Iran. J. Ichthyol. (June 2019), 6(2): 92-97 Received: January 07, 2018 © 2019 Iranian Society of Ichthyology Accepted: June 14, 2019 P-ISSN: 2383-1561; E-ISSN: 2383-0964 doi: 10.22034/iji.v6i2.424 http://www.ijichthyol.org Book Review Fish Species Diversity of Fars, by Esmaeili H.R & Teimori A. 2016. 288 p. Fars Environment Department, ISBN: 978-600-04-5600-9 Ali Reza RADKHAH, Soheil EAGDERI*, Hadi POORBAGHER Department of Fisheries, Faculty of Natural Resources, University of Tehran, Karaj, Iran. *Email: [email protected] Abstract: Fars Province, as one of the largest provinces in Iran, has a significant fresh water fish diversity. The present work aimed to review the book entitled “Fish Species Diversity of Fars”, published by Fars Environmental Protection Agency in 2016. In this book, a list of fish species has been described from Fars Province. It provides important information on the taxonomy, morphological, biological, and ecological characteristics and conservation status of fish species. Hence, considering the rich content of this book, it is suggested for ichthyologist and others researches and students in fields of aquaculture, fisheries and biology. Keywords: Fars, Biodiversity, Biology, Distribution, Habitat. Citation: Radkhah, A.R.; Eagderi, S. & Poorbagher, H. 2019. Fish Species Diversity of Fars, by Esmaeili H.R & Teimori A. 2016. 288 p. Fars Environment Department, ISBN: 978-600- 04-5600-9. Iranian Journal of Ichthyology 6(2): 92-97. Introduction Cypriniformes (59.3%), Gobiiformes (14.1%), Biodiversity can be categorized into three levels viz. Cyprinodontiformes (6.4%) and Clupeiformes genetic, species and ecosystem. This concept has (3.7%) are most diverse taxa of Iranian Inland waters, been drawn intentions of many researchers during respectively (Esmaeili et al. 2018). past two decades and so far several definitions have Fars is one of the largest and richest provinces in been presented for it (Mostafavi 2007). In this regard, Iran in terms of biodiversity due to its climatic and ichthyologists acknowledged importance of fish topographic diversity. It possesses a significant biodiversity in the managing water resources and numbers of mammals, reptiles, birds, amphibians and aquatic species production (Radkhah et al. 2018). fishes that later one is reported to have approximately Climate change, drought, land use, habitat 60 species with Palearctic, Oriental and Ethiopian degradation, overfishing, and introduction of exotic origins. Previously some works have published species are the most important factors leading regarding the ichthyofauna of this province as biodiversity changes (Esmaeili et al. 2007; Radkhah research articles (e.g. Coad 1991, 1996; Coad & & Eagderi 2019). Iran is located in the southern Bogutskaya 2009), but recently a book entitled “Fish Palearctic biogeographic region bordering the Species Diversity of Fars” has been published by the Oriental and Ethiopian regions and is considered as Environmental Protection Agency of Fars Province. an exchange region for freshwater fishes (Esmaeili et This book, which consists of three chapters, was al. 2018; Coad 2019; Nasri et al. 2019). Several authored by Hamid Reza Esmaeili and Azad Teimori studies carried out on inland water fishes of Iran and in 2016. In this study, we try to survey and criticize latest work has listed 297 species in 109 genera and the various aspects of this book. 30 families that most of them has Palearctic origin. The book provides valuable and comprehensive Of these species, 95 species (32%) are native and 29 information on the freshwater fishes of Fars species (76.9%) are exotics. In addition, Province. The authors have tried to study their 92 Radkhah et al.- Fish Species Diversity of Fars various aspects, including morphology, taxonomy, Cyprinidae, Nemacheilidae and Cyprinodontidae biology, ecology, distribution, economical value and consist 46.6, 17.2 and 12.1% of the fish species of conservation significance. The first chapter starts Fars Province, respectively. Mehran sub-basins (with with definition of some concepts such as 7 species) and Kor River (with 27 species) are the biodiversity, habitat diversity, morphological poorest and richest basins in terms of richness, diversity, biodiversity threats and conservation. respectively. The Kor River, Heleh and Mond consist Then, the authors have provided comprehensive 37.50, 28.57 and 27.77% of endemic fishes. It should information on the natural geography of Fars also be noted that the Kor River basin also contains Province and its basins’ features. Based on the 45.83% of exotic species of the province with provided information, Fars Province has two Gambusia holbrooki having the highest distribution. endorheic basins, viz. Kor River and Maharlou, as The most prominent features of this book can be well as four exorheic endorheic basins namely Tigris listed as following: (1) using up-to-date references (Karoun), Zohreh (Fahlian), Persis (Mond and from recent researches mostly published by authors, Helleh) and Hormozgan/Hormuz (Kol River and (2) providing pictures of live fishes with habitats’ Mehran). Each of these basins has sub-basins that images that are attractive for readers, (3) written in have been explored in the book. simple and fluent language, (4) attention to the The second chapter describes the fish species of conservation status of fish species (such a data can be Fars Province. In this chapter, a list of species used for creating a database of the conservation status belonging to Cyprinidae, Cobitidae, Nemacheilidae, of under threatened inland water fishes in future), (5) Bagridae, Sisoridae, Cyprinodontidae, Poecilidae, a special consideration to main threatening factors of Cichlidae, Percidae and Mastacembelidae families fish diversity particularly in Fars Province (due to are surveyed, respectively. This chapter describes recent droughts in Iran especially in southern part of each family's identification keys, then their genera the Fars Province, many fish habitats especially for are introduced, and fish species of each genus are those of endemics are degraded. Hence, such a data described separately. For each specie a general can be useful for further management and description, systematic status, habitat features, conservation), and (6) providing tables and graphs to distribution, economic importance, and conservation summarize the conservation status and distribution of status have been provided. One of the important fish species. features of this book is the fish’s live pictures that Despite having many positive and prominent have been recorded during field works of the authors features, there are still some issues, which we will in recent years. briefly review them. Although authors tried to The third chapter provides species information in provide new information on the biological and the form of tables. The distribution of fish species in ecological characteristics of fishes, there is still the basins (sub-basins) in the province of Fars has insufficient information about some of the biological been presented as table. In addition, the species and ecological characteristics of some species. For diversity in each family in different basins has been example, some Aphanius species such as A. furcatus investigated as diagrams. One of the valuable and A. shirini have not been studied in terms of features of this chapter is the list of this province’s feeding and reproduction. Therefore, further studies fishes along with their conservation status (including on such a features need to be conducted. endemic, native, exotic and translocated). The list of In addition, some of recently described fish the reported fish species in Fars Province is presented species from the Fars Province’s basins such as in Table 1. Capoeta coadi, Garra mondica and Paraschistura According to the information of this book, delvarii are missing (Mousavi-Sabet & Eagderi 2015; 93 Iran. J. Ichthyol. (June 2019), 6(2): 92-97 Table 1. The list of the reported fish species in Fars Province (E: Endemic, N: Native, EX: Exotic, T: Translocated). Family Number of Species species Cyprinidae 27 Acanthobrama persidis (E) Alburnoides qanati (N) Alburnus sellal (mossulensis) (N) Arabibarbus grypus (N) Barbus lacerta (N) Barilius mesopotamicus (N) Capoeta aculeata (E) Capoeta mandica (E) Capoeta saadii (E) Capoeta trutta (N) Carasobarbus sublimus (E) Carasobarbus luteus (N) Carassius auratus (EX) Chondrostoma orientale (E) Chondrostoma regium (N) Cyprinus carpio (EX) Ctenopharyngodon idella (EX) Hypophthalmichthys molitrix (EX) Hypophthalmichthys nobilis (EX) Cyprinion macrostomum (N) Cyprinion tenuiradius (E) Cyprinion watsoni (N) Garra rufa (N) Garra persica (E) Luciobarbus barbulus (N) Mesopotamichthys sharpeyi (N) Pseudorasbora parva (EX) Nemacheilidae 10 Paraschistura aredvii (E) Paraschistura abdolii (E) Paraschistura nielseni (E) Paraschistura naumanni (E) Turcinoemacheilus hafezi (E) Turcinoemacheilus saadii (E) Paracobitis persa (E) Oxynoemacheilus farsicus (N) Oxynoemacheilus persa (E) Oxynoemacheilus tongiorgii (E) Cyprinodontidae 7 Aphanius farsicus (E) Aphanius darabensis (E) Aphanius furcatus (E) Aphanius shirini (E) Aphanius sophiae (E) Aphanius pluristriatus (E) Aphanius dispar (N) 94 Radkhah et al.- Fish Species Diversity of Fars Table 1. Continued. Number of Family Species species Cobitidae 1 Cobitis linea (E) Bagridae 1 Mystus pelusius (N) Sisoridae 1 Glyptothorax silviae (E) Mugilidae 1 Planiliza abu (N) Percidae 1 Sander lucioperca (T) Iranocichla hormuzensis (E)
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