| ,/t't t ;". .t'' .1. ?'b7-s4 m f / u;"i ,?UL/r*-; LADM NO.I t30-2-20 LOSANGELES COUNTY DRAINAGE AREA, CALIFORNIA OPERATIONAND MAINTENANCE MANUAL FOR SANTAFE DAM SANGABRIEL RIVER IMPROVEMENT U.S. ARMYENGINEER DISTRICT, LOSANGELES CORPSOF ENGINEERS JULY r963 li' U, S, AltliY mGWm QISTRICT, US APaGELES, AUGUST 1963 FOREWORD 1, This r0aaua.l prescribes standard procedures for the operation and maintenance of tine federally constructed Santa Fe Dam and Flood- Control Reservoir, Los Angeles County Drainage Area, California. All previously issued operation and maintenance manuals for this dam are superseded by this mnual. 2, The Dams Section, Design Branch, Engineering Mvision, 5.8 responsible for the preparation of this manual and for keeping this mmal up-to-date, Suggested revisions should be f oxwarded through channels, to that section. FOR THZ DISTRICT EXGINEJB: $ELTON B. BILES Major, Corps of Engineera Assistant District Engineer TABLE SECTION 1. INTRODUCTION Authwi~ation...............................~.~~~.~~~~~~.~. PTo~~c~l~cation~..~ ....................................... Foundation of Santa Fe Dm site............................ Description of project... .................................. a. Principal structures and ewpmenf. .................. b. ~rdrogmphfcinsteLIlatio1~8 .re.OOe**aeee*eeeoeea C. Communication facflities... .......................... Protection provided. ....................................... Basic design reports ....................................... Construction histmy ....................................... Pertinent dab............................................. SECTION 2 .Gm PROCEDURES ApprOP.ed reguhtim....................................*.. Purpose of ~~anual...~.. .................................... Defmtiorjg ................................................ Reference drawings and maLs.............................. Functions of the Construction Division...............a.e... Functions of the Engbeering Didsion. ..................... Functions of the Real Estab Division ...................... Functfons of the U.S. GeologicrrL Smvey .................... Inspections and maintgnanoe... ............................. Duties of the dam tender. .................................. Routine test operations .................................... Flood control bash. ....................................... Access roads................* ........I...................o.. Access stMays........................................... Fejl~e~ea0emo.e.e.. e*a*ee**eeee****ee*e**ao*m****e********** Inspections and msintenance.. .............................. a. Emt)~~1~s.c.c*.**.*******************.**********.** b . Conemte and rgpap.................................~ .. Emb~ntdrd *~..~~~~~~.~.~~~~.~~~~~~~~~~..~~~~~~ d. Access roads and berms... ............................ 8. Fences ............................................... f. BwOtJ33.Lg w .................................... g. IIamrdous obstructions............................... SECTION 4 .OUTLET STftUCTURES . Gemd....e.e.e................oe.....e~~~...e........~.. Approach che1.oo~~~~~~.~~~o~eer.~~~~~~.~~~e~~~e~**~~* 0. Intake structure.......................................... Gate ~wers..~..............O..........................~ Access gdllery............................................ Float recorder intake well4............................... Float recorder housg ...................................... Gated outlets............................................. Outlet works stilling bas$n. .............................. Diversion intake .......................................... Serv;Lce buflding .......................................... Inspection and -we ................................ a* CmeIs.ooo........................................ be Weep holes .......................................... SECTIOX 5 .SPIIif-HAY General................................................... Approach channeI .......................................... Control section...e......................O.......e.a....~~ Spillway stf3Xng basin................................... Spillway &t C-1 ..................................... Counterforb and cantilever Ws. ......................... Inspections and main%emce............................... SECTION 6 .GAT325 AND HOISTS Gates ............e........................................ Reservoir Regulation Bbmd.. .............................. Hoist cylinders and appurtenances......................... Electric motors and acoessories ........................... Inspections. tests. and nr~bbnance....................... a . Genera. ...............e............................. b . Ga-s .............o...........O.......~...........~~ C. Hoists and errs................................... d . Pa5ntiX1&.......................e.................... SECTION 7 .ELEeTRICaL FAC1:LM'IB Electrical supply and semrices .........................oo. Staadby power unft .......................................~ Switchboard............................................... Light fixtures ............................................ Convenience outlets.. ..................................~~~ Ground ssire ..............o..O............................. Wansfomera .............................................. ELECTRICAL FACILITIES.. Continued Inspections. tests. aPld maintenance ....................... a. General ............................................. b. Electrical supply and service ......................~ C. S%andby power unit .engiares ........................ d. Stsurdby power unit = gene~atw...................... e. Switchboard and lighting fmmes................... f. Trmferr&ng phtto standby sdce............... g . Transfeming plant to =son Company service ........ h. Shutting down plant durAng emergencies.............. SECTION 8 .HYMiWHIC INSTUTIOMS SWf gages ..e..emae.r...aoo.e..o.e...e.ae.....aee...*.... Reservoir water-stage recmdess .......O................... Gate position recarders.........OO........................ Gate positbn indicators.................................. 0U.eflow gaging station.................................... Standard rain [email protected]~.~..~................................ Automatic ra3.11gam... ................................... S&bentation mmnts.. ................................. Inspection. serdebg. &knan~e~ and reporting ......... ab By the chu tend^..^.. ......~...~................... be By .tb Ue S. Geob~kjscdPSw ...................... C. By the Engineering Di81aion. ...........e............ FACILITIES tenderas houmeeeeacemeee..eeseoe.amcrc.oce.e.cooo.e o. Electrh~alserv%ee and e~pdeeeQQ............~........ Inspectioma. ~eot~f~...... and ~~~~cQ.....Q....................m........................................ b . ?at- ~d~ede~0~8bt~~~~.~~~.................... c. 'VePlic1es and e@pm% .............................. d. T.and.Q~apw....*...........O.......e................ 8. MseeUBTaeo~....................................... TABLE 33' CONTE3TS-4ontItnuedt SECTIGN U - WAm SUPPLY AND S3JAGE Tdate~-s~ppJ.Y~~~~eeaoeceeooeeaoae~.e.e~ee~so~eooeo~.ee~.~ Sewage system,,, ,......... ........O.....eO...o. .........., Inspections ancl ~intenan~e,...,.........~......,.......... Service buil~g.......o..oe............................... Gate c~ere,,.,,,,.ODe.,~~.~~BOe..~O~aO...e.~.e.e.~..o..o Dam tender1s house,. ., . , . Inspections, tests, and maintenance...,..........,......... a. Fire ext~shePseoO.O.O.Oe.~..~e~......~o..~~..~... b. Fire hoses and bibbs................................. C. Fire prevention, ....... ... .. .. ... .. .. .... ,....... .. Accident prevention,.....,.......,..,...................... SiXTIOE? 13 - RESERVOIR REGULATION XND FLOOD E3BRCEXCY RaU-S amITS Project Location Plan of Flood Contfnol Basin Inspeetion Check Us% Test-Opera%ion Reporbs Deleted Drawings - "As Constm~ted"at~d Index (unattached) Sef erence lianuals (unattached) Instructions for Operation of Service Gates (revised) Snshction Mual - &%in Engine General Saf ebj Requirements, Bl 385-1-1 Corps of Engineers, U. S, Array (~nattetched) QPERATIQN AND MAINTENANCE YrANUAL FOR SAMTA FE DAIvi AND FEOOD-CONTHOL RESERVOIR LOS ANGELES COUNTY, CALIFORNIA SECTION 1 - INTWDUCTSQN 1.01. Authorizcation. The Flood Control Act of 22 June 1936, as amended 28 June 1938, authoriaed a flood-control plan of improvement for protection of rnstropolitan areas in Los Angeles County; Santa Fe Ilam and Flood-Control Rewrvoir is part of this authorized plan; it was constructed by the Corps of Engineers, Los Angeles Mstrict, between August 194l and January 1949. 1.02. Project location. me Santa Fe flood control basin is located on the outwash area of the San Gabriel Mver in the eastern part of Los Angeles County, Cabifornia, about 5 miles downstream from the mouth of San Gabriel canyon, about 15 miles northeasterly from Los Angeles and 3 miles southwesterly from the town of Armsa. It is bounded on the north by the Atchison, Topelm and Santa Fe Raflway, on the west by the suburban development of Duarte, and on the east by the industrial plants, homes, highways and orchards of the area between Azuser. and Baldwin Park. The location of the project is shown in exhibit B and drawing file, No. 483/2, exhibit F. 1.03. Foundation of Santa Fe Dam site. The formation at this site is Recent alluvium consisting primarily of gravel and boulders up to-4 feet in diameter, together with considerable quantities of loose sand and very little clay or silt. The records of deep water wells drilled in the vicinity indfcate that this gravel and boulder type of materid. extends from the surface to depths
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