Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-18970-6 — The Archaeology of Imperial Landscapes Edited by Bleda S. Düring , Tesse D. Stek Index More Information 363 INDEX Achaemenid Empire, 1 , 12 , 86 , 87 , 88 , 182 , Ayn Manawir, 92 , 93 , 95 , 102 , 103 , 310 , 316 104 , 105 Adad- nā rā rī III, 332 Azerbaijan, 176 , 182 , 185 Aequi, 156 , 158 Aztec, 4 , 314 , 315 Aesernia, 151 , 163 Aztec Empire, 311 Agamben, 183 agents of empire, 352 Balikh, 243 , 244 , 245 , 246 , 248 , 249 , 251 , 252 , agricultural development, 353 , 354 253 , 256 , 258 , 259 , 260 , 261 , 331 agriculture, 88 , 90 , 145 , 146 , 152 , 164 , 167 baptistery of Mar Yaqub, 261 Akkadian, 2 Bastam, 178 , 179 , 180 , 183 Alba Fucens, 146 , 149 , 155 , 156 , 157 , 158 , Batabat, 187 159 , 161 , 162 , 163 , 165 , 166 , 167 Bel Temple, 250 Al- Khazir, 55 , 57 , 60 , 63 , 72 Bible, 1 Amun, 96 , 97 , 99 , 101 , 103 , 104 bioarchaeology, 176 Andes, 326 , 327 , 333 , 335 , 337 , 343 Biscione, 183 Ania, 187 Black Sea, 115 Aragatsi Berd, 181 Blemmyes, 219 , 228 Arame, 178 , 199 block survey, 125 , 127 Ararat Valley, 182 border region, 241 Araucanian polity, 176 borderland, 207 , 209 , 210 , 211 , 213 , 214 , 220 , Arbela, 51 , 57 , 74 222 , 225 , 227 Argišti, 182 , 183 , 184 , 185 , 187 , 188 borders, 241 , 242 , 243 , 244 , 246 , 248 , 251 , Armavir, 179 252 , 254 , 256 , 258 , 260 , 261 , 262 , 263 , 264 Armenia, 178 , 181 , 185 , 186 , 198 , 199 Bosporan state, 117 , 137 Arṣ ini, 187 boundary, 207 , 210 , 220 , 228 , 230 artefact density, 125 Brittle Ware, 253 , 255 , 261 artefact distribution, 138 Bronze Age settlements, 127 Ashur, 49 , 50 , 51 , 55 , 56 , 62 , 66 , 67 , 71 , Butrint, 272 , 273 , 274 , 276 , 277 , 278 , 279 , 74 , 75 , 76 280 , 284 , 285 , 286 , 289 , 291 , 292, 293 , Ashurnasirpal II, 51 , 52 , 56 294 , 295 aspirational empires, 2 Byzantine Empire, 1 , 272 , 273 , 274 , 275 , Assur, 27 , 30 , 31 , 32 , 33 , 36 , 38 276 , 277 , 278 , 281 , 284 , 285 , 286 , 289 , 291 , Assyria, 48 , 49 , 52 , 53 , 57 , 62 , 65 , 68 , 72 , 73 , 292 , 293 , 294 , 295 75 , 178 , 180 , 182 , 183 , 185 , 199 Byzantium, 274 , 277 , 291 Assyrian Empire, 1 Assyrianisation, 5 Callinicum (Raqqa), 243 , 246 , 247 , 251 , 257 , Assyrian road system, 343 260 , 262 Ayanis, 179 , 180 , 183 Cambyses, 88 , 91 , 105 363 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-18970-6 — The Archaeology of Imperial Landscapes Edited by Bleda S. Düring , Tesse D. Stek Index More Information 364 364 INDEX Carrhae (Harran), 243 , 246 , 247 , 253 , 256 , dual administration, 308 , 315 257 , 260 Dunnu , 30 , 35 , 38 Carseoli, 156 Dur- Katlimmu, 31 , 32 , 51 , 53 , 54 , 74 , 75 cash crops, 353 Dur- Sharrukin, 50 , 51 , 57 , 60 , 64 , 73 Caspian Sea, 182 Dura Europos, 240 , 242 , 249 , 251 , 253 , 255 , castor beans, 104 , 105 , 106 257 , 260 , 262 , 263 Caucasus, 175 , 179 , 181 , 186 , 196 Dush, 93 , 95 , 109 ceramic, 247 , 249 , 278 , 279 , 282 , 286 , 288 Džarylgač Survey Project, 118 , 119 , 122 , Chersonesos, 118 , 119 , 120 , 121 , 122 , 124 , 124 , 125 , 126 , 127 , 128 , 129 , 131 , 132 , 133 , 134 , 135 , 136 , 137 , 138 , 139 134 , 135 , 137 , 138 , 139 , 140 , 141 China, 6 , 7 , 302 , 304 , 310 Christianity, 261 Early Byzantine, 273 , 278 , 279 , 281 , 282 , 285 , Cimmerians, 182 286 , 288 , 289 , 291 , 292 , 295 citizenship, 357 early Hellenistic period, 118 city- state, 115 , 116 , 117 , 141 Early Iron Age, 181 city- state model, 153 , 155 Early Iron Age corrugated wares, 330 civic oath, 123 Egypt, 7 civic oath of Chersonesos, 135 , 141 Egyptian, 25 , 26 Cizre- Silopi Plain, 331 Elam, 182 coins, 247 , 249 , 250 , 260 , 284 , 286 Elephantine, 103 , 104 , 105 colonies, 166 , 354 , 355 , 357 elimination of diversity, 308 , 309 , 314 comparative history, 324 , 345 elite cooptation, 352 complex polity, 302 , 306 , 307 , 316 empire building, 175 concentric model of empires, 354 empires as overlay organisation, 352 constant warfare, 183 ethnohistory, 327 Constantinople, 272 , 274 , 276 , 277 , 285 , 286 , Etiuni/ Etiuhi, 195 287 , 289 , 291 , 292 , 293 , 295 Euphrates, 182 , 185 construction of imperial infrastructure, 330 exceptionality of empires, 6 Cosa, 149 , 150 , 154 cotton, 218 , 226 Faideh, 66 , 68 , 76 creation of imperial administrative centers, i eld surveys, 163 330 , 332 , 343 i shing, 164 Crimea, 116 , 118 , 119 , 120 , 121 , 122 , 123 , Fishman, 196 124 , 125 , 127 , 131 , 134 , 135 , 136 , 137 , food production, 245 , 248 , 251 138 , 139 forced labor, 339 culture of empire, 24 , 25 , 40 , 355 , 356 fortresses, 178 , 179 , 180 , 181 , 182 , 183 , 184 , Cuzco, 333 , 335 185 , 186 , 187 , 188 , 190 , 191 , 193 , 195 , 198 frictional cost of transport, 7 Dakhla Oasis, 90 , 104 , 107 , 207 , 214 , 216 , 217 frontier, 206 , 209 , 210 , 211 , 220 , 222 , 223 , Darius, 91 , 96 , 99 , 100 , 102 229 , 357 , 358 , 359 Dark Age, 275 , 277 , 293 decentralisation, 183 , 184 Gegharot, 181 demographic patterns, 338 genocide, 147 , 156 , 166 deportations, 38 geomagnetic prospection, 126 direct territorial control, 330 Getap, 188 discrete scatters, 125 , 127 globalisation, 87 dispersal of settlements, 330 Gopnik, 193 displacement, 308 , 314 , 315 Graeco– Skythian relations, 123 , 141 Dodekaschoinos, 223 , 226 grain export, 124 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-18970-6 — The Archaeology of Imperial Landscapes Edited by Bleda S. Düring , Tesse D. Stek Index More Information 365 INDEX 365 grand strategy, 11 , 28 , 29 Karkamiš, 26 Great Oasis, 207 , 212 , 214 , 215 , 218 , 220 Karmir Blur, 179 , 183 , 191 Greek colonisation, 115 Kar- Tukulti- Ninurta, 31 , 49 , 50 , 51 , 54 , 56 , 74 Hammurabi, 23 Kazakhstan, 302 Hamoukar Survey, 34 Kef Kalesi, 183 Hanigalbat, 27 , 29 Kerkinitis, 117 , 118 , 122 , 124 , 135 , 136 , 137 Hasanlu, 187 Khabur, 54 , 71 , 74 , 76 , 331 Hatun Xuaxa, 337 Kharga Oasis, 87 , 88 , 90 , 91 , 92 , 94 , 100 , 102 , Hatunmarca, 337 103 , 104 , 105 , 107 , 108 Hellenisation, 5 Khinis, 56 , 66 , 67 , 68 , 76 Hellenistic, 116 , 118 , 122 , 127 , 134 , 136 , 137 Khitan, 312 , 315 Hellenistic economy, 116 Khorsabad, 62 , 64 , 72 Herakleian Peninsula, 116 , 119 , 120 , 121 Kilali Tepe, 188 Hercules, 159 , 160 , 161 , 165 , 166 , 167 Kilizu, 51 , 54 , 57 , 63 Herodotus, 87 , 91 , 104 , 109 Kurdistan, 182 Hibis, 95 , 96 , 97 , 99 , 100 , 101 , 102 , 103 , kurgan , 125 , 127 , 130 , 131 , 133 , 134 , 141 104 , 109 Hibis temple, 99 , 101 , 102 , 103 , 109 land divisions, 119 , 122 , 135 , 137 , 155 , 162 , 163 Hittite, 25 , 26 , 312 , 316 land use, 118 , 124 , 125 , 129 , 130 , 133 , 134 , Horom, 186 , 198 139 , 141 landscape classii cation, 127 ideology, 213 , 215 , 216 , 230 landscape engineering, 353 imperial aspirations, 352 landscape in i lling, 331 imperial collaborators, 357 , 358 Las Trancas, 344 imperial control, 241 , 250 , 251 , 253 , 262 , 263 Late Bronze Age, 180 imperial propaganda, 355 , 356 , 357 Late Classical, 115 , 122 imperialism, 242 , 244 , 245 Late Classical and Early Hellenistic, 127 , Inca, 4 , 310 , 314 , 325 , 326 , 327 , 333 , 335 , 337 , 128 , 129 , 130 , 131 , 132 , 133 , 139 338 , 339 , 340 , 342 , 343 , 345 Late Classical and Hellenistic period, 120 Inca road system, 339 Late Hellenistic period, 121 indigenous settlement organisation, 118 limes , 241 , 246 Iran, 178 , 181 , 182 , 185 , 186 , 193 , 196 , Liverani, 27 198 , 199 logistics of empire, 7 Iraq, 240 , 244 , 250 , 255 Lower Zab, 50 , 54 Iraqi Kurdistan, 245 , 250 , 261 , 262 Luttwak. 62, 63 irrigation, 31 , 32 , 36 , 38 , 90 , 91 , 92 , 94 , 102 , 105 , 107 Machiavelli, 1 Išpuini, 182 , 187 Maltai, 56 , 66 , 68 , 76 Italy, southern, 276 , 279 , 284 , 285 , 289 , 291 , manipulation of continuity, 308 , 314 , 315 292 , 293 Marca, 337 , 346 marginal incorporation, 308 , 313 , 314 , Jazira, 331 , 332 315 , 316 Jerwan, 66 , 76 Mari, Land of, 33 Joj Kogh, 188 Marsi, 156 materiality of empires, 175 Kalhu, 50 , 51 Mbembé, Achille, 178 Kalos Limen, 117 , 118 , 119 , 122 , 124 , 125 , Menua, 182 , 187 126 , 133 , 134 , 135 , 136 , 139 Meroe, 222 , 224 , 226 , 230 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-18970-6 — The Archaeology of Imperial Landscapes Edited by Bleda S. Düring , Tesse D. Stek Index More Information 366 366 INDEX Meshta, 182 overlay model of empires, 2 Middle Bronze Age, 181 overlay organisation, 308 , 312 , 313 Middle Byzantine, 286 , 287 , 288 , 289 , 293 , 295 Palmyra, 246 , 250 , 251 , 256 , 261 Middle Iron Age, 175 Panskoe, 119 , 120 , 122 , 125 , 126 , 130 , 133 , military, 240 , 241 , 242 , 245 , 249 , 250 , 251 , 134 , 135 , 137 , 138 253 , 255 , 256 , 258 , 259 , 260 , 261 , 262 , 263 Parsua, 182 military infrastructure, 252 Parthian Empire, 246 , 248 , 249 military presence, 241 Parthian temple, 248 Mithridates VI Eupator, 124 pastoralism, 124 , 133 , 134 , 139 , 161 , 165 , 167 , Mittani, 23 , 24 , 25 , 26 , 27 , 29 , 32 , 33 , 34 , 35 179 , 181 , 242 , 244 , 263 , 302 mode, 305 , 306 , 308 , 316 , 317 Patnos, 180 Mommsen, 1 peripheral areas, 241 , 245 , 258 Mongol, 312 Persepolis, 86 , 103 , 106 , 107 Mongol Empire, 309 , 310 , 316 Persians, 87 , 97 , 103 , 104 , 105 , 106 , 108 Mongolia, 302 Peru, 326 , 336 Monte Alban, 176 Pisac, 340 Musasir, 182 political community, 306 , 307 , 308 , 316 , 317 Pontic Greeks, 137 Nairi, 181 poor visibility, 127 Navkur, 57 , 72 Postgate, J. N., 27 negotiation, 175 , 176 , 178 , 187 , 196 , 197 , 198 post- Urartian, 182 Neo- Assyrian Empire, 325 , 326 , 331 , 333 ,
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