and that is available at offices of the Department of Fish and Game. Game. 2 STATEWIDE PROVISIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS METHODS AND MEANS Map of Alaska . 2 How to use this Booklet . .. ..· . .. 2 \ SPORT FISHING GEAA. Statewide Provisions . • . ... 3 Area Regulations Uniess otherwise provided in the regulations, sport fishing may Southeast Alaska . 6 only be conducted by the use of a single line having attached to it Yakutat ..... ......... .. ..... : . .. ... .... 9 not more than one plug, spoon, spinner, or series of spinners, or Upper Copper-Upper Susitna River ...... .... .. .. 11 two flies, or two hooks. The line must be closely attended. Prince William Sound . .. 13 Kenal Peninsula . 14 ICE FISHING GEAR. Cook lnlet-Resurrection Bay Salt Water . .. 17 Susitna-West Cook lnlet. .............. • ... •.... 18 Sport flahlng through the ice is permitted with the use of two lines, Kodlak .. .. .. .. ... .. .... .. .. ... 22 provided only one hook or artificial lure is used on each line. Alaska Penlnsula and Aleutlan Islands . 23 Bristol Bay . ... .. ... .. ... .... .. ....•.. .. 24 FRESH WATER SPORT FISHING. Arctic·Yukon-Kuskokwim .. .. .. .. .. ... .. , . 26 How to Unhook Undersized Salmon . • . 8 (a) Flsh may not be taken in freshwater by means of: Marked Fish Recovery Program . • . 1 0 ln·Season Changes to Regulations . 12 ( 1 ) fixed or weighted hooks and lu res (ex ce pt tt'Jose of stan­ Help Maintain Our Wlldllfe Resources . .. 25 dard manufacture) or multiple hooks and lures to which a weight is How to Propose Changes to the Regulations in this Booklet . 28 attached in such a mannar that when·retrieved the weight follows Subscribe to a Fantastic Magazine . .. 28 the hook; Trophy Fish Award Program .. ... .. ........ ... 29 (2) multiple hooks with gap between point and shank larger Key to the Trout, Salmon, Char, Graytlng & Whlteflsh . .. ... 31 than one-half inch, except as permitted in the Arctic-Yukon· Kuskokwim area; (3) spear, unless permitted by the area regulations; (4) arrow, unless permitted by the area regulations. (b) Live fish may not be used as bait when sport fishing in fresh water. POSSESSION OF LICENSES,. STAMPS AND HARVEST (c) lt is unlawful to intentionally snag or attempt to snag any fish RECORD. in fresh water. Fish unintentionally hooked elsewhere !han in the mouth must be released immediately. " Snag" means hook a fish Ali persona engaged in sport flshlng or ln possession of flsh must elsewhere than in the mouth. show thelr sport ftshlng Hcenses, harvest records and special per­ mit& or atamps to any local representative of the department or to any peace offtcer of the stste upon his request. POSSESSION OF SPORT CAUGHT FISH. GEAR FOR SINGLE·HOOK AAEAS. Sport-caught fishea, their parts, and articles manufactured from auch ftshea may be poasessed wlthin the stste by any 'persan at (a) ln waters designated as single-hook areas, sport fishing is any time, and may be transported within and exported out of the permitted only as follows: · state by any persan at any tlme except that no persan may posseas any unpreserved fish, or part of one, not legally taken by ( 1 ) wlth not more than one single hook with gap between hii'(IS8tf, unleas he furnishes, upon requeat of any peace offtcer of point and shank one-half inch or less; the state, a ststement slgned by the persan taklng the fish stating the type of ftsh, number of fish, location , date taken, and license (2) hooks or lures (including those of standard manufacture) number. The statement la unnecessary if the persan possessing may not have additional weight attached to them ; weights may be the ftsh ls accompanled by the person who took the ftsh. No per­ used only ahead of the hook or lure. san may possess fish which were not legaJiy taken. (b) Multiple hooks are prohibited in waters designated as SALE OF SPOAT..CAUGI:IT FISH UNLAWFUL. slngle-hook areas. No person may buy, sen or barter sport-caught ftsh or their parts. 3 STATEWIDE PROVISIONS USE OF EXPLOSIVES OR TOXICANTS. CLOSED WATERS AND PROHIBITED ACTS The use of any explosive or toxicant for taking any fish in the WATERS CLOSED TO SPORT FISHING. waters of Alaska is prohibited. USE OF UNDERWATER SPEAR. (a) The waters within 300 feet of a fish weir or fish ladder are closed to sport fishing, unless a lesser distance is indicated by ln salt water, spears may be used to lake fish, subject to ap­ department markers. plicable seasons and bag limits, by persons who are completely submerged. (b) Il is unlawful to cast, drift or place by any means a hook, bail, lure or fly into waters closed to sport fishing . SPORT FISHING GEAR FOR HERRING AND SMEL T. POSSESSION OR MARKING OF LIVE FISH OR LIVE FISH ln salt water, herring and smelt may be laken with the use of 15 or EGGS. less unbaited single or multiple hooks attached to a single line. Il is unlawful to possess, transport and release live fish or live fish SPORT FISHING GEAR FOR RAZOR CLAMS. eggs or in any way mark any live fish prior to release, marine fishes exempted, except in accordance with the terms of a permit Razor clams may only be laken by the use of a shovel, fork, thal may be issued by the commissioner under 5 AAC 41 or AS manually-operated clam gun, or by hand. 16.05.930(a). GEAR FOR FL Y-FISHING-ONL Y AREAS.
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