PLACES AND PEOPLES IN CENTRAL ASIA AND IN THE GRAECO-ROMAN NEAR EAST ¥]-^µ A MULTILINGUAL GAZETTEER COMPILED FOR THE SERICA PROJECT FROM SELECT PRE-ISLAMIC SOURCES BY PROF. SAMUEL N.C. LIEU FRAS, FRHISTS, FSA, FAHA Visiting Fellow, Wolfson College, Cambridge and Inaugural Distinguished Professor in Ancient History, Macquarie University, Sydney ¥]-^µ ANCIENT INDIA AND IRAN TRUST (AIIT) CAMBRIDGE, UK AND ANCIENT CULTURES RESEARCH CENTRE (ACRC) MACQUARIE UNIVERSITY, NSW, AUSTRALIA (JULY, 2012) ABBREVIATIONS Acta Mari = The Acts of Mār Mārī the CPD = A Concise Pahlavi Dictionary, ed. Apostle, ed. and trans. A. Harrak D. MacKenzie (Oxford, 1971). (Atlanta, 2005). Ctes. = Ctesias. AI = Acta Iranica (Leiden – Téhéran- DCBT = W.E. Soothill and L. Hodous Liège 1974f.) (eds.) A Dictionary of Chinese Akk. = Akkadian (language). Buddhist Terms (London, 1934). Amm. = Ammianus Marcellinus. DB = Inscription of Darius at Behistan, cf. Anc. Lett. = Sogdian Ancient Letters, ed. OP 116-135. H. Reichelt, Die soghdischen DB (Akk.) = The Bisitun Inscription of Handschriften-reste des Britischen Darius the Great- Babylonian Version, Museums, 2 vols. (Heidelberg 1928- ed. E.N. von Voigtlander, CII, Pt. I, 1931), ii, 1-42. Vol. 2 (London, 1978). A?P = Inscription of Artaxerxes II or III at DB (Aram.) = The Bisitun Inscription of Persepolis, cf. OP 15-56. Darius the Great- Aramaic Version, Aram. = Aramaic (language). eds. J.C. Greenfield and B. Porten, CII, Arm. = Armenian (language). Pt. I, Vol. 5 (London, 1982). Arr. = Flavius Arrianus. Déd. = J.T. Milik, Dédicaces faites par Athan. Hist. Arian. = Athanasius, Historia des dieux (Palmyra, Hatra, Tyr et des Arianorum ad Monachos, PG 25.691- thiases sémitiques à l'époque romaine 796. (Pari, 1972). BS = Bei Shi 北史 ed. Li Yanshou 李延 DFG = D.F. Graf (with L. Dreyer), ‘The 壽 (Beijing, 1974) Roman East from the Chinese Perspective’ in Palmyra and the Silk BSTBL = Buddhist Sogdian Texts of the Road = Les Annales Archéologiques British Library, (ed.) D.N. MacKenzie Arabes Syriennes 42 (1996) 199-216. (Leiden, 1976). DMT iii = N. Sims-Williams et al . eds. BW = B. Watson trans. Records of the Dictionary of Manichaean Texts, Vol. grand historian (Han dynasty) by Sima 3 (Turnhout, 2004). Qian, 2 vols. (Hong Kong, 1993). DNa = Inscription of Darius at Naqš-i- Chin. = Chinese (language). Rustam (A), cf. OP 137-138. C2 = N. Sims-Williams (ed.) The Doc. Addai = Doctrina Addai, ed. and Christian Sogdian Manuscript C2 trans. G. Howard, The Teaching of (Berlin, 1985). Addai (Chico, 1981). CII = Corpus Inscriptionum Iranicarum DPe = Inscription of Darius at Persepolis CII (Gr.) = G. Rougemount, Inscriptions (E), cf. OP 136. grecques d’Iran et d’Asie centrale, DSf = Inscription of Darius at Susa (F), Corpus Inscriptionum Iranicarum Part cf. OP 116-135. II, Inscriptions of the Seleucid and DSm = Inscription of Darius at Susa (M), Parthian periods and of eastern Iran cf. OP 145-465. and Central Asia; v. 1, Inscriptions in 大唐西域記 non-Iranian languages (London, 2012). DTXYJ = Da Tang Xiyuji (= CIS = Corpus Inscriptionum Semiticarum, Daito Seiki) by Xuanzang 玄奘 (Kyoto Pars secunda. Tomus III: Inscriptiones 1911); also T 2087 (Vol. 51) 868a- palmyrenae, eds. J.-B. Chabot et al. 946c. (Paris, 1926). DZc = Inscription of Darius at Suez (C), Copt. Coptic (language) cf. OP 147. A Multi-lingual Gazetteer DCESSZFSZ = Daci’ensi Sanzangfashi KT = The Kül Tigin Inscription, ed. T. zhaun 大慈恩寺三藏法師傳 (i.e. Life Tekin, A Grammar of Orkhon Turkic of Xuanzang 玄奘 ) T 2053 (Vol. 50) (Bloomington, 1968) 231-242. 220c-280a. Lat. = Latin (language). EI = Encyclopaedia Iranica (London, LXX = The Septuagint (in Greek). Costa Meza et al. 1982-) Manich. = Manichaean. Elam. = Elamite (language). Men. Prot. = Menander Protector. FH = F. Hirth, China and the Roman Minshu = Minshu 閩書 (The Book of Min), Orient: researches into their ancient compiled by He Qiaoyuan 何喬遠 , and mediæval relations as represented punctuated edition by a committee of in old Chinese records (Leipzig and the Research Centre for Classical Hong Kong, 1885). Works of the Xiamen University, 5 FHG = Fragmenta Historicorum vols (Fuzhou: Fujian renwen chubenshi Graecorum, ed. C. Müller, 5 vols. 褔建人文出版社 2000). (Paris, 1841-70). MMTKGI = W. Sundermann, Mittel- GMM = Geographi Graeci Minores, ed. iranische manichäische Texte kirchen- C. Müller, 2 vols. et tabulae (Paris, geschichtlichen Inhalts (Berlin, 1981). 1885). Nachlese I = W. Sundermann, ‘Nachlese Gr. = Greek (language). zu F.W.K. Müllers “Sogdischen Texten Hdt. = Herodotos. I. 1. Teil”, Altorienalische Hebr. = Hebrew (language). Forschungen 1 (Berlin, 1974) 219-55. HHS = Hou Hanshu 後漢書 ; ed. Fan Ye Nachlese II = W. Sundermann, ‘Nachlese 范曄 (Beijing, 1965). zu F.W.K. Müllers “Sogdischen Texten HS = Han Shu 漢書 , ed. Ban Gu 班固 I. 2. Teil”, Altorienalische Forschungen 3 (Berlin, 1975) 55-90. (Beijing, 1962). a NDRC = Y.P. Saeki, The Nestorian IEOG = F.C. De Rossi (ed.) Iscrizioni Documents and Relics in China dello Estremo Oriente Greco, (Tokyo, 1952). Inschriften griechischer Städte aus Nest. = Nestorian. Kleinasien 65 (Bonn, 2004). Nest. Mon. = Nestorian Monument at Inv. = Inventaire des inscriptions de Xi’an, ed. Y.P. Saeki, The Nestorian Palmyre (Beirut and Damascus, 1930-) Monuments and Relics in China, 2nd Isid. Char. = Isidore of Charax, edn. (Tokyo, 1951) 1-12 (Chin. text Mansiones Parthicae, ed. and trans. section). W.H. Schoff, Parthian Stations of NT = The New Testament (n Greek). Isidore of Charax (Philadelphia, 1914). OIr. = Old Iranian (language). JEH = J.E. Hill, Through the Jade Gates OP = R.G. Kent, Old Persian, Grammar, to Rome –A Study of the Silk Routes Texts, Lexicon (New Haven, 1952). during the Later Han Dynasty 1st to 2nd OT = The Old Testament (in Hebrew). Centuries CE (Cookstown, 2009). Palm. = Palmyrene (Aramaic) (language). Josh. Styl. = Chronicle of Joshua the PAT = D. R. Hillers and E. Cussini (edd.) Stylite, ed. W. Wright (Cambridge, Palmyrene Aramaic Texts (Baltimore, 1882). 1996). JTS = Jiu Tangshu 舊唐 書 , ed. Liu Xu 劉 Pe. = (Middle) Persian (language). 昫 (Beijing, 1975). Pesh. = The Peshitta, i.e. The New Khot. = Khotanese (language). Testament in Syriac (London, 1966) KhT = Khotanese Texts, ed. H.W. Bailey, Petr. Patr. = Petrus Patricius. 7 vols. (Cambridge, 1945-85). 3 Places and Peoples in Central Asia and the Graeco-Roman Near East - PG = Patrologia Graeca cursus T = Taishō shinshu daizōkyō 大正新修大 completus, ed. J.-P. Migne (Paris, 藏經 (Tokyo, 1936-) 1857-66). Theoph. Sim. = Theophylactus Ps. Mos. Xor. Geog. = J. Marquart, Simocattes. Ērānšahr nach der Geographie des Ps. Thphn. = Theophanes. Moses Xorenac‘i, Abhandl. Der Txt. Sogd. = Textes sogdiens (Mission königli. Gesells. der Wiss. Zu Pelliot en Asie Centrale, 3. Série, Paris Göttingen, NF III, 2 (Berlin, 1901) 1940). Pth. = Parthian (language). Uigh. Xuanzang = A. von Gabain, Die Ptol. = Claudius Ptolemaios, Geographica uigurische Übersetzung der Biographie / Cosmographia, ed. and trans. A. Hüen-Tsangs, SPAW 1935, VII. Stückelberger and G. Graßhoff, Vit. Alex. Mag. Syr. = Vita Alexandris Ptolemaios, Handbuch der Magni Syriaca, ed. E.A. Wallis Budge, Geographie, 3 vols (Basel, 2006). The History of Alexander the Great QGN = . Quellen zur Geschichte der being the Syriac version of the Pseudo- Nabatäer, Textsammlung mit Callisthenes (Cambridge, 1889) 1-275. Übersetzung und Kommentar, eds. U. Vit. Alex. Mag. Syr. Abbrev. = Vita Hackl, H. Jenni and C. Schneider, Alexandris Magni Syriaca Abbreviata, (Freiburg and Göttingen 2003). ed. J.P. Land, Anecdota Syriaca RGDS = Res Gestae Divi Saporis, ed. and (Berlin, 1858) 205-208. trans. P. Huyse, Die dreisprachige W&A = J. Markwart, Wehrot und Arang Inschrift Šābuhrs I. an der Ka‘ba-i (Leiden, 1938). Zardušt (ŠKZ), 2 vols. (London, 1999). W-G = Wade-Giles system of trans- SD = B. Gharib ed. Sogdian Dictionary literation of the Chinese language. (Tehran, 1995). WS = Wei Shu 魏書 ed. 魏收 in SEG = Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum (Leiden, 1921-) Sanguozhi 三國志 (Beijing, 1974) SJ = Shiji 史記 , ed. Sima Qian 司馬遷 XPh = Inscription of Xerxes at Persepolis (Beijing, 1960). (H), cf. OP 150-52. XTS = Xin Tangshu 新唐書 ed. Ouyang SJFZ = Shijia fangzhi 釋迦方志 , T 2088 (Vol. 51) 948a-975a. Xiu 歐陽脩 (Beijing, 1975). Skj. = P.O. Skjærvø, An Introduction to XYBJ = Xuanyuan ben jing 宣元本經 , ap. Manichean Sogdian, (Cambridge MA) NDRC (Chin. text section) 96 (ll. 1-10) www.fas.harvard.edu/~iranian/Manicheism/Manicheism_I_Intro.pdf ZFZ = Zhu Fan Zhi 諸蕃志 , compiled by SNCL = (suggestion made by) Samuel N.C. Lieu. Zhao Rugua 趙汝适 , ed. Han Zhenhua Sogd. = Sogdian (language). 韓振華 , Zhu Fan Zhi Zhubu 諸蕃志注 SassS = M. Back, Die sassanidischen 補 (Hong Kong, 2000). Staatsinschriften (Leiden, 1978) ZPE = Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und ST i = F.W.K. Müller, Soghdische Texte I, Epigraphik (Bonn) SPAW 1934, 3-111. ZZTC = Zizhi tongjian 資治通監 ed. ST ii = F.W.K. Müller and W. Lentz, Sima Guang 司馬光 (Shanghai, 1956). Soghdische Texte II, SPAW 1934, 504- 607. STSC = M. Schwartz, Studies in the Texts of the Sogdian Christians, PhD. UCalf. Berkeley, 1967. Syr. = Syriac (language). SZBSL = Shizun bushi lun 世尊布施論 , ap. NDRC (Chin. text section) 51-70. 4 A Multi-lingual Gazetteer (I) English Abarshar (Pe. ‘the upper, i.e. northern Pe. ’lxsyndrgyrd (Alaxsindargird) lands, later province of the Sasanian (Manich.) M2 I R I 27 (MM ii, p. 302) Empire round Nīšāpūr) Sogd. rxsy-nt’y-kyrδ (əraxsinder-kird) Pe. (1) ’prštry (Abaršahr) RGDS (Pe.) (Manich.) MMTKGI 359 3 Alexandria (2) (city on the Gulf of Issus, Pe. (2) ’bršhr (Abaršahr) (Manich.) mod. Alexandretta in S. Turkey) MMTKGI 2230 Gr. Ἀλεξάνδρια RGDS (Gr.) 15 Pth. ’prhštr (Abaršahr) RGDS (Pth.) 2 Pe. ’lhsndly’y (Alexsandariyā) RGDS Pth. (2) ’br šhr (Abaršahr) (Manich.) (Pe.) 9 MMTKGI 669 Pth. ’lyhsndry’ (Alexsandariyā) RGDS Sogd. (1) ’βr šxr (Abaršahr) (Manich.) (Pth.) 7 MMTKGI 396 Amida (ancient city in N. Mesopotamia, Sogd. (2) ’bršhr (Abaršahr) (Nest.) ST now Diyarbakir in S.E. Turkey) ii 525.29 n. 30 Syr. ’myd Gr. πάντα τὰ ἀνατάτω ἔθνη (lit. ‘all Gr. Ἄμιδα Proc. Pers. Ι.17.24 the nations in the upper parts’) RGDS Lat.
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