ACTA AGROBOTANICA Vol. 62 (1): 171–186 2009 SEGETAL COMMUNITIES OF CEREAL CROPS OF THE MAZOWIECKI LANDSCAPE PARK Teresa Skrajna, Janina Skrzyczyńska, Maria Ługowska The Agricultural Ecology Department of the University of Podlasie in Siedlce B. Prusa 14, 08-110 Siedlce, Poland, e-mail: [email protected] Received: 11.07.2008 Abstract Arable lands are differentiated as to their ag- The characteristics of communities developing in cereal ricultural value and farming intensity. Soils of rye crops of the Mazowiecki Landscape Park are presented in the pa- complexes: very poor, poor and good, as well as per. The traditional methods of cultivation, a mosaic of fields, a poor cereal-grazing complex prevail in the study meadows and forests as well as a specific microclimate affect the area. Small fragments of agriculturally favourable, occurrence of species-rich, syntaxonomically differentiated agro- more productive soils of very good rye and good phytocenoses. The occurrence of 4 associations and 2 communi- wheat complexes were rarely observed, especially ties in the area of the Park was noted. On the poorest soils, the in the south-eastern part of the Park, in the environs association Arnoserido-Scleranthetum was the most widespread of Regut village. Peatbogs and boggy soils occurring and internally differentiated, whereas in more fertile habitats between the localities Brzezinka and Całowanie in the association Vicietum tetraspermae was the commonest. The the west and Tabor and Podbiel in the east of the Park above mentioned associations were noted more frequently in win- ter crops than in spring cereals. Plots of the association Papaver- were also noted. Small and medium-sized farms with etum argemones and intermediate communities, between Arno- traditional methods of cultivation dominate in the serido-Scleranthetum and Papaveretum argemones, were seldom area of the Landscape Park. The occurrence of well observed in the studied area. Plots with domination of species di- developed, floristically differentiated communities in agnostic for the order Polygono-Chenopodietalia occurred rarely cereal agrocenoses is the result of extensive farming in spring cereals, mainly in the protection zone of the Landscape methods. Park. Single, impoverished plots of Aphano-Matricarietum were The aim of the work is phytosociological clas- recorded in the south-eastern part of the Park. sification of patches of vegetation occurring in cereal agrocenoses as well as the characteristics of internal Key words: segetal vegetation, cereal associations, intermedi- differentiation of syntaxa against a background of hab- ate communities, Mazowiecki Landscape Park itat conditions. METHODS INTRODUCTION Field studies were carried out between 2003 The Mazowiecki Landscape Park was estab- and 2007 in agrocenoses of the Mazowiecki Land- lished in 1986. The Park is situated in the central-east- scape Park and its buffer zone. In total, in cereal crops ern part of Mazowsze Province. It covers an area of of the studied area 119 phytosociological relevés 15710 ha. were made according to the Braun-Blanquet method Arable lands occupy only a little part of the (Pawłowski, 1972). Soil type was determined on Mazowiecki Landscape Park (20% of its area). They the basis of soil-agricultural maps at a scale of 1:5000. are situated mainly in the environs of Polana Ponurzy- Collected documentation material was systematized cka (in the southern part of the Park), in the vicinity according to the Matuszkiewicz classification of Aleksandrów (in its northern part), as well as in its (2001). Species nomenclature followed M irek et al. agricultural buffer zone. The acreage of arable lands (2005). The distribution of the studied localities is pre- constantly decreases, which is the result of cultivation sented at Fig. 1. abandonment and intensive residential building devel- opment. 172 Teresa Skrajna, Janina Skrzyczyńska, Maria Ługowska Fig. 1. Study area a – borders of the Landscape Park; b – borders of the protected zone; c – building land; d – forest complexes; e – localities, investigated areas. 1 – Anielinek, 2 – Antoninek, 3 – Aleksandrówka, 4 – Augustówka, 5 – Bąki, 6 – Bocian, 7 – Brzezinka, 8 – Całowanie, 9 – Celestynów, 10 – Chrosna, 11 – Chrząszczówka, 12 – Człekówka, 13 – Dąbrowa, 14 – Dąbrówka, 15 – Dyzin, 16 – Glina, 17 – Gózd, 18 – Grabianka, 19 – Jatne, 20 Janów, 21 – Jaźwiny, 22 – Karpiska, 23 – Kąciki, 24 – Kąty, 25 – Kominki, 26 – Kozłówka, 27 – Łukowiec, 28 – Ocznia, 29 – Osieck, 30 – Ostrowik, 31 – Podbiel, 32 – Pogorzel, 33 – Ponurzyca, 34 – Radzyń, 35 – Regut, 36 – Rosłańce, 37 – Rudnik, 38 – Stara Wieś, 39 – Stara Wieś II, 40 – Skorupy, 41 – Szatany, 42 – Tabor, 43 – Warszówka, 44 – Zabieżki, 45 – Zawada. Segetal communities of cereal crops of the Mazowiecki Landscape Park 173 RESULTS cus bufonius, Equisetum sylvaticum and others, were the frequent components of this variant. That was the Systematic of the distinguished cereal associations and most species-rich phytocenosis of the Arnoserido- communities Scleranthetum associations, made up of 64 species, Class: Stellarietea mediae Tx., Lohm. et Prst. 1950 on average 24 species in one plot. Species such as Order: Centauretalia cyani R. Tx. 1950 Apera spica-venti, Centaurea cyanus and Anthemis Alliance: Aperion spicae-venti R. Tx. et. J. Tx. 1960 arvensis occurred most frequently and with the larg- 1. Association: Arnoserido-Scleranthetum (Edouard est cover. 1925) R. Tx. 1937 a. typical variant Arnoserido-Scleranhetum (Eduard 1925)R.Tx 1937 b. variant with Polygonum hydropiper – Papaveretum argemones (Libb. 1932) Kruzem. Et c. variant with Anthoxanthum aristatum Vlieg. 1939 Intermediate community Arnoserido-Scleranthetum (Edouard 1925) R. Tx. 1937 – Small patches of phytocenoses of intermediate Papaveretum argemones (Libb. 1932) character, classified in the alliance Aperion spicae- Krusem. et Vlieg. 1939 venti, were noted rarely. They developed in habitats 2. Association: Papaveretum argemones (Libb. 1932) characteristic for typical patches of Arnoserido-Scle- Krusem. et Vlieg. 1939 ranthetum and acidophilous patches of Papaveretum 3. Association: Vicietum tetraspermae (Krusem. et argemones (Tab. 2). These phytocenoses were distin- Vlieg. 1939) Kornaś 1950 guishable by a large share of species characteristic for a. typical variant both the association Arnoserido-Scleranthetum (Arno- b. variant with Juncus bufonius seris minima, Teesdalea nudicaulis) and Papaveretum c. variant with Anthoxanthum aristatum argemones (Arabidopsis thaliana, Veronica triphyllos d. variant with Rhinanthus serotinus and Papaver argemone). – subvariant with Myosurus minimus 4. Association: Aphano-Matricarietum R. Tx. 1937 Papaveretum argemones (Libb. 1932) Krusem. et Community with species characteristic for Polygo- Vlieg. 1939 no – Chenopodion Patches of the the Papaveretum argemones as- sociation were noted mainly at Polana Ponurzycka and Characteristics of the distinguished associations rarely in the buffer zone of the Park, in the vicinity and communities of Osieck and Stara Wieś (Tab. 3). The phytocenoses of Papaveretum argemones were found in rye crops, Arnoserido-Scleranthetum (Edouard 1925) R. Tx. in well insolated areas, at local elevations. They de- 1937 veloped mainly on brown lixiviated soils composed of Patches of Arnoserido-Scleranthetum were ob- gravels and light loamy sands classified as poor and served commonly in agrocenoses of the Landscape good rye complexes. The phytocenoses were distin- Park. They developed on the poorest soils, formed from non-cohesive and poor-clayey sands classified guishable by large phenological variability, e.g. the as very poor and poor rye complexes and poor ce- numerous occurrence of characteristic species: Ara- real-grazing complex, noted in thinned out rye crops bidopsis thaliana and Veronica hederifolia in spring, on mid-forest dunes. These phytocenoses were de- and Papaver argemone – in summer. scribed based on 30 phytosociological relevés (Tab. 1). The differentiation of habitats, in which the asso- Vicietum tetraspermae (Krusem. et Vlieg. 1939) ciation was noted, affects the division of Arnoserido- Kornaś 1950 Scleranthetum into 3 variants: with Anthoxanthum In cereal crops of the Mazowiecki Landscape aristatum, typical and with Polygonum hydropiper. Park and its buffer zone, phytocenoses of Vicietum tet- Arnoserido-Scleranthetum was noted on the borders raspermae were noted frequently. From among the di- of the Park and within its protection zone. The floris- agnostic species of the association, Vicia tetrasperma tically-poorest phytocenoses were dominated by An- was noted most frequently, less frequently – Polygonum thoxanthum aristatum (mean cover in the plot was lapathifolium subsp. pallidum, sporadically – Bro- about 40%). In the typical variant, species character- mus secalinus. A large affiliation of distinguishing istic for the association Arnoseris minima and Tees- species – Vicia villosa to the Vicietum tetraspermae dalea nudicaulis reached the largest cover. Patches of association was also observed. A various combination of the variant with Polygonum hydropiper developed on accompanying species is the reason for the internal di- silt-peat and boggy soils situated in local depressions. vision of the association (Tabs 4, 5). Higrophilous species, such as Bidens tripartita, Jun- 174 Table 1 Arnoserido-Scleranthetum (Edouard 1925) R. Tx. 1937. Variant typical with Polygonum hydropiper with Anthoxanthum aristatum Releve no. in the table 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
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