E1 230 v ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~VOL.5 Public Disclosure Authorized Ukraine: Urban In Irastructure Project l ~ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT REPORT Public Disclosure Authorized - ~~~~~Volume 1 : ~~~~~Part ¶1 Kharkiv City FI NAL Public Disclosure Authorized F' N~~~~~~~ovember 2005 Public Disclosure Authorized Association - Indu strial Waste Management Centre Bakulin, 6 61 1 l6 Kharkiv UKRAINE TeI./fa)l.: +38 (057) 702 15 78 E-ma |I: tkn,usn e9 (; trV r - _______ a NOTE TO FILE: The following Environmental ssessment Report is one of several that was prepared in support of the Urban Infrastruclure Project for Ukraine which was under preparation in 2005-2006. This is a category project for rehabilitation of various utilities, including water supply, waste water treat nent, and solid waste. The EAs cover investments under Component B for Rehabilitatioi Investments under the project. Any technical variations in the final plans for these sites will be addressed in the review of the EMPs scheduled to take place in conjunction with he launch workshop. All subsequently identified works under Component B. must cor ply with the preparation of similar EAs in accordance with the Environmental Framework Policy dated November, 2005, before the disbursement of any funds for the specific site. [vestments under C. for Energy Efficiency under the Project must comply with the F eparation of an abbreviated EA/EMP specified under a separate Environmental Fram ork Policy prepared specifically for Component C. PREFACE U ban Infrastructure Project (Ul Project) and Nistru River/Black Sea Protection P oject (NR/BSP Project) (GEF si b-project) have been merged into a single Urban In rastructure Project (GEF sub-projicts are treated under the Ul Project) as their broad er vironmental goals include imprq 'ement of hygiene and health of the population, pr vision of low-cost and sustainablL water supply and sanitation delivery services, and irnprovement of environmental con tions in Ukraine, with a special focus on the Nistru Ri er and Black Sea basin as aprior tregion. Within the framework of this integrated project, the EA Consultant is responsible for pr paration of: * Environmental Framework Poll y (EFP); * Environmental Assessment (E4) E vironmental Framework Policy _7 TlT e Environmental Framework Poli y document reflects key provisions of environmental p licies adopted by Ukraine and th World Bank, the results of their comparative review, a d demonstrates their compatibility Dn all major issues. T le existing methodological frame orks for environmental assessment, developed in U craine and adopted by the Wor j Bank, have been reviewed. as part of the EFP p eparation. This review reveals a v ry close similarity of these frameworks, with only few minor inconsistencies, which haw not been encountered in the preparation of ei vironmental assessments for sele ted investment projects. E vironmental Assessment T ie Environmental Assessment d cuments, presented in this submission, have been p epared according to the World B nk environmental policies (OP4.01) and procedures, w hich are compatible with the Law of Ukraine "On Environmental Review" and the EIA- r lated State Construction Stand rd DBN A.2.2-1-2003 "The Environmental Impact A ,sessment Content and Compositi n for Construction Projects" (Kyiv, 2004). T *ere have been numerous chang s in the list of proposed projects, which should be S bject to environmental assessme t. The most recent list of projects, provided to the EA C onsultant and dated 12 October! 2005, appears to be different from the initial list, ircluded in the Terms of Reference. A the same time, the Environmental Assessment studies were carried out for a number of o her projects/locations, included in the expert's findings/e-mails dated 13 May, 11 June, 1 August and 26 August, 2005 (Iva o-Frankivsk, and towns in Kharkiv Oblast: Kupyansk, I ium, Chuguev). A cording to above mentioned, the Fresent report consists of two volumes: * Volume 1 - preliminary su :-projects identified for inclusion under Ul project (according to the list dated 12 lctober, 2005). * Volume 2 - addition sub-proje ts reviewed according to expert's findings. T e general content of Final EA ReF ort is given below. I iCONTENCNTENT . 3 INTRODUCTION SYSTEM 5 1. OF WA TEWATER COLLECTIONITREATMENT 2. REHABILITATION has been withdrawn from the project NOTE: This investment option 12 MUNICIPAL SOLID WAS E MANAGEMENT 12 E 3. 13 3.1. Existing Situation Proposed Investment Oject 15 3.2. E ironmental Impacts 15 3.3. Analysis of Potential 3.3.1. Physical Impact 15 Social Impact 16 3.3.2. Options 3.4. Review of Alternative 16 Manage nent Plan 16 3.5. Environmental Issues 3.5.1. Brief Description of Key nvironmental 16 3.5.2. Mitigation and Monitorin 17 INSTITUTIONAL ISSUE 17 PUBLIC CONSULTATI N 18 CONCLUSIONS 19 A 22 NNEX 26 NNEX B NNEX C 2 .1 INTRODUCTION T e objective of the Environmental Assessment (EA) report is to identify and assess the f ture environmental impacts assoc ated with the proposed Urban Infrastructure Project in a manner that meets the requirl ments of the World Bank. The proposed Urban Ir frastructure Project is anticipatec to provide funds for financing the costs of priority irvestments, designed to address tl e most urgent issues faced by key municipal service s ctors, including water supply, sew rage, and solid waste management. T he need for the Urban Infrastruq ure Project in Kharkiv is substantial and has many d mensions, key of them being tt e promotion of socio-economic development in an e vironmentally sustainable manne This report presents the results of pi liminary environmental assessment of each project in Kharkiv, proposed for the World Eank funding, with particular focus on the potentially s gnificant impacts of these projects nd options for mitigating them. According to the Terms of Referen e, and in order to ensure compliance with World Bank environmental policies (OP/BP/GP 4.01), the Environmental Assessment should be carried o ut in compliance with the EA requil ments for Category A projects. The existing situation in Kharkiv with respect to drinking water supply, wastewater c Dllection and treatment, and solid N/aste management is first described before the need f r proposed developments is cc nsidered. The development proposals and existing environmental features are describbd to allow the assessment of environmental impacts and identification of mitigation optio s. 6 C,onsultation has taken place with ,arious stakeholders, and feedback is summarized in ection IV of this report. General Information on the City d Kharkiv Kharkiv is a major industrial, cientific and cultural centre in Ukraine, and the Edministrative centre of Kharkiv 0 last. Economically, it is associated with the Donetsk- l nipro Economic Region. Kharkiv has a cross-border location with respect to two . eographic zones (Forest-Steppe a nd Steppe), both classified as arid. Kharkiv has three r vers (Lopan, Kharkiv, and Udy), v ith their confluence located within the city boundaries. v 1he Udy River is the tributary of the Siversky Donets River. 1 he climate in the area is typically oontinental, with long but relatively mild winter, and hot summer. Mean annual temperature is at 6.9 °C. The coldest months are January (-7.1 0C) end February (-6.7 °C), and the wirmest months are June (19.5 °C), July (20.5 0C) and / ugust (19.4 °C). Mean annual pr cipitation is about 522 mm, with its major proportion ( 352 mm) falling during the warm sqason, from April through October. Local wind pattern can be characte zed as follows: . Eastern and south-eastern wind are predominant in winter; . Western and north-western win are predominant in summer; Idean annual wind velocity is 4.33 n/s, with the 20-year maximum probable wind velocity teing at 22 m/s. The wind velocity P ad is about 30 kg-s/m2 Slow cover sefttles in early Decemb r and melts in late March, with mean thickness being at 20 cm, and normalized snow cver mass ranging between 95 to 100 kg/i 2. frost pe netration depths are at 1.0 m on tte average, and 1.1 m at the maximum. Kl arkiv occupies the area of approx mately 305 ki 2, lying on the slightly undulating plain, di sected by river valleys and gorge . Surface elevations in relation to the sea level range be tween 90 to 192 m. Kl arkiv has a population of about .5 million. It has been, and still is, one of the most important regions in Ukraine for in strial development, particularly for machine-building in ustry. Kharkiv's economic activi es include power engineering, tractor construction, machine-building, aircraft constru ion, chemistry, metal fabrication, forestry, wood p ocessing, tannery, food processin, construction industry. B ing a major conurbation and entre of industrial activity, Kharkiv needs serious iniprovements in its municipal infra ructure, including water supply, wastewater collection and treatment, and solid waste management, in order to ensure its sustainable de velopment and maintain a althy environment. The achievement of these iniprovements requires large-scale pital investments and, given the scope of investment re quirement, loans provided by the international financial institutions are seen as a very in portant mechanism, particularly uring the transitional period, in which the municipal s ctor moves towards commercial i ependence. F rther sections of this report de cribe the proposed improvements and present the re suits of their environmental asses ment. I~~~~~~~~~~~~ .'!fi2, lr_ . - - - . ! * .' foi -_p i11 1/f il,{}it-X>.{ A.R ssm.:,r ,feog a 2. REHABILITATION OF WASTE WATER COLLECTIONIWQEATM!fSMT SYSTEM NOTE: This investment optio has been withdrawn from the project 3. MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE JANAGEMENT 3.1.
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