Dedicated to the Ideals Address And interests of young UKRAINIAN WEEKLY Americana of Ukrainian SECTION descent. 81-83 Grand Street informative, instructive. Jersey City 8, N. I. Supplement of Ukrainian Dally Svoboda укрлінсьхий щсл&шиш UKRAMHTIAN DAII.V Г ubllshed by the 'TeL HEnderson 4-0237 Ukrainian National dkralnlan National Ass's Assorts Hoa. The Ukrainian Weekiy (Section Tel. HEnderson 5-8740 РІК LXTI. 4. 199 SECTION TWO SVOBODA. UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SECTION, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1955 SECTION TWO No. 199 VOL. LXII '. Report and Article Contributions Strong Resistance Revealed Gov. Meyner Addresses Ted Lytwyn U.N.A. PRESIDENT TO COME To the Weekly Urged In Ukraine Rally in Newark TO CHICAGO TO WIND UP 0 4 the Uk MEMBERSHIP CAMPAIGN г-Іп^м ?* ? °f ' - become a contributor to Its donizio, and others, including raiman National Association William Plddlngton, ex Bri­ the resistance movement is A large rally, addressed by representatives of various na­ are receiving this month a pages. tish paratrooper who spent still going strong. Governor Robert Meyner of The 1955 Ukrainian Nation-, do lack, however, is a sys- tionality groups, among them letter from the Editor of the "Write in to the Weekly four years in a Russian In the Ukraine itself, he said, New Jersey and other notables, al Association membership:tcmatic approach to the prob- being Slovak, Polish, Russian Ukrainian Weekly, Mr. Ste­ on whatever subject you think slave camp, declared that there resistance organizations are.BO to boost the candidateship of campalgn Is coming to a close, !lem of gaining new members. will be of interest to its read­ strong that they are able to young Ted Lytwyn, Ukrainian and Greek groups. phen Shumeyko, the text of was an underground resistance writes Mr. Stephen Kuropaa of We lack also the necessary 'v* ers. maintain their own arms fact­ by descent, for the post of Among the Ukrainian Amer­ which reads as follows: movement In the Ukraine near­ Chicago, 111., a member of the unity of action so necessary ! ories —• and the country is con­ Assemblyman in the New Jer- icans, who addressed the gath­ "The Ukrainian Weekly, to "I would especially appre­ ly big enough to topple the Supreme Auditing Committee for our campaign." stantly on the edge of chaos. iey Legislature, was held last ering, calling for support of > fulfill its purpose, among them ciate your reports on the activi­ Government, the North Amer­ of the association. On Friday and Saturday, Oc­ Monday night, October 10th, Mr. Lytwyn's candidacy, were being the dissemination of ties of your Branch of the Uk­ ican Newspaper Alliance cor­ Between 1945 and 1953, ac­ tober 28 and 29, Mr. Dmytro tt the Ukrainian Center, Wil- Mr. Dmytro Halychyn, presi­ "Two more months of crowd­ knowledge of things Ukrainian, rainian National Association. respondent In London reports. cording to resistance reports, Halychyn, President of the .iam street, Newark, N. J. dent of the Ukrainian National ed holidays, concerts, lectures, such as history,, culture, cus­ "Coupled with this, kindly more than 10.000,000 Ukrain­ Ukrainian National Associa­ The 29-year-old Piddington, Association and of the Ukrain­ anniversaries and the like will toms, the struggle for Ukrain­ send to the Weekly reports on ians "disappeared"— most of Mr. Lytwyn, a college gradu­ tion, will be in Chicago in or­ released by the Russians last ian Congress Committee of not do much for UNA mem­ ian national independence, as current events in your Ukrain­ them to Siberian slave labor ate and a war veteran, is run­ der to review the progress of year, said he withheld most of America; Mr. Michael Piznak, bership. Besides," he notes, well as what is going on in Uk­ ian American Community life. camps, but many of them to ning on the Democratic ticket. the membership campaign. what he learned In Russia dur­ Vice-President of the UNA and "not much csn be done in the rainian American Organization­ sudden death. The importance of having a Two rallies will be held then, "Proper credit will be given ing his . imprisonment on ad­ Treasurer of the Ukrainian last minute. The membership al life, would like to have you Piddington was passing younger generation Ukrainian on Friday in the "Soyuz" hall, to your contributions." vice from British intelligence. Congress Committee. Among :smpaign should be methodical through East Germany in 1950 American in the Assembly was and on Saturday in the Church But now he said that while the over 500 persons attending ind stretched over the period on his way to visit a girl friend ittested by the presence at the hall, Paulina and 50th street. he was in the slave camp In Si­ the rally, were Mr. Gregorj )f the whole year." when he wa« arrested. rally and the remarks of not To make these rallies suc­ beria, serving a thirty-eight- Herman, Secretary of the UNA NEW SEASON FOR UKRAINE He had no penvU to be in only Governor Meyner, but Nevertheless, he goes on to cessful, It is necessary that year sentence for "espionage" and Mr. Antin Dragan, Edltoi East Germany, and when . he also by Mayor Leo Carlin of ooint out, is that Chicago did, not only Chicago, members at­ DANCERS he worked hand-in-hand with of "Svoboda." presented his British passport Newark, Edward McKenna of as before, a good job in getting tend them but that they should the Ukrainian resistance move­ he was immediately charged trvington, N. J. Congressmen Chairman of the rally wai jew members for the "Soyuz." The recent appearance of were jumping around the Ul- make it point to bring along ment. Even in Siberia, Plddlng­ with espionage. Peter Rodino and Hugh And- Dr. George Bemko. 3y "good," he explains, is that Mr.Walter Bacad on "The Uk­ rainiau Halls in New York and with them as many of their ton said, it was strong enough Eventually, he was sentenced Chicago UNA-ites achieved a rainian Melody Hour" marked Elizabeth practicing for our friends and acquaintances as to cause Russian authorities and taken to Siberia, where be very favorable record In com- the beginning of a new season appearances on television and will be.possible. considerable trouble. remained until the Russians re­ Anti-Red Refugees' Radio Wins oarison with other Ukrainian for The Ukraine Dancers. Mr. for the concert at the UYL- What is equally important Is Since his release he has man­ leased him laat July. -omraunltiss throughout Amer­ Bacad, who is co-leader of the NA convention in Pittsburgh. Praise from Sparkman that our younger generation aged to maintain some con­ ica, "but not as good for Chi­ group with William Polew- When we weren't dancing, we He has written a book, "Rus­ Ukrainian Americans should tact with the group, he explain­ New York, October 4—Radio ternational situation, a station cago as such." chak, stated that dancing is were jumping around anyway. sian Frenzy," which will be turn out in full force at both ed, and he is quite certain that Liberation, the anti-Communist like Radio Liberation can ac­ best form of expression of Uk­ It was the only thing we published shortly. "I venture to say," he con- these affairs. The future of refugees' radio station in Ger­ complish far more -fcood than .inues in an article for The rainian culture and urged every could do to escape those Jersey the UNA depends greatly upon many, is making a significant for example, during the Stallr 'Jkralnian Weekly, "that the boy and girl to learn our folk mosquitoes! turn out in full force at both contribution to the "hastening regime." Ukrainian Chicago can for a dances. All our efforts were not in TENOR SKALA-STARYTSKY for the Ukrainian American jf the evolutionary processes ong time to come produce On Monday evenings from 8 Senator Sparkkman, whe youth, both its members and vain, for as soon as the cur­ MAKES AMERICAN DEBUT it work in the Soviet Union," nore members for the UNA until 10 o'clock at the Mc- went to Munich after a visit non-members. The least they tain opened in Pittsburgh and John J. Sparkman, member of .nan New York City, Philadel­ Burney Y.M.CA. in New York IN NEW YORK to the USSR, was impressec can do is to reciprocate, to be the audience started applaud­ the United States Senate phia and other Eastern Sea­ City, The Ukraine Dancers by the survival of private ini­ active UNA members, and to ing, all our discomfort was for­ Foreign Relations Committee, board cities combined. follow Mr. Bacad'a advice. Myroslav Skala - Starytsky, Boheme," and Massini's "Ver- tiative on the part of the Sov­ join it and beome as such If gotten, and we put everything declared in Munich, after a Their efforts • are- accompanied Ukrainian, leading tenor of the ter." iet peasants, despite all effort* "Here in Chicago, We have they have not as yet. we had into the show. The visit to the station, according by much laughter-and horse­ enthusiastic reception accord­ Theatre Royal de la Monnaei The Ukrainian offerings were at .collectivization. possibilities, opportunities, and All, older and younger Uk- Lysenko's "Hetmany," Barvin- to word received in New York play and a few-groans from ed us was truly heart-warm­ of Brussels, Belgium, made his The Senator sat In on the A*e have a wonderfully rich' rainian Americans should pitch sky's "O, polya vy polya,".Nl- by the American Committee for tential u the boys everytime It'sі 'neces­ 1 )^ШЗшшЩт ™ " ™ of candidate, in and help make this year's ing,., and every dancer w.ho American debut last Sunday Liberation from Bolshevism, sary for them' to really do zhynsky's "Zasumuy trembito," conference and observed the ISS membershlp in our great|UNA membership a participated agreed that It was evening, October 9th, at the Inc.
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