COMMENTARY Psychological Stress and Disease Sheldon Cohen, PhD ercise and sleep, and poorer adherence to medical regimens provide an important pathway through which stressors in- Denise Janicki-Deverts, PhD fluence disease risk. Stressor-elicited endocrine response pro- Gregory E. Miller, PhD vides another key pathway. Two endocrine response sys- tems are particularly reactive to psychological stress: the ESPITE WIDESPREAD PUBLIC BELIEF THAT PSYCHO- hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical axis (HPA) and the logical stress leads to disease, the biomedical com- sympathetic-adrenal-medullary (SAM) system. Cortisol, the munity remains skeptical of this conclusion. In primary effector of HPA activation in humans, regulates a this Commentary, we discuss the plausibility of broad range of physiological processes, including anti- Dthe belief that stress contributes to a variety of disease pro- inflammatory responses; metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, cesses and summarize the role of stress in 4 major diseases: and proteins; and gluconeogenesis. Similarly, catechol- clinical depression, cardiovascular disease (CVD), human amines, which are released in response to SAM activation, work immunodeficiency virus (HIV)/AIDS, and cancer. in concert with the autonomic nervous system to exert regu- latory effects on the cardiovascular, pulmonary, hepatic, skel- What Is Psychological Stress? etal muscle, and immune systems. Prolonged or repeated ac- Psychological stress occurs when an individual perceives that tivation of the HPA and SAM systems can interfere with their environmental demands tax or exceed his or her adaptive control of other physiological systems, resulting in in- capacity.1 Operationally, studies of psychological stress fo- creased risk for physical and psychiatric disorders.1,2 cus either on the occurrence of environmental events that That HPA and SAM systems mediate the effects of stress are consensually judged as taxing one’s ability to cope or on disease is supported by experimental evidence from ani- on individual responses to events that are indicative of this mal as well as human studies that show a wide variety of overload, such as perceived stress and event-elicited nega- stressful stimuli provoke activation of these systems. How- tive affect. In this article, the definition of stress excludes ever, stress also may influence disease risk through its ef- psychiatric disorders that may arise as downstream conse- fects on other systems. For example, psychological stress quences of stressful exposures and also excludes disposi- has been found to impair vagal tone,4 which also can in- tions often linked to stress, such as hostility and type A crease disease risk, particularly for CVD. behavior. Effects of stress on the regulation of immune and inflam- matory processes have the potential to influence depres- Pathways Linking Psychological Stress sion; infectious, autoimmune, and coronary artery disease; to Disease and at least some (eg, virally mediated) cancers.5 Psycho- Generally, stressful events are thought to influence the patho- logical stress might alter immune function through direct genesis of physical disease by causing negative affective states innervation of lymphatic tissue, through release of HPA and (eg, feelings of anxiety and depression), which in turn ex- SAM hormones that bind to and alter the functions of im- ert direct effects on biological processes or behavioral pat- munologically active cells, or through stress-induced be- terns that influence disease risk.1 Exposures to chronic stress havioral changes such as increased smoking. are considered the most toxic because they are most likely Healthy human individuals exposed to acute laboratory to result in long-term or permanent changes in the emo- stressors show an adaptive enhancement of some markers tional, physiological, and behavioral responses that influ- of natural immunity but a general suppression of functions ence susceptibility to and course of disease.1,2 This in- of specific immunity.6 By comparison, exposure to real-life cludes stressful events that persist over an extended duration (eg, caring for a spouse with dementia) or brief focal events Author Affiliations: Department of Psychology, Carnegie Mellon University, Pitts- burgh, Pennsylvania (Drs Cohen and Janicki-Deverts); and Department of Psy- that continue to be experienced as overwhelming long af- chology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada (Dr ter they have ended (eg, experiencing a sexual assault).3 Miller). Corresponding Author: Sheldon Cohen, PhD, Department of Psychology, Car- Behavioral changes occurring as adaptations or coping re- negie Mellon University, 5000 Forbes Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 (scohen@cmu sponses to stressors such as increased smoking, decreased ex- .edu). ©2007 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. (Reprinted) JAMA, October 10, 2007—Vol 298, No. 14 1685 Downloaded from www.jama.com at University of British Columbia, on October 15, 2007 COMMENTARY chronic stress (eg, unemployment, caregiving for the chroni- tality.11,12 One meta-analysis estimated an approximate 50% cally ill) is associated with a biphasic immune response in increase in CVD risk associated with high levels of work that partial suppression of cellular and humoral function stress, defined as low workplace control coupled with high coincides with low-grade, nonspecific inflammation.6 demands, inadequate compensation, or organizational Although stressors are often associated with illness, the injustice.13 majority of individuals confronted with traumatic events and Long-term CVD risk is also increased among initially healthy chronic serious problems remain disease-free.3 There has individuals who experience traumatic events, such as the death been considerable interest in identifying individual differ- of a child, or who are exposed to emotional, sexual, or physi- ences in vulnerability to potential pathogenic effects of stress cal abuse during early life.14,15 Similar patterns are found in with emphasis on genetic as well as psychological factors. natural experiments examining the rates of cardiovascular events following natural disasters and war.11,12 Recurrent CVD Does Stress Cause Disease? events and mortality among persons with preexisting CVD The fundamental question—Does stress cause disease?— are similarly increased with perceived life stress, job over- can only be evaluated rigorously by experimental studies. load, marital distress, and social isolation.11 Ethical considerations prohibit conducting experimental hu- Stress and HIV/AIDS. Individuals differ with regard to man studies of the effects of stress on the pathogenesis of rate of progression through the successive phases of HIV serious disease. However, there is evidence from “natural infection. Some remain asymptomatic for extended peri- experiments” that capitalize on real-life stressors occur- ods and respond well to medical treatment, whereas others ring outside of a person’s control such as natural disasters, progress rapidly to AIDS onset and develop numerous com- economic downsizing, or bereavement. There also have been plications and opportunistic infections. Stress may ac- attempts to reduce progression and recurrence of disease count for some of this variability in HIV progression. by psychosocial interventions. However, clinical trials in this Evidence published before 2000 regarding the influence area tend to be small, methodologically weak, and not spe- of stress on HIV progression was largely inconsistent. How- cifically focused on determining whether stress reduction ever, that published since 2000 has generally supported a accounts for intervention-induced reduction in risk. In con- link between stress and HIV progression.16(pp165-194) Some trast, evidence from prospective cohort studies and natural evidence suggests that an accumulation of negative life experiments is informative. These studies typically control events over several years of follow-up predicts worse AIDS- for potentially confounding demographic and environmen- related outcomes. For example, among HIV-positive men, tal factors such as age, sex, race/ethnicity, and socioeco- each additional moderately severe event increased the risk nomic status. of progressing to AIDS by 50% and of developing an AIDS- Stress and Depression. Stressful life events have been related clinical condition by 2.5-fold.17 Moreover, stress linked to major depressive disorder as well as to depressive has been found to influence the course of virally initiated symptoms.7-9 During the 3 to 6 months preceding the onset illnesses to which persons with HIV are especially suscep- of depression, 50% to 80% of depressed persons experi- tible.18 These studies are supported by experimental re- ence a major life event, compared with only 20% to 30% of search with animals wherein exposure to social stressors nondepressed persons evaluated during the same period.9 results in decreased survival.19 Approximately 20% to 25% of persons who experience ma- Better measures of stress may account for the positive find- jor stressful events develop depression.10 ings in later studies. These studies used objective ratings of Although most investigations have focused on life events the stressfulness of events and focused on specific events as triggers of depression onset, increased stress also pre- with highly personal consequences, such as bereavement and dicts the clinical course of major depression, including fea- stigma regarding sexual orientation.
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