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Index Page numbers in italic, e.g. 432, signify references to figures. Page numbers in bold, e.g. 185, denote references to tables. Abbottabad 432 Buldar Gah 79 Afghanistan block 9 Buldar gorge 67 Aghil 9 Buldar River 52, 56, 168, 172 Aghil range 18 Buldar valley 171 Aghil Shaksgam 11 Bunar Gah 79, 80 Airl Gab 79, 83 Buni 239 Airl Gali 80, 81, 82 Bunji 79, 139, 203 Alchi 336 Burawai 413 Alitchur mountains 238 altitude distribution (hypsometry) 181, 185, 185, 193 Chakesar Fault 389 Altyn Tagh Fault (ATF) 8-9, 9, 17, 202 Chalt 432 Ainu Darya 9 Chain 80 anastomosing shear zone 295, 305-310 Chaman Fault 9, 202 geological setting 295-296, 296 Chang Chemno River 254 regional strain 296-300, 298 Chang-la 254 shear strain 300-305, 301, 302, 303, 304, 305, 306, Chatthewala 413, 434 307, 308, 309 Chenab gorge 205 Aral Sea 9 Chenab River 124, 457 Arkari Gol 239, 243 Chichi 125 Asian Plate 2, 27, 103, 138 Chichi valley 171 Astor 52, 103, 104, 105, 125, 139, 203, 322 Chilas (Chillass) 79, 80, 322, 432 Astor gorge 132 133, 134-135 Chitral 11,376, 432 mineral lineation 133 Chogo Lungma glacier 11 Astor River 28, 52, 79, 151,168, 172, 203 Chongra 79, 80, 125 Astor valley 170, 189 Chowa Dara valley 314 Ar-Ar data 151-154, 153, 154 Chuggam Gah 79 geochronology 151-154, 152, 154, 155 Chusul 254 Atark Gol 244 clinopyroxene 248 Atholi 205 crustal thickening, Central Tibet 8 augen gneisses 130, 133 cylindrical bending of plates 7 Babusar 376, 389 Darband Fault 389 Babusar Pass 80, 413 Darbuk 254 Balkash, Lake 9 Darchan 28, 79, 203 Baltistan 257 Dargai Fault 376 Baltoro 11 Dargai m61ange 376, 389 Baluch antiform 203 Dashat 80, 82 Banggong suture 9 Dassu 322 Banna Unit 389 Delhi 9, 457 Barai Gah 79, 80, 82 Deossai Plains 18 Barai glacier 82 Deshkit (Dishkit) 254, 255 Barum Gol 239 Diamir Basin 186, 191, 192, 193 Barum valley 244 Diamir Gah 79, 80, 82, 92 Beas River 457 Diamir shear zone 81, 82, 95 Besal 413 Diamir valley 81, 92 Besham 322, 432 Dichil 105 Bezar Gali 170 Dichil Gah 79, 103, 105, 106 Biji Gah 79, 80, 82 Dichil Gali 79, 125 Boarian 434 digital elevation modelling (DEM) 181, 183, 184, 185 Bodh 336, 342, 344 Digital Terrain Model (DTM) 11 Bouguer anomalies 8, 11, 13 Dimeroi 82 Buldar Basin 186, 191, 192, 193 Dir 322, 376 Buldar Fault 57, 61, 63, 72, 73 Dishkit (Deshkit) 254, 255 478 INDEX Doda River 205 Raikot glacier 168, 175 Doian rockslide 166 Rama-Siachen glacier 130-132 Dras 336 Rupal glacier 168 Dumo Gah 80 Sachen glacier 168 Dushanba 9 Shalgiri glacier 168 Tap glacier 168 East Hindu Kush block, Palaeozoic-Mesozoic evo- Tarshing glacier 168 lution 240-242 Toshain glacier 82 East Hindu Kush plutonic belt (EHKP) 239, 242-245 Global Positioning System (GPS) 11 eclogites gneisses country rocks 418-420 augen gneisses 130, 133 geochemistry 415, 416, 417, 418, 421, 424, 443 Indian Plate 28-46 Higher Himalayan Crystallines 424-426 Iskere Gneiss 47, 124, 134, 139, 203-204 metamorphism 414-415, 420-424, 425, 427 migmatic 29-30, 29, 30, 124-126, 131,131 occurance 411-412 Nanga Parbat gneisses 124-126, 127, 131-132, 133, petrography 415-418, 419, 420, 423, 427 134-135 elastic thickness equation 13 Shengus Gneiss 47, 124, 139, 203-204 ETOPO5 Digital Terrain Model 10, fold-out between gravity anomalies 7 pages 11/12 gravity/topography coherence function 12-15, 13, 16 Great Meridian Arc 7 Fairy Meadows 26, 39, 203, 203 Gumberanjon 205 Fatu La formation 401 Gumot 413, 434 Fergana Basin 9 Gumot shear zone 434 finite element modelling (FEM) 219 Himalayan syntaxes 220-225, 229-234 Haramosh 27, 28, 52, 103, 124, 139, 164, 183, 203 lithospheric model 221 Haramosh glacier 11 parameters 222 Haramosh schist 124 results 223-228, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, Harchu 103, 104, 105, 106 231, 232, 233 Hazara 124 mathematical model 236 Hazara Syntaxis 376, 432 flexural rigidity 7-8, 12 Herat Fault 9, 376 Fortu-La 336 Himalaya 102, 334 Frunze 9 evolution 25 Higher Himalaya 101 Ganbir 314 isotopic data 210, 211, 213 Ganga River 457 Higher Himalayan Crystalline Series (HHCS) 201- Garrol 82 203, 209-211 Gashit 82 eclogites 424-426 Gashit fold 86 metamorphic evolution 438-446, 439, 440, 441, Geological Survey of India 1 445 Ghujerab valley 11 P-T-t paths 426-427 Gilgit 10, 27, 124, 138, 139, 164, 183, 322, 376, 432 Higher Himalayan leucogranites 203, 209-210 Gilgit River 139, 164, 183, 432 Lesser Himalaya 101,203, 204-205, 396 Gittidas 413 isotopic data 210, 213 glaciation 167-172, 168 Lesser Himalayan Crystalline Series (LHS) 201-203, Barai glacier 82 209-211,433-448, 439, 440, 441, 445 Bazhin glacier 168 mass deficiency 7 Buldar glacier 168 metamorphism 156-157 Changra glacier 168 tectonic framework 396 Chogo Lungma glacier 11 Himalayan syntaxes 220 chronology 169 finite element modelling (FEM) 220-225, 229-234 Chungpar glacier 168 lithospheric model 221 Diamir glacier 168 parameters 222 glacial terraces 173, 174, 175 results 223-228, 224, 225, 226, 277, 228, 229, 230, Haramosh glacier 11 231, 232, 233 Hispar Biafo glacier system 11 synformal basins 225-228, 226 Jalhari glacier 80 Himalayan zones 456 Lotang glacier 168 Hindu Kush range 1, 9, 78, fold-out between pages Mazeno glacier 168 276/277, 277-278 Patro glacier 168 compression 8 Nanga Parbat massif 188-191, 195-196 evolution 287- 291,288 INDEX 479 lithology 278 lithology intrusive granitoids 280-281 Bodh Khabu area 351 NW of Tirich Mir Fault zone 278-280 coarse clastic unit 364-366 Tirich Mir Fault zone-Reshun Fault 280 distal Indian passive margin 351 seismicity 8, 289-291,290 Karamba complex 349-351,349 strike-slip tectonics 288-289, 289 Lamayuru complex 348-349, 348 structure 281 limestones and sandstones 362 Akhlan Tirich 284-285 marble and skarn 362 Besti-Arkari-Agram area 282-283 metamorphic units 359-360 categorization 281-282 mud-matrix m61ange 360 correlation 281-282 Mulbeck area 351 data 282, 283 Namika-La 351 evolution 286-287 northern m+lange zone 360 Gharam Chasma area 282-284, 284 Pushkum area 356-358 Reshun Fault-Tirich Mir pluton fault 285-286 Sapi-La area 349 timing 281-282 serpentinitic unit 351-356 Tirich Mir pluton fault area 285 southern m61ange zone 366 upper Lutkho valley migmatite area 285 tholeiitic volcanics 360-362 Hispar Biafo glacier system 11 Urtsi area 358-359 Hundar 254, 255 volcaniclastic-terrigenous unit 363-364 Hungru 336, 346-349, 347, 360 volcanic-volcaniclastic unit 356-359 Hunza River 164, 183 northern m61ange zone 335, 338, 357 Hunza valley 11 eastern segment 346-348 hypsometry (altitude distribution) 181, 185, 185, 193 Hungru-Mongyu area 346-348, 347, 360 Pushkum area 345-346, 346 Indian Plate 1, 2, 8, 83, 103 tectonostratigraphy 345-348 collision with Asian Plate 2 western segment 345-346 crustal shortening 395-396, 407-409 previous studies 337 deformation 397 southern m61ange zone 335, 338, 350, 361 geological overview 396-397, 396 Bodh Khabu area 342, 344 Indus Suture zone 397-399, 398 eastern segment 342-345 pop-up structure 399-403, 402, 403 Lamayuru area 344 Spontang region 403-405 Sapi-La area 339-342, 340, 341 Zanskar, southern 405-407 Shergol-Mulbeck area 342, 343 gneisses 26 tectonostratigraphy 339-345 mafic sheets 28-48, 29, 30 Urtsi area 344-345, 345 lithology 83-84 western segment 339-342 lower cover rocks 84 study methodology 335 stratigraphic and tectonic evolution 467, 471-473, tectonic evolution 366-368, 369, 399 472 tectonic setting 335-339 Altimur range 471 Indus Syntaxis 376, 389 Kabul block 471 Indus River 28, 52, 56, 57, 79, 80, 103, 124, 125, 139, Katawaz Basin 470-471 146, 164, 168, 172-173, 183, 457 Kohe Sulaiman 469-470 capture 165-166 Kurram, western 469 evolution 165 Spinghar 467-469 incision rate 182 stratigraphic corrections 471 Indus-Tsangpo Suture Zone 101,220, 396 Waziristan, south 470 see also Indus Suture Zone Waziristan-Khost 469 Indus valley 11, 54 structure 84-85 geochronology 146-151,149, 150 underthrust 47 Iskere 28, 79, 203 upper cover rocks 83 84 Iskere Gneiss 47, 124, 134, 139, 203-204 Indo-Ganges plain 101 Islamabad 2, 9, 10, 27, 78, 124, 138 Indus gorge isostacy 7 Ar-Ar data 146-151,147, 148 isotope analysis methodology 206-207, 316 geochronology 146 isotope-terrain correlation 209-214 Indus Suture Zone (ISZ) 9, 9, 17, 254, 334, 368-371, 397-399, 398 Jaglot 28 see also Indus-Tsangpo Suture Zone Jalalabad 376 deformation 397-399, 398 Jalalabad Basin 376 geochemistry 352, 353, 354 Jalhari Gah 82 480 INDEX Jalhari glacier 80 Peshawar-Takla Makan desert 17, 17 Jalhari granite 87-91, 88, 89, 90, 92, 95 Potwar Plateau-Tarim Depression 17, 17 Jalipur 389 Rawalpindi-Kashgar 17, 18 Jalipur Gab 80 relief map 10 Janak Conglomerate 457 profiles 12 evolution of Himalayan drainage 464 seismology 8 general aspects 459-460, 460, 461, 462 structural model 11-21 lithofacies 460-463 tectonic setting 8 9, 9 river morphology 463 Karamba 340 stratigraphic relationships 463-464 Kargii 334, 336 Jhelum River 124, 164, 183, 457 Kargyak 205 Jijal 314, 376 Karimabad 432 Jijal complex 313 Kashgar 2, 10, 17 dating 317-318 Kashmir Basin 164, 183, 226-228, 376 geological setting 313-316 Kathmandu 9, 396 isotope data 316-318, 316, 317 Kathse 340 Jijal-Patan complex 321 Kazakhstan 9 geochemistry 325, 326 Keeylong 205 isotope data 325-327, 328, 329 Kel 413 P-T conditions 323-325, 327 Keran 413, 434 P-T evolution 322-323, 327-330 Khaba Nar 413 samples 323-325, 324 Khabu 336 Jumna River 457 Khairabad Fault 376 Junggar Basin 9 Khalsar 254, 255 Jura 434 Khalsar Thrust (KT) 254, 260, 261-262 Jutial 28 Khalsi 334, 336 Jutial pluton 203 Khardung 255 Khardung Andesite Unit 258, 259 K2 l, 10, 124 Khardung-La 254 Kabul 9, 238 Kharg 376, 382-383, 389 Kaghan

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