Secton 2. Geography Secton 2. Geography Namozov Jurabek Abduazizovich, National university of Uzbekistan, senior staff scientist E-mail: [email protected] Sharipov Shavkat Muxamajanovich, assistant professor E-mail: [email protected] Uralov Eliboy Amanovich, senior staff scientist E-mail: [email protected] The territorial features of effective use of water resources (as Zarafshan basin) Abstract: Every irrigation systems provide by the definite channel and the name of the system as the same as channel. Moreover, water resources of Zarafshan river divided in different regions, districts and other areas. In this article regions was reflected which was provided by Zarafshan river and analyzed every region separately. In conclusion part was speculated about possibility of using water resources and some suggestions for resolving problems in future. Keywords: water resources, agriculture, industry, water reservoir, irrigation systems, the channeles, regions and districts. Introduction. Waterresources are suitable water for using • Although were used 10–11 thousand m 3 water in a hectare which under the ground, over the ground and humidity of air and till 1990s, nowadays that indicators diminished in 6–7 thousand m 3 soil. Water divided into more than centure (layers over the ground, water in a hectare; pole, ices on mountains, high lakes and such kind of water which • To provide with water resourse overall 3.6 mln. km. hectare suitable for using) and restore (river’s flow, dynamic and fluctuate farmer grounds are activated 180 thousand km. irrigating systems, stores of under ground, the part of lakes and so on) water types. 160 thousand water buildings from these are more than 800 high Water resources also whole objects of rivers, lakes and seas. Be- hydrotechnic buildings, 55 of its are water reservouir which whole cause they are used for ships and submarines, hydroenergy, fish- capacity of 19.2 mlr/m 3, 1614 of its are pupping station which annual ing, tour, resting and etc. Therefore, the water is resource of wealthy spendings are 8.2 mlr. kvt. electr. energy, 4124 of its are irrigating wells; which importance in life and economy. Almost 2.5 percentage of • Although by the whole 4.0 mln hectare irrigating grounds hydrosphere’s water store are suitable for drinking (nearly, 1 percent- were used 2.0 mln hectare for cotton at the and of last centure, nowa- age of this water suitable for people), 70 percentage of its ices, remain days are reduced in 30 % or 1.2 mln hectare; percentages are rivers, lakes, humidity of airs and water stores of the • The rise square also diminished from 180 thousand to under ground [1]. 40 thousand. Instead of it used for other crops which need for life; In Uzbekistan water resources are mainly river’s flows, dynamic • The useful managing and equal spreading of water resources stores of under ground water (restore resources) and also ices on come after to pass from administrative management to conditional mountains, permanent water stores of lakes. River’s water come in by management of water resources. Today 10 boards of irrigation sys- seasonal snow’s layers, melting of ice, snow and rainfalls. The under tems and more than 60 irrigation systems, main canal depatments ground water of mountains were appeared by above resources. The and 1501 the union of water consumers are organized [1]. under ground water of near the mountains and grounds were appeared Body part. By thecapacity and length the Zarafshan river is the mainly by the water of over ground. Rivers and underground water third in the republic of Uzbekistan. The total number of water squear resources are belong to each others. The using amount level of under are 11,722 thousand km 2, overall length are 870 km. The annual ground water its results of the sharpest decreasing river’s flowing [2]. average capacity of water flowing are 5127 mln. m 3. Seasonal water In our country for farmer grounds need annual 114 km 3 wa- flowing are equal to 4255 mln. m 3. The former formal document was ter resources, 74.7 % of its from the Amudarya river (together with reflected distribution of the water resourse of the Zarafshan river are Zarafshan and Qashkadarya), 39 % of its come by the Sirdarya river. following, they are divided by the region in percentage. Water resources are situated uneven and although appear in moun- Table 1. – The distribution of the Zarafshon river’s tains they flow by canals to even grounds for using. The full amount by the region [3] of water resources of quality indicates and using level changed at the last 30–40 years. As the result of have been doing some kind of № Regions Рercentage ( %) strivers. They are followings: 1. Samarkand 70.2 • The whole rate of annual using of water diminished from 2. Jizzax 7.4 64 mlr./m 3 to 51 mlr./m 3 between last centure of 80s and nowadays 3. Kashkadarya 9.3 (by contrast decresed in 13 mld. m 3); 4. Navoiy 13.1 8 The territorial features of effective use of water resources (as Zarafshan basin) The spending to industry of Navoiy sity and GRS are 32.5 m 3/sec, only 14.1 mln. m 3 parts use in industry. There is no any difference in this spends doesn’t enter in the distribution table above. The whole distribution of water, consequently all three districts are Bulungur, amount of canal’s length are 3233.15 km. which in balance of Basin’s Jomboy, Payarik consume almost the same amount of water. Payarik board. From this number 185 km. is in regional length, 1295 km. are uses water (292.7 mln. m 3) in irrigation and needs slightly more than districtional length, 1546 km. are magistral length and interagricul- Bulungur, Jomboy [3]. tural canal’s length are 1753 km. [2]. There are 1729 hydraulic engi- 4. Narpay-Navoiy irrigation system — situated in the middle neer buildings, 2647 piece of hydraulic stations, 97 piece of duikers, and lower reaches of Zarafshan, uses 1/8 part or 601.8 mln. m 3 wa- 81 piece of aqueducts and 412 piece of bridges in magistral and inter ter of the Zarafshan river. Irrigate 60 609 hectare of Narpay-Navoiy agricultural canals. There are 10 reservoirs in the territory of basin regions. There are 87 % or 33.7 mln. m 3 water from the total water board which in 1171.8 mln. m 3 capacity. The Zarafshan rivers water are used in industry. Almost 80 % water of Narpay-Navoiy irrigation amount egual to 4888.3 mln. m 3 from total amount of Uzbekistan. system are spent in districts of Narpay, Paxtachi. The lowest part of 83.7 percentage of this water spend to irrigating and 797.8 mln. m 3 water (12.1 mln. m 3) are used in Nurobod [3]. to water industry, communal services other needs. 5. Miyonqol-Toss irrigation system — situated mainly be- Almost 80 percentage of requirements of industry to spend in tween Okdarya and Koradarya. Consumes 530.3 mln. m 3 water energy, 15.8 percentage of this to spend in industry, 2.2 percentage of of the Zarafshan basin and irrigates 67 705 hectare of territory. Al- this in communal services, 17 percentage of its in fishing, 0.06 percent- though three districts use by this irrigation system, have a high ter- age of its spend in other services. From the 637 mln. m 3 water 1/5 part ritorial difference between its (more than 11 times). In particular of its don’t come back to the river which are used in energy [3]. share 59 % to Xatirchi district, 35.4 % to Kattakurgan district, 5.3 % The irrigation system were created in the territory of the Zaraf- to Ishtixon district. 59 % water of this irrigation system spends in shan river for using in effectiveness, there are 8 irrigation systems, Navoiy region [3]. which 3 of followings are used in neighbor region. They are “Kar- 6. Ok-Karadaryo irrigation system — situated in the east- mana-Konimeh”, “Eski Anhor”, “Tuyatortar” canals. The consuming ern side of Miyonkol, provide needs of five district in Samarkand percentage of them are following: and irrigate 71 408 hectare of farms. Consume 421.1 mln. m 3 water 1. Karmana-Konimeh irrigation systems: are consumsed 21.5 % of the Zarafshan basin and uses in industry almost 1.5 % of total of total number of the Zarafshan rivers. All of its consumed in the consume. Have any difference between territories for example 80 % region of Navoiy. Include in city and 6 district near the city. Also ir- water share to Ishtixon and Okdarya. The only 7.4 mln. m 3 water- rigate 54 355 hectar farmer field. There are have some difference in uses in Kushrabat district. Also this district provide its needs by the water consuming. For instance, the city of Navoiy used 701 mln. m 3, other irrigation system. or 66.5 % of water in industry and farmer. One of the alone feature 7. Eski Anhor irrigation system — although uses fewer wa- of Zarafshan basin it is 14.3 % of total number are used in industry. ter of the Zarafshan basin but provide (73.8 mln. m 3 water) the Namely, 91 % energy, 63,5 % industry and 0.5 mln. m 3 of water are Amu-Kashkadarya irrigation system which include in Kashkadarya spent in fishing. The 19.7 % or 125.8 mln. m 3 water don’t come back region. Overall 36 mln. m 3 of water consume in two districts of Sa- to the river which are used in energy [3]. markand, 48 926 hectare of territory irrigated in three districts of And other territories use water only in irrigating.
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