Front Matter

Front Matter

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural AND Archaeological Society TRANSACTIONS 1935 St. Albans: PRINTED BY GIBBS AND BAMFORTH, LTD., SPENCER STREET, 1936 A £ . T1 * w A H >'IX O O 2 o CONTENTS PAGE List of Officers and Council, 1935 232 List of Members, 1935 233 Report for the Year 1935 238 The Society's Library 240 Obituary 242 The Romano-British Cemetery at St. Stephens, near Verulamium. By Norman Davey, B.Sc., Ph.D., A.M.Inst.C.E 243 The Old Bull and Bennetts Butts, Harpenden. By Bernard P. Scattergood, M.A., F.S.A 276 James Bucknall, Third Viscount Grimston. By the Countess of Verulam 293 Verulamium : Insulae XII and XIII. By A. W. G. Lowther, F.S.A., A.R.l.B.A 312 The Stepneth Family of St. Albans and Aldenham Manor, Herts. By H. C. Andrews, M.A., F.S.A 317 Notes 325 Reviews 329 Statement of Accounts for the year 1935 330 THE ST. ALBANS AND HERTFORDSHIRE ARCHITECTURAL AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. FOUNDED 1845. OFFICERS AND COUNCIL FOR 1935. Patrons. THE MOST HON. THE MARQUESS OF SALISBURY, K.G., P.C., G.C.V.O., C.B. THE RIGHT HON. THE EARL OF VERULAM. THE RIGHT REV. THE LORD BISHOP OF ST. ALBANS, D.D. President. THE REV. G. A. GUEST, M.A., B.C.L., LL.D. Vice-Presidents. THE VERY REV. THE DEAN OF ST. ALBANS, M.A. CHARLES E. JONES, ESQ., F.S.A. ERNEST WOOLLEY, ESQ., F.S.A. A. J. B. WACE, ESQ., M.A., F.S.A. GERALD R. OWST, ESQ., M.A., LITT.D., D.LIT., PH.D., F.R.HIST.S. Council. THE REV. R. F. BEVAN, M.A. E. STANLEY KENT, ESQ. A. L. CRIBB, ESQ. MRS. C. M. MCCULLOCH. R. J. DANGERFIELD, ESQ. MRS. H. J. C. PEIRS. MISS P. M. GIBBS. MRS. L. G. SCOTT. A. W. GORTON, ESQ. G. E. SECKER, ESQ. R. E. HILL, ESQ. MISS G. L. A. SEEBOHM. Director. ERNEST WOOLLEY, ESQ., F.S.A. Honorary Secretary. CHARLES E. JONES, ESQ., F.S.A. Honorary Excursion Secretary. MRS. HAROLD HARTLEY, B.A. Honorary Treasurer. F. MURE WHITING, ESQ. Honorary Librarian. MISS KATHLEEN A. JONES. Honorary Auditor. N. P. ANDREW, ESQ. District Correspondents. Watford—NORMAN DAVEY, ESQ., B.SC., PH.D., A.M.INST.C.E. North Herts—W. PERCIVAL WESTELL, ESQ., F.L.S., F.S.A.SCOT. THE ST. ALBANS AND HERTFORDSHIRE ARCHITECTURAL AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. LIST OF MEMBERS (December, 1935). Marked § are Life Members. Marked * are Honorary Members. Adcock, Miss, Wilfords, Bricket Bevan, Rev. R. F., M.A., Kings- Road, St. Albans. bury Lodge, St. Albans. Allanson, Miss J., 19, Abbey View Bevan, Mrs., Kingsbury Lodge, St. Road, St. Albans. Albans. Allengame, L. F., 3, East Drive, Bloom, E. F. D., M.A., B.Sc., Napsbury, St. Albans. Crofton, Hitchin. Anderson, Mrs., The Red House, Bolton, G. R., F.L.A., Public Wheathampstead. Library, Watford. Anderson, Mrs. A. M., 15, Cunning- Bone, Miss K. M., Montrose, Har- ham Avenue, St. Albans. penden Road, St. Albans. Anderson, A. Whitford, F.R.I.B.A., Botterill, Miss A., Poldhu, Towns- The Sundial, Gerrards Cross. end Avenue, St. Albans. Andrew, N. P., South Lodge, Cun- Bowes, Charles, F.S.I., The Croft, ningham Hill, St. Albans. Sandpit Lane, St. Albans. Andrew, Miss K. P., South Lodge, Bowes, Mrs., The Croft, Sandpit Cunningham Hill, St. Albans. Lane, St. Albany Andrews, H. C., M.A., F.S.A., 21, Brewer, Miss M. A., 28, The St. Faith's Road, London, S.E.21. Avenue, Watford. Archibald, Miss E., M.A., Laving- Brightman, W. H., Cintra, Sand- ton, Avenue Road, St. Albans. pit Lane, St. Albans. Ardley, W. G., Berea, Lemsford Brightman, Mrs., Cintra, Sandpit Road, St. Albans. Lane, St. Albans. Arnold, E. W., A.M.I.E., Roughcot, Broad, James E., Trengrove, Hempstead Road, W.atford. Harpenden. Arnold, Mrs., Roughcot, Hempstead Brooke, Mrs. A. Amy, 14, Nightin- Road, Watford. gale Road, Bushey. Arnold, Miss F., 15, Selby Avenue, Brooks, Mrs. E. Ratcliff-Gaylard, St. Albans. 36, Alexandra Road, Hemel *Ashdown, Mrs. C. H., F.R.Hist.S., Hempstead The Green, Kirby Moorside, Buckingham, W. H. L., 38, Glen- Yorks. ferrie Road, St. Albans. Asprey, H. E., 12, Ridgmont Road, *Bullen, Mrs. G. E., Herts County St. Albans. Museum, St. Albans. Asprey, Mrs., 12, Ridgmont Road, Burney, Miss, Duncroft, Jennings St. Albans. Road, St. Albans. Bailey, Miss M., Newlands, Towns- Callard, Mrs., 125, St. Julian's end Avenue, St. Albans. Estate, St. Albans. Bailey, Miss A., Newlands, Towns- Campbell, Mrs. E. F., 30, Wood- end Avenue, St. Albans. stock Road, St. Albans. Bailey, Miss M., 19, Granville Campbell, G. S., Abbotts Wick, Road, St. Albans. Clarence Road, St. Albans. Barron, Mrs. M. A., 25, Beacons- Campbell, Mrs., Abbotts Wick. field Road, St. Albans. Clarence Road, St. Albans. Baum, John, Warwick Lodge, York Cann, Sir William, B.A., J.P., 78, Road. St. Albans. Clarence Road, St. Albans. Baum, Mrs., Warwick Lodge, York Cartmel, G. W., Duffield, Russell Road, St. Albans. Avenue, St. Albans. Baumgartner, T. J., 242, Sandridge Cartmel, Miss D. U. L., Duffield, Road, St. Albans. Russell Avenue, St. Albans. Bayard, Miss, The Nook, Palfrey Cartmel, Rev. R. G., B.Sc., 859, Close, St. Albans. Brighton Road, Purley. Beckett, A. J., 3, Marlborough Cavalier, Rev. H. O., M.A., St. Road, St. Albans. Stephens Vicarage, St. Albans. Beckett, Mrs., 3, Marlborough Cayley, Miss, Headley, Richmond, Road, St. Albans. Surrey. Beedham, Miss L. E., Virginia Chapman, Miss M. E., Home, Mile Cottage, Stroud. House Lane, St. Albans. Bell, Miss May, 2, Sherborne Road, Chittenden, Miss, The Elms, Upper Johannesburg. Marlborough Road, St. Albans. List of Members (December, 1935)—Continued. Christian, T. Harris, Coorparoo, Dobell, Miss Judith, Byletts, Pem- Lemsford Road, St. Albans. bridge, Leominster. Christian, Mrs., Coorparoo. Lems- ford Road, St. Albans. Edwards, Mrs. F., 26, Etna Road, Clauson, The Hon. Sir Charles, St. Albans. C.B.E., Hawkshead House, Hat- Elm, Mrs., Southgate, York Road, field. St. Albans. Clauson, Lady, Hawkshead House, Elston, Miss C., 18, Palfrey Close, Hatfield. St. Albans. Clear, E. A., Kingsbury Knoll, Eve, H. F., Rosehill House, King's Verulam Road, St. Albans. Langley. Clear, Mrs., Kingsbury Knoll, Veru- lam Road, St. Albans. Faraday, Laurence B., 77, Hamp- Cleghorn, Mrs. A. W., 138, stead Way, N.W.ll. Clarence Road, St. Albans. Findlay, John, New Town House, Cooper, Thomas, M.A., Spring Hatfield. Valley, Lemsford Road, St. Fletcher, Miss J. E., Nomansland, Albans. Wheathampstead. Cooper, Mrs., Spring Valley, Lems- Foster, Mrs. H. D., 57, Ramsbury ford Road, St. Albans. Road, St. Albans. Cotton, Mrs. L. S., South Lea, Fox, G. H., The Spinney, Sandpit St. Peter's Road, St. Albans. Lane, St. Albans. Cottrill, F., The Hall, Lymm, Fox, Mrs., The Spinney, Sandpit Cheshire. Lane, St. Albans. Cox, Mrs. M. M., White Cottage, Furse, Mrs., Abbey Gate House, New House Park, St. Albans. St. Albans. Crabtree, Rev. H. Gathorne, M.C., M.A., St. Peter's Vicarage, St. Galsworthy, Dr. Beatrice, M.B., Albans. Ch.B. (Edin.), 29, London Road, Crabtree, Mrs., St. Peter's Vicar- St. Albans. age, St. Albans. Gamlen, A. G. L., M.A., Gray Craven, E. Musgrave, M.A., Min- Gables, Townsend Avenue, St. sterley, Hall Place Gardens, St. Albans. Albans. Gamlen, St. J. O., M.A., Gray Cribb, A. L., Ridge View, London Gable9, Townsend Avenue, St. Road, St. Albans. Albans. Garbutt, L. L., M.A., F.C.S., 43, Crompton, Miss A. M., Spring Val- Victoria Street, St. Albans. ley, Lemsford Road, St. Albans. Garrod, Dr. Lawrence P., M.A., Cunningham, F. R., Hobletts M.B., M.R.C.P., Bankcroft, Manor, Hemel Hempstead. Douglas Road, Harpenden. Cunningham, Mrs., Hobletts Manor, Garrod, Dr. Marjorie, M.R.C.S., Hemel Hempstead. L.R.C.P., Bankcroft, Douglas Curtis, Miss F. L., J.P., Fairshot Road, Harpenden. Court, nr. St. Albans. Genge, W. Pope, F.S.I., Bramhall, Sandpit Lane, St. Albans. Dakers, H. J., M.A., 3, Belmont (Genge, Mrs., Bramhall, Sandpit Hill, St. Albans. Lane, St. Albans. Dakers, Mrs., 3, Belmont Hill, St. Gibbs, Miss P. M., Houndspath, Albans. Upper Marlborough Road, St. Dangerfield, R. J., 57, Woodstock Albans. Road, St. Albans. Glossop, Mrs., J. P., Romeland Dangerfield, Mrs., 57, Woodstock House, St. Albans. Road, St. Albans. Goffin, Mrs., Meadowcroft, New- Davey, Norman, B.Sc., Ph.D., house Park, St. Albans. A.M.Inst.C.E., 61, Eastbury Road, Gorton, Arthur W., 80, Clarence Watford. Road, St. Albans. Davies, Mrs. Rosina, Garnock Green, J. C., Tintagel, Park Avenue, House, London Road, St. Albans. St. Albans. Davis, Rev. Edward, B.A., 26, Green, Mrs., Tintagel, Park Avenue, Battlefield Road, St. Albans. St. Albans. Davis, Mrs., 26, Battlefield Road, Green, W. S., J.P., St. Stephen's St. Albans. House, St. Albans. Domain-Saunders, Miss C., Hacketts Griffiths, Percival D., F.S.A., Sand- Barns, Brickendon, Hertford. ridgebury, St. Albans. $ Dixon, Rev. T. G., M.A., The Griffiths, Mrs., Sandridgebury, St. Hall, Holton-le-Moor, Lines. Albans. List of Members {December, 1935)—Continued. Guest, Rev. G. A., M.A., B.C.L., Jacob, Mrs., 9, Marlborough Gate, LL.D., Innisfree, Clarence Road, St. Albans. St. Albans. Jameson, H. P., B.Sc., M.D., Guest, Mrs., Innisfree, Clarence Ch.B., Romeland Cottage, St. Road, St. Albans. Albans. Guise, W. C., B.A., 15, Frankland Jones, Mrs. A. G., The Red House, Road, Croxley Green. Digswell. Gulick, Mrs. C., 7, Kingsbury Jones, C. E., F.S.A., Warners, Rus- Avenue, St. Albans. sell Avenue, St. Albans. Jones, Mrs. C. E., Warners, Rus- Hamer, Rev. Canon C. J., 90, sell Avenue, St. Albans. Clarence Road, St. Albans.

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