~~ " , , ~~' , . • Supreme Court Overturns The CIAA Decision • rourism: A Tale of Bali Campaign For Peace NC Meet: Searching Roles --- afG((\:I superior pepsodent GERM'CHECK PLUS FORMULA F! FLUORIDE cir-e:rr2fd1T fIGHTS GERMS EVEN HOURS AfTER BRUSHING CONTENTS Page NEWS NOTES' 4 BRIEFS 6 QUOTE UNQUOTE 7 OFF THE RECORD 8 COVER STORY: LICENSING FOR INTERNATIONAL FLIGHTS: A Costly Decision CONGRESS MEETING: Deuba's Offensive 9 At a time when much of the world's airlines have been los ing money, civil aviation authorities in Nepal considering to iss ue international flight license. SUPREME COURT: Restraining Order 12 Page 16 SAARC : Final Preparations 13 LIC NEPAL: For An Insured Future 14 TOURISM: Confronting New Challenge 15 : Long 'DIA : Bad News? 21 casualties continue to go amid intensified conflict PROFILE : Ram Pratap Thapa 24 Ibetwe"n the government and in su rgent s. human KATHMANDU VALLEY: Traffic Travails 25 acti vists urge for resto­ of peace. Page 10 BOOK REVIEW 26 THE BOTIOMLINE 27 SUPPORT FOR DESABLED: Cycle Of Courage 28 INTERVIEW : AIi Naw.z Memon PASTIME 29 Ali Nawaz Memon, Senior Fi­ nancial and Inst itutional Devel­ opment Consultant, talks about LEISURE 30 importance of pri vale sector par­ ticipation in energy sector. FORUM: Leyla Tegmo-Reddy 32 Page 22 SPOlLlGHT/DECEMBER 14,2001 !SPOTLIGHT EDITOR'S NOTE THE NATIONAL NEWSMAGAZINE 'vd: 21. No.22. Oeamber 14,3101 (ManoIr29.21158) I Chief EdItor _ PubIIaher n a liule more than two weeks after the declaration of emergency. the Royal Nepal MadMv Kumar RIm8I Army seems to be in command of the situation. Since there is no other source of Editor information except whatever is leaked on by the official spokesman. wc arc not in a SartlB Rimal poSition fu assess the exact situation. The incuherent reports that sometimes trickle in through the peoples living at the scene of incidenl~ do not always conform to official Managing EdItor . reports.I Still, there seems to be little doublthm the Maoists an.! at the recciv;ng end. Even though Keshab PoudeI most of Nepal's fliends have su pported the steps t<lken by the Dcuba government to quell Auocllllll Editor terrorism, their acquiescence to the imposition of emergency CannQi be taken for granted. The Bhagiralh Yogi ~uspension of the fundamental tights and the curbs on press freedom generated by the promul­ Senior Reporter gation of emergency could hamper the llomlC!1 development and maintenance of democratic Sanjaya Ohakal norms and behavicr. if cOnlinucd for longer period. This kind of apprehem.ions wcre clearly R..,-r voiced by an eminent vis itor recently. Ronald Camp the U.S. Deputy Ass\. Secrt'lary in ChaJ. Akshay Shanna of South Asian Affairs was in the capital in connection with his three natiol"! fa ct finding missi . and met a small section of Nepalese press. Although he did not spell it OUI in clear terms but his O.algn Md Lavout misgivings al the clamping of emergency in the country were quitecvidcnt. Since the impo!ol il ion Jyoti Slngh of emergency could also be politically motivated, apart from the requirement of the exigencies Photographer prevailing in the country. 10 imagine that the government might try to lengthen it as far as they NishchaJ Chapagain can would not be totally out of contex\. It. of course. has direct bearing on the quelling of the Art violent and terroristic activities of the Maoists. Were it not for the topography. the porous border M.S. Khokna and the unqualified support the Maoists might be recei\"ing from some forc c!oI in the South. Ihe Royal Nepal Army is fully capable of crushing the rebellion is shonest possibll! time. Even though Legal Advisor Advocate Lot< Bhak".a Rana Nepal's southern neighbor has assUled fullest cooperation 10 fightlerrorism. the freedom the Nboist rebels areenjoYlllg in their tr;lVeltherc is qUIte Incomprehen!ol ible. H.M.G. ofNcpal must Marketing/Advertisement adl..lrcss this issue expeditiously if they want quicker resolution of the vexing problem, Nepalese Sarit Rimal (USA) politicians should 1I0t only cringe for favor. They mu st also be able to :.I<lnd up for their rights. Marketing • • • Madan Kajl Basnet The capital recenfly wimessed a gli ttering conference of South Asia Foundation inaugurated hy Navin Kumar Maharjan no less a person than the Prime Minister of Nepal. the redoubtable Shcre Bahadur Deuba. Thc Madan Raj Poodel secular no profit and non-political youth movement for regional cooperation among SAARC Bishnu Prasad Chaulagain countries. is the brain child of ~12.danjeet Singh. the UNESCO Goodwill ambassador. Thl.! Editorial Office Rainhow Partnership Organization:; in the seven SAARC L:ountries. guided by th eir respective GPO Box 7256. Baluwatar. Kalhmandu. chairmen and advisory boards, are responsible ror funding and extending the needed support to Tel: (977·1) 423127. Fax: (977·1) 417845 SAARC governments working on IT related projects to prommeeduc:ltion and development. 11 . Chief Edito(s : 435594. enthusiasm of Singh to found the Foundation is indeed. very commendable. BUllooking at W E·mall: spotOmaH.com.np Internet Add: hllp:/Iwww.nepalnew8.oomI 30rry scenario of its elder brother. the SAARC. Ihere is very little possibility for the Foundation spoUight 10 generate big ardor in tile peoples of the SAARC countries. Indeed. the few intellectuals associnled with the RB organizations mi ght be enthused. Would it not ha\'c been beller had they Cover Design pooled their efforts ami contributed them t(l mdke SAARC more productive? Given the Wordscape GPO 8975. EPC 5620. Kalhamdnu Nepal. constraints and misgivings that are plaguing the earlier regional orga!llzation. how can one feel Ph: 263098. 281831 •. Fax : 977·1-439386 reassured that the child organization will bloom into a robust emity? '" ~, '" Distribution Bazaar International Many patriotic people very strongly believe that the promulgation of emer!!ency in lhe country 228 Sanchaya Kosh Bfdg. Kalhmandu could be well utilized by the government nOI only 10 curb corruption but al!olo to nab. investigate G.P.O Box 2480. Ph: 222983 Fax: 229437 and pUnish the corrupt polilician~. bureaucrats, businessmen and illdu~ tri alists. The Prime e-mail: bazaarOmos.com.np Ministercould never find a better opportunity to start serious action against his erring colleagues. Prlntera: Kiahor offset Press (P.) Ltd . Can he constitute a commis~ ion of horiorable and honest non-polil1cal and non-bureaucratic P .0 . Box 4665. Galkopakha. Thamel. citizens to look into all kinds of corruption and empower them witll authority to punish even the Kathmandu.Tal:351044(0II).351172(Re•. ). chIef executive? The commission's verdict must be final so that corrupt peuple might not escape Fax: 977·1-351172. the punishment. If he has no dirty linen 10 hide the Prime Minister !TIust bring out the required E·mall: klshorOgroupk1m.mos.com.np ordinance and start action against corruption without delay. Will he prove hi s bOfllljide? • C.D.O. Rep. No 1511039-40 Postat Rqcl. No 421057158 U.S. Libouy ofConJll'CSS CUologue No. 91·905(}6() Madhav Kumar Rimal Chief Editor& Publisher 2 SPOTLIGHT/DECEMBER 14.2001 LETTERS rather strangely, have been seen changes in the fannat, style blowing the insurgency out of and con lent. There is virtually proportion. The Indian govern­ no item related to entertainment SPOTLIG-HT ment has declared that they will and sports. How can you expect take necessary action against your magazine to be read by all Nepalese terrorists living in In­ sections of society unless you dia. But Indian officialdom is introduce some interesting col­ allowing Maoist insurgent lead­ umns. I hope you will come out ers to hide in India. It seems with stories suiting the interests Indian officials are adopting of the people in the days ahead. CIVIL SERVICE double standards. In effect,they Bandana K. C fJJJJ'j J:J .!.i':!JjJ:!i are not supporting Nepalese ef­ Chhabahil forts to control theMaoisl insur­ gency; instead, they are backing Indonesian Lesson the Maoist. If the Indian gov­ ernment is reatly sincere about I would like to thank you resolving the insurgency in for highlighting the fami I y plan­ eToDeliver Nepal. it must take more con­ ning experiences of Indonesia. After reading your article, I re­ Your cover story "Civil Service: Time To Deli ver" (SPOT­ crete efforts. [t must back up its alized how peoplefs participa­ IGHT. December 7) provided a glimpse into the countryis words with deeds. tion and a decentralized ap­ ethargic bureaucracy. It is true that development activities Sitaram Kattel proach have helped to reduce ould remain stalled as long as the bureaucracy remains inert. Maharagunj the annual fertility rate in Indo­ Ithough the govemmenthas imposed a state of emergency ,the nesia. I hope SPOTLIGHT will ureaucracy is yetto move properl y to meetthe cballenges faced Change Style continue publishing such inter­ y the country. SPOTLIGHT has rightly pointed out that the [have been regularly read­ esting stories. ime has come for our civil servants to deliver. ing your magazine for the last Laxmillath Dahal Anji/a Regmi 15 years. However, [ have not Thimi, Bhaktapur New Baneshwor Not Objective economic and political issues objective and impartial. How­ 2002 Although your cover story ever, I was disappointed by your ("Civil Service: Time to De­ cover story "Civil Service:Time OM KNITTING ""er", SPOTLIGHT. Decerri- to Deliver" (SPOTLIGHT, De­ 7) revealed some interest­ CASHMERE cember 7), which I found to be ing facts about the bureau­ one-sided and subjective. It COLLECTION cracy. it failed to highlight the seems that SPOTLIGHT is tak­ positive side of our adminis­ ing the side of the government tration. It is well known that in condemning the civil service.
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