Consuelo Trevino Alaniz . Edmundo and his beautiful bride, after their wedding re- Rutledge ception at Country Club of Monterey, came from the clubhouse under an arch of clubs held by Mexican golnng notables, to set CADDY SAVER forth on their honeymoon. Today's Best Golf Cart Second international matches between U. S. and Mexican men and women ama- teurs at Casa Blanca CC, Laredo, Tex., drew field of 137 ... Event is a Good Neigh- Sells for bor promotion of Casa Blanca pro "Lefty" Stackhouse to boost Laredo as Mexico- only U.S. tourist center . Laredo Jaycees and 95 golf assn. active in the promotion. $28 Jimmy Adams of British Ryder Cup team signed as pro by Royal Sydney GC ... This Australian club has 27-hole course, 20 tennis courts, 3000 members ... Victor East was named pro there when he was 14 years old . The pro on the job drowned and Vic, his asst., was promoted . Frank Walsh's retirement as pro at Red Run GC (Detroit dist.) after 9 years is giving him a chance to patch up ulcers that had him in critical condition last spring . Max Faulkner, 1951 British Open champion, signed as pro at Blackmoor (Eng.) GC . Faulkner, Demaret and Snead are the three pro stars who could get by as professional entertain- ers . They could work up a TV program series that would have a wider range of Here's a good money maker entertainment than strictly golf routine. for pros and golf shops — (Continued on Page 71) a cart that sells on slghtl 1. Accommodates any style bag. 2. Opens and closes in a jiffy. "There's dirty work 3. Light weight. 4. Rolls easily on silent, ball-bearing wheels ofoot", says SCRUBBY when open or closed. 5. Strong. Precision built for long service. • but who cares? 1*11 give 'em 6. Priced right. the quick, easy PUSH BUTTON BEAUTY TREATMENT with Beckley-Ralston CHIPPER LEWIS lt's the biggest selling "extra" dub made and one of the famous square-grip short Goff Club iron Stroke Savers. This Chipper is made specifically for pitch, run and CLEANING chip shots within 50 yards of the machine green. Ifs 33" long and has practi- cally no sole, permitting the dub face to extend far under the ball. Gives golfers directional accuracy not pos- • New 1951 Faster Brush Ac- sible with any other dub. tion. (Conversion pulleys to •peed up 1950 models avail- able iree) LARGE REPLACEMENT MARKET • Cleans woods or irons in BeckUy-Ralston is ont of ths oldost and most honorod namos in • econda without hand rubbing golf. 0v*r 1,000,000 of th.ir Strok. Savors aro in us<—w.aring or scrubbing. Anyone can use out. Oisplay tho Chipp.r, Putt.r and Approach Cl.ok—th.n «ratch it. Can be coin operated ior them selll Nationolly advertised $9.95 each. public courses. RUTLE0GE PUTTER, the perfect pendulum type with square • Built !or years ©f depend- grip $9.95. able service with a rninimum WALLOPER, the iron driver for players who have difficulty using oi attention. woods, $11.95. ASK FOR OEAIER DEMONSTRATION TRAP 5H00TER, $10.50. Send for llterafure and dltcounf» C. B. LEWIS CO. THE RUTLEDGE CO. WATERTOWN • WISCONSIN 3337 Belmont Ave., Chleogo lt, III. THIS is the sign of a leading authority on golf. THIS^ is the trade mark of the wor!d's finest in golf clubs. The combination that will enable you to derive the utmost from your golf game —a set of Hagen woods and irons "the Ultra in golf equipment"—fitted to your exact requirements by your golf professional. Hagen woods and irons and "The Haig" golf balls are sold by WALTER HAGEN D/vis/on of Golf Professionals exclusively. Wilson Sporling Goods Co. Crond Rapidt 2, Mich. Quality beyond question. GOLFDOM THE BUSINESS JOURNAL OF GOLF JANUARY • 1952 Golf Business Sound but Must Heed Danger Signs By JOE GRAFFIS Very little complaining has marked the in selling the public on public golf man- public course general increase in fees. agement. That's undoubtedly the highest tribute The semi-public courses have had no that could be paid to park commissioners alternative to a rate increase. They've and supts., course supts. and pros collabo- had to raise rates or go broke. In most rating in public golf operation. Caught cases rates have been raised enough to between political pressure and the pub- permit some attractive course alterations lic's strong demand for public course facili- or improvement in playing conditions ties closely approximating private course which have more than nullified the pos- standards the public course men have sible drop of patronage because of higher handled a delicate job exceptionally well. fees. What makes the public course operat- Adjust to Loss of Slots ing problem unusually tough is that in many cases the public courses are the In numerous semi-public and private only municipal recreation operations that club cases the loss of slot machine reve- are virtually self-supporting from playing nue has been serious. Perhaps on a basis fee income and often produce profits that of ethics the best thing that could be said finance construction of additional public about a slot machine was that it didn't courses as required and offset the deficits take a .45 off its hip and walk out and of other park recreation facility operation. stick up a victim. But, on the practical basis of humans being human the slot Course supts. at parks have the ex- machines did get revenue painlessly from tremely difficult task of maintaining good many who otherwise wouldn't spend. playing facilities despite heavy play by What knocked the slot machines out was men and women golfers who need a great the politicians' inability to control the deal more education in their responsibili- mobsters who commanded the racket ties in how they're expected to treat the phase of the machines. In view of the course. The National Golf Foundation has RFC, Internal Revenue dept., and Dept. of scheduled for release early this year Justice corruption it's somewhat surpris- printed matter on player's responsibility ing the government would bear down on for course condition for general distribu- any racketeers. tion to public course players. However, the fact remains that loss of Juniors Do Public Relations Job slot machine revenue has necessitated An important factor in minimizing com- considerable readjustment of financial and plaints against public course fee increases operating practices at a number of clubs. has been muny pros' activity in junior More attractive programs of clubhouse, golf at the courses in high-school tie-ups. golf and other entertainment are neces- The kids have been made public relations sary. missionaries for the park board and pub- Dues Increases Studied lic golf by pro work in making the young- sters golf enthusiasts. Increased dues are inevitable at many clubs, although as John P. Garrow, chmn., Reduced fees at restricted hours when Club Management Committee of the Chi- play of junior golfers can be accommo- cago District Golf Assn., pointed out in dated, and group lessons, have been strong the committee's annual report a study of elements of the public relations job done what the traffic will bear makes it ob- by park golf executive and operating of- vious that increased dues and annual as- ficials. The pros' class lessons for begin- sessments are not the complete answer to ner adults also have figured prominently the problem of private club deficits. Garrow's committee, in its analysis of a lot of cases has kept the gross profit Chicago district clubs which cooperated in from fiopping despite the sharp decrease a survey of private club condition, found in net profit per dollar of sales revenue. In basis for estimating "that generally less some cases of smaller clubs where alert than one-third of a club's membership and energetic pro service is the hope for adequately supports dining room and improving the over-all financial and oper- bar." ating picture, the limitations of pro in- The Club Managers' Assn. of America come have the pros just about breaking at its 1951 national convention's country even and looking for other jobs. club round-table stressed livelier, more It is certain that club cleaning, storage comprehensive entertainment programs to and minor repair monthly charges will be get more members and guests patroniz- increased at many clubs this year. Pros ing club affairs. The managers' program to get satisfactory assistants and even for their 1952 convention again will em- club-cleaning boys often have to pay phasize this detail of management and wages about equal to what the pro him- again will contend with the problem of self is paid by the club. Examination of getting club officials and committee heads all charges involved in club-cleaning, stor- to cooperate for more house revenue. age and minor repairs and conditioning, One difficulty the managers had in 1951 plus the added complications of bag cart was reluctance of club boards to approve service, have revealed that the monthly price increases on food, especially, to club service charges may cost the pro cover increased food, preparation and money the member is supposed to pay. service costs. Managers have been getting However painful the discovery may be gray-headed in a losing battle to maintain to the professional, the true net figures on private club service standards. club service only are a minor item among Course Labor Costlier other operations that should be fully Course supts. too are having acute examined and corrected by golf club of- troubles with labor shortage.
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