
1918. CO:N GRESS!ON AL BEOORD- HOUSE. 6675 Mr. XELSO:X. l\11·. Pre ·iLlent, I . imply wnnt to suggest to I moye thnt the Senate procC'etl to tile consideration of e:s:ecu­ Senator \Yho are oppo e(l to this item thnt t he .:implest way to tin' husi ne s. ucfent it i::; when the nan11 al11H'opriation bill come: bcfo:·c the Tile 1110tion was a;;reed to, nnll the Senate proceeded to Ute Senate pro\iding for the building of a dry dock. If you cnn con. ·ideration of ex:ecutiYe business. After fiye minutes spent eliminate that from the nnntl uill, and if.no proyi;·ion is made in executiYe sc3sion the (loors were reopened. for the building of a dry <lock in Charleston Harbor, this appro­ priation will not be a\ailablc. l:ECESS. 1\lr. ~DWICK. If "·e eliminate thi appropriation now, l\Ir. FLETCHER. I moye that the Senate take a recess the other would not perhaps come up. until to-morrow at 12 o'clock noon. Mr. NELSOX. '.rlu1t woulu not preYent the building of the The motion ' "as agreed to; nml (at ::; o'clock nm11iJ minutes dry dock. p . m.) the Senate took a recess uutil tb-morrow, Saturllay, ~Iny l\fr. s::HITH of Georgia. They would not wish to vut a dry ] , 1018, at 1:2 o·clock meridian. <lock "·here ships can not get to it. Mr. ~"ELSON. If the na\al billrwoYidcs for a <lry dock, cer­ NO~liXATIOXS. tainly we ougllt to make it accessible; but iC Senators think a dry dock is not a war emergency anu is not needed now, the E .rccutirc 11ominations ,·cccicc(l u!J tltc Senate May 17, 1918. !>lace to make their objection is on the naval bill. · PnonsroxAL AProTXT:llEi.\'TS, BY Pno:.u:onox, IX THE Ar:~n:- . · ?\Ir. HA.TIDWICK. But many Senators may think it coulu be C.\\'A.LRY _\lDI. better located "·here it "·ould not be so expensiYely located, To uc first lieutenants. nor "·oulu it take so long to build it as a war measure. l\Ir. ' ELSON. I take it the Senator from Georgia, if they , ecouu Lieut. Arthur H . Besse, Can1lry, from ~larch 23, 1D18. e. tnblished a na\al . ta.tion at Bruns\Yick, would want the channel .'econd I.ieut. Charles '\V. '\Vhite, Ca\ahT, from April 10, 1Dl8. deepened to the extent of 40 feet to inake the dry llock and navy Seconu Lieut. John R Lindsey, CaYalry, from April 20, 1918. yard at Brw1swick a\ailable and within reach. :FJELD ARTlLT.EP.Y AR:ll. 1\lr. WADSWORTH. Does the Senator realize that tllel'e is To be captains. a. dry dock at Charleston now? First Lieut. Oscar I. Gate-·, Fiehl Artillery, from April 13, :\lr. NELSON. There may be a little dry <lock, a small one, 1918. but they are going into extensi,-e schemes now and there are a First Lieut. Gerahl E . Brower, FieiU Artillcr~-. from A11rit 1G, good many shipyards do-n-n in the south Atlantic-! think one 1918. or two near Charleston. Tho Navy Department and the Ship­ Fil:st Lieut. '\Yillinm J. Joues, Field Artillery, from Arwil 13, ping Board feel that a dry dock is necessary at tllat point. That 1918. is a question tllat bas to be determined when -the na\al bill To be first lieutenants. comes up; and if ;you decide not to build a dry uock there, that Second Lieut. Edgar A. O'Hair, Field Artillery, from F ebruary ends this appmpriation-it i not availaule at all. 2G, 1018. :Mr. SMI'l'll of Georgia. Or if dcfeateu now, thn t enus the ury dock. Second Lieut. Stephen l\lallon, FielU Artillery, f_rom April 15, 1918. Mr. NELSOX. _" o; not nece snrily. You can lla\o a ury uock anyway. Second Lieut. A.<.ldison B. Green, FiclLl Artillery, from April Hi, 1918. l\Ir. SMITH of Georgia. '\Ve "\\ould hardly Yote seyeral mil­ Second Lieut. John R. Shepley, Field Artillery, from .AI1l'il 20, lion uollat'S to build a dry dock where it was so dry that no 1918. vessel could reach it. If full investigation shows the d ry uock CO..\ST ARTILLERY CORPS. must be built at Charleston, the naval bill could carry the appropriation for digging tho channel,. and then perhaps we To be first lie1ttenants. might know what the enth'e project would cost ::mu how sooa Second Lieut. George M . Holstein, jr., Coast ...:-~rtille ry Corps, it would be finished. from 1\larcb 22, 1018. 1\lr. FLETCHER. I am satisfied that if the proYision is Second Lieut. Joseph G. Cole, Coast ..irtillery Corp·, from tricken out of tills bill it will not settle the que tion of estab­ April 10, 1918. Ji,cshing a mrml base at Charleston and building a dry dock at Second Lieut. ' Vnnl Rubenuall , Coast Artillery Corps, from Charleston. That is not going to be settled by any action taken .April 11, 1918. in reference to this item. On the conb.·ary, the naval appro­ Second Lieut. Clyde LeG. '\\alker, Coast Artillery Corps, nrlation bill will l)robably carry that item in it, and if this from April 11, 1018. ·provision is sh·icken out of the pending bill with reference to the Second Lieut. Richard B. Gayle, Const Artillery Corp. , from improvement of the channel the nayal appropriation bill will April 11, 1918. probably include · that item. I suggest, as the Senator from Minnesota has said, that we defer the Charle ton discussion CO~FI1U1ATIO_ -s. until the na\al appropriation bill is here and the item with ref- E .rccuti re nominations con finned _by tlle Se11ate Jlay r/, 1918. erence to a navy yard and dry uock or a naval base and <lry U:'\ITED STATES hl~11 srr.u, . dock comes up. St 1 J D 1 t 1' U ·t· 1 St t 1 1 ,,. t · t f 1\Ir. HARDING. 1\lr. President, I only wish to answer t he ~ • ep ten . o:r e o ue 111 et a es mars Ill. , . uJS nc o question of the Senator from New York [l\1r. WADSWORTH] and ~ - orth Dakota. -· -· _ other inquiries. The total appropriation for the Char leston A.PPOI::'\ nrE::'\ r ~ THE An~rY. Harbor to June 30 lust year was fiye and one-third million Llol- DE::'\T.\.L CORPS. lfn·s, while the appropriations for the Brunswick Harbor up to l iarl Eaton Safforu to be first lieutenant. the same period were thr ee million and a half. Pos-nrASTEn. The VI CE PRESIDEl\TT. The question is on the amemlme"t :\nssrssrrrr. of the Senator from ~isconsin [hlr. LENROOT]. 1\lr. CURTIS. Let 1t uc read. 1 Preston T . Smith, Ittauena. The VICE PRESIDENT. It will be reaLl. Tlle SEcr..ETAUY. It is proposed to adu a a new section, n t tile end of i.lte bill, tl10 following: liOUSE OF REPRESENTATI\ ES. • SEC. 8. That no new work of impro"ement approprintell for in this net, involving :m expenditure during the fiscal year ending June 30, FRIDAY, JJI ay 17, 1918. 1910, of mor ~ than $100,000, shall be undertaken tmtil the Secretary of the ~reasury shall first certify to the Secretary of War that the The House met at 12 o'clock noon. condition of the 'Treasury is such that such expenditure can be made r> , ~ I Ke· • D D Slll)erintenuent of the UniH'l'salist without injury to the war needs of the Go\-ernment : Provided, That the ~ev. u. · 11 0 ' • ·• · · - provisions of this section shall not apply to any expenditure heretofore Ja1:>an ::\1i sion, offered the follo-wing prnyer : specifically recommended by the Secretary of War as a ·war emergency. Our Father, who art in llenven and who art here, grant, we 1\Ir. CURTIS. I shoulcl like to ask tlle Senator from Florida pray Thee, that all that is <lone and said here to-day may be if he de. ires a vote on this amenument ·this evening? done and said out of the consciousness of Tlly presence. Be 1\lr. PLETCHER. I think some Senators want an executi\e Thou with us as a Nation, with its Executive head. in the heavy session, and I am going to move an executive ession, and after- respon ibilities which Thou hast placed upon him, and with wnrus mo\e for a recess. each department of our Go\ernment. Grant that in tile geeat l\Ir. CURTIS. And not ask for a \Ote this evening? struggle in which we are engaged \ictory may come to righteous- i\Ir. FLETCHER. Not ask for a YOte this e\ening. I giye 1 ne s. W'e desire nothing more, and we ask nothing less; nnd -n·e notice that I shall moYe for a recess at the close of the ex:ecu- ask it "·ith assuran~e, becau e Thou art the God of ~ig~teous ­ ti\e ·ession. ne · . Grant tlmt unn·ersnl brotherhood may be the prmc1ple of 6676 _CONGRESSIQN ~L- -~~_QORD-HOUSE . ~fAY 17, all government, and that the peace of righteousness may come excmpti.on, with .the re'u1t that if their report had been adopted and abide in all the world. eYery m.l anc.l ~meral lease would be subject to final .action by We ask it in the spirit and in tlle name of Christ our SaYior. an officml out m Oklahoma, the Superinten<lent for tlle FiYe Amen.
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