1928 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-- HOUSE .7885 · 1\Ir. CURTIS. Is it a unanimous repor t ? SIGNAL CORPS Mr. FLETCHER. It is u unanimous report. It is perfectly David Barbour Barton to be first lieutenant. just. There is no dispute about the fault being entirely on the part of the Coast Guard boat. POSTMASTERS The VICE PRESIDENT. The Senator from Florida asks ALASKA unanimous consent for the present consideration of a bill the L.illian It. White, Kodiak. title of which will be read by the Secretar.r. COLORADO The CHIEF . CLERK. A bill ( S. 444) for the relief of H. C. Walter P. Merrill, Brighton. Magoon. The VICE PRESIDENT. Is there objection to the present ILLINOIS consideration of the bill? Louis C. Schultz, Chebanse. There being no objection, the Senate, as in Committee of the Charles E. Hartman, 1\Iount Carroll. Whole, proceeded to consider the bill, which had been reported Willis D. CofHand, Seaton. from the Committee on Claims with an amendment, on page 1, Burnham M. Martin, Watseka. line 6, after the words " sum of," to strike out " $3,478.39 " and John F. Shimkus, Westville. insert" $2,500," so as to make the bill read: INDIANA Be it enacted, etc., That the Secretary o! the Treasury be, and he is Harold P. Willoughby, Spencer. hereby, authorized and directea to pay to H. C. Magoon, out of any KANSAS money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of $2,500 in full settlement for damages sustained on account of the Coast Guard Charles E. Schul, Grenola. cutter AB-19 backing into tiis yacht Ornway A-655 while tied up at Alice M. McLavy, Morganville. Baylen Street Wharf; Pensacola, Fla., May 27, 1924. Edgar F .. Brungardt, Victoria. The amendment was agreed to. LOUISIANA The bill was reported to the Senate as amended, and the George W. Taylor, Franklin. amendment was concurred in. Elson A. Delaune, Lockport. The bill was ordered to be engrossed for a third reading, read Melvin P. Palmer, Morgan City. the third time, and passed. MICHIGAN ORDER FOR RECESS FROM TO-MORROW UNTIL MONDAY Laurence C. Snyder, Blanchard. Mr. CURTIS. I ask unanimous consent that at the con­ NEW YORK clusion of the service to-morrow the Senate shall take a recess Thomas C. Richardson, Auburn. until 12 o'clock noon on Monday, May 7. Adam Metzger, Callicoon. The VICE PRESIDENT. Without objection, it is so ordered. Nellie Fredricson, Cornwall on the Hudson. EXECUTIVE SESSION L. Frank Little, Endicott. Mr. CURTIS. I move that the Senate proceed to the con­ Ralph D. Sanford, Hammondsport. sideration of executive business. Mary A. Blazina, Harrison. The motion was agreed to; and the Senate procE>eded t.o the Harry M. Lanpher, Lowville. consideration of executive business. After three minutes spent J. Frank Smith, Patterson. in executive session the doors were reopened. Austin E. Hummel, Prattsville. George A. Hager, Watertown. ADJOURNMENT Thomas Wheatcroft, Watervliet. ~Ir. CURTIS. In accordance with the unanimous-consent Charles J. Ryemiller, West Sand Lake. agreement heretofore made, I move that the Sen!!te take a recess Mabel Parker, Yulan. until to-morrow at 3 o'clock p. m. The motion was agreed to; and (at 2 o'clock and 35 minutes NORTH DAKOTA p .m.) the Senate took a recess until to-morrow, Sunday, May 6, John W. Campbell, Ryder. 1928, at 3 o'clock p. m. OHIO Ralph B. Troyer, Continental. CONFIRMATIONS Irvin F. Sherman, Deshler. Execu-tive nom.fnation.s con{irrned by the Senate May 5 (legis­ OREGON' ~at'ive day ot May 3), 1928 George B. Bourhill, Moro. REGISTER OF THE LAND OFFICE TEXAS Arthm· Wellington Doland to be register of land office at Charles W. Ford, Gatesville. Sp_okane, Wash. Carroll T. Coolidge, Pasadena. APPOINTMENT IN THE A~MY UTAH COAST ARTILLERY CORPS Andrew Adamson, jr., North Salt Lake. Chauncey Lee Fenton to be professor of chemistry, miner­ alogy, and geology, United States Military Academy. WYOMING William G. Haas, Cheyenne. PROMOTIONS IN THE ABMY CAVALRY Harry Newton Cootes to be colonel. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES - George Bowditch Hunter to be lieutenant colonel. Leon Edward Ryder to be major. SATURDAY, ManJ 5, 1928 -INFANTRY The House met at 12 o'clock noon. Charles Haskell l\Iorrow to be colonel. The Right Rev. Monsignor P. C. Gavan, pastor of the Sacred Charles Thomas Smart to be lieutenant colomil. Heart Church, Washington, D. C., offered the following prayer: Harry Langdon Reeder to be major. Almighty and everlasting Father, Spirit of truth and justice Jay Edward Gillfillan to be major. to every creature, from whom graciously comes every good and Earl Shuman Gruver to be first lieutenant. perfect gift, grant, we beseech Thee, that Thy servants, gath­ FIELD ARTILLERY ered here in this august assembly, may be inspired always Charles School Blakely to be lieutenant colonel. with so great a love of this same truth and justice that all Warren Cole Stout to be first lieutenant. their deliberations and enactments may bring greater honor to Paul Russell Covey to be first lieutenant. Thy holy name, greater glory to our beloved country, and greater QUARTERMASTER CORPS peace and contentment to every citizen throughout the land. We ask this favor of Thee, 0 Heavenly Father, through .Jesus Richard Jaquelin Marshall to be major. Christ, Thy Son, our Lord and Savior. Amen. COAST ARTILLERY CORPS The Journal of the proceedings of yesterday was read and Kenyon Putnam Flagg to be captain. approved. Joseph Burske Hafer to be captain. Edward Lucien Supple to be captain. MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE Samuel McCullough to be captain. A message from ·the ·Senate, by Mr. Craven, its principal Russell Emerson Bates to be first lieutenant.- cl-erk, announced that the· Senate had passed with an amend- 7886 CONGRESSlON AL RECORD-HOUSE ~fAY 5 ment, in which the concurrence of the House of Representatives the United States Senators from the State <Jf Imliana ·and nll Con­ was request ed, a bill of the Hou!:le of the following title: gressmen from the State of India na to introduce a bill prohibiting the H. R. 10799. An act for the lease of land a nd the erection of taking away of compensation or the reduction theTeof until the service a post office at Philippi, W. Va., and for other purposes. man bas had reasonable notice and opport unity to oppo e said taking The message also announced tha t the Senate agrees to the away or said reduction. conference report and to the amendments of the House of Rep­ Mrs. E. May Hahn, president ; Mrs. C. E. Hostetler, -secretary; resentatives to the amendments of the Sena te Nos. 1, 10, and 11 Mrs. Ollie Barker. Mrs. Rose M . Teigbte, Mrs. C. W. Jonior, to the bill (H. R. 9481) ent itled "An act making appropriations Mrs. Ella .Akir, Mrs. C. H. Regula. Mrs. R. L. Fitch. boa rd; for the Executite Office and sundry independent executive Mrs. Zella Ryan ; Mrs. Emma Flick. · bureaus, boards, commissions, and offices, for the fiscal year Indorsed by e-xecutive board of Indiana American War Mothers March ending June 30, 1929, and for other purposes,'' and recedes from 31, 1928. its amendments Nos. 7, 8, and 9 to .sa id bill. Mrs. H ENRY P. PEARSON, The mes ·age further announce(} that the Senate had pa. sed State Presiaen.t. bills and a joint resolution of the House of the following titles: Mrs. S. C. GIBSON, H. R. 4357. An act for the relief• of William Childers; State Legislativ e Olw.irma·lb. II. R. 6492. An act to authorize the Secretary of War to donate Mrs. J. F. KUTCHBACK, to the city of Charleston, S. C., a certain _bronze eannon; and · Chairmqn of Legislation. II. J. Res. 177. Joint resolution authorizing the erection of a FL()(}D CONTROL flagstaff at Fort Sumter, Charle ton, S. C., and for other purposes. Mr. WHITTINGTON. Mr. Speaker I ask unanimous consf'..nt The message also announced that the Senate agrees to tbe to extend my remarks in the REcoRD. upon the subject of the report of the committee of conference on the di 'agreeing votes cost of floo control on the Mississippi River under the Jones­ of the two Houses on the amendments of the Senate to the bill Reid bill. (H. R. 11577) entitled "An act making appropriations for the The SPEAKER. Is there objection? Department of Agriculture for the fiscal year ending .June 30, There was no objection. · 1929, and for other purposes." Mr. WHITTINGTON. Mr. Speaker, the conference report -on S. 3740, commonly known as the Jones-Reid 1lood control bill, ADDITIONAL CONFEREES ON' AGRICULTURAL SURPLUS CONTROL BILL is pending before the Senate and the House. Untruthful re­ :Mr. HAUGEN. Mr. Speaker, the Senate appointed five con­ port as to the costs ~f the flood-control project -are being cir­ ferees on the bill S. 3555, the agricultural surplus control bill. culated. Unfounded and inaccurate statements by elfish and The House appointed only three. I ask unanimous consent designing interests as to the costs of the project have been ad-. that the number of the House conferees be increased to five. vanced. The evident purpose of orne is to deceive, while the The SPEAKER. The gentleman from Iowa asks unanimous aim of others is to delay, hinder, and oppose adequate :flood consent that the number of the House conferees on the agri­ control. There is no difficulty about the estimated costs. cultural surplus control bill be increased to five. Is there Careful surveys and ·examinations have been made and ex­ objection? haustive hearings ba~e been conducted. 'The committees of Mr.
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