\VII THIS WEEK IN TEXAS August 22·28, 1986 KALEIDOSCOPE Starving at the Breakfast of Champions VIEWPOINT Aepublican Participation INTERVIEW Singer Allsha HEALTH Attentive Dentists, Port II i~.! \.~ ':'.::: "?" '.:, ·.~I \ i.,J;f ,I"'" ,.,~, ""ij :.••. r.~: ~:I;{ .F ,", ,;\1) II,W,.:R". ':, I" •. :~I'· ·!··~:-~.I·: -':"':1. :'1<',1" ,:'I':":', ::i't;!'c'·~:' ,:1'1 "1"" '";;,"?~IID' .··· ; ': .[ ::,t :':::, . .~ i-1: 1- .~•. ,_,._"lI~· } '!-; .,;:-:: " "I' ,••511 A{/ • 'J:: .:'- .•••~I.·.'! 1\ A FIVE DAY BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION LABOR DAY WEEKEND AUGUST 27·31 THE HEART OF THE MONTROSE ARTS DISTRICT PACIFIC AT GRANT • HOUSTON • (713)521-9123 See page. 6 •. 7 for schedule of anniversary events th II ual at hippie hollow on lake travis Sunday August 31 starts at noon st$ 7·9PM FREE WELL dj I vj JON MOff FREEBEER& MUSIC AT HIPPIE HOLLOW Ii CAR POOLING STRONGLY ENCOURAGED ~ THE FUN IS BACK AT . • • II CONTENTS " r::;;>~ Volume 12. Number 23 August 22·28. 1986 o- ~(! fj)~ /"- ~ ~~V austin~ 1301 LAVACA· 474·6481 11 TWT NEWS Successful Goy Leadership ConFererxe in Dallas . HELP US CELEBRATE RANDY'S RETURN 20 COMMENT Letters to the Editor WITH A CUSTOMER APPRECIATION WEEKEND 25 VIEWPOINT Republican Porticipation-Where Were They? bv Joe R. Thornton 29 HEALTHEarly Signs of AIDS in Your Mouth, Part II bV Bruce Smith, 0.0.5. 33 BOOKS Watershed by David Rees Reviewed bV Dovid Fields 38 THEATRETexas Theatre bV Billie Duncon SATURDAY SUNDAY 41 MOVIES 6:tremities With Farrah Fawcett Reviewed bV O. Aores Alvorez FREE DRINKS 6-7PM NIonhunter With William Petersen Reviewed bv Horrv Deasd1 FREE DRINKS 9-10PM Letter to Brezhnev Reviewed bV Donalevon Moines FREE CHAMPAGNE FREE BEER AN D 48 SHOWBIZ MTV Awards, Eddie Money With Ronnie Spector! ... bV Jock Vof5i AT MIDNIGHT HOT DOGS AT 7PM 50 ART Robert Moon's Criminal Acts bV Mitchell M. Bartlow DJ DRINK SPECIALS 52 KALEIDOSCOPEStarving at the BreokFast of Champions bV Dovid V. Meunier ALL NITE 57 HOT TEA Galveston & Austin Plan Laboar Day's Last Splash. 67 SNAPSHOTS Miss Gay Texas Pageant Photos bV Michoel McHlnnev 69 INTERVIEW Singer Alisha bvSteve MHes SUPER SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY 71 SPORTS Texans at Son Francisco's Goy Games II. bV BobbV Miller $6.00 Liquor Bust 3·7PM Mexico Madness Corona Beach Club Nite 75 STARSCOPEThe "Winged Messenger" bV Milton von Stem Free Beer and Hot Dogs 7PM Free Beer 10PM $1.25 Coronas 79 CLASSIFIEDWant Ads ond Notices DJ Drink Specials and $1.75 Margaritas Happy Hour Prices Happy Hour Prices all night 89 CALENDARSpecial One-Time Only & Non-Profit Community Events 91 THE GUIDE Texas Business/Club Directory WET WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY-SATURDAY 25' Drinks 50' Schnapps $6.00Liquor Bust 3·7PM TWT (This Week in Texas) is published by Texas Weekly Publishing Co., at 2205 Montrose, Houston, Texas 77006, phone: (7rJI Happy Hour all night Your #1 Party Placewith 527·9111. Opinions expressed by columnists are not necessarily those of TWT or of its staff. Publication of the name or photograph $3.00 Cover of any person or organization in articles or advertising in TWT is not to be construed as any indication of the sexual orientation Austin's FriendliestStaff of said person or organization. Subscription rates: $66 per year, $44 per half year. Back issues available at $2 each. Payment must accompany all orders. Copyright © 1986 by Texas Weekly Publishing Co. All rights reserved. Partial or complete reproduction of any advertisement, news, article or feature, copy or photograph from TWT is specifically prohibited by federal statute. TWT AUGUST 22 - AUGUST 28 1986 PAGE 4 TWT AUGUST 22 - AUGUST 28 1986 PAGE 5 Special Guest Disc DJ/VJ Jockey . .Warren Michael Lowery Gluck who currently 1O' Drink Night plays the Pavillionon Fire Free Well Drinks Island,the Saint and the Monster in Manhattan. I 9-11 PM I August 27th Cover • Dancing till Dawn Cover • After Hours August 30th Free Well Drinks, 9-11 PM DJ/VJ National Recording Artist Randy Rider . ALISHA singingher HUNTER AND latest video Hits "Baby THE HEADLINERS Talk,II "Star Gazin' II I Free Well Drinks and "All Night Passion". 9-11 PM FinalNight ... Special August 28th Cover • After Hours Guest OJ Warren Gluck I from New York City. Free Well Drinks 7-9PM August 31 th Cover • After Hours Special Guest Video LAST NIGHT FOR THE Jockey David Leo UNDER 21 SET! from Los Angeles with his electic collection of video. I Free Well Drinks August 29th 9-11 PM Cover • After Hours THE HEARTIJ'OFTHE MONTROSE ARTS DISTRICT HOUSTON • [713] 521-9123 ~ M South Jennings ~ ,1 ~ presents a ~ I NEWS SUPER LABOR DAY "We go forward, we pick up the WEEKEND CELEBRATION pieces, we unite and we win in the end!" Friday • Saturday That's where we go from here. And that Sunday • Monday was the unanimous consensus of opin- August 29-September 1 ion. Truly, the fired-up conference left little room for doom and gloom. at Perhaps it was an out-of-stater, Jeff Levi, executive director of the National DGA's Tony Anthony welcomes nearly 100gay and lesbian leaders to statewide conference in Dallas last weekend, Gay Task Force in Washington, D.C., August 16-17, TWT NEWS photo by Chuck Patrick. who saw the overview best when he analyzed, "We must be in this for the with a special long haul and not burn out. FARWELL PARTY TO TEXAS LEADERS "We may have deluded ourselves in- SPORTS EbrtO~Bobby Miller to thinking that the U.S.Supreme Court, POETRY EDlTOrtdFtores Alvarez OUR 19 & 20 YEAR OLD MEET IN DALLAS in one stroke of the pen, could have CONTRIBUilNG WRITERS 0, Flores Alvarez. Carl Davis, swept away all of our problems. Harry DeutSch. David Fields, CUSTOMERS at PLAN STRATEGY "But remember, all civil rights matters Weldon Graharne,Christopher Hart. (Texasdrinking age will be 21 Hollie Hollister, erlan KeeVer, Donolevan Maines, Where Do We Go From take years," stated Levi. Tom Coleman James Marvlh. Mitton von Stern. Jack Stone at: Midnigh~ePtemb:'1~_ of the Texas Human Rights Foundation ADVERTISING ART DIRECTOR Mitch Bartlow 1* Here? We Unite for agreed. "We at THRF never promised we GRAPHIC ARTISTS The Final Victoryl Fred Hinton. Jay Verdon. would win this time," Coleman Hek Cavazos. Kent Edson Smith. Saturday, August 16 Exclusive TWT NEWS Analysis. Richard Bang, Charles Clinton reminded. TYPOGRAPHERS DALLAS - If you've been wondering Another out-of-stater, Tom Stoddard Tobl Chapman. Babby Miller The LYNN if Lonestar State gay politics is dead in of New York, executive director of the STAFF PHOTOGRAPHERS .i: CHRISTOPHER,ShOW Scott Taylor, Jim Hamitton. Oscar Mendiola, * the Texas sagebrush since the 21.06 Lambda Legal Defense Fund, added, "I Michael McKinney. Renoe Ingram. Scot Roberts, 1A starring have observed that Texas has a national Hollie Hollister. Blase DiStefano case went down to a 5-to-4 defeat in the STATEWIDE DISTRIBUTION Steve Miles U.S.Supreme Court earlier this summer, reputation for a special blend of RECEPTIONISTS you should have been at this city's rebellion. We can't let our anger stop us Dallas-Steve Miles * fashionable Fairmont Hotel last week- from having reasonable dialogue with Houston-Arby Burnett -* end when nearly 100 gay men and les- our legislators." SALES bian leaders from across the state Stoddard also added that the Sup- EXECUTIVE SALES MANAGER gathered to determine "Where Do We reme Court's recent decision "de- Jim Veteto Go From Here" -theme of the two-day federalized" the sodomy issue, leaving Advertising rotes ore available on request by tele- the matter up to each state to decide. phoning the salesperson in your nearest city .. conference. DEADLINE FOR ALL ADS: Friday, one week prior to publication. AUSTIN Scott Taylor, (512) 926-0253 DAUAS Alan Gellman, , (214) 521-0622 fORT WORTH Steve Miles, ,(214) 521-0622 HOUSTON/GALVESTON Scot Roberts, , (713) 527-9111 SAN ANTONIO/CORPUS CHRISTI Tim Ramm, ,(512) 822-9213 CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT Dallas Bureau-Steve Miles Houston Bureau-Scot Roberts TWT MAGAZINE Texas Weekly Publishing Co. PAGE 10 .Cao!..~ ',' 'i' -- (I) 0 "The decision also took the matter Eo.- out of the courts so there will be no '" '" ""-:lU quick fixes," stated Stoddard. U<'l(l) "Therefore, it'll have to come through '" '" c~ C our lobbying efforts in each state :l 0-- legislature in order to change each '" '" o 0-- <'l Q ,>.. <'l<'l state's sodomy law." '" '" Z Will repeal of 21.06 be a wise move in '" '" u£Je ~ -c the upcoming session of the Texas ~:a 0-- v 0 Legislature in 1987?Texas lobbyist Bet- .o~E tie Naylor thinks not. "We'd be lucky to ;:=» •...-0 ."Hf:) get 15 votes to repeal 21.06," she told :l : •... the conferees. ..,ea Jeff Levi (I) of New York and Glenn Maxey of Austin coor- Q Glenn Maxey of the Austin-based dinate workshop on legislative action. ~£ g>~ -.I LGRA lobbying effort thinks "45 to 50 ••••• ""-"0 •... votes at the most." He reminded that But suffice it to report that our leaders 0(1) ~ when the matter came up for a vote on walked away from the conference with I~:M the house floor the last time, back in a purpose and a specific agenda of ~•... 1973, only 15 legislators voted for it. goals. Z o ~ "No one will want to vote on such a As DGA's Tony Anthony said in his controversial issue as sodomy," remind- opening remarks, "We are here in Dallas !z « ed LGRA's Pat Cramer. "Since we don't to develop a state agenda to take back LL ce LL have the votes now, we must use a pro- to our local organizations.
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