SOCIETAS PRO FAUNA ET FLORA FENNICA ACTA BOTANICA FENNICA 72 Leena Hämet-Ahti: Some races of Juncus articulatus L. in Finland SOCIETAS Pll.O FAUNA E'l' FI.ORA FL~~CA HELSINKI- HELSINGFORS 1966 ACfA BOTANlCA FENNICA 1-19 vide Acta Botanica Fennica 20-50. 20. E. J, Valovirta: Untersuchungen über die säkulare Landhebung als pflanzengeo­ graphischer Faktor. 173 S. (1937). 21. Th. Lange: Jämtlands kärlväxtflora. 204 s. (1938). 22. Uno Saxen: Die Varietäten von Carex salina Wg ssp. cuspidata Wg nebst ihren Hybriden an den Küsten des Bottnischen Busens, Finnland. 30 S. (1938). 23. Gunnar Marklund: Die Taraxacum-Fiora Estlands. 150 S. (1938). 24. Harry Waris: Über den Antagonismus von Wasserstoffionen und Metallkationen bei Micrasterias. 36 S. (1939). 25. Bror Pettersson: Experimentelle Untersuchungen über die euanemochore Ver­ breitung der Sporenpflanzen. 102 S. (1940). 26. Gunnar Marklund: Die Taraxacum-Fiora Nylands. 187 S. (1940). 27. I. Hustich: Pflanzengeographische Studien im Gebiet der niederen Fjelde im westli­ chen finnischen Lappland. li. Über die horizontale Verbreitung der alpinen und alpiken Arten sowie einige Angaben über die winterlichen Naturverhältnisse auf den Fjelden; Artenverzeichnis. 80 S. (1940). 28. Emil Hulden: Studien über Fraxinus excelsior L. 250 S. (1941). 29. Runar Collander: The distribution of different cations between root and shoot. 12 pp. (1941 ). 30. A. L. Backman: Najas marina in Finnland während der Postglazialzeit. 38 S. (1941). 31. A. L. Backman: Ceratophyllum suhmersum in Nordeuropa während der Post­ glazialzeit. 38 S. (1943). 32. Bengt Englund: Die Pflanzenverteilung auf den Meeresufern von Gotland. 282 S. (1942). 33. Veli Räsänen: Das System der Flechten. Übersicht mit Bestimmungstabellen der natürlichen Flechtenfamilien, ihrer Gattungen, Untergattungen, Sektionen und Untersektionen. 82 S. (1943). 34. V. Wartiovaara: The permeahility of Tolypellopsis cells for heavy water and methyl alcohol. 22 pp. (1944). 35. Agnes Wernstedt: On the absorption of Iead into the cells of Nitella. 8 pp. (1944). 36. lb Holm-Jensen, August Krogh and Veijo Wartiovaara: Some experiments on the exchange of potassium and sodium between single cells of Characeae and the hathing fluid. 22 pp. (1944). 37. Dertel Widen: Untersuchungen über die Phlorogluzinderivate finnischer Farn­ arten. 79 S. (1944). 38. Carl Cedercreutz: Die Gefässpflanzenvegetation der Seen auf Aland. 79 S. (1947). 39. Jaakko Jalas: Zur Systematik und Verbreitung der fennoskandischen Formen der Kollektivart Thymus Serpyllum L., em Fr. 92 S. (1947). 40. Hans Luther: Morphologische und systematische Beobachtungen an Wasserpha­ nerogamen. 28 S. (1947). 41. Enzio Reuter: Index Generalis seriei Acta Botanica Feunica 1-40 (1925-1947). vii + 75 s. (1948). 42. I. Hustich: The Scotch Pine in northernmost Finland and its dependence on the climate in the last decades. 75 pp. (1948). 43. A. L. Backman: Najas flexilis in Europa während der Quartärzeit. 44 S. (1948). 44. Hans Luther: Vorschlag zu einer ökologischen Grundeinteilung der Hydrophyten. 15 s. (1949). 45. Stig Jaatinen: Bidrag till kännedomen om de äländska sjöarnas strandvegetation. 354 s. (1950). 46. Haus Luther: Beobachtungen über die fruktifikative Vermehrung von Phragmites communis Trin. 18 S. (1950). ACTA BOTA ICA FENNICA 72 EDIDIT S 0 C I ETAS PR 0 FA NA E T F L 0 RA FE N N I CA SOME RACES OF JUNCUS ARTICULATUS L. IN FINLAND BY LEENA HÄMET-AHTI DEPARTMENT OF BOTA:\'Y, UNIVERSITY OF HELSINKI HELSI KI- HELSI GFORS 1966 Acta bot. fenn. 72. 22 pp. Oct. 1966 PRI NTED BY TILGYA.\"N HEL S I.\"KI- H E L SI:"'GFORS 1 966 Contents Abstract ... ...... ................. ..... ........ ........ ... ..... ........................... .... .... ....... 3 Introduction ... ... 3 ] uncus m•ticulatus L. var. hylandri Hämet-Ahti, var. nova 4 ] uncus articulatus L. var. lindhardii (\\'iinst.) \\'iinst . 13 j uncus alpinus Yill. x arliculatus L. 15 Summary 16 R eferences . 1 7 Abstract In Finland there are at least three yarieties of ] uncus articulatus L., em. Lagerst.& Krok, viz. Yar. articulatus (s. lat.). Yar. lindhardii (\Viinst.) Wiinst. and var. hylandri Hämet-Ahti, var. no,·a. ]. alpinus \ "ill. X ]. articulatus L. is substantiat ed for F inland. Introduction In 1958, Mrs. ::\Iirj a Siljamäki, ~I. Sc . , and her busband Mr. Mikko Silja­ mäki, Lic.Med., found a strange !arge species of ] uncus growing in brackish sea wat er 30 cm deep at Pyhtää, Svartbäcksfjärden, on the Gulf of Finland. Some years later they ga,·e me a specimen of this plant. Although very yonng, this specimen was so interesting that I made a short trip to Pyhtää with Dr. Annikki Saarisalo-Taubert to see the plant in nature. Because the weatber was st ormy, we could not row to the original local ity, but examination the sbores of Svartbäcksfj ärden showed that the same ] uncus was very common tbere. After a thorough examination it became clear that this plant comes so close to J uncus articulatus that it may be regarded as a seashore race of this species. In addition t o this undescribed type, another race of J uncus articu­ latus, var. lindhardii, formely unknown from Finland, was detected during herbarium studies. A number of specimens of the hybrid]. alpinus X ]. arti­ culatus, which bad formerly been doubted to be present in Finland, were fonnd in the Finnish herbaria. It appears that there are a great many other t axonomic problems to be solved among the North European Junci, par­ ticularly in the ]. alpinus complex. 4 Leena Hämet-Ahti: Some races of Juncus articulatus L . in Finland I wish to express my deep gratitude to Dr. Nils H ylander, Prof. Hans Luther and Dr. J aakko J alas, who have read m y manuscript and given valuable help. :\Iy husband, Dr. Teuvo Ahti, examined the collections in Leningrad (LE) and translated the Latin descriptions, Miss Kirsti Kaleva, J\LSc., counted the chromosome number of ]tmcu.s articu.latu.s var. hylandri, :Mrs. Aune Haakana collected material from the Alan d Islan ds, JY!r . F. H. Brightman revised m y English and Dr. A. Skovst ed corrected the Iist of Danish localities. I thank them for their help, and also thank the curators of the following herbaria: c Bot anica! Museum, University of Copenhagen, Denmark H Botanical :Museum, University of Helsinki, Finland H F R Forest Research Institute, Helsinki, Finland H-Kym Herbarium of the Kymenlaakso District, Finland, in H LE Botanical Institute of the Academy of Sciences, Leningrad, U.S.S .R. OULU Department of Botany, University of Oulu, Finland TURA Biological Institute of Abo Academy, Turku, Finland UPS Institute of Systemabc Botany, University of Uppsala, Sweden Financial support was received from the Finnish National Research Council for Science. ]uncus articulatus L . var. hy landri1 H ämet-Ahti, var. nova Type: Finland, Nylandia, Pyhtää, Purola, Svartbäcksviken, gravelly seashore, 23 .IX.1965, Annikki Saarisalo-Taubert & Leena Hämet-Ahti (H, holotype; C, TUR, UPS, isot ypes). Rhizoma sat robustum, usque ad 5 = crassum, sat Ionge repens, haud caespitosum. Caules rigide erecti, firmi, c. (30-) 50-100 cm alti, infra inflorescentias 1-2 = crassi, obscure virides, inflorescentüs vaginisque saepe purpurascentes. Folia caulina 2-3 ( 4), rigida, Yulgo erecta, fere teretia, clistincte articulata; vaginae foliorum marginibus scariosis vulgo angustis, interdum >alde inconspicuis, in auriculas obtusas, diametro caulis breviores elongatis institutae. Inflorescentia an gusta longaque, r amulis longioribus erecto-patentibus sed pedunculis saepe m agis divergentibus; capitula numerosa (25-JO), floribus paucis (3-5). Perianthium t epalis subaequalibus, acutis, 2-2.5 (3) = longis, internis interdum apice rotundatis paulo brevioribusque et marginibus latioribus scariosis; filamenta antheris vulgo paulo longiora. Capsula perianthi paulo longior, atrorufa vel nigrescens et lucida, anguste ovata, acuminata, mucrone 0.3 = longo. The rhizome (Fig. 4) is fairly stout (up t o 5 = in cliameter) and the plant is rather long-creeping, not tufted . The culms are rigidly erect, hard, about (30-) 50-100 cm tall and 1-2 = in diameter below the inflorescence. The colour when fresh is dark bluish-green , but the dried specimens are bluish-grey to bro·wn.ish-green, and often tinged with purple in the sheaths, culms and inflorescences. 1 Etymology: T he name is given in honour of Dr. Kils Hylander, who has tentatively r ecognized this variety in his flora. LövE (1961) described the genus H ylandra based on the same n am e and therefore I use the spelling hylandri instead of hyla~1deri. The form hylandri was used by WIKEN {1951, p. 55, footnote) as an example o f declension. ACTA BOTANICA FENNICA 72 5 The 2-3 (4) cauline leaves are stiif, usually straight and almost unflattened, and the articulation is very clear. The auricles of the sheaths are obtuse and shorter than the diameter of the culm. The scarious margins of the sheaths are usually narrow and some­ times very inconspicuous. The inflorescence is long and narrow, the Ionger branches ascending almost vertically or ouly at narrow angles (less than 30°) . However, some of the peduncles of the heads may diverge at fairly wide angles. The heads are numerous (25-70), each with few (3-5) flowers. The perianth segments are about equal and acute, though some of the inner ones may be somewhat rounded at the apex and slightly shorter. Also the scarious margin is narrow in the outer segments and rather broad in the inner ones. The length of the perianth is about 2- 2.5 (-3) mm. The filaments are usually slightly Ionger than the anthers. The capsule is slightly Ionger than the perianth, yery dark brown to black and shiny when ripe, acum.inate (F.ig. 1) and usually without, or with indistinct, shoulders. The beak is up to 0.3 mm long. The chromosome nurober is 2n = 80 (specimen from the type locality; H). 3 ooua b c oooa b 0 5 .... 0a 0b 0 FIG. 1. The capsules of some races of jtmcus articulatus L.
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