82 Rome, Colosseum, © belenox - iStock - Getty Images LATIUM Latium is an area worth getting to know, beaches, the lovely cli's, all along the a land rich in blends of art, culture and coastline, from Tarquinia beach to the nature, the crossroads of Mediterranean white sand of Sabaudia with its famous civilization and of Etruscan, Sabine, Sam- dunes, to the clear waters of San Felice al nite, Campanian and Latin peoples. The Circeo and Sperlonga, an authentic region probably got its name from the Tyrrhenian fishing village, down to Gae- Latins, whose most recent history min- ta, with its split mountain overhanging gles with that of Rome and the Pontifical the sea. There are very charming under- State, the Terra del Lavoro and the King- water itineraries along the lovely seabeds dom of the Two Sicilies. A compound of the Pontine islands, to underwater memory that only a few dozen years ago caves, fields of posidonia, lobsters and recovered its role as a unique tourist at- even submerged shipwrecks. traction, together with that of the capital The counterpoint to the sea are the city. Nowadays the region stands out beautiful mountains, rich in avifauna and with its many charms, from spas to spec- biodiversity, which mark out the region’s tacular lakes, from gentle hilly scenery to ridge and follow its outline from the bor- charming beaches, from archaeology ders of Tuscany to Campania, from the and art to the great wealth of traditions. Rieti salt road to the Abruzzo National Latium is a wonderland, the essence of Park. Then there are the Monti della Laga natural beauty, historic remains and a and della Duchessa, the magical Simbru- variety of food and wine related to the ini mountains, the heart of Latium, the soil and the simplicity and wholesome- Ausoni mountains and the Aurunci, ness of the crops. which look down on the beauty of the There are many archaeological sites all coast beneath and seem to accompany over the area, from the Etruscan remains the area towards the scents and land- in Tuscania and Tarquinia, to the necrop- scapes of the Mediterranean. In fact olis in Cerveteri, now UNESCO sites, as Latium is a great place for people that well as Hadrian’s Villa and the Villa d’Este want to enjoy nature routes among the in Tivoli. Other must-sees are the ar- many protected nature areas. There are chaeological sites of the Temple of Jupi- lakes, countryside, seas and mountains ter Amur in Terracina, the Roman paved just outside Rome and near the count- roads in Arpino, and the Roman colony less mediaeval villages. Hiking paths, wa- of old Minturno. Mediaeval villages and terways, woods and beech groves are polygonal walls are another feature of the scene of often pristine natural envi- the area: to mention but a few, there is ronments. The Regional Natural Parks Viterbo with its pilgrims’ district and the and Protected Oases o'er visitors a wide Palace of the Popes, Anagni with the Pal- range of itineraries and the Roads of the ace of Boniface VII and the crypt of the Parks allow you to immerse yourself in Cathedral with its fine frescoes, Fumone the nature of Etruscan Latium or to reach with its mediaeval village, Civita di Bag- Umbria along Roman roads, passing ne- noregio, the wonderful “dying city”, Cal- cropolises, waterfalls and caves. Or you cata and Nifa, true icons of beauty, and can reach the Latium side of the Abruz- oases of ruins and romantic parks that zo-Monti della Laga Natural Park with its enchant the visitor and leave indelible hundreds of equipped trails, practicable memories. even when there is snow, where there is Culture and wellness and spas are an- still a chance of seeing bears, wolves, other of Latium’s strongpoints: thermal chamois and even golden eagles. In waters flow through natural landscapes southern Latium, lovers of the moun- and historic monuments, from the Terme tains and the sea can travel through the dei Papi in Viterbo to the Terme di Boni- Parco del Circeo along ancient Roman facio in Fiuggi. Then there is the sea, the routes, like the Via Flacca. In this area 83 Civita di Bagnoregio (Province of Viterbo), © bluejayphoto - iStock - Getty Images you can do free climbing, on prepared Franciscan sanctuaries of the Valle Santa, faces, in Sperlonga, Itri and Gaeta. An ex- Greco, La Foresta, Poggio Busone and cellent way of getting to know the Fontecolombo, nestling in the greenery Latium area is to hike along the ancient of woods and beech groves. All these pilgrimage routes that have been used routes lead through the Latium area, a for getting to Rome since the Middle real red thread which the traveller can Ages, where pilgrims could venerate the follow to discover wonderful scenery, tombs of Saints Peter and Paul and get a lovely little villages and traditional plenary indulgence. The most important flavours. is the Via Francigena, the road used by This kaleidoscopic area, with its thou- merchants and travellers, carrying ideas, sands of years of tradition, has created art, legends, languages and customs. countless folk traditions, historical reen- The road runs down from the Alps to actments and folk festivals, which have northern Latium, passing through Ac- spread all over the various provinces. We quapendente, where there is a sacellum mention some of the most charming. In with a reproduction of the Holy Sepul- Greccio, in the Rieti province, birthplace chre in Jerusalem, through Bolsena, fa- of the first Christmas Crib in the world, at mous for the miracle of Saint Rose, and Christmas time the Nativity is commem- Capranica, Sutri, Campagnano and For- orated with elegant scenes; there is a mello, and reaches Rome from Monte Carnival in Ronciglione, near Viterbo, Mario, formerly known as Mons Gaudii with horse races, decorated decorated (the mountain of joy) because of the joy floats, and confraternity members wear- felt by travellers when they saw the Eter- ing traditional costumes. In Priverno, in nal City. This is the same route that Si- the Latina province, there is a Passion of gerico, Archbishop of Canterbury, trav- Christ procession through the old town, elled on at the end of the 10th century, with very impressive shoulder-borne keeping a diary listing nine stages in our structures. In Acquapendente, in the Vit- region, starting from the border with erbo area, on the second Sunday in May Tuscany. In southern Latium you can the various districts compete in making travel along the Via Francigena del Sud, the marvellous Pugnaloni , huge panels which leads from Rome to the Adriatic with lovely mosaics made by assembling coast, from where pilgrims set sail for flower petals and leaves. In June, for the Jerusalem. In the Rieti area we find the feast of Corpus Christi,there are many Cammino di Francesco , a ring linking the infiorate (flower festivals) at which the 84 Spaghetti alla carbonara, © WEKWEK - iStock - Getty Images streets are “carpeted” with coloured voured with red pepper, or the classic flower petals. The outstanding one is the “coppiette ” made of spiced and dried centuries-old Infiorata in Genzano, horsemeat. The porchetta (roast suck- which has been the symbol of the town ling pig) of Ariccia and the whole Castel- since 1773. Then there are palii, folkloric li Romani area is famous; you can even horse races in which di'erent districts eat it in one of the many outdoor “ fra- compete; famous in Latium is the Palio schette ” taverns, which used to be ven- dei Rioni di Morlupo , in the province of ues for out-of-town excursions. There Rome, a spectacular contest between are many traditional first courses, like teams. bucatini all’Amatriciana , pasta made with Many fairs and festivals are linked with local fat bacon and pecorino cheese local agricultural products. There is the from Amatrice, with its unique flavour, or Chestnut Festival in Soriano nel Cimino rigatoni con la pajata , pasta dressed with in October, during which there is a cos- the intestines of a milk-fed calf. Carciofi tume joust between the districts. The romaneschi , Roman artichokes, have Grape Festival in Marino, is also very fa- their fairs and festivals in the area, while mous and is mentioned in the song the strawberries of Nemi and Terracina “Nannì”, made famous by Petrolini; the still have the sweet flavour of the fruit of festival dates back to the 16th century long ago. Latium wine production has victory of Lepanto by Marcantonio Col- very ancient origins: the ancient Falerno, onna; as the song says, the historic foun- praised by Columella, Pliny the elder and tain in Marino still spills out rosé wine on Horace, now has famous descendants: the occasion of the festival. from Aleatico di Gradoli to Cesanese del The food and wine tradition in Latium Piglio, Est Est Est di Montefiascone, and has always stayed true to its typical fea- Moscato di Terracina, which tradition tures: strong flavours linked with farming says was used by the witch Circe to be- and shepherding. The meats are deli- witch Ulysses. cious, for instance the PDO sausage of Latium has excellent varieties of ex- Monte San Biagio, made by hand and fla- tra-virgin olive oil, like Canino and Sabi- 85 Rome, Spanish Steps, © belenox - iStock - Getty Images no, with the PDO label. You can also Tuscia in Jazz Spring , in Viterbo, is an travel along a Wine, Oil and Typical Prod- important one but so is the Festival Lirico ucts route, visiting the countryside of the in Casamari in Ciociaria or the Reate Fes- Rieti area, with places dedicated to Saint tival in the Flavio Theatre in Rieti, which Benedict.
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