Desert Magazine Readers Selected <List sj are invited to visit SOUTHWESTERN BOOKS ... the LOST DESERT BONANZAS by Eug- PAINTERS OF THE DESERT by desert-southwest ene Conrotto, former editor-publisher Ed Ainsworth. Biographies of 13 artists of the Desert Magazine. Known facts who found their inspiration in the desert art gallery about more than 100 lost mines and southwest. Chapters devoted to Maynard hidden treasure troves are compiled in Dixon, Clyde Forsythe, Jimmy Swin- this brand-new 270 page book. No other nerton, Nicolai Fechin, Carl Eytel, Paul book has ever gathered together as many Lauritz, Conrad Buff, Don Perceval, Winter and Spring facts about southwestern bonanzas. It John Hilton, Orpha Klinker, Burt Proc- was taken from a quarter century of ter, Brownell McGrew, and Bill Bender. Schedule earlier Desert Magazine articles plus 110 pages, 14 four-color reproductions. correspondence from treasure hunters Many black-and-whites. Beautiful cover throughout the West. 91 excellent maps and dust jacket $11.00. by Norton Allen. Hard cover. Four-color dust jacket. $6.50. • • • * Robert Rishell and PHOTO ALBUM OF YESTERDAY'S Dr. Ray Brose • * • SOUTHWEST compiled by Charles E. CRUISING THE SEA OF CORTEZ Shelton. Ornately bound collection of by Spencer Murray. Modern-day adven- early day southwestern photographs, Dec. 27 to Jan. 14 ture in a 25-foot power cruiser along the some 100 years old. 195 historic pic- gulf shore of Lower California and tures, most never before published. 192 across the Sea of Cortez. 76 photos by pages on high quality stock. Embossed ^r Earl Cordrey and Ralph Poole. 240 pages, hard cover, picture album cover, black and gold. four-color dust jacket. Maps and charts. Shows the real face of the Southwest, Bill Hampton $6.75. the prospectors, Indians, explorers, cow- • • • boys, gamblers, military, and land pro- Jan. I 5 to Feb. 3 NAVAJO RUGS — PAST, PRESENT moters. Stagecoaches, river boats. $15.00. AND FUTURE by Gil Maxwell. A his- • • • torical background to modern Navajo ^ Ned Jacob and rugs, a description of various types and OLD TIME CATTLEMEN AND areas. Map of trading posts on the OTHER PIONEERS OF THE ANZA- Bill Sharer Navajo Reservation. 20 four-color photos BORREGO AREA by Lester Reed. A plus many black-and-white pictures. The personal recollection of the first ranchers author is one of America's top Navajo and cowmen who roamed the area from Feb. 4 to Feb. 25 rug authorities. Extensive bibliography. Borrego Valley to Anza, Hemet, Agu- Paper cover. $2.00. anga and Temecula. Also, a chapter on the Indians of the area, and early home- ^ Emil Kosa, Jr., and • • • steaders and prospectors. More than 50 BOOK OF THE AMERICAN WEST historic photos. Spiral bound cover. 148 Sam Hyde Harris prepared by Jay Monaghan. This mas- pages. $3.50. sive 610 page book was "arranged" into ten parts, each section prepared by an • • • Feb. 26 to March 27 authority in the field. The contents: Ex- WARNER, THE MAN AND THE plorers and Mountain Men; Transporta- RANCH by Lorrin L. Morrison. First tion in the West; Treasures of the Am- printed in 1962, this book about one of ^ Milford Zornes, erican West; Indians and Soldiers of the the West's amazing pioneers continues West; the Law of the West; Cowboys to be a popular selection for those who Rex Brandt, and and Their Horses; Guns of the West; want to expand their knowledge of sou- Western Wild Life; Western Folklore thern California's pastoral period. Juan Art Riley and Songs; and a Gallery of Western Jose Warner was a trapper and a trader; Art. The latter section has 20 color he was owner of a great land grant March 18 to April 17 plates by such artists at Catlin, Bodmer, rancho; he served in the state legislature; Bierstadt, Schrevogel, Leigh, Remington, he ended up as a historian! The Warner Stanley, and Russell. Richly illustrated Ranch was on the line of march of throughout, the book is a western library Mexican and American armies. Today it under one cover. Quality press work. is one of California's finest resort spots. $22.50. 87 pages, paper bound. $2. • • • • • • MOUNTAIN MEADOWS MASSACRE MEXICO, a Sunset Discovery Book. by Juanita Brooks. First published in The principal highways plus worthwhile 1950, the book was long out of print. sidetrips in Mexico are features of this Demand for it brought it out again last up-to-date guidebook by the Sunset Mag- year. It tells of the events leading up azine staff. Special features on Mexico to the massacre of some 120 California- City and Baja California are part of the bound emigrants in the fall of 1857 in booklet, which has 107 photos and 9 southern Utah. The massacre itself is maps. Of particular interest is the section detailed, and subsequent investigations, on the West Coast Highway. A Supple- leading to the execution of John D. mentary Reading List has been prepared Lee, are told. The 316 page book has by Lawrence Clark Powell and included desert-southwest an extensive bibliography and a few in the guidebook. 96 pages. Paperbound illustrations. $5.95. $1.75. art gallery Hiway 111 Palm Desert desert-southwest book store No Admission Fee Desert Magazine Building, Palm Desert, California Open daily, 9 to 5, Add 25c each order for packaging and postage. California residents add 4% State Sales Tax. including Sundays DsAttiL CONTENTS Volume 27 Number 1 JANUARY, 1964 This Month's Cover Photo by Darwin Van Campen taken in Chirichua National Monument in southeastern Arizona along the trail to Heart-of-Rocks. 6 New Books for Desert Readers 8 The Joys of Beast Watching By HARRY C. JAMES 10 Choose a Cholla By JANICE BEATY 12 Trip of the Month By RICHARD C. BAILEY 15 Pancho Villa, Hero or Villain? THESE PIN-UPS OF THE PAST WHICH BROUGHT WARMTH TO AN UNKNOWN PROSPECTOR WERE FOUND BY IRENE J. BRENNAN, ON THE WALL OF AN OLD MINING SHACK NEAR SEARCHLIGHT, By W. THETFORD LE VINESS NEVADA. THE BOULDER CITY, NEVADA PHOTOGRAPHER, WHO WON THE FIRST PRIZE IN DESERT'S DECEMBER PHOTO CONTEST, SEEMS TO CAPTURE THE SPIRIT OF THE DESERT IN HER PICTURES. 18 Siberian Red's Lost Ledge By CARL MACUR THE SOUTHWEST IN JANUARY By JACK PEPPER 21 The Desert SALTON SEA SAGA. Water level of Salton Sea, the Southern Cali- By VIC STOYANOW fornia salt water resort lake, is the highest it has been in 10 years, according to the Coachella Valley County Water District. It rose from 22 Juan Flaco's Fantastic Ride 233.88 to 232.88 feet below sea level during the past 12 months. Be- By GARY ROBERTS cause of the many conflicting and often erroneous reports and rumors concerning Salton Sea, DESERT MAGAZINE is preparing an article 26 Bottles Bottles Everywhere on the area. By GRACE KENDRICK ADVENTUROUS AUTHOR. One of the most interesting authors we have met for some time dropped by the office recently. Dean Hobbs 28 Treasures of Treasure Mountain Blanchard just returned from Madagascar and Mauritius where he By RAYE PRICE gathered material and photographs for another book. His current book, "Ecuador, Crown Jewel of the Andes" tells of his adventures 30 Desert Cookery with his wife and their two-year-old daughter during their two year By LUCILLE I. CARLESON stay in the Andes during which they lived with the natives and even visited the Jivaro head-hunters. The author speaks Spanish, Portu- 32 Jellyfish on the Desert By CHORAL PEPPER DESERT is published monthly by Desert Magazine, Palm Desert, Calif. Second Class I tage paid at Palm Desert, Calif., and at addit 37 Desert Camera offices under Act of March 3, 1879. Title registered No. 358865 in U. S. Patent Offic and contents copyrighted 1963 by Desert Mi must be secured from the editor in writing. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: $4.50 per es) in the U. S-; $5 elsewhere. Allow five weeks for change By FRANK JENSEN of address, and be sure to send the old as well as new address. 38 Last of the Shastans To subscribe, or to give a DESERT gift subscription, use the coupon on page 5 NATIONAL ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVES: By J. O. McKINNEY Arden E. Roney & Associates 580 South San Vicente Blvd., Los Angeles 48, California. Phone: 651-3930 NEW YORK-41 E. 42nd St. 986 0625 CHICAGO-35 E. Wacker Dr. 782 7790 39 Survival in the Desert SAN FRANCISCO—149 California St. 981 0848 BOSTON—751 Main St. 889 3475 DETROIT—424 Book Bldg. 961 5240 MIAfVll-208 Almeria Ave. 444 8326 42 Letters from our Readers JACK PEPPER, publisher CHORAL PEPPER, editor AL MERRYMAN, artist Back Cover Address Correspondence To: Photo courtesy Utah Publicity Council. Navajo Lake near Cedar City, Utah. Desert Magazine, Palm Desert, Calii. 92260 Phone: FI 6-8144 NOW IS THE TIME guese, German, French and has a knowledge of Greek and the Mun- to order your durucu Indian tongue in addition to having studied Egyptian heirogly- OATMAH phics, Gaelic and Japanese. "Ecua- dor" is published by Vantage Press. — ARIZONA — BINDER WILDERNESS AREA UPHELD. An SCENIC BEAUTY application to build a ski lift in the Mt. San Gorgonio Wilderness Area FIRE AGATE FIELDS For Desert Magazine's has been rejected by the United States Forest Service. A previous MOVIE SETS VOLUME 27 application in 1957 by another de- Please consider this your invitation to visit this veloper was also turned down. Al- fascinating corner of the West . though San Gorgonio Ski Lifts, Inc. OATMAN - GOIDROADS indicated an appeal may be made, CHAMBER OF COMMERCE a Forest spokesman said the deci- 1964 sion is "final." JANUARY CALENDAR.
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