The Parish of St. Theresa of the Infant Jesus (Our Lady of the Wayside) ParishWebsite:www.sainƩheresa.orgParishEͲmail:[email protected] Pastoral Staff Fr.PaulM.Waddell,Administator Fr.GeorgeLaGruƩa,ParochialVicar Fr.JohnT.McLoughlin,PastorEmeritus Msgr.FrancisP.Bellew,WeekendAssociate Mr.JamesMillen,MusicMinistry Mr.KevinRichards,DirectorofReligiousEducaƟon ParishTrustees Mrs.MarianneLaƫnandMr.MarƟnEngelhardt,Jr. ParishManager Mrs.MaryWeidenhamer Rectory / Parish Office 1394PleasantvilleRoad BriarcliīManor,NY10510 Phone:914Ͳ941Ͳ1646&941Ͳ2582 OĸceHours MondayͲFriday:9:30amͲ5:00pm ReligiousEducaƟon/RCIAOĸce 300DalmenyRoad BriarcliīManor,NY10510 Phone:914Ͳ923Ͳ3286&762Ͳ1050 EͲmail:sƩ[email protected] July 18, 2021 Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Summer Mass Schedule St.Theresa MondayͲFriday:9:00am Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday:8:00am Confessionsareheardfrom4Ͳ5p.m.onSaturdaysorby SaturdayVigilMass:5:15pm appointment.Pleasecalltherectoryifyouwouldliketo Sunday:8:00,10:00&12:00noon makeanappointmentwithoneofourpriests. OurLadyoftheWayside Baptisms MassispostponedunƟlfurthernoƟce. BapƟsmsareheldonthesecondSundayofthemonthat2 p.m.DuringthemonthsofJulyandAugustBapƟsmsareheld Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament at1:30p.m.ContacttherectoryassoonaspossibleaŌer EveryTuesday7:30a.m.Ͳ8:50a.m.Wednesdaythrough thebirthofyourchild.AllĮrstƟmeparentsmustaƩend Saturdayfrom12noonto1:00p.m.inStTheresaChurch bapƟsmalinstrucƟonpriortotheirchild’sBapƟsm. Rosary Sacrament of Matrimony TheRosaryisrecitedaŌerthe9a.m.WeekdayMass Arrangementswiththeparishshouldbemadeatleastsix monthsinadvancebeforeanyotherarrangementshave Novena to St. Joseph beenmade.Contactussothatyoucanmeetwithapriest. WednesdaysaŌerthe6:45a.m.and9a.m.Masses Visitation of the Sick and Homebound Parish Communications Pleasecalltherectoryifyouarehomeboundorillsowecan PleasegotohƩp://sainƩheresa.org/ arrangefortherecepƟonofHolyCommunion.Thosewho parishionerdatabasesignup.html areseriouslyilloradvancedinagecanbeneĮtgreatlyfrom tosignupforourweeklyparishemailblasts. theSacramentoftheAnoinƟngoftheSick. JULY 18, 2021 2021 SUMMER MASS SCHEDULE SIXTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME THROUGH LABOR DAY: MASS INTENTIONS WEEKDAYS: th Saturday, July 17 MONDAY – FRIDAY: 9:00 AM 8:00 A.M. Ari Andrade (Birthday Blessings) † Patty & Kim Kwiat (25th Anniversary) SATURDAY: 8AM & 5:15 PM (Vigil Mass) SUNDAY: 8AM, 10AM & 12 Noon 5:15 P.M. † Emily DePalma MINISTRY SCHEDULE FOR JULY 24th & 25th th Sunday, July 18 , Sixteenth Sunday in Mass Celebrant Reader Eucharistic Ordinary Time Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time Minister 8:00 A.M. † Dorothy Jermyn Saturday th 10:00 A.M † Rocco & Nunzia Calandrello July 24 Fr. George M. Molinelli R. Molinelli 5:15 P.M. 12:00 P.M. † Kathleen McNade Sunday th Monday, July 19th July 25 8:00 am Fr. George W. Koval B. Ryan th 9:00 A.M † Virginia M. Minihan (10 Anniv.) and A Special Intention 10:00 am Msgr. Bellew T. Berta R. Berta 12:00 pm Fr. George L. Collins- OPEN Tuesday, July 20th, St. Apollinaris, Bishop Augone and Martyr 9:00 A.M. † Joanne Zapadowsky OUR PARISH PRAYS FOR THE SICK st Residents of Briarcliff Center, North Hill Wednesday, July 21 , St. Lawrence of Apartments, and Atria Senior Living., Ellie Brandisi, Priest and Doctor of the Church Arnemann, William Bauer, Paul Caruso, Elaine Castille, Anthony Colucci, Joann & 9:00 A.M. For the People of the Parish MaryAnn Colucci, Hermina DaSilva, Lucia & Marie DiNardo, Christine Dowicz, Kevin Engelhardt, Thursday, July 22nd, St. Mary Magdalene Steve Felizzi, Rose Goodyear, Maureen Harten, Janet Jeselson, Maryann Jeselson, Fr. Louis, C.F.R., John 9:00 A.M † Enid & Larry Whartenby Manocchi, Loris Martin, Alexis Montalvo, Maria C. Moreira, Joann Moroz, Christopher O’Brien, Eileen Friday, July 23rd, St. Bridget, Religious O’Brien, Alcira Prieto, Francis Picarelli, Fr. Phil Quealy, Anthony Scelzo, Richard Verardo, Don & Natalie Walsh. 9:00 A.M Merlyn Andrade (Birthday Blessings) WE ALSO CONTINUE TO PRAY FOR OUR MEN & WOMEN SERVING IN THE MILITARY. Saturday, July 24th, St. Sharbel Malhluf, Priest 8:00 A.M. † Daniel Lynch REST IN PEACE Marcel Mohsmann. 5:15 P.M. † Antonio Scipioni Our prayers are with his family and friends. Sunday, July 25th, Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00 A.M. † Enid & Larry Whartenby 10:00 A.M. † Willa Miller Bread and Wine in Memory of 12:00 P.M. † Sebastian Bernal Emily DePalma SIXTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME BE-INFORMED July 18th: We hope you are enjoying the parish First Reading: Jeremiah 23:1-6 subscription to www.formed.org which gives In this passage, God denounces false leaders who have parishioners and members of the community free scattered his people. He promises that they will be 24/7 access to over 300 quality Catholic on line reunited and led by one who is just and wise. programs, 99+ movies, 101+ audios, & 98+ E- Books. Thursday is the Memorial of St. Mary Second Reading: Ephesians 2:13-18 Magdalene. Watch: Easter in Art: Mary Magdalene. Paul explains that through Jesus Christ, there is no longer hostility between Gentile and Jew. Instead, through the Listen to the Audio book: Three Women and the Spirit of Christ, both groups become one body and are Lord, or Right Here, Right Now. Friday is the Feast equal in the eyes of God. of St. Bridget of Sweden, Religious. Read: Married Saints and Blesseds Through the Centuries. Gospel: Mark 6:30-34 The apostles returned after their first mission and told Jesus what they had done and taught. He told them to rest, but the people kept coming to them. So they went to find a private place, but the people learned where they were going and arrived first. Jesus felt sorry for them and decided to teach them instead of resting. MUSIC MINISTRY NEWS We are excited to announce that the Adult Choir of St. Theresa’s will be restarting in early RELIGIOUS EDUCATION NEWS September. (The children’s choir will start up at a REGISTRATION later time, which will be announced.) The Choir Registration is OPEN for the 2021-22 year. All new & returning sings at the 10:45 am Mass every Sunday and for families please visit https://sainttheresa.churchgiving.com to other special liturgies throughout the year. register online, or contact the Office of Religious Education at (914) 923-3286/[email protected] to request a paper copy. New families, please send a copy of your child's baptismal We invite all Choir members to return certificate to [email protected]. Classes are offered for once again in raising your voices to the Lord and children Grades 1-8. On-time registration ends on August 18, making our liturgical celebrations beautiful. If 2021. you are not in our choir, but like singing, please consider joining the choir and sharing the gift that the VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Do you have a passion for helping to pass on the Faith to the Lord has given you with our parish. young children and families of our parish? Opportunities to volunteer include being a Catechist, classroom aide, office Please note that reading music is not necessary. assistant, substitute, prayer warrior, hall monitor, and more! All materials, lesson plans, and training provided. Contact the If you enjoy music, like to sing, and are Director at (914) 923-3286 or [email protected] for interested in joining, please see the Music more information. High schoolers are also welcome and encouraged to apply. Director, Mr. James Millen, after any weekend Mass or you may leave word at the rectory. FAMILY MASS COORDINATORS We are exploring offering a Family Mass during the upcoming School Year and are looking for adult volunteers to help coordinate. Please contact the Office of Religious Education at (914) 923-3286 or [email protected] for more information. QUOTE Darkness can only be scattered by light; hatred can only be conquered by love" – Pope St. John Paul II SUMMER HOURS MARRIAGE BANNS III: School of Religious Education SHANNON POHAR & BRIAN MISKA Monday-Friday 9:30-3 pm. From the desk of Fr. Paul SO LONG, FAREWELL Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, AufWIEDERSEHEN, GOODBYE! It is so good to ponder the wisdom that Our friend and longtime has been handed on to us from the great saints parishioner, Maureen Thaler, after of the Church. Perhaps you might like to ponder working almost 22 years in our some of these great quotes this week from the Rectory Office has retired. famous Spanish Carmelite Reformer and Mystic, Maureen started in the rectory as a volunteer in 1999, and in 2000 St. Teresa of Avila. became an employee. Before working in the rectory, Maureen On suffering: “In volunteered as a catechist for 18 years teaching the the light of heaven, students in our Religious Education program. Many might the worst suffering also recognize Maureen as a Cantor who served in our on earth will be seen Music Ministry (21 years) … she sang regularly at the to be no more 5:15 pm and 10:45 am Masses. Maureen coordinated the serious than one Annual Parish Wedding Anniversary Mass Celebration night in an and was behind the scenes helping at many other parish inconvenient hotel.” events. Please join us in thanking Maureen for her many On faults: “Never years of service and praying that our Lord will bless be discouraged by her as she embarks on the next chapter of her life. your faults. Begin not by being astonished at them. A child who does not know how to walk is not astonished at St. Augustine Church, 381 North stumbling and falling with each step he takes.” Highland Avenue or Route 9, Ossining, is having their 43rd On worry: “Let nothing disturb
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