Index Numbers in Bold refer to Plates Aachen 149 Agrippa II, King of Chalcis 76–77 al Abbas (uncle of Muhammad) 149 Aholiab (construction of Ark of the ibn Abbas 120 Covenant) 14 Abbasid dynasty 149 Albright, William Fellows 247 Abdullah, King (Abd Allah ibn Alexander the Great 37 al-Husay) 257, 258 Alexandria 219 Abdulziz, Sultan 240 Alexius I Comnenus, Emperor 155 Aben Shetiyah (Stone of the Ali ibn Abi Talib (son-in-law of Foundation) 131 Muhammad) 128 Abraham 4, 6–7, 119, 120, 288 Ali, Muhammad (Ottoman Viceroy) ascent to heaven 2, 140, 147 228, 230, 234–235 al-Aliya, Abu 120 burial place 139, 276 Allenby, General 248–249 circumcision 39 Altar for Burnt Offerings 12, 15, 41–42, Dome of the Rock 148 51, 55, 67, 10 Mount Moriah 137 British Ordnance Survey 235 Rock 139–140 depiction in art 179, 182, 198 sacrifice of Isaac 1, 4, 6–7, 20, 101, American Christian Missionary Society 119, 134 233 Acts of the Apostles 73, 284 American School for Oriental Research Adam 139, 140,COPYRIGHTED 147 247 MATERIAL Adrichem, Christiaan van 184–185, Amman 121, 257 191, 196, 204, 205, 19 Ananias (high priest) 77 views and maps of Jerusalem 223, Anastasis 101, 112, 117, 149, 154, 15 226 Anthemius of Tralles 108 Aelia (Jerusalem) 88–92, 93, 124–125 Antioch 103 Solomon’s Temple: Myth, Conflict, and Faith, First Edition. Alan Balfour. © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2012 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 296 Index Antiochus III, King 37 Arafat, Yasar 276–277, 278 Antiochus IV, King (Epiphanes) Araunah the Jebusite 20 32–33, 37–40, 42 Arculf (priest) 127, 129 Antipater 45 ArkoftheCovenant1–2,4,8–19, Antonia 57, 65–66, 71, 76, 78, 110, 200, 22–5, 53, 151, 159–160 231, 246 construction 12–13 attacked by Romans 76, 77, 78 David,King19–21 Antwerp Polyglot Bible 180, 182, 183, depiction in art 178–179, 184 184, 196 disappearance 29, 30 Apis (bull God) 13 Dome of the Rock 131 Al-Aqsa Mosque 127–129, 139, PEF 246, 247 161–163, 287 rediscovery 27–28 assassination of King Abdullah 258 Tabernacle 14–18, 19–20, 25 burning 264–266 Western Wall tunnel 269 conflict 255, 270–271 Armstrong, Herbert W 265–266 continual provocation 272, 274, 275 Ashbee, C R 249, 255 Crusades 157, 158 Asherah 27–28 Frederick II 171 Ashrafiyya, Madras 219 al-Hakim 152–153 Askelon 18 Intifada 278 Assad, President Hafez 259 Jewish prayers 267, 272 Augustus Caesar 45–46, 47, 48 maps of Jerusalem 225, 227, 231 Ayyubid dynasty 171 plot to blow up 267, 272 repair 149, 227, 249, 271 Baal 27–28, 29, 37 Saladin 167, 168–169 Bab al-Sakina minaret 219 Sharon 277 Babylonia and Babylonians 28–29, 49, Templars 163, 165, 166, 168 82, 202 tunnels 269 exile 28–30 views of Jerusalem 219 Bacchus 100 Waqf 262 Baghdad 149 Arab League 256 Bahat, Dan 31, 59, 92, 102, 141, 164, Arab Legion 256, 257 275 Arabia and Arabs 121, 123, 137, Bahira (priest) 122 259–260, 269 Baldwin II, King of Jerusalem 163 conflict 254–256, 267, 270 Balfour, Alan 94, 3, 4, 5, 6, 11, 12, 13, continual provocation 272–275 14, 16, 31, 32 houses demolished 263 Balfour, Lord Arthur James 248 Jerusalem 2, 124–125, 230, 233 Balfour Declaration 248 Palestine 248 Balian of Ibelin (Lord of Nablus) 168 spice trade 121–122 Balage, Balogh 69 Temple Mount 262, 267, 285–286 Bankes, William John 227–228 Western Wall 263–264 Bar Kokhba (Simeon) 89 Index 297 Bar Koziba (Simeon) 89 Burckhardt, Johann Ludwig 227 Barak, Ehud (Prime Minister) Burdett-Coutts, Baroness Angela 276–277, 278 Georgina 236, 238 Barclay, James Thomas 233–234 Burford, Robert 229 Barclay’s Gate 150, 234 Bush, President George W 281 Carcocheba (Simeon) 89 Busra al-Sham 121, 122, 129 Barker Burford Panorama 229–230 Byzantium and Byzantines 93, 106, Barsauma (monk) 101 110, 167 Bathsheba 21 Dome of the Rock 130, 132, 134 Beautiful Gate 81, 110, 160, 161, 163, Persian war 111–112, 123 208, 266 plague 104 Belisarius, General 105 Ben-Dov, Meir 269–70 Caesarea 46 Bergheim, P 138, 239 Cairo 218–219 Besaleel (construction of Ark of the Caligula (Caius Caesar) 75 Covenant) 14 Calmet, Antoine Augustin 10, Bethlehem 123–124, 171, 218 196–198, 202, 204 Bezold, Gustav von 118, 132 Calvary 163, 180, 222, 225, 17 Black Stone 129 Calvinism 184 Boaz 203 Camp David Summit 276–277 Boreel, Adam 199 Canaan 6, 14, 17–18, 19, 27 Bouillon, Godfrey of 158 Capella degli Scrovegni, Padua 175 Boullee,´ Etienne-Louis´ 193 Cardo 110–111, 15 Brandeis, Chief Justice Louis 248 Cassius, Dio 88–90 Braun, Georg 223, 21 Catherwood, Frederick 228–230 Breiarius (guide) 101 Catholicism and Catholics 184, 186, Breydenbach, Bernard von 218–219, 192, 202, 206 224 maps of Jerusalem 226, 230 Bridge al-Sirat 148 moneychangers 176 Britain and the British 227 rebuilding Temple 283 Jerusalem 234–240, 241, 248–249, split 196 254–256, 257 Chair of Solomon 148 Palestine 236, 238, 248–249, Charles, King of the Franks 149 254–256 Charles VI 203 Syria 235 Chatillon, Renaud de 167 Transjordan 257 cherubim 13, 22–25, 53, 178–179, 184 British Admiralty 235 Chipiez, Charles 210–212 British Ordnance Survey 234–240 Christianity and Christians 1, 3–4, 67, Bruyn, Cornelius de 225, 22 93–103, 151–152, 160–163, 288 Bunting, Heinrich 222 Aelia 90 al Buraq (Muhammad’s horse) 2, 140, Armenian 2 147, 150 art 175–184 298 Index Christianity and Christians (continued) Umar 124, 125, 126, 127, 128 Caliph al-Hakim 152–153 views of Jerusalem 220, 223–224 conflict 270 see also Catholicism and Catholics; Constantine 93–98 Protestants continual provocation 271, 274 Chronicles, Book of 21, 202 Crusades 154–158, 159–160, 163 Church of the Anastasis 15 division 149 Church of Christ’s Resurrection 217 Dome of the Rock 130, 133–134, Church of the Dormition 258 137 Church of the Holy Sepulcher 94, Eastern Orthodox 283 95–97, 99, 101, 103, 160–161, evolution 91 185, 17 fall of Rome 105–107 British Ordnance Survey 238 Greek Orthodox 276 Constantine 94, 95, 101, 241 Hagia Sophia 103, 107–109, 117 Crusaders 163 Haram 276 destruction 152–153, 154 illustration of holy sites 191, 197 Dome of the Rock 117, 130, 134, Islam 113, 119, 124–127, 134, 139, 135, 137 148, 153–154, 160–163, 166 Frederick II 171 Jerusalem 93–103, 112, 137, 147, maps of Jerusalem 225 154, 163, 171–172, 209, 217, mosaic map 110 226, 234, 249 PEF 241 Judaism 128 Persian war 111, 112 Julian the Apostate 98–99, 100 Saladin 170 maps of Jerusalem 226, 230, 234 shelling 258 Mecca 129 siege of Bethlehem 123 mosaic map 110 Umar 170 moved from Mount of Olives 276 views of Jerusalem 219, 222, 223, Muhammad 122, 123 225 Ostrogoths 106 World War I 249 Palestine 163, 236 Church of Mary Magdalene 163 Paul of Tarsus 72–74 Church of the Nativity 218 Persian war 111–112 Church of the Pinnacle of the Temple pilgrims 147, 170 111 prophesy of endurance 83–84 Church of the Presentation of the rebuilding Temple 283–285 Virgin 231 Rome 105, 126 Church of Virgin Mary 104, 111 Saladin 167–171, 265 Church of Sion 125 second coming 282 Church of St. Anne 163 Syria 135 circumcision 39, 40, 41, 89, 155, 156 Templars 163–167 Citadel 238 Temple Mount 137, 217, 262, 285 Clermont-Ganneau, Charles 246 Transjordan 259 Clinton, President Bill 276–277, 278 Index 299 Constantine, Emperor 93–98, 101, 108, Temple Mount 156–157, 158, 162, 126, 187, 15 163 Church of the Holy Sepulcher 94, Currier, Nathaniel 204 95, 101, 241 Cyril, Bishop of Jerusalem 99 Dome of the Rock 162, 244 Cyrus, King 29, 30 Constantinople 103, 149, 155 Cyrus (rebuilding Temple) 49 Hagia Sophia 103, 107–109 plague 103–104, 105 Damascus 73, 100, 135, 149, 218 Convent of St. Barbara 184 Persian war 111 Corinthian Gate 55 Saladin 167 Council of Nicaea (325) 130 spice trace 122 Council of Trent (1563) 176, 196 Umar 123 Counter-Reformation 176, 187 Damascus Gate 110 Court of the Gentiles 54–55, 57, 58, Daniel, Abbott 159 60–61, 68, 81 Daniel, Book of 284 depiction in art 184, 185, 190, 197, Darius (rebuilding Temple) 49 198, 202, 208 David, King 4, 19–21, 27, 148, 159 Court of the Israelites 55, 56 David’s Citadel 219 depiction in art 179, 182, 190, 198 David’s Gate 163 Court of the Jews 184, 185 Dawud, Adu 282 Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) 131, Court of the Priests 55, 56 268 Court of Sacrifice 179 Day of Judgment (Qiyamah) 282–283 Court of the Women 53, 56, 183 Dayan, Moshe 261, 262, 267 Covenant (Ten Commandments) Dehio, Georg 118, 132 10–14, 25, 27–28, 37, 39 Descartes, Rene 193 see also Ark of the Covenant al-Din, Imad 168, 170 Covenant of Umar 124–125 al-Din, Amir Mu’ˆın 162 Crimean War 236, 244 al-Din, Emir Nur 167 crucifixion of Jesus Christ 2, 70, 71, 72, Dionysus 41 134, 152 Dome of Ascension of the Prophet 219 depiction in art 180–181, 206 Dome of the Chain 148, 161, 219 place of 90, 93–96, 101 Dome of the Prophet 147 Crusades and Crusaders 149, 153, Dome of the Rock (Kubbat-as-Sakhra) 154–158, 206, 220, 269, 287, 17 1–3, 117–118, 129–138, 142, churches 106, 108 147–148, 160–163, 286–288, 31, defeat 234 32 Jerusalem 155–156, 158–160, ascension of Muhammad 283 162–164, 171–172 British Ordnance Survey 235, Rock 169–170 238–240 Saladin 168, 169–170 conflict and violence 255, 270 Templars 164 continual provocation 271, 272, 273 300 Index Dome of the Rock (Kubbat-as-Sakhra) Eilam, Lt Col Uzi 261 (continued) Eleazar 77 Crusades 157, 158, 159–160 Eleazer (high priest) 89 depiction in art 177–178, 185, 220, Eleazer, Rabbi 244 16, 17, 20, 24 Eltzner, Adolf 206, 207 earthquake 255 England and the English 156, 158, 170, Frederick II 171 185, 199, 204 Jewish service 262–263 see also British maps of Jerusalem 225, 227, 229, Escher, MC 194 233–234 Estienne Bible 178, 197 PEF 241, 243, 244, 246 Eucherius, Bishop of Lyon 101 plans to blow up 271, 272 Eudocia, Empress 100–101
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