Die Vortragenden Speakers Die Vortragenden Speakers Karl Aiginger career started in 1991 as a member of Karl Aiginger is research fellow for parliament and the spokesman on in- industrial economics and has been dustry (later also energy and the en- Director of the Austrian Institute of vironment) of the Austrian People’s Economic Research (WIFO) since Party (ÖVP). Since 1992 Martin 2005. He has been professor of eco- Bartenstein has been Deputy Chair- nomics at the University of Linz since man of the ÖVP in the province of 1992. He studied economics at the Styria. From 1994 to 1995, he was University of Vienna and received a State Secretary at the Federal Minis- doctoral degree in 1974 (habilitation: try for Public Economy and Trans- “Production Theory under Uncer- port. Martin Bartenstein was ap- tainty,” 1984). After joining WIFO pointed Federal Minister for the En- in 1970, Mr. Aiginger was Deputy vironment in May 1995, and Federal Director from 1984 to 1987. In addi- Minister for Environment, Youth and tion, he served as managing editor of Family Affairs in March 1996. In Feb- Empirica – Austrian Economic Pa- pers (1975–1992), as visiting profes- sor at Stanford University, CA, U.S.A. (1982), at the MIT in Boston, Mass., U.S.A. (1991) as well as at the Uni- versity of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), U.S.A. (1997). He was a member of the Supervising Board of the Austrian state holding company ÖIAG from 1993 to 2000, and re- turned to serve as Deputy Director of ruary 2000, he took office as Federal WIFO from 1996 to 1998 and from Minister of Economics and Labor. In 2002 to 2005. In 2002 he was profes- his function as Federal Minister for sor at the GSB and IIS, Stanford Uni- the Environment, Martin Bartenstein versity. His key areas of research are chaired numerous international con- the competitiveness of firms, indus- ferences, for example the 1995 con- tries and countries, industrial eco- ference on the Montreal Protocol nomics and industrial policy as well held in Vienna, during which the Pro- as economic strategy and policy. tocol was finally adopted. At the fol- lowing Climate Protection Confer- Martin Bartenstein ence held in Buenos Aires in 1998, In the course of his studies, Martin Mr. Bartenstein was the EU’s chief Bartenstein earned his Ph.D. in negotiator in his function as Council chemical sciences in 1978 at the Uni- president. Since 2002, he has co- versity of Graz. From 1978 to 1994 chaired the Investment Compact con- he held different executive positions ference initiated by the OECD within in the pharmaceutical industry, in- the framework of the Stability Pact cluding being the CEO – for several for Southeast Europe. He is a perma- years – in a family-owned group of nent member of the OECD Round- pharmaceutical companies based in table for Sustainable Development. Austria and Hungary. His political Since December 13, 2005, Martin ◊ 201 Die Vortragenden Speakers Bartenstein has been vice chairman Josef Christl of the WTO Ministerial Conference. Josef Christl has been Executive From 1988 to 1992, Martin Barten- Director of the Oesterreichische Natio- stein was chairman of the Children’s nalbank (OeNB) since 2003. More- Cancer Aid of Styria and since 1993, over, he is Alternate Governor for the he has chaired the Austrian Children’s Republic of Austria to the Interna- Cancer Aid. tional Monetary Fund (IMF) and Member of the Supervisory Board of Markus Beyrer the Austrian Financial Market Author- Markus Beyrer studied law and com- ity (FMA). After two years of serv- mercial sciences at the University of ing as an economist at the Ministry Vienna and the Vienna University of of Social Affairs, he worked as assis- Economics and Business Administra- tant professor for economics at the tion; he was a successful candidate of Institute for Advanced Studies (IHS) the Concours at the European Com- in Vienna from 1980 to 1984. After mission and attended a postgraduate that, he was senior economist (1984– master course for European law 1993) and chief economist (1993– (Euro-Jus) at the Danube University 2001) with Creditanstalt-Bankverein. Krems. Markus Beyrer has been Sec- From 2001 to 2003 he served as chief retary General of the Federation of economic advisor to the Austrian Austrian Industry since August 2004. Minister of Finance. Since 1992, Josef He started his professional career in Christl has been professor at the 1992, serving as a member of the EU Vienna University of Economics and expert team (“EU cadet”) of the De- Business Administration. He holds a partment for European Integration doctoral degree in economics from and Trade Policy at the Austrian Fed- the University of Vienna. eral Economic Chamber. Then he became attaché for industrial and Christian de Boissieu commercial affairs at the Permanent Christian de Boissieu received his Representation of Austria to the Euro- Ph.D. in economics in 1973 (Univer- pean Union (1994–1996), expert for sity of Paris). He was post-doctoral European and international affairs in fellow at Northwestern University the Department for Environmental and Harvard University (1973–1974), Policy of the Austrian Federal Eco- and visiting scholar at the University nomic Chamber (1996–1999) and of Minnesota in 1978 and at the economic advisor to the Vice Chan- Board of Governors of the Federal cellor and Federal Minister for For- Reserve System (Washington D.C.) eign Affairs of the Republic of Austria in 1982. He is currently professor at (1999–2000). After having been se- the University of Paris-I (Panthéon- nior economic advisor to the Federal Sorbonne). From 1999 to 2004, he Chancellor from 2000 to 2002, he taught at the College of Europe in served as Director of the Economic Bruges. In his capacity as consultant Policy Department of the Austrian to the World Bank and to the Euro- Federal Economic Chamber (August pean Commission, he has been in 2002–2004). charge of a TACIS program mission in Russia on domestic arrears, mone- 202 ◊ Die Vortragenden Speakers tary policy and banking regulation. struction and Development (EBRD). He is also economic advisor to the He regularly attended the European Paris Chamber of Commerce and In- Union’s meetings of economics and dustry, and member of the “Comité finance ministers and represented the des Etablissements de Crédit et des EU at the G-7 finance ministers’ Entreprises d’Investissement” (CECEI). meeting in Ottawa, Canada, in 2002, He is honorary president of the French when Spain held the EU presidency. Finance Association and of the He was also in charge of foreign trade “Société d’Economie Politique.” He relations for the government of Spain was also member of the advisory and represented Spain at the World board of J.P. Morgan (France) and is Trade Organization’s ministerial currently member of the advisory meetings in Seattle, U.S.A., in 1999, board of Ernst & Young (France). in Doha, Qatar, in 2001, and Can- Since January 2003, he has been cún, Mexico, in 2003. He was a chairman of the Conseil d’Analyse member of the Spanish parliament Economique attached to the French Prime Minister. He has published many books and articles in the field of monetary analysis and economic pol- icy. Christian de Boissieu is a regular columnist for Le Figaro, Le Monde, Investir, etc. He was also columnist for Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung from 1996 to 1999. Rodrigo de Rato y Figaredo from 1982 to 2004. Rodrigo de Rato Rodrigo de Rato assumed office as earned a law degree from the Univer- Managing Director of the Interna- sidad Complutense in Madrid in 1971, tional Monetary Fund (IMF) on June and an MBA from the University of 7, 2004. This move followed his se- California at Berkeley in 1974. In lection by the Executive Board of the 2003, he earned a Ph.D. in econom- IMF, on May 4, 2004, to serve as ics from the Universidad Com- Managing Director and Chairman of plutense. the Executive Board. Prior to taking up his position at the IMF, Mr. de Wolfgang Duchatczek Rato was Vice President for Economic Wolfgang Duchatczek has been serv- Affairs and Minister of Economy for ing as Vice Governor of the Oester- the government of Spain, a post to reichische Nationalbank (OeNB) which he was appointed in May 1996. since 2003. He joined the OeNB in In his capacity as Minister of Econ- 1976, and the Office of the Governor omy, Mr. de Rato was also Governor in 1978. He was appointed Chief of for Spain on the Boards of Governors the Office of the Governor in 1982 of the IMF, the World Bank, the In- and Deputy Executive Director of ter-American Development Bank, the Foreign Research Department in the European Investment Bank (EIB) 1987. In addition, he served as and the European Bank for Recon- Representative of the OeNB on the ◊ 203 Die Vortragenden Speakers EC Integration Committee of the lina, Chapel Hill, U.S.A. After serv- Austrian Federal Government. Mr. ing six years as an assistant professor Duchatczek was appointed Director at the University of Karlsruhe, Ger- of the Area International Relations of many, he started to lecture as a full the OeNB in 1992 and represented professor at the University of Cologne the OeNB during Austria’s EU acces- in 1974. In 1987 he was appointed sion negotiations. He was nominated Director of the Economics Seminar Chairman of the European Com- at the Faculty of Economics and So- mission’s Committee on Monetary, cial Sciences at the University of Co- Financial and Balance of Payments logne, a position he held until 1990. Statistics (CMFB) and served as the In 1977 he received a six-month ap- OeNB’s Second Alternate on the pointment from the Soviet Academy Committee of Alternates of the Euro- of Sciences for consulting and teach- pean Monetary Institute (EMI).
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