DEKALB COUNTY BOARD OF HEALTH Master Active Living Plan INDIANINDIAN CREEK CREEK MARTAMARTA STATION STATION March 2013 October 2013 - DRAFT DeKalb County Board of Commissioners Elaine Boyer Jeff Rader Larry Johnson Sharon Sutton Lee May Kathie Gannon Stan Watson Management Team Andrew A. Baker, AICP DeKalb County Planning & Sustainability, Associate Director Shawanna N. Qawiy, MPA, MSCM DeKalb County Planning & Sustainability, Project Manager Sidney E. Douse, III, AICP DeKalb County Planning & Sustainability, Land Use Planner Planning Team Tunnell-Spangler-Walsh & Associates Grice Consulting Group Fox Environmental Graham and Associates Designing4Health Marketek Inc SL King Technologies, Inc TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .................................2 PART III: PUBLIC PROCESS ..........................31 Community Health Recommendations .........................3 3.1 Process Overview................................................. 32 Land Use Recommendations ........................................4 Health Questionnaire ....................................................34 Urban Design Recommendations .................................4 Transportation Recommendations ................................5 PART IV: RECOMMENDATIONS .................. 37 Housing & Economic Development Recommendations 5 4.1 Overview of Recommendations............................ 38 PART I: INTRODUCTION ............................... 7 Future Vision .................................................................38 1.1 Overview............................................................... 8 4.2 Land Use and Zoning Recommendations ............ 42 Master Plan Goals ........................................................8 Land Use and Zoning Policies ......................................42 Study Area Overview ....................................................8 Land Use and Zoning Projects ......................................42 PART II: EXISTING CONDITIONS ............... 11 4.3 Urban Design Recommendations ........................ 47 Urban Design Policies ...................................................47 2.1 Community Health ................................................12 Urban Design Projects ..................................................48 2.2 Land Use and Zoning ........................................... 14 4.5 Transportation Recommendations........................ 51 Existing Land Use .........................................................14 Transportation Policies ..................................................51 Future Land Use ...........................................................14 Transportation Projects .................................................53 Existing Zoning .............................................................15 4.6 Housing & Economic 2.3 Urban Design........................................................ 19 Development Recommendations ......................... 56 2.5 Transportation....................................................... 21 Economic Development Policies ...................................56 Roadway Access and Circulation ..................................21 Economic Development Projects ..................................57 Roadway Characteristics ..............................................22 Sidewalks ......................................................................22 PART V: IMPLEMENTATION .........................59 $YHUDJH$QQXDO'DLO\7UDI¿F .........................................22 5.1 Action Plan............................................................ 60 Roadway Level of Service ............................................23 Community Priorities .....................................................60 Crash Locations ............................................................23 Health Focused Funding ...............................................60 MARTA Transit ..............................................................24 Steps Toward Implementation .......................................61 Transportation Sustainability .........................................24 Transportation Action Matrix .........................................62 2.5 Demographics and Markets.................................. 27 Other Project Action Matrix ...........................................63 Market Area Demographic Trends ................................27 Residential Market Overview ........................................28 INDIAN CREEK MARTA STATION AREA STATION MARTA CREEK INDIAN Retail Market Overview .................................................29 2I¿FH0DUNHW2YHUYLHZ .................................................29 Estimated Future Development Potential .....................29 DEKALB HEALTHY COMMUNITIES MASTER PLAN MASTER COMMUNITIES DEKALB HEALTHY Executive Summary October 2013 - DRAFT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY To achieve these goals, subareas within DeKalb a quarter of the total study area’s acreage. Overall, County have been organized, with this portion of the mixed land use pattern appears to be healthy Chronic diseases are among the most common the study focusing on the area around the Indian for this area. However, the poor connectivity be- and costly of all health problems in the United Creek MARTA Station. tween residential and other land uses does not States, but they also are among the most prevent- promote activities that lead to a healthy lifestyle. Existing Conditions able. Lack of physical activity and poor nutrition, DeKalb County’s Future Development Map has WZRPRGL¿DEOHULVNIDFWRUVIRUREHVLW\DQGWREDFFR Health related data featured in the report was de- designated most of this area as a Town Center, use are responsible for much of the illness, suf- rived from the Georgia Department of Communi- which may include a variety of land uses of me- 1 fering, and death related to chronic diseases. To ty Health (DBOH), the DeKalb County Board of dium and high density. However, current develop- help address these health issues, the U.S. De- Health, the US Census Bureau and other reputa- ment patterns discourage walking, bicycling, and partment of Health and Human Services (HHS) ble sources. Cardiovascular mortality was found other forms of physical activity as part of daily life. created Communities Putting Prevention to Work to be the number one cause of death in DeKalb (CPPW), which is led by the Centers for Disease County, and residents of the Indian Creek MAR- 2YHUWKHQH[W¿YH\HDUVJURZWKLQWKHPDUNHWDU- Control and Prevention (CDC). TA Station study area fell in the top 20% of the eas and DeKalb County is anticipated to pick up county for diabetes mortality, homicide mortality, slightly (to an average of 0.6 to 0.7 percent per Through these programs, DeKalb County, Geor- year). gia is tackling public health threats throughout and asthma mortality. A summary table is provided its region by creating a Master Active Living Plan below. Market research shows that residential target mar- (MALP). The integration of physical activity and To plan for these health threats, among others, the kets will include empty nesters, young profession- other healthy behaviors into the daily routines of study area’s land use, urban design, transporta- als, small families and workforce housing. Retail DeKalb County residents is the focus of this study. tion and demographic data were analyzed. focus should be on attracting a business mix that By planning communities with a deliberate focus will enhance residents’ ability to make healthy The study area includes a variety of land uses and choices such as fresh groceries, healthy restau- on health, the health and quality-of-life of their res- zoning codes. The Indian Creek MARTA Station, idents can be improved. rants, retailers in an attractive and a walkable which is categorized as Transportation, Communi- HQYLURQPHQW3RWHQWLDORI¿FHVSDFHXVHVLQFOXGH cation and Utilities (TCU) land use, includes about SURIHVVLRQDO VHUYLFHV OHJDO ¿QDQFLDO PHGLFDO Key Health Statistics Mortality due to Injuries (motor vehicles, Injuries (motor vehicles, Cancer Mortality Cardiovascular Mortality Respiratory Diseases pedestrian, homicide) pedestrian, homicide) (DeKalb County) (DeKalb County) (DeKalb County) (DeKalb County) #1 Problem in DeKalb County #2 Problem in DeKalb County #3 Problem in DeKalb County #4 Problem in DeKalb County #5 Problem in DeKalb County Higher infant mortality/low- Diabetes Mortality compared Homicide Mortality com- Asthma Mortality compared to Limited health/dental service er birth weight compared to to DeKalb County pared to DeKalb County DeKalb County area DeKalb County top 20% in DeKalb County top 20% in DeKalb County top 20% in DeKalb County yes no 1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The Burden of Chronic Diseases and Their Risk Factors: National and State Perspectives 2004. Atlanta: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; 2004. 2 Master Active Living Plan - Indian Creek MARTA Station October 2013 - DRAFT Executive Summary dental, etc.). Ultimately, the study area’s success • Provide health education programs for all at capturing demand will depend on implementing ages (O-18) a comprehensive development program with a va- • Build partnerships between DeKalb County riety of residential and commercial uses. Board of Health partnerships and local hos- The recommendations that follow have been de- pitals and medical centers to provide mobile veloped to realize a vision that emerged from an health services to residents (O-19) open and inclusive planning process. Throughout • Expand physical exercise programs
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