www.TheMennonite.org April 4, 2006 Page 8 12 The Transfiguration 18 It takes a village to support a CO 16 Escaping the islands of isolation 40 Up from the grave GRACE AND TRUTH Still fighting temptation hy does no one talk about temptation any- Why can’t we be honest with each other and admit more? We talk about the temptation of our ownership of these luxuries? Some don’t even W materialism in our wealthy Western cul- want to write down a pledge for their annual tithe ture, then we just sigh, as if there is no use talking to the church lest anyone find out how much it is. about the state of our world since we don’t believe Are we so afraid to tell the whole truth because we can change it anyway. Materialism has become the tradition of criticism in the church community the only socially acceptable temptation to discuss has destroyed our ability to be vulnerable? in the church today. However, I seem to experi- Perhaps we have been betrayed by that talking in ence other temptations that are equally bother- the past and won’t allow it to happen to us again. some to my sense of responsibility and salvation. But now we betray the truth of our lives when we For example, isn’t anyone else tempted to talk cannot admit who we are and what we have. We when we should keep quiet? When you learn should speak with truth and be silent with wisdom. something about someone who has hurt you, do Here is another temptation. Isn’t anyone else you not want to tell others, as if to say, I knew that tempted to befriend people from other cultures, was the kind of person they were all along. The make it clear to them we are Christian but not con- Anne Stuckey vindication comes in the telling. It is in the telling demn them because of their beliefs? I find it con- is associate that we betray others and the God who loves us. trary to all I have experienced of God to tell others pastor at Zion As a pastor, I hear the stories of many who may they have no hope of eternal life because they do Mennonite Church in have been hurt by one specific person. How I want not follow Jesus. Joseph Hough wrote: “What is Archbold, Ohio. to tell them they are not alone, that Alice also was essential in Christian faith is that we know we have hurt, and Bert and James. But I cannot pass on seen the face of God in the face of Jesus Christ. It that information because Alice, James and Bert is not essential to believe that no one else has seen have told me their stories in confidence. The temp- God and experienced redemption in another time tation to talk is one form of betrayal that I fight. and place.” So every time I hear someone claim And isn’t anyone else tempted to slight the there are many ways to come to God, I feel a pull whole truth? Not being completely honest is par to accept that possibility. Yet I also know the for the course in most conversations these days. Scriptures. I know what John 14 says. So I admit to But I have never heard anyone confess to that being tempted to deny Jesus as the only way, truth temptation. I know Mennonites are tempted to and life in situations like this. It appears it was not keep the truth from each other for many reasons. only Judas and Peter who were tempted to betray We usually hide the truth because we don’t want Christ. We, too, are tempted and willingly give up others, least of all others in the congregation, to our peace because our hearts and minds are not know our financial situations. The only exception always stayed on God, as Judah sang from experi- to this rule occurs when we are in dire straits and ence (Isaiah 26:3). won’t survive without help. But does anyone else I confess I am still fighting temptation. The in your congregation know how much credit card temptations are many for all of us. All I can say is debt you have? that I continue to cling to Peter’s example. Though Some of us hide our wealth in a multitude of he failed, he did not give up. I am tempted over disguises, such as substantial retirement accounts, and over, but I will not betray my Lord by giving investments, rental properties and second homes. up on this journey with Christ. TM The Mennonite is the official publication of Mennonite Church USA. Our TheMennonite Vol. 9, No. 7, April 4, 2006 mission is to help readers glorify God, grow in faith and become agents of healing and hope in the world. The Mennonite (ISSN 1522-7766) is normal- Editor: Everett J. Thomas Offices: ly published on the first and third Tuesdays of each month by the board [email protected] 1700 S. Main St. for The Mennonite, Inc. Periodical postage paid at Scottdale, PA 15683- Associate Editor: Gordon Houser Goshen, IN 46526-4794 1999. Canada Post international publications mail sales agreement no. [email protected] phone: 800-790-2498 40033185, GST no. R122192453. Subscription rates: $41.95 (U.S.) per year. Advertising Coordinator: Kristene Miller fax: 574-535-6050 Group rates available. Scripture references are from the New Revised [email protected] Standard Version unless otherwise noted. The views expressed in this pub- Circulation Manager: Rebecca Helmuth 722 Main St., P.O. Box 347 lication do not necessarily represent the official positions of Mennonite Newton, KS 67114 Church USA, The Mennonite, or the board for The Mennonite, Inc. [email protected] phone: 866-866-2872 Editorial Assistant: Nora Miller fax: 316-283-0454 Postmaster Design: Dee Birkey Send form 3579 to: Web site The Mennonite Cover: fotolia.com stock image www.TheMennonite.org 1700 S. Main St. Goshen, IN 46526 2 TheMennonite April 4,2006 CONTENTS 16 6 8 Bearing the cross What did Jesus mean by urging us to take up our cross?— Linda Gehman Peachey 12 The Transfiguration: an apocalypse of the cross A study of Mark 9:2-13—Bert Newton 14 Clearing space, paying attention, being connected How we can create space in our daily life for God—Gerry Ediger 19 16 Escaping the islands of isolation The stewardship of relationships—Roy E. Bronkema 19 Mennonite World Conference gathering More than 220 attend mini-assembly held March 9-15 in Pasadena, Calif.—Paul Schrag 23 CPT workers freed by U.S. forces in Iraq 24 Authorities recognize Vietnam church 25 MCC staff mark Iraq war anniversary 26 Hertzler death brings Thai man new life 11 27 Ecuador church safe haven for refugees DEPARTMENTS 2 Grace and truth Still fighting temptation—Anne Stuckey 4 Readers say 6 News digest 18 Speaking out It takes a village to support a CO—Sylvia Klauser 32 For the record 38 Real Families Here I raise mine Ebenezer—Regina Shands Stoltzfus 40 Editorial Up from the grave—Everett J. Thomas April 4,2006 TheMennonite 3 READERS SAY Weak support for peace position Pro-life means antiwar Confession of Faith in a Mennonite Perspective, In “Pro-life Means Antiwar” (Speaking Out, March Article 22, says, “We believe that peace is the will 7), Timothy Allen fails to make the important dis- of God. God created the world in peace, and God’s tinction between an innocent unborn child and a peace is most fully revealed in Jesus Christ, who is guilty criminal. In Romans 13:4 Paul explicitly rec- our peace and the peace of the whole world. Led ognizes government as God’s “agent of wrath to This publication wel- by the Holy Spirit, we follow Christ in the way of bring punishment on the wrongdoer.” What could comes your letters, either about our con- peace, doing justice, bringing reconciliation and the warning “he does not bear the sword for noth- tent or about issues practicing nonresistance even in the face of vio- ing” possibly mean except that those in earthly facing the Mennonite Church USA. Please lence and warfare.” authority are responsible for the punishment of keep your letters Now we learn that in the Virginia Mennonite wrongdoers? brief—one or two paragraphs—and Conference “40 percent supported the idea of the Saddam Hussein had a history of attacking about one subject United States participating in war” and “59 percent Kurdish civilians with poison gas, invading Kuwait only. We reserve the right to edit for of those completing the survey felt it was OK for and launching missiles at Israel and Saudi Arabia. length and clarity. Mennonites to use violence in self-defense” Because of his past actions he had an international Publication is also subject to space limi- (“Survey: Weak Support for Peace Position,” obligation to fully comply with United Nations’ tations. Send to March 7). So what does this imply for Mennonite weapons inspectors. He was given over a decade Letters@TheMenno- nite.org or mail to Church USA? Does Virginia Conference stand to do so before a coalition of governments went to Readers Say, The alone? Or is this a reflection of Mennonite opinion war against Iraq. We can debate if war was appro- Mennonite, 1700 S. Main St., Goshen, IN across the wider church?—John Halder, Parnell, priate for these circumstances, but making war is a 46526-4794. Please Iowa God-given prerogative of earthly authorities.
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