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The phone company for people on the move'· - Contents: 6 President's Message / MGA Executive 8 Messages from RCGA / MSF / Province 10 The MGA - serving golfers provincially and nationally 12 Fairway to the Future Conference 30 The Senior 14 McMillan Doyle named WIOS Labatt's Triple Golfer Crown of the Year 33 Rural The Open Surprises dominate 17 Miraculous rural events extra hole 36 Gord Lenton profile puts Hendley 38 Family Event in limelight Family classic's popularity IOcreases 41 Ben Smimov profile 20 The Amateur 42 Match Play McMillan wins in tight final Loewen's comeback not 22 Courage plays fearlessly to dampened by rain win Canadian Club 43 Blumberg wins Labatt's Championship Pro-Am 24 Bud Foster profile 44 Inter-club 26 The Junior Inter-club titles won by six Junior ranks more strokes competitive 46 Leaderboard 48 How to rate a rhe 1990 Mtlllit()I}(I Golf j mmw/ Adl'tm;.~i " J: ,WilJ.f, p"hlirllfioll golf course 1$ puhllshed by management, editorial, desiR" and The M llnltobll Golf Associlltion prot/lie /lOll" 200 Mllln Slre\1f CrAig KelmAn & Associates Lid. Winnipeg, MB 3C·2020 Portage Avenue 49 Golf R3C 4MZ Wlnnip-:g. MU (Z04) 9RS.40S7 R3J OK4 (Z04) 1l1l' .7798 Course Executive Director··lerr Hnlltluk , Directory Development CIHlfdinm,nr-·Kl!lIy noes Editoriul··Jhn F.. Wllbnn Secrclury-.Rrcndu InKrltm production··J. Carol Lee Jounml Chaiml nn.·Klck Thain Pholography •• Hu2h Allan 4 From the President Thi s year marks the start of a new decade in the golf world eager to take up the and we in Mnnil:oba ca n look forward to ve ry encouragin g chall enge of keeping this growth in new facilities and numbers of pl ayers. Several tournament. at: its very high new eighteen hole courses near Winnipeg will be profil e on th e national cOI1"pl eted in th e nex t few yea rs and man y ru ral clubs are lour. ex pll nding their nin e hole layouts and im proving th eir I would li ke to clu bhouse fac ilities. I wo uld encourage all our members to welcome Kell y Boes to take advant age of the great courses we have throughout our MGA staff in hi s Manitoba and enjoy a casual ro und or compete in some of positi on of Development L====:!!!!!:!!:!:! their local tournament s. To help bri ng golf into the '90s, the co-ordinator. Kell y will be " Fairw ay to the Futu re" golf conference hosted by th e working clMely wi th the MGA wil l hopefully bri ng forth many new and inn ovative Junior Chairman in carryi ng out our juni or development ideas in golf cl ub management and pl ayi ng the game. program and will be coordinating the golf clinics held Our MGA tournament schedule will see some minor throughou! Manit oba. These programs will be carri ed out changes in th e team events and a major change in format to with the assistance of a pro fessional from the MPG A. the Manitoba Amateur. TIlese changes will be outl ined On A si ncere th anks goes out to all th e corporate sponsors the new tournament entry forms. The Mnnil obn Open wi ll who support our activ iti es. to the med ia for the excell ent complete ils last yenr at South wood before mov ing to coverage given to our tournaments and to the host golf Breezy Bend for the next three ycars. I would li ke to clubs and th eir members for the generous use of their congratul ate the Open ommillee and the SouLh wood fac ilities. membershi p fo r the excell ent job they have done over the Ted C hop past years and I am sure the Breezy Bend membership is MGA Pres ident MGA PRESIDENT Kelly Bocs WESTMAN Ted C hOp. Northern"i,e (Devel opment Co-ord in ator) Tom Bryan, Shil o PR ES ID ENT ELECT Brenda Ingram CENTR AL Jim SeollIlR. Elmhurst (Admi ni strative Secretary) Bob Genoway, Morden Don Revel, Carm an VI E PRES ID ENTS • TOURNAM ENT STAFF 8urrie Sunders, Carman Moe Solomon, Elmhurst Ken Bacon (Junior huim,an) Syd Mackay EASTMAN Bob GenowllY, Morden Gilvin MeFndzean Les Hembrofl', Pinawa (Ru ral hairman) Peter Gllenther. SLei nbach ZONE RE PRESENTATIVES FINANCE CHAIRMAN WINNI PEG INTERLA KE Dave Morison, Breezy Bend Sieve flannalyne, $1. Charl es Brilln Gilhuly. Selkirk TBA. Wildewood Ken Siadnek, Northern aire PAST PRESIDENT Rudy Schulz, Pine Ridge Bob Forellnd, Breezy Bend Brinn Toews. Transcona PARKLAND Waller Menzies, Rossmere Dale Brown, Russell DIR ECTORS Matt Poleschuk. Elmhurst Jilek Kullberg. Wnsagamin g Rick Thllin. Mike Linton. St. Boni face Brian Minish, Swan Ri ver Winnipeg Munici pal Courses Bert Delbridge, Assiniboine (Golf Annuall ourse Rating) flob Upton. Breezy Bend NORMAN Gord Lenlon. Pi ne Ridge Del MeLoy. Southwood ·TBA (Offi cials Chairman) Mike Mykytyn, Six Thirty Brilln Gilhuly, Selkirk Peter Perchal, Winnipeg Canoe Club NORTHWEST ONTARIO John Urkevich. harl eswood Syd Cohan, Glendale Harry 8arefoot, Ki tc hen Creek (Assistant . Jun ior Chai nnan) flob Stafl'ord. Niakwa Birks Wherret, Dryden Rick Thain, Municipal Courses STAFF AI Gray, Charleswood Jefl' Hnalluk (Executi ve Director) Wellillld Williums, Bel Acres 6 ~~-------------------------------------------- Take a Swing Through Paradise ... Some of the most spectacular scenery in the Canadian Rockies may distract you from your game, but if you are a serious player, you will be challenged by finely sculptured greens, bunkers and fairways that will make you work for your par. Full facilities including a pro shop and dining rooms overlook the spectacular course. Reservations recommended up to 60 days in advance. Tee times may be made after April 22nd. In Canada & U.S.A. : 1-800-661-1581 In Alberta: 1-800-372-9215 In Calgary: 261 -GOLF Administration & Information (403) 591 -7070 SN)RT From the MSF OIL behalf of Ihe Board of Directors of Ihe Maniloba Sports Federation. it is my pleasure to ex lend our best wishes tl) the Maniloba 0011' Associ.lion . Golf is a spon which provides opportunities to M:m itoban s of all ages and skill levels. The recremional golfer out for an enjoyable round or two has a impress ive and varied choi ce of co urses around the prov ince. Competitive From the golfers can participate in any number of Royal hi gh calibre and challenging From the compelilions. while eli Ie mhleles province Canadian compete wil h Ihe suppon of Ihe MGA in Golf Ihe pursllil of excellence and 10 bring 11 is my plcasure on behalf of Ihe credit to our provinCe. Government of Manitoba to ex tend Association Congralulalions to Ihe alhletes. warmest. greetings to the Manitoba vo lUl\leers and staff of the MGA and Golf Associalion. It is encouraging 10 The Province of Munilobu should be everyone who cOnlribul.es to the know that my departmenl works proud of ils many fine golfers. AI conlinuing success of goll'. The 1990s cooperalively wilh Ihe ManilOba Golf the national scene, Ihey have earned will be Mani toba's deci.lde of ama l.eur Association and various communities Ihe respeci of Canada's besl amnleur sporl, and Ihe MSF is proud 10 be in providing golf opponunilies for players. associaled with Ihe MGA . people Ihroughoul Ihe province. II is encourag in g for us 10 sec T.A. Saunders, Chairman Golf is a special game which draws golf increasing in popularily in MSF Board of Direclors people from all walks of life and Manit btl as it i~ throughout anada. prov ides fun and fellowship as well as This success hus been ;md will the cha ll enge of alhlctic proficiency. conti nue 10 be hamcsscd by the May I pay lribUle to Ihe numerous MGA . a sirong and very ca pable volunleers who offer th eir lime. energy ol'gani zntion. and lalenl so others can enjoy Ihis pleasalll and rewarding sporl. Robert G. Long. I'resident To the Maniloba Go lf Associalion Royal anadian Golf Assochllion • and the Southwood Golf and Country Club, best wishes for anolher successfu l Maniloba Open in 1990. J.A. Ernst Minisler Responsible for Spon B.W. Stapleton & Son Ltd. Excavating- Levelling - Loading Landscape Shaping. SpeciaUzing in Golf Courses WORlGNG TO ANY DESIGN. YOURS OR MINE TO BUILD A NEW COMPLETE COURSE OR TO UPDATE THE OLDER ONE CALL - DON STAPLETON Phone 832-1713 221 Wallasey St. - Winnipeg. M an. R3J 3C2 8 At Great-West Life, client satisfaction is par for the course. The MGA- serving golfers provincially and nationally The go lfi ng fratcmity first orgnlliz~d itself Rules and etiquette To coincide with junior dcvelopmcm. the through the es tablishm ent of the Royu l The present rul es of golf represent the MGA is al so planning, designing and co· Canadian Golf A!tisocinlion (RCGA) in ncclIlllulutcd experience of two centuries ordinating program s to provide go lf ex· IH96. Pr'Ov in inl nssociulions were also nnd were developed out or the plllY of the posure in Ihe school systems (e lernentury.
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