Maps and Co-Ordinates Appendix B

Maps and Co-Ordinates Appendix B

SECTION F: APPENDICES Appendix A: Maps and Co-ordinates Appendix B: Photographs Appendix C: Facility illustration(s) Appendix D: Public Participation Appendix E: Impact Assessment and Significance Methodology Appendix F: Details of EAP and expertise Appendix G: Declaration of Interest and EAP Affirmation Appendix A: Maps (Locality Map, Proposed Layout Map and Sensitivity Map) and co-ordinates APPENDIX A: POWER LINE CO-ORDINATES Komsberg East Grid Connection. Number Distance (m) Latitude Longitude 1 Start -32.739 20.995 2 250 -32.739 20.993 3 500 -32.739 20.990 4 750 -32.738 20.987 5 1000 -32.738 20.985 6 1250 -32.738 20.982 7 1500 -32.737 20.979 8 1750 -32.737 20.977 9 2000 -32.736 20.974 10 2250 -32.736 20.972 11 2500 -32.736 20.969 12 2750 -32.736 20.966 13 3000 -32.736 20.964 14 3250 -32.737 20.961 15 3500 -32.737 20.958 16 3750 -32.737 20.956 17 4000 -32.737 20.953 18 4250 -32.738 20.950 19 4500 -32.738 20.948 20 4750 -32.738 20.945 21 5000 -32.738 20.942 22 5155 -32.738 20.940 23 5405 -32.739 20.938 24 5655 -32.739 20.935 25 5905 -32.740 20.933 26 6155 -32.741 20.930 27 6405 -32.741 20.928 28 6655 -32.742 20.925 29 6905 -32.743 20.923 30 7155 -32.743 20.920 31 7405 -32.744 20.918 32 7655 -32.745 20.915 33 7905 -32.745 20.913 34 8155 -32.746 20.910 35 8405 -32.747 20.907 36 8655 -32.747 20.905 37 8905 -32.748 20.902 38 9155 -32.749 20.900 39 9405 -32.749 20.897 40 9655 -32.750 20.895 41 9905 -32.750 20.892 42 10155 -32.750 20.889 43 10405 -32.750 20.887 44 10655 -32.749 20.884 45 10905 -32.749 20.881 46 11155 -32.748 20.879 47 11405 -32.748 20.876 48 11655 -32.748 20.874 1 Number Distance (m) Latitude Longitude 49 11905 -32.748 20.871 50 12155 -32.750 20.869 51 12405 -32.751 20.867 52 12655 -32.752 20.864 53 12905 -32.751 20.862 54 13155 -32.751 20.859 55 13405 -32.752 20.857 56 13655 -32.753 20.854 57 13905 -32.754 20.852 58 14155 -32.755 20.849 59 14405 -32.756 20.847 60 14655 -32.757 20.845 61 14905 -32.758 20.842 62 15155 -32.759 20.840 63 15405 -32.760 20.838 64 15655 -32.762 20.836 65 15905 -32.763 20.834 66 16155 -32.765 20.833 67 16405 -32.767 20.832 68 16655 -32.769 20.831 69 16905 -32.771 20.830 70 17155 -32.772 20.828 71 17405 -32.773 20.825 72 17655 -32.774 20.822 73 17702 -32.774 20.820 74 17952 -32.774 20.819 75 18202 -32.775 20.817 76 18452 -32.775 20.814 77 18702 -32.775 20.812 78 18952 -32.776 20.809 79 19202 -32.776 20.806 80 19452 -32.777 20.804 81 19702 -32.777 20.801 82 19952 -32.778 20.798 83 20202 -32.778 20.796 84 20452 -32.778 20.793 85 20702 -32.779 20.791 86 20952 -32.779 20.788 87 21202 -32.779 20.785 88 21452 -32.780 20.783 89 21702 -32.780 20.780 90 21952 -32.780 20.777 91 22202 -32.780 20.775 92 22452 -32.781 20.772 93 22702 -32.781 20.769 94 22952 -32.781 20.767 95 23202 -32.781 20.764 96 23452 -32.782 20.762 97 23702 -32.784 20.760 98 23952 -32.785 20.758 99 24202 -32.787 20.756 2 Number Distance (m) Latitude Longitude 100 24452 -32.788 20.754 101 24702 -32.790 20.752 102 24952 -32.791 20.750 103 25202 -32.793 20.748 104 25452 -32.794 20.746 105 25702 -32.796 20.744 106 25952 -32.797 20.742 107 26202 -32.799 20.740 108 26452 -32.800 20.738 109 26702 -32.802 20.736 110 26952 -32.804 20.734 111 27202 -32.805 20.732 112 27452 -32.807 20.730 113 27702 -32.808 20.728 114 27952 -32.810 20.726 115 28202 -32.811 20.724 116 28452 -32.813 20.722 117 28702 -32.814 20.720 118 28952 -32.816 20.718 119 29202 -32.817 20.716 120 29452 -32.819 20.715 121 29702 -32.821 20.713 122 29952 -32.823 20.712 123 30202 -32.825 20.711 124 30452 -32.827 20.709 125 30702 -32.829 20.708 126 30952 -32.831 20.706 127 31202 -32.832 20.705 128 31452 -32.834 20.703 129 31702 -32.836 20.702 130 31952 -32.838 20.701 131 32202 -32.840 20.700 132 32452 -32.843 20.699 133 32702 -32.845 20.699 134 32952 -32.847 20.698 135 33202 -32.849 20.697 136 33452 -32.851 20.696 137 33702 -32.853 20.694 138 33952 -32.855 20.693 139 34202 -32.856 20.691 140 34452 -32.857 20.688 141 34702 -32.859 20.686 142 34952 -32.860 20.684 143 35202 -32.862 20.682 144 35452 -32.863 20.680 145 35702 -32.865 20.678 146 35952 -32.866 20.677 147 36202 -32.868 20.675 148 36452 -32.869 20.673 149 36702 -32.871 20.671 150 36952 -32.873 20.669 3 Number Distance (m) Latitude Longitude 151 37202 -32.874 20.667 152 37452 -32.876 20.665 153 37702 -32.877 20.663 154 37952 -32.879 20.661 155 38202 -32.880 20.659 156 38452 -32.882 20.657 157 38702 -32.884 20.655 158 38952 -32.885 20.653 159 39202 -32.887 20.651 160 39452 -32.888 20.650 161 39702 -32.890 20.648 162 39952 -32.891 20.646 163 40202 -32.893 20.644 164 40452 -32.894 20.642 165 40702 -32.896 20.640 166 40952 -32.898 20.638 167 41202 -32.899 20.636 168 41452 -32.901 20.634 169 41702 -32.902 20.632 170 41952 -32.904 20.630 171 42202 -32.905 20.628 172 42452 -32.907 20.626 173 42702 -32.908 20.624 174 42952 -32.910 20.623 175 43202 -32.912 20.621 176 43452 -32.913 20.619 177 43702 -32.915 20.617 178 43952 -32.916 20.615 179 44202 -32.918 20.613 180 44452 -32.919 20.611 181 44702 -32.921 20.609 182 44952 -32.923 20.607 183 45202 -32.924 20.605 184 45452 -32.926 20.603 185 45702 -32.927 20.601 186 45952 -32.929 20.599 187 46202 -32.930 20.597 188 END -32.932 20.596 4 Appendix B: Site Photographs APPENDIX B: PHOTOGRAPHS OF THE SITE Figure 1: The site facing north (co-ordinates -32.729880° 20.929222°). Figure 2: The site facing east (co-ordinates -32.729880° 20.929222°) 1 Figure 3: The site facing south (co-ordinates -32.729880° 20.929222°). Figure 4: The site facing west (co-ordinates -32.729880° 20.929222°). 2 Figure 5: Panorama facing north (co-ordinates -32.729880° 20.929222°). Figure 6: Panorama facing south (co-ordinates -32.729880° 20.929222°). 3 Appendix C: Facility illustration(s) Appendix C: Facility Illustrations. Figure 1: 132kV DC lattice structure. Figure 2: 132kV DC monopoles. 1 Figure 3:132kV SC Flat Formation Strain. Figure 4: 132kV SC Lattice. 2 Figure 5: Typical IPP (Independent Power Producer) Substation. Figure 6: Typical Switching Station. 3 Appendix D: Public Participation Appendix D1 Advertisements and site notices Vrydag 28 Augustus 2015 Die Burger Geklassifiseerd 11 . 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