KATALOG/ CATALOGUE &+#"&.#d`idWVg &+#"&.#d`idWVg NOVA DEKADA KAO NOVI POČETAK Nije potrebno govoriti o vremenu kada je nastao ovaj Festival. Mislim da smo svi svjedoci njegovih teških godina i njegovog prko- snog i ponosnog uzdizanja. Iz godine u godinu rastao je gosteći brojna poznata imena i skrećući pažnju na ovaj pomalo zanema- reni dio Evrope. Preko ovog Festivala, Crna Gora je izrazila želju da se iz izolovanosti vrati u svijet, a svijet je dolazeći na Festival dokazao da je prihva- tio ideju rođenu u Baru da podstiče saradnju ex-yu prostora, jugoistočne Evrope i svijeta. Ideja rođena u pravo vrijeme i ne slučajno na pravom mjestu - u Baru, gdje je bila prva stara prijestonica Crne Gore u XI vijeku, gdje je ostvarena i prva radio veza Crne Gore sa svijetom, od Bara do Barija, a time i demonstrirana tehnika koja je dovela do stvaranja televizije. Danas, jedanaest godina kasnije, u godini povratka samostalnosti Crne Gore, TV Festival u Baru, slavi novi početak, u novoj-staroj državi, sjajeći starim intenzitetom, čvrsto pozicioniran na medijskoj mapi svijeta. Ovaj Festival je najbolja potvrda naših opredjelje- nja da Bar i Crna Gora idu putem svjetskih i evropskih integracija. Internacionalni TV Festival našao se na listi svjetski poznatih manifestacija ovog žanra. Zato sam ponosan što Bar okuplja najveće televizijske stanice i produkcijske kuće iz regiona, Evrope i svijeta. Tako uspostavljamo nove programske i institucionalne veze među televizijama u skladu sa tradicijom Bara kao multikulturalne zajednice i primjera viševjekovnog suživota ljudi različitih kultura, vjera i nacija. Zadovoljstvo mi je da vas pozdravim u ime grada domaćina Festivala. Dobro došli u Bar - grad Svjetlosti i dobrih vibracija! Žarko Pavićević Gradonačelnik Bara NEW DECADE – NEW BEGINNING It is not necessary to talk about the time when this Festival was established. I believe that we have all been witnesses of its trying years and its defiant and proud rise. Year in, year out, the Festival grew, becoming the host of many renowned people and drawing attention to this somewhat neglected part of Europe. Through this Festival, Montenegro expressed its wish to come out of the isolation and go back to the world. The world, by coming to the Festival, proved that it accepted the idea conceived in Bar – to incite the co-operation in the area of former Yugoslavia, South East Europe and the world at large. The idea was conceived in the right place and at the right time. This was not by chance. Bar was the first, old capital of Montenegro in XI century and here the first radio connection of Montenegro with the world was established – from Bar to Bari. This demonstrated the technology that eventually led to the creation of television. Today, eleven years later, in the year when Montenegro regained its independence, TV Festival is celebrating the new beginning in new – old state, radiating the old intensity, firmly positioned on the world media map. This festival is the best proof of our orientation for town of Bar and Montenegro to go towards world and European integrations. International TV Festival has found its place among world renowned events of this type. That is why I am proud to see Bar gathering the largest TV stations and production houses of the region, Europe and the world. In this way, we establish new programme and institutional relationships between televisions in line with the tradition of Bar, being multicultural community and an example of century-old coexis- tence of people of different cultures, religions and nations. It is my great pleasure to welcome you on behalf of the host town of the Festival. Welcome to Bar – town of light and good vibrations! Žarko Pavićević Mayor of Bar Uvodna RIJeč Televizijski festival Bar - 200. jedanaesti je od osnivanja, ali i prvi u nezavisnoj i međunarodno priznatoj Crnoj Gori gdje su svi učesnici i autori dobrodošli. Grad Bar i Crna Gora zahvalni su svima koji su u minulom desetljeću stvarali i uzdizali festival. Barska TV smotra bila je i ostala svojevrsna poruka svijetu, da Crna Gora ima snagu i senzibilitet da okupi ugledne stvaraoce i da ih primi otvorene duše. Vjera u mogućnost drugačije televizije od one koja je dominirala ovim prostorima u vrijeme raspada bivše SFRJ i pod teretom rata u okruženju, pokazala se opravdanom. Namjera osnivača da preko Festivala uspostave pokidane veze među televizijama u regionu, da razbiju medijsku blokadu i da sa pozitivnim porukama izađemo u svijet pokazao se opravdanom: danas možemo konstatovati da je Internacionalni televizijski festival u Baru dobio međunarodnu afirmaciju i iskrene prijatelje širom svijeta. Mnogi od njih su zajedno sa pregaocima iz Crne Gore iskreno gradili ovaj festival, propagirali ga u svojim sredinama i dio sopstvenog autoriteta prenosili na Festival. Zato je ono jednako i njihov koliko naš. To je i jedan od razloga što je festival u Baru dobio svoje mjesto u lancu svjetskih tv festivala. Trudićemo se da opravdamo veliko povjerenje i ukazanu čast. Dobro došli! Radovan Miljanić Direktor TV festivala Bar - 2006. FORewoRD This is the eleventh edition of the International TV festival Bar, but it is also the first one in the independent and internationally recognized Montenegro where all participants and authors are welcome. The town of Bar and Montenegro appreciate all who had, in the past ten years, worked on and improved the festival. This TV review in Bar has been and still is the message to the world that Montenegro has strength and sensibility to gather renowned authors and welcome them with open arms. Belief in possibility to have television different from the one dominant in these areas in the period of dissemination of Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia proved to be justified. The intention of the founders was to re-establish, through the Festival, disrupted links between televisions in the region, eliminate media blockade and go into the world will positive messages. Today, we can say that the International TV festival Bar has gained international recognition and genuine friends from all around the world. Many of them have worked, along with hard-working enthusiasts from Montenegro, on the development and promotion of the Festival in their countries and have transferred part of their authority onto the Festival. This is why the Festival belongs both to them and us equally. This is also one of the reasons why the Festival in Bar found its place among world TV festivals. We will give our best to justify this great trust and honour rendered. Welcome! Radovan Miljanić TV festival director Bar 2006 MIHA ČELAR (SLOVENIJA) Režiser i scenarist. Autor dugometražnog igranog filma Amir ( sa njim učestvovao na više filmskih festivala). Scenarist i režiser igrane serije na TVS i POP TV ( TV Dober dan, Čokoladne sanje, Trafika, Začnimo iznova). Autor više desetina video spotova, kratkih filmova i reklama u Sloveniji. IVAN ANDREEVSKI (MAKEDONIJA) Rođen 1. u S. Dolenci. Oženjen i ima troje djece. Živi u Skoplju. Završio je Fakultet političkih nauka – novinarstvo u Beogradu. Po završetku studija, zapošljava se u Radio Televiziji Skoplje. Od 1. do 10. je direktor i glavni i odgovorni ured- nik na Televiziji Skoplje. Kao iskusan i renomiran novinar radi za svjetske novinarske kuće – Rojters, Slobodna Evropa, Jutel. Proveo jednu godinu u Parizu na RTF (Francuskoj Radio Televiziji). Dobitnik je nagrada «Mito Hadži Vasilev Jasmin», «Krste Misirkov», nagrađivan na JRT festivalima u Portorožu i Bledu. Mentor na Fakultetu za novinarstvo u Skoplju, kao i u Makedonskoj Radio Televiziji. Predsjednik udruženja novinara Republike Makedonije. Trenutno pomoćnik generalnog direktora na Makedonskoj Televiziji zadužen za programski dio. ALEKSANDAR BEČANOVIĆ (CRNA GORA) Rođen 11. Filmski je kritičar ‘’Vijesti’’. Član je FIPRESCI – Međunarodnog udruženja filmskih kritičara. Prije dvije godine bio selektor festivala i član žirija. Objavio je četiri knjige poezije: Ulisova daljina 1, Jeste 1, Ostava 1, Mjesta u pismu 2001 i jednu knjigu proze Očekujem što će iz svega proizaći 200. Dobitnik je nagrade Risto Ratković za najbolju knjigu poezije 2002. godine. Objavljivao brojne članke u ARSU, PLIMI i drugim časopisima sa prostora bivše Jugoslavije. 10 MIHA ČELAR (SLOVENIA) Director and screenwriter. Author of TV film Amir (participated with this film on several film festivals). Screenwriter and director of 4 TV series on TVS and POP TV (Good day, Chocolate Dreams, Tobacco Shop, Let’s Start Again). Author of dozens of video clips, short films and advertisements in Slovenia. IVAN ANDREEVSKI (MACEDONIA) Born in 1947 in S. Dolenci. Married with three children. Lives in Skoplje. Graduated from the Faculty of political sciences in journalism in Belgrade. After graduating, started working in Radio Television Skoplje. From 1986 to 1990, he was a director and editor – in – chief in Television Skoplje. As experienced and renowned journalist, he works for world journalist houses – Reuters, Free Europe, Jutel. Spent a year in Paris in RTF (French Radio Television). Winner of the awards «Mito Hadži Vasilev Jasmin», «Krste Misirkov», awarded at JRT festivals in Portorož and Bled. Mentor at the Faculty of journalism in Skoplje and in Macedonian Radio Television. He is the president of Association of Journalists of Republic of Macedonia. Currently general manager assistant on Macedonian Television, in charge of programmes. ALEKSANDAR BEČANOVIĆ (MONTENEGRO) Born in 1971. He is a film critic for the newspapers ‘’Vijesti’’. He is a member of FIPRESCI – International Association of Film Critics. Two years ago, he was a selector of the Festival. He was also a jury member. He published four books of poetry: Ulysses’ distance 1994, Indeed 1996, The Closet 1998, Spaces in the letter 2001 and one book of prose I wander what will come out of it 2005. He is a winner of the award of Risto Ratkovic for the best book of poetry in 2002. He published many articles for ARSU, PLIMA and other magazines on the territory of former Yugoslavia.
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