THE CEYLON GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 11,178, — FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1957 (Published by Authority) PART V-BOOK LIST, &c. (Separata palling U tto t* to Mtft Part In order that it mag be filed eeporateh/J Statement of Books Printed in Ceylon and Registered under the Printers and Publishers Ordinance (Chapter 137), during die Quarter ended June 30,15156 C omtbaotionb : 1 — The Language in which the Book is written ; 2 = The Name of the Author, Translator or Editor of the Boole or any part thereof; 3 — The Subject; 4 «■ The Place of Printing ; 5 ■= The Place of Publication ; 6 = The Name or Firm of the Printer ; 7 — The Name or F in n of the Publisher ; 8 = The Date of Issue from the Press ; 9 — The Number of Pages : 10 “ The Size; 11 = The First, Second, or other Number of the Edition; 12 - The Number of Copies of which the Edition consists; 13 - Whether the Book is Printed or Lithographed ; 14— The Price at which the Book is sold to the P ublic; 15 = The Name and Residence of the Proprietor of the Oopyright or of any portion of the Copyright. Quarter ended June 30, 1956. Seeond Quarter* 1956 AGRICULTURAL BIOGRAPHICAL 65753 Building for the Future with Young Farmers, 65665 Agamethiwarayakuge Jeevitha Kathawa Folder No. 12 (Autobiography of Sir John Kotelawala) 1 Sinhalese, 2 The D irector of Agriculture, 3 Booklet 1 Sinhalese, 2 Sir John K otelaw ala (Translator K . H. re The Rural Youth Club, 4 Colombo, 5 Colombo, 6 M. Sumathipala), 3 Autobiography, 4 Colombo, 5 Governm ent Press, 7 The G overnm ent Printer, 8 14.3.56, Colom bo, 6 M. D. Gunasena & Co., Ltd., 7 Sir John K ote­ 9 8 ppges, 10 D em y 4to., 11 1st, 12 30,005, 13 Printed, 14 lawala, 8 12.3.56, 9 474, 10 C row n 8vo., 11 1st, 12 4,500, ---------, 1? Ceylon Governm ent. 13 Printed, 14 Rs. 5, 15 Sir John Kotelawala, K anda- wela, Ratmalana. 66450 M onographs on Tea Production in Ceylon 67281 M ao Tse-tung 1 English 2 E. L. Keegel, 3 Tea Manufacture in Ceylon, 4 Colom bo, 5 Talawakelle, 6 H. W . Cave & Co., 1 Sinhalese, 2 D. V. Rodrigo, 3 Life story, 4 Colom bo, Ltd., 7 Tea Research Institute of Ceylon, 8 28.6.56, 5 Colombo, 6 Lanka Press, 7 Rev. M. Chandrarama, 9 163 Text and 4 Illustrations, 10 Royal 8vo., 11 1st, 8 31.5.56, 9 72,10 C row n 8vo., 11 ------- , 12 1,000, 13 P rinted, 12 3,500, 13 Printed, 14 Free to Subscribers, 15 Tea 14 50 cents, 15 D. V . R odrigo, 91, Cotta Road, C olom bo 8. Research Institute of Ceylon, St. Coom bs, Talawakelle. 65905 This Man Kotelawala 66274 “ Tea Planting and SoU Conservation ” by the Contour Method 1 English, 2 P. N adesan, 3 Reflections on his life and work, 4 Colombo, 5 Colombo, 6 The Nadaraja Press, 1 English, 2 D. B. K apuw atte, 3 Tea Planting A gricul­ 7 The Nadaraja Press. 8 — .4.56, 9 247, 10 5J X 9 in., ture, 4 Kandy, 5 M aswela, Gampola, 6 Tem ple Press, 11 1st, 12 1,000, 13 Printed, 14 Rs. 15, 15 Nadaraja 7 U. B. W elagedara, 8 28.5.56, 9 51, 10 5 X 7i (dem y), Lim ited, Fram jee House, Colom bo 3. 11 1, 12 300, 13 Printed, 14 — —, 15 D. B. K apuw atte. 65756 Wartamana Lankaye Sresthatama Jananayakaya ASTROLOGICAL & ASTRONOMICAL 1 Sinhalese, 2 Rev. Tarannagoda Indasara,: 3 : B io­ graphy, 4 Colombo, 5 Colombo, 6 McCallum Press, 66301 Aw urudu Palapala Vistaraya, 1955 7 Sri Lanka Freedom Party, 8 20.3.56, 9 13, 10 Crown vo„ 11 1st, 12 11,000, 13 Printed, 14 25 cents, 15 Sri 1 Sinhalese, 2 A. H. Jayasekera, 3 Astrology, 4 8 Lanka Freedom Party. Colom bo, 5 Colom bo, S Karunadhara Press, 7 Karuna- dhara Press, 8 — ' , 9 8, 10 D em y 8vo,j 11 - — 1.2 — ■— , 13 Printed, 14 , 15 —— -. 65736 Epa Ephemeris and Almanao for 1956-1957 EDUCATIONAL 1 Sinhalese, 2 Don Tissa de Silva Epa Appuham y, 3 66420 Adyayana Paripatiya Ephemeris, 4 Colom bo, 5 Colom bo, 6 P. K. Dickson, The EpaT*rinting Works, 7 Don Tissa de Silva Epa 1 Sinhalese, 2 R M . de Silva, 3 Teachers’ hand book, Appuham y, 8 22.3.56, 9 62, 10 Royal 8vo., 11 1st, 12 4 M aradana, 5 M aradana, 6. A rula Press, 7 Anula Press, 36,000, 13 Printed, 14 75 cents, .15 D. T. de S. Epa A ppu- 8 15.6.56, 9 188, 10 C row n 8vo„ 11 1st, 12 2,000, 13 Print­ hnrny, 279, Layard’s Broadway, Colom bo 14. ed, 14 Rs. 3, 15 A nula Press, 621, M aradana, 3 7 7 ^ J . N. B 69098-900 (9/57) ' * . o r ■ : ' - 378 P a st V — CEYLON GOVERNMENT GAZETTE — Oct . 4, 1957 66335 Arithm etic for H igh Standard 66234 Ganitha N avodaya, S. S. C. 1 Tam il, 2 K . Rasiah, 3 Arithm etic, 4 Jaffna, 5 Jaffna, 1 Sinhalese, 2 J. E. Jayasuriya, 3 Arithmetic, 4 6 Sri K antha Press, 7 M . K anapathipillai, 8 15.5.56, 9 244, Colom bo, 5 Colom bo, 6 W esley Press, 7 M acm illan & Co., 10 Crown 8vo., 11 1st, 12 1,000, 13 Printed, 14 Rs. 3, Ltd., 8 5.6.56, 9 254, 10 D em y 8vo., 11 1st, 12 15,000, 13 15 M. Kanapathipillai, 213, K.K.S. Road, Jaffna. P r i n t e d , 1 4 R s . 3 .2 5 , 1 5 ----------. 66355 Arithm etic G. C. E. M odel Question Papers / 66085 Guru W ibhaga Dwaraya 1 Tamil, 2 V. K. Kanthasam y, 3 Arithm etic, 4 Jaffna, 1 Sinhalese, 2 L ionel Lokuliyana, 3 Teacher’s Selective 5 Jaffna, 6 Ananda Press, 7 Varatha Velidu, 8 30.5.56, Exam ination Book, 4 M. D. Gunasena & Co. (Printers), 9 44, 10 D em y 8vo., 11 1st, 12 2,000, 13 Printed, 14 75 . Ltd.,.5 C olom bo, 6 M . D. Gunasena & Co. (P rinters), Ltd., cents, 15 Varatharajah Varatha Velidu. 7 M. D. Gunasena & Co. (Printers), Ltd., San Sebastian Hill, Colom bo, 8 12.5.56, 9 424, 10 Crow n 8vo., 11 1st, 12 2,000,13 Printed, 14 Rs. 4.50, 15 M . D . G unasena Co. Ltd., 65662 Budda Charithaya, 2 Std. I Norris Road, Colom bo. 1 Sinhalese, 2 Rekaw a Palitha Thero, 3 Text, 4 M atara, 5 Tangalla, 6 M atara M erchants, Ltd., 7 D. C. Atapattu, 8 10.3.56, 9 32, 10 C row n 8vo., 11 1st, 12 2,000, 13 Printed, 65800 H ealth M anual for Ceylon Schools, Part I 14 40 cents, 15 Rekawa Palitha Thero, Gautham a V id- yalaya, Tangalla. 1 Sinhalese, 2 Dr. M rs. M ery H. Ratnam, 3 Physiology and Hygiene, 4 Colom bo, 5 Colom bo, 6 Lanka Trading Co. Ltd., 7 The U nited Society for Christian Literature, 65663 Budda Charithaya, Std. Ill 8 12.4.56, 9 156, 10 C row n 8vo., 11 7th, 12 5,000, 13 Printed, 1 4 --------- , 15 The U nited Society for Christian Literature, 1 Sinhalese, 2 Rekaw a Palitha Thero, 3 Text, 4 M atara, 1, Consistory Buildings, Colom bo 11. 5 Tangalla, 6 M atara M erchants, Ltd., 7 D. P. Atapattu, 8 10.3.56, 9 54, 10-Crow n 8vo., 11 1st, 12 2,000, 13 Prm ted, 14 60 cents, 15 Rekawa Palitha Thero, Gautham a V id- 66262 H ousecraft and Hygiene for Std. 6 yalaya, Tangalla. 1 Sinhalese, 2 M ercy E. de Silva, 3 H ygiene, 4 Colom bo, 65975 Chittra Eganweem a 5 Colombo, 6 W esley Press, 7 Christian Literature S o c i e t y , 8 2 6 .1 .5 6 , 9 1 6 4 , 1 0 C r o w n 8 v o . , 1 1 ----------, 1 2 3 ,0 0 0 , 1 Sinhalese, 2 H. G. Jinadasa, 3 Chithra Eganweem a, 13 Printed, 14 --------- , 15 Christian Literature Society, 4 Galle, 5 Galle, 6 M. W . Piyasiri, 7 H. G. Jinadasa, 1, Consistory Buildings, Colom bo 11. 8 7.5.56, 9 26, 10 D em y 8vo., 11 —— , 12 1,000, 13 Printed, 1 4 --------- , 15 H. G. Jinadasa, Pilaria. 66308 K alvi N oor Kalaich Chotkal— Technical Term s in Psychology and Education 66261 Civics, Book 3 for Std. 8 1 Tamil-English, 2 S. Nadarasan, 3 Glossary of 1 Sinhalese, 2 S. F. de Silva, 3 Civics, 4 Colom bo, 5 Technical Terms in Tamil, 4 Chunnakam, 5 Colombo, Colombo, 6 W esley Press, 7 Macmillan & Co., Ltd., 6 Thirum akal Press, 7 S. Nadarasan, 8 7.6.56, 9 52, 10 8 23.4.56, 9 194, 10 C row n 8vo., 11 4th, 12 5,000, 13 Print­ Demy 8vo., 11 1st., 12 1,500, 13 Printed, 14 ----------, 1 5 ed, 14 Rs. 2.40, 15 M acmillan & Co., Ltd., 6, Patulle S. Nadarasan, M ani Pallavam , Buchanan St., Bam bala- Road, M adras 2. pitiya, Colom bo. 66139 Dona’s Folded Book of Letters, W ords and Sentences in Practice for Prim ary Classes 65730 Kam ba Ramayanam Kumbakarunan Vadai P a t a l a m 1 English, 2 S. A. N. J. Corera, 3 “ Alphabets, letters, words and sentences for prim ary classes.”, 4 Colom bo, 1 Tamil, 2 S.
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