Vol.2 No.232 CIVILIANS were involved in two separate shooting incidents Windhoek teenager drowns yesterday, when shots were fired at their vehicles, allegedl.y by members of the Presidential Guard. See full story, page 3. A TEENAGER was swept out to sea and drowned off Torra Bay at the weekend. Police report that 13-year·old Karen Muller from Windhoek was picked up by a current and dragged out to sea while swimming with some friends at the West Coast holiday spot at around 15hOO on Friday. ~ After an extensive search by police and nature conservation· officials, Muller's body was found the following day washed up PRESIDENT Qn the shore several kilometres from where the accidtmt hap­ pened. GETS TOUGH Angry Nujoma warns 'subversive elements' STAFF REPORTERS NAMIBIAN President SaBl Nujoma yesterday issued a stem warning to all right·wing ele· • ments who appeared intent on not accepting Namibia's inde­ pendence and were instead un­ dermining the government's efforts to build a new and peace­ ful nation. 111'his $econd •get tough' speechin "} , . .... two days, NUJoma lashed out at "unpatriotic elements" who, directly or indirectly, wanted to de stabilise Namibia's fledgling democracy. Criminals who were committing "economic sabotage" , former members of the South African-led security forces and sections of the ., press, which Nujoma accused of a . "disinformation onslaught", were anl0ng those on the receiving end of the President's anger. SURVIVOR OF THE OLD LOCATION MASSACRE: Eva "We mean business when we say Davids, who was shot mthe stomach during clashes between the we want peace and stability because commuQity and ~he colonial police in 1959, pictured at yester· we cannot de velop if we Ilfe fighting A NEW life starts here: born in exile, seven-year-old Mary Malakia day's commemoration of a key event on Namibia's liberation listens to messages of welcome at Windhoek Airport yesterday calendar: Photograph: Jean Sutherland. CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 morning. in· Zambia began celebrating their a new life in an independent land for yesterday afternoon, and planes will KATE BURLING return moments after landing at 95 children and teenagers. Its · pas­ continue to arrive twice daily on 'I'm home, Windhoek International Airport yes­ sengers were the first group of an Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays SINGING, dancing, cheeIing and terday. expected 2 300 returnees due to come untiL all the children have' returned . I'm free' ... waving flags - almost 100 young The Zambia Airways flight touched home over the next two weeks. A N amibians newly-arrived from exile down at 11h20, marking the start of second flight was scheduled for 17hOO CONTINUED ON PAGE 3 WAS: R 1695 WAS: R2 '49S WAS: Ra9S WAS: R1a9S NOW .R1350 NOW R1995 .NOW·R320 NOW R995 RICOHKR5 CANON EOS 700 MINOLTA FS - E III . MINOLTA X 300 S SUPER II WITH QDWITH WITH CASE - , WITH TOKINA 35 -70200M LENS 35 - 80mm LENS 35 - 70mm LENS · & CASE GERHARD BOTHA PHOTOGRAPHY -Tel (061) 35551 - 44 IndellendenceAvenue ,. ' CONT. FROM PAGE 1 - PRESIDENT GETS TOUGH among ourselves," President Nujoma freedom. Dreyer, he continued, was a "fa~­ said: "What a sad history", he added, cist of the first order" and had been The President's strongly-worded " ... that our country produced SUdl a key figure in Ian Smith', RllllJe:­ statement was made at the commemo­ unpatriotic elements to go and join sian forces whicll fought agamst ration of Old Location Day, which the fascists in South Africa, the Zi Illb"bwean patriots. led directly to Namibia's liberation minority whites, to kill the Soutb Nujoma also noted that there were struggle. On December 10,1959, 12 Africans who are fighting for their racists who, "when they drink in Namibians were killed by the South rights," Nujoma said. dark corners in bars, .. insult us [rol11 African colonial authorities while It was a shame that Nalllibians top to bollom". protesting their forced removal from should join up with the SADF in "T \yant to tell them the day Cud the Old Location to Katutura. Natal to side with Tnkatha in their leaves them and Satan comes near Shortly afterwards Nujoma and fight against ANC activists. ' them, they will feci it," he said to other Swapo leaders went into exile The President fUlther hit out at a much laughter, apparently referring from where they led the country's certain Walvis Bay-based lawyer who to insults made among some right­ struggle-for freedom, which included had the audacity to make subversive wingers that the President himself a 23-year-Iong bush war against SA­ statements concerning Namibia, while was Satan. led security forces. "the very·same lawyer" had a farm Yesterday, the President, his pa­ in Namibia which was guarded by tience seemingly wearing thin over Namibian Police Force members, the abuse of the policy of national Turning to the alleged murder of reconciliation which he has been at civilians in northern Nanubia by pains to stress, said there were appar­ 1 - Angolan rebels, Nujoma said the ~ ; ently Afrikaans and German elements In the same breath, Nujoma issued govemment woul\:! reserve the right who had misunderstood national rec­ a strong warning to the founder of the to adopt a hot pursuit policy. onciliation and ur.ity. formernotorious police paramilitary On another subject close t6 his , 'If you misunderstood the policy, unit, General Hans Dreyer. heart - crime - the President issued a please understand clearly .. .if you make He said Dreyer was with Unit a "final warning" to criminal elements a mistake we will deal with you, ' , he leader Jonas Savimbi at the move­ who he said were committing eco­ warned those' 'harbouring illusions ment's J amba headquarters in south­ nomic sabotage. He urged farmers of destabilising" Namibia. ern Angola and tTh1t the fomler Koevoet whose cattle were being stolen to man was prepared to invade Namibia. take the necessary steps to protect The President scorned reports that their property. former SWA TF and Koevoet mem­ "Let us unite, W9rk together and ,Nujoma also had strong words for bers were in Angola because they defend our country so we will not former SWA TF and Koevoet mem­ had been' ' terrorised" by Namibian 'experience again a massacre like I his bers who were leaving or had left border guards. one," he said, pointing to Ihe grave Namibia for either South Africa or He poi !lIed out these elements had of Ihe 12 people killed in 1')59. Angola. crossed the border nOL only while the " Let us be ready to defend Otlr NAMIBIAN P."esident Nujoma observes a minute of silence in ~~ :resider?tpointed. out Lhat SA­ United Nations was still inNamibia. l" ounl"ry. Tile aggrt:ssol' Illlls t fecllhe memory of those killed in cold blood at 'the Old Location on led rihlitary uruts who wrthdrew ii'om but under the previous DTA"led in­ pinch of our bullets." Decembel" 10, 1959. History was relived at the graveside of the 12 Namibia last year took with them terim government. as the historic events were recalled yesterday. Photograph: Jean Naffiibians who were. being used to Sutherland. kill South Afticans fighting for their ' \':~ (while stocks last ,...- exel. GST) , ( \1i Jl ' *Microsoft Works V2:0 Integrated t~.: \; *Olivetti ~ 200 Computer . !; Software ,. "Nec \(40 Processor with 768k RAM . 8:Mhz t lock speed, Zero waitstate W<irdprocessor . ,. [Jual 3,5" 720 k -Diskette Drives ,. Spreadsheet (Lotus 1, 2, 3 compatible) t~ Hercules and CGA Graphics controller Date Base ! 12'.' Monochrome Monitor 640 x 480 CommL1nications 101 Keyboard < ...' , • " Tutor ~ ",),. M8 '0083.3 and GWBasic ' ..' Comprehensive contextual ~" ,. r: f: * Olivetti OM 100 SPR 200 CPS PRINTER ~ ; ~, ALL FOR R2 995,00 BED and clothes in hand, 12-year-old Nangolo heads for the north. }. OR Photographs: Kate Burli~g. t I' * As above plus 20Mb hard drive f R3995,00 ~" *' M200 Only dual diskette complete with DOS R1995,00 i Herrigel slams N a~ibian [, * M200 Only with 20 Mb hard drive and DOS R2995,00 MINISTER of Finance Otto Heni.gel has reacted strongly: to an article , 1". published in The Namibian of last Friday, headlined 'The day Namibia nC:ll'ly t lost the Rand ... '. Condemning .the report, based on sources in two separate 25% DISCOUNT ON SOFTWARE government ministries, Herrigel said i'l was 'untrue' thaI' Namibia had be.~n nn the verge of being sl"randed withllUl" 'real money'. Math and other subj~cts for all ages. Learn the alphabet and many others. The rcp0l1 in The ,Nal1libi:1Jl said docll ments concerning til t: a~: reemell t r"r All the latest Sierra Games and Hint books in stock - directly from the USA Namibia to join the' Conunon M LlllC I<\ry Arc'a had gone missillg in thl.! SOUlll . Leisure Suit Larry III, 3D Helicopter and many more. African DepUr1mel)1 of Foreign Affairs, and Ihat only last-minute cross­ checking haclsaved the d!ly. Oi· Herrigel explainetllhat before N,~njbia 11:tJ . TurboMDUSE ............................. .. • •••• ·HH.HHH ••••• R230,OO started the C~nl ral BalJ1c, a bil al~ral agreemenl had been.in force betwL'L'n , Small Business Accounting Software (TURBOCASH) .H.HHH •••• H ••• HH.H ••• HH.HH.H •••• H ••• H.H ••••• HH R400,00 Nanubia and SouLh Africa on the use of the rand as legal tender. Followi.ng the fonilatioll of the Central Bank, the bilateral agreement had SPECIAL ON DISKETTES R4,25 for 3.5" R1 ,80 for 5.25" been replaced by ,i verbal agreement Until such time as a mu llil aten) I agreem~lll on the matter had been reached. Educational, Games and diskettes at 213 Independence Avenue, Windhoekt There was" no question" of the multilateral agree.ment being lost, Herrigel said, ad eli ng ¢at Na n:Ubia was merely awaiting finalisation of a few" t echlucal WINDHOEK: Tel.
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