Twenty Fourth Week In Ordinary Time September 15, 2019 Our Lady of Sorrows From the Gusset The Catholic Church looks at St. Thomas Aquinas as Her greatest Theologian. When you see greatness M if you look behind the great there often times is another, who hides in the shadow. In the case of St. Thomas M the other is: St. Albert the Great M his teacher. The martyred good King Wenceslaus (easily the greatest Bohemian Saint) had his grandmother, St. Ludmila, teach him, his Catholic Faith. Grandparents are often that person who lurks in the shadow of those who are great. And that is why we celebrate the Holy Mass in honor of our Grandparents on the Sunday closest to the Feast of St. Ludmila M patron Saint (along with Saints Joachim and Anne) of Grandparents. History will never give St. Albert the Great or St. Ludmila or Saints Joachim and Anne the credit they deserve for their influence on their protégées or grandchildren, but we can. St. Thomas Aquinas and St. Wenceslaus would be first in line to honor their mentor, their grandparents. Let’s you and I be right behind them in thanking God for the gift of our Grandparents. Let us offer the Thanksgiving of the Eucharist to those who help usNnot only to learn our Catholic Faith, but also to live our Catholic Faith! This is also Catechetical Sunday and the first day of our CCD classes. I would like to ask for your prayers for the following generous individuals, who have volunteered to teach our students. Our teachers are: Deb Cardot, Amy Krueger, Jason Malach, Teresa Machen, and Will Klein. Our substitute teachers this year will be: Aubrey Burke, Colleen Klein, Julie Malach, and the Daughters of Divine Love. Of course you all know that LouAnn Malach is our DRE. Our CCD program would look totally different, if these individuals and especially if LouAnn had not volunteered. We were very close to implementing a program by the Sophia Institute, which looks totally different from our traditional multiple classroom/teacher approach. May the scriptural blessing of teachers be given to our Catechists: those who are (teachers) shall shine brightly like the splendor of the firmament; and those who lead the many (in the Faith) shall be like the stars M forever! (Daniel 12:3) Yours on the Path Fr. Randy CHURCH FARM The Church farm leases are up for renewal. If your name is already in the poolNyou need do nothing. If you don’t want your name in the pool or if your name isn’t in the pool, and you would like to farm the Church land please contact: Louis Vaessen, Tom Dinges, or Gene Leffelman. You are a qualified Church farmer if you are registered at Our Lady of Perpetual Help, contribute your time, talent, or treasure to the Church on a regular basis, and have a farm number registered at the FSA office in Amboy. The drawing will take place after the 4:00 pm Mass on Saturday, October 5th in the Hall. For more information call 8158495533. Due to several acts of vandalism over the past 2 years and some recent suspicious activity around St. Mary of the Assumption Church, West BrooklynNthe Church will now be locked when not in use. It is unfortunate, but as is often the caseNa few bad individuals have ruined things for the silent (God fearing) majority. Yet and still, St. Mary’s was the only one of our three Churches that was not locked during night time hours. If you would like to pray in the Church and it is locked, please contact Fr. Randy. Collection Amounts for the Month of August 2019 OLPH SMA St. Patrick Loose Collection $1,226 $210 $309 Envelopes $6,042 $3,935 $1,783 Total $7,268 $4,145 $2,092 Monthly Expenses $8,354 $4,683 $3,532 Diocesan Appeal $7,865/11,015 $14,312/5,517 $5,644/3,532 Assumption $413 $218 $248 Heroes of God; Feast Days of the Saints St. Robert Bellarmine Patron Saint of Catechists September 17th One of the great scholars of all time, Robert Bellarmine, was born in 1542 and although becoming a Jesuit priest, Robert taught and studied St. Thomas Aquinas’s Summa Theologiae (this is interesting only because St. Thomas is a Dominican priest). Once ordained he severed as a spiritual director, preached each Sunday, and started studying Hebrew while contining to study Theology. One of his spiritual directees was the great St. Aloysius Gonzaga, whose cause for canonization was put forward by Fr. Bellarmine. Fr. Robert’s claim to fame was his immense work called DisputationsNbased on scripture, tradition, and reason, the work encompassed all Catholic dogma. It has often been said about Fr. Robert’s Disputations that the work was so vast no single scholar could have produced it (yet St. Bellarmine is its sole author). What Bellarmine did with DisputationsNSt. Aquinas did with the SummaM that is why I like to call St. Robert Bellarmine the Jesuit equivalent of the Dominican’s St. Thomas Aquinas. Pope Clement VIII was a big fan of Cardinal Bellarmine saying, “the Church of God had not his equal in learning.” The Pope made Cardinal Robert the rector of the Roman College and Cardinal Inquisitor. In his latter role, Bellarmine advised Galileo, who initially took the Cardinal’s advice, but later, (12 years after Bellarmine’s death) Galileo did his own thing and wound up on the Pope’s bad side. Cardinal Bellarmine was instrumental in teaching the Faith at a time when many Catholic’s were scratching their heads at the rudeness of Protestant disputes. For instance the Protestants were arguing that in the Confiteor prayer that we ought not to pray to ‘all the Angels and Saints,’ because they could not hear us!? Bellarmine argued that just as the Saints hear our prayers, so they also hear our confessions of guilt. For didn’t the Prodigal Son say in our Lord’s parable, “I have sinned against Heaven and against earth.” In 1597, St. Bellarmine wrote a Catechism that was translated into 50 languages and was a bestseller in the 17th to the 19th century! Canonized in 1930, St. The Altar in the Basilica of St. Ignatius where St. Robert Bellarmine is also a Doctor of the Robert Bellarmine is interred. Fr. Randy celebrated Church. St. Robert Bellarmine...pray for us! one of his first Masses here on June 6, 2005. Mass Schedule Saturday, September 14th Exaltation of the Holy Cross 11:00am St. Patrick Cemetery Deceased buried at the Cemetery/ Fr. Randy 4:00 pm, OLPH (+) Joan (Myers) Dinges/ Mr. & Mrs. Michael Vaessen 5:30 pm, SMA (+) Betty Gehant/ Family Sunday, September 15th 24th Sunday of Ordinary Time 8:00 am, St. Patrick Pro Populo/ Fr. Randy 10:30 am, OLPH (+) Marilyn Henkel/ Mr. & Mrs. Robert Jones Saturday, September 21st 4:00 pm, OLPH (+) Robert Kellen/ Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Leffelman & (+) Geraldine Fronek/ Mr. & Mrs. Henry Antosiak 5:30 pm, SMA (+) Janet Hornung/ Mr. & Mrs. Jerry O’Sadnick Sunday, September 22nd 25th Sunday of Ordinary Time 8:00 am, St. Patrick Pro Populo/ Fr. Randy 10:30 am, OLPH (+) Rosetta Schuhler/ Carlene Schuhler Pastor: Fr. Randy Fronek Email address: [email protected] Secretary: Nancy Neal Phone Number: 8158495412 Financial Officer: Donna Stephenitch Address: P.O. Box 80, Sublette, Ill. 61367 Holy Hours at OLPH, St. Mary of the Assumption, and St. Patrick Church Every Thursday at OLPH from 9:00 am to 10:00 am 4th Tuesday at St. Mary of the Assumption from 8:00 am to 9:00 am 1st Friday at St. Patrick from 8:30 am to 9:30 am Confession Times on Weekends Saturday: 3:153:50pm OLPH 6:30pm6:45pm SMA Sunday: 7:157:50am St. Patrick 10:00am10:30am OLPH Would you like to rent our Hall? Contact these Hall Coordinators: St. Patrick Church, Maytown Nancy Neal 8158495412 St. Mary of the Assumption, West Brooklyn Lisa Studebaker 8156283121 Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Sublette Shelly Rod 8157661150 ➊ ➋➌➍ ➎➏➏ ➎ ➐ ➑➒➓ ➎➒➔ → ➍ ➎➣ ➑➏↔➒ ↕↔➙ ◆❖ ◗ ◗❘ P❙ ❯❱❘◗ ❳❙❨❩ ❳❬❱❘ ➛ ➜➝➞ ➟➠ ➞ ➡ ➢➤➠ ➥ ➦➧➟ ➨➝➤➩ ❭❪❫ ❴❪♦❫ ❵❪❜❝ ❞❜❢❫❪ ❣❝❜ ❝❥❦ ❧ ❝❝♠♥ ➫➞➧➭ ➥ ➯➧ ➲➝➳➠ ➵➠ ➞ ➳➠➥ ➛➟➠ ➞➸ ➺➝➤ ➛➻➞➸ ➺➭➼ ➯➭➞➠ ➽➸➤ ➺➠ ➾➚➾➚ ♣qs ✈✇s③③ ④s➪ ➪➶➶➹ ➘ ➴ ➷➶➬ ➮➱✃➱❐❒❮ ⑤ ⑥⑦⑧⑨⑩ ❶❷ ❸❹❺❹❻ ❘ ✤✦ ✧ ★✩ ✪ ✫✤ ✧✧✬✭ ✮✤✯✰✰✤ ❰ ÏÐÑÒÓ ÔÕÖ× ÔØÙ× ÖÚÚÚ ❼❽❹❾❿ ➀ ❾❹➁❾❺❺❽ ✰✬ ✭ ✤✫ ▼ ✲ ➂➃➃➄➅➆ ➇ ➈➉➊➉➅➆ ➇ ➂➋➌➍➎➏➋ ➐➋➅➑ ➒➉➅ ➊➃➓➔ ÛÜÝÓ ÔÕÖ×ÔØ Ù×ÖÚ ÔÔ ✽ ✴✵✶✵✷✸ ✶✸✷ ✹✺ →➋ ➓ ➣➃ ➐➋➔ ➇ ➂➃➃ ➐ ↔ ➊➊➉➑➉➃➅ ➔ ➫Þ➡Þ ➧à á â➚ã ➽➭ ä➼➠ ➯➯➠ã åæ ç➾èçé ✿ ❀❁❂❃ ❄ ✻✼✾ ✻ Dixon Giesen & Flessner êëìíîï ð ïñòó ❣❤ ❥❧♠ ♥ q❤rs ❧ q♠ ➂➃➄ ➅➆➇➈➉ ❅❆❂❃ ❈❉❊ ✾ ❁✻❃ ôõ ö÷ øùú û t q✉✈① ③ ❥④ ❏❑ ▲◆◗❙❚❯ ❱❍❑ P❛●❍ ✐ ■❦ 121 E First St. ✔✕①✖✗✘✙ ✚ ✛ ✜✕✢ ✖✗✘✙ ✣✕❡✤✘✦✢✘✙✤ ü ýþÿ ùú û ✐ ✁✁õ ùúû P❛●❍ ✐ ■❦ ❏❑ ▲◆ ◗❙❚❯ ▲❍❑ ✩✪✫ ✬ ✭✮ ✯ ✰ ✭ ✱✲✳✴✮✮✴ Dixon, Il ✶✧★ ⑩ ❶❷❸❹❺ ❻ ❻❹❶❺❸ ❼ ⑤⑥⑦ ⑧⑨ Linda A. 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