JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY VOLUME 28 * DECEMBER 1990 * NUMBER 12 Richard C. Tilton, Editor in Chief(1994) Ira F. Salkin, Editor (1995) North American Laboratory Group, Ltd. Marily A. Menegus, Editor (1994) New York State Department of New Conn. Britain, University ofRochester Medical Health Richard F. D'Amato, Editor (1992) Center Albany, N. Y. The Catholic Medical Center of Rochester, N. Y. Joseph L. Staneck, Editor (1994) Queens, Brooklyn and Inc. Patrick R. Murray, Editor (1994) University Hospital Jamaica, N. Y. Washington University School of Cincinnati, Ohio Steven D. Douglas, Editor (1993) Medicine Fred C. Tenover, Editor (1994) Children's Hospital ofPhiladelphia St. Louis, Mo. Centers for Disease Control Philadelphia, Pa. Atlanta, Ga. EDITORIAL BOARD Donald G. Ahearn (1990) Stephen C. Edberg (1991) Paul Lehmann (1992) Frank G. Rodgers (1990) Libero Ajello (1992) Paul H. Edelstein (1991) Walter J. Loesche (1991) Richard F. Ross (1992) William L. Albritton (1990) Mario R. Escobar (1992) James D. MacLowry (1992) Steve Rowell (1992) Daniel Amsterdam (1992) J. J. Farmer III (1992) Louis Magnarelli (1992) Lorry Rubin (1990) Michael Ascher (1992) Mary Jane Ferraro (1990) Kenneth McClatchy (1992) Kathryn L. Ruoff (1990) Lawrence Ash (1992) Patricia Ferrieri (1992) Joseph E. McDade (1991) Eugene W. Rypka (1992) Rhoda Ashley (1991) Marianne Forsgren (1990) Geoffrey A. McKinley (1991) R. Bradley Sack (1990) Alan G. Barbour (1992) Lynn S. Garcia (1992) John C. McKitrick (1990) Joseph D. Schwartzman (1991) Ellen Jo Baron (1991) Jack Goldstein (1990) Patricia Mickelsen (1992) Emmett B. Shotts, Jr. (1992) Arthur L. Barry (1990) Monica Grandien (1990) Lillian V. H. Moore (1991) Salman Siddiqi (1992) Raymond C. Bartlett (1990) Harry Greenberg (1990) Josephine A. Morello (1990) Robert M. Smibert Il (1990) Barry Beaty (1990) Peter A. Gross (1992) Stephen A. Morse (1992) Stephen Spector (1991) M. J. Blaser (1990) Joseph Guarneri (1990) Steve L. Moseley (1991) Charles W. Stratton (1990) Barbara Body (1992) Ian D. Gust (1991) Maurice A. Mufson (1992) Richard Summerbell (1991) Victor D. Bokkenhauser (1991) Maurice W. Harmon (1991) Brian R. Murphy (1991) Jason Tanzer (1991) Alexander Borczyk (1992) William J. Hausler (1992) Irving Nachamkin (1991) Patricia E. Taylor (1991) Patrick J. Brennan (1990) George R. Healy (1992) Paul A. Offit (1992) Kenneth W. Theil (1991) Don J. Brenner (1992) Nancy K. Henry (1991) Andrew B. Onderdonk (1992) Grace M. Thorne (1991) Kenneth Bromberg (1991) John E. Herrmann (1992) Joseph V. Osterman (1991) Clyde Thornsberry (1992) George F. Brooks (1990) Kenneth L. Herrmann (1991) Timothy L. Overman (1991) Bent Faber Vestergaard (1990) Arnold Brown (1990) Dwight C. Hirsh (1992) Demosthenes Pappagianis (1992) Alexander von Graevenitz (1992) Joseph M. Campos (1992) Rick Hodinka (1992) Charlotte D. Parker (1992) I. Kaye Wachsmuth (1990) Leland E. Carmichael (1991) Barry Holmes (1991) A. William Pasculle (1992) Kenneth W. Walls (1992) Gail Cassell (1990) Russell C. Johnson (1991) John Penner (1990) Joseph L. Waner (1992) Walter Ceglowski (1990) Ronald N. Jones (1990) David H. Persing (1992) Lawrence G. Wayne (1992) Dennis J. Cleri (1990) James H. Jorgensen (1991) Edward Pesanti (1991) Melvin P. Weinstein (1992) Wallace A. Clyde, Jr. (1991) Naynesh Kamani (1990) Stephen Petteway, Jr. (1990) Robert W. Wllmott (1991) Mitchell L. Cohen (1991) Neil E. Kay (1991) Marie T. Pezzlo (1992) Alec E. Wittek (1992) Richard W. Cone (1992) George E. Kenny (1991) M. John Pickett (1991) Kwei-Hay Wong (1992) Alan L. Coykendall (1992) Timothy Kiehn (1991) Lucy Rasmussen (1991) G. N. Woode (1991) Jack T. Crawford (1990) Mogens Kilian (1991) Jack S. Remington (1992) Charles H. Zierdt (1991) George Cukor (1990) Wesley E. Kloos (1991) Michael Rinaldi (1991) Steven Zuckerman (1991) Dennis Dixon (1991) Geoffrey Land (1990) Barbara Robinson (1992) Sam T. Donta (1992) Barbara H. Iglewski, Chairman, Publications Board Linda M. Illig, Managing Editor, Journals Carol J. Neif, Production Editor The Journal ofClinical Microbiology (ISSN 0095-1137), a publication of the American Society for Microbiology, 1325 Massachusetts Ave., N.W., Washington, DC 20005-4171, is devoted to the dissemination of new knowledge concerning the applied microbiological aspects of human and animal infections and infestations, particularly regarding their etiologic agents, diagnosis, and epidemiology. Papers dealing with antibiotics and antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy, with fundamental aspects of infection and immunity, and with food or dairy microbiology fall within the scope of other ASM publications. Instructions to authors are published in the January issue each year; reprints are available from the editors and the Journals Division. The Journal is published monthly, one volume per year. The nonmember subscription prices are $220 (U.S. and Canada) and $250 (foreign; air drop shipping) per year; single copies are $40. The member subscription prices are $35 (U.S. and Canada) and $65 (foreign; air drop shipping) per year; single copies are $10. Correspondence relating to subscriptions, reprints, defective copies, availability of back issues, lost or late proofs, disposition of submitted manuscripts, and general editorial matters should be directed to the ASM Journals Division, 1325 Massachusetts Ave., N.W., Washington, DC 20005-4171 (phone: 202 737-3600). Claims for missing issues from residents of the United States, Canada, and Mexico must be submitted within 3 months after publication of the issues; residents of all other countries must submit claims within 6 months of publication of the issues. Claims for issues missing because of failure to report an address change or for issues "missing from files" will not be allowed. Second-class postage paid at Washington, DC 20005, and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Journal of Clinical Microbiology, ASM, 1325 Massachusetts Ave., N.W., Washington, DC 20005-4171. Made in the United States of America. Printed on acid-free paper. Copyright © 1990, American Society for Microbiology. E i -t9WlkA r4fJ<R iIk All Rights Reserved. The code at the top of the first page of an article in this journal indicates the copyright owner's consent that copies of the arti- cle may be made for personal use or for personal use of specific clients. This consent is given on the condition, however, that the copier pay the stated per-copy fee through the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc., 21 Congress St., Salem, MA 01970, for copying beyond that permitted by Sections 107 and 108 of the U.S. Copyright Law. This consent does not extend to other kinds of copying, such as copying for general distribution, for advertising or promotional purposes, for creating new collective works, or for resale. Author Index Abe, Akio, 2616 Gerna. Giuseppe, 2681 Marmet, D., 2828 Scerbo, John J., 2848 Adams, Robert, 2653 Gicquel, Brigitte, 2668 Martin, W. C.. 284? Schindzielorz, Andrew H., Adler, Stuart P., 2602 Girdhar, B. K., 2792 Martinez, A. J., 2750 2818 Ahluwalia, Gurmukh, 2797 Girones, Rosina, 2659 Mason, Patricia H.. 2770 Schmidt, Gerhard M., 2602 Ahmed, M. U., 2837 Gorse, Geoffrey J , 2818 Matthews R S_ 213 Sch-mitz, H., 2689 Akriviadis, Evangelos A., Graham, B. S . 2608 MçCrncaken. Geere H., Jr., Schreckenberger, P. C., 2804 2811 Grant, Patricia E 2591 Schbster, F. L., 2750 Alexander, Steve S., 2653 GCrazi. G., 2707 McHutchisor John G . 2811 Srott Taylor, Tim, 2797 Allard, Annika, 2659 Greenspan, Deborah, 2775 McNeil, Michael M 2765 Sengupta, U., 2792 Altomonte, Viki, 2621 Greenspan, John S., 2775 Meijer, Chris J. L. M., 2739 Shankland, Gillian S., 2808 Anderson, John F., 2693 Griffith, J. W., 2845 Melcher, Gregory A., 2823 Siegl., Charles S., 2806 Anderson, Larry J., 2744 Guesdon, Jean-Luc, 2668 Mertsola, Jussi, 2700 Sierra-Madero, Juan, 2848 Anderson, M., 2750 Gustavsen, S., 2597 Merz, William G., 2621 Singh. K. P., 2792 Antillon, Mainor R., 2811 Milligan, Thomas W.. 2818 Smith, Donald E., 2802 Anusz, Krzysztof Z., 2770 Hall. Geraldine S . 2848 Minah Glenn F., 2621 Soro, O., 2707 Arbeit, Robert D., 2612 Hammond, Gregory W 2797 Minekawa, Y.. 2837 Spiegel, C A., 2804 Arumainayagam, J. T., 2813 Hansen, A. H., 2597 Modliszewski. A_. 2608 Stanton, Thad B., 2717 Au Yong, Yuen, 2802 Hansen, Eric J., 2700 Moller, Kristian, 2711 Steigerwalt. Arnold G., 2591 Hellesnes, I., 2597 Montefiori, D. C, 26508 Steingrube, Vincent A., 2726 Bakels, Victor, 2739 Helmuth, R., 2597 Montenegro, M A 7597 Stewart, Robert W., 2848 Bangtrakulnonth, Aroon, 2616 Herrera, Teresa, 2587 Morton-Blackshere, Angela, Sweet, S. M., 2757 Barer, Michael R., 2641 Hillier, Sharon L., 2761 2602 Tablan, Ofelia C., 2765 Barthold, Stephen W., 2693 Hirn, J., 2597 Munford. Robert S., 2700 Tai, Chang-Chih, 2653 Battaglia, Massimo, 2681 Hodge, Donna S., 2802 Mustafa, Mahmoud M 2700 Taniguchi, K., 2837 Bayola-Mueller, L., 2804 Hollis, Dannie G., 2591 Thierry, Dominique, 2668 Beeching, J. R., 2722 Hollis, Richard J., 2733 Nash, Donald R., 2726 Thomas, Julian E., 2641 Blattner, William A., 2653 Hoofnagle, Jay H., 2850 Nguyen. Simon, 2668 Thompson, J. Stephen, 2802 Bornstein, N., 2828 Hopwood, Valerie, 2808 Norkus. Susan J., 2815 Thulliez, Philippe, 2632 Boting, L., 2786 Hsu, Lan Yin, 2621 Tokars, Jerome I., 2765 Boulanger, J., 2830 Hufert, F. T., 2689 Oiishi. I.. 2837 Torres, Martha, 2587 Brennan, Patrick J., 2587 Huskinson. Jayne, 2632 Oceto, M 2837 Tsukamura, Michio, 2726 Brenner, Don J., 2591 Overall. James C., Jr.. 2820 Tylenda, Carolyn A., 2621 Briselden, Ann Marie, 2761 Jahkola, M., 2597 Brisson-Noël, Anne, 2668 Jarvis, William R., 2765 Pande. Hema. 2602 Urasawa. S., 2837 Brown, Barbara A., 2726 Jenkins, S. G., 2804 Pang. Turn-er. B., 2647 Urasawa. T,, 2837 Brown, June, 2726 Jensen. Neil S 2717 Parea, Maturizio, 2681 Uthayaku-mar, S., 2813 Jerse, A. F.. 2842 Parsonnet, Jeffrey, 2612 Van Den Abeele, Anne Marie, Casey, Thomas A., 2717 Johnston. Sheryl L. G., 2806 Patil, Shripad A., 2792 2674 Celig, D. M., 2804 Juto, Per, 2659 Patrick. C. C., 2757 van den Brule, Adriaan J. C., Chapin-Robertson, Kimberle, Patrick. G. S.. 2757 2739 2765 Kaper, J.
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