Pg. 12 Pg. 18 Pg. 28 Top PR blunders Nuclear Tech: Setting the trap PG. 42 PROFILES OF on a bear raid of 2009 The new conversation CRISIS PR FIRMS Communications & new media Jan. 2010 I Vol. 24 No. 1 Special issue: Crisis Communications LITIGATION COMMUNICATIONS IN A POST-MADOFF ERA 2010 Buyer’s Guide 1,000 Services & Products WHEN LEGAL 59 categories PROTOCOL SILENCES PR TIGER WOODS: ANATOMY OF A PR MELTDOWN January 2010 | www.odwyerpr.com WHY 2010 WILL BE THE YEAR FOR CRISIS PG. 22 A DIFFERENCE THAT MATTERS Counseling a select group of corporate and institutional clients here and abroad, we take special pride in our ability to reach and serve the needs of the media. But, beyond that, our team of seasoned professionals from many disciplines, including prize-winning journalists and editors, provide a level of informed, insightful, strategic counsel and a global perspective that have made The Dilenschneider Group one of the professionís premier boutiquefi rms since we opened our doors in 1991. Our clients, for whom wefiant cmake a difference,signi repeatedlyfi rmcon that sentiment. We look forward to many more years of the same. The Dilenschneider Group, Inc. Helping Corporations Plan Ahead and Communicate Globally MetLife Building • 200 Park Avenue • New York, NY 10166 • Phone: 212/922 0900 • Fax: 212/922 0971 Three First National Plaza • 70 West Madison Street, • Chicago, IL 60602 • Phone: 312/553 0700 • Fax: 312/553 0695 A DIFFERENCE THAT MATTERS fi fi fi The Dilenschneider Group, Inc. Helping Corporations Plan Ahead and Communicate Globally MetLife Building • 200 Park Avenue • New York, NY 10166 • Phone: 212/922 0900 • Fax: 212/922 0971 Three First National Plaza • 70 West Madison Street, • Chicago, IL 60602 • Phone: 312/553 0700 • Fax: 312/553 0695 Vol. 24, No. 1 January 2010 CONTENTS EDITORIAL STOPPING A BEAR RAID Legal protocols trump PR in Some telltale signs to watch for when OFTEN IMITATED OFTEN Tiger Woods fiasco being victimized in a bear raid. PENTAGON PA NOMINEE 6 28 SOCIAL MEDIA REQUIRES FACES SENATE ‘TALK,’ ‘LISTEN’ BALANCE Douglas Wilson tells the Senate he PR firms will have to abandon tradi- 12 will review policies to make sure reporters8 30tional media tactics to incorporate their mes- aren’t profiled. sages into social media. WOODS SCANDAL SHOWS ENGAGING WITH HOW NOT TO DO CRISIS ‘WOUNDED’ EMPLOYEES PR pros weigh in on this historic exam- What leaders can do to engage a ple of crisis made worse by bad communications.10 32workforce crippled by recession. TOP 10 PR BLUNDERS OF ’09 SOCIAL MEDIA DEPENDS Michael Fineman analyses some of ON EXPERTS 2009’s most widely reported PR Journalists are prized for their investiga- ‘mishaps.’ 12 34tive skills and ability to synthesize the news. ‘CACOPHONY OF VOICES’ MARKETING INTEGRATION BOOSTS JOURNALISM IS AN ORGANIC PROCESS 18 U.S. Public Diplomacy Chief Judith www.odwyerpr.com It’s time for the PR pros to realize that Daily, up-to-the minute PR news McHale speaks on citizen journalism. 14 36good strategies aren’t born in silos. CHADLINGTON PREPARES RECESSION INCORPORATED ‘SECOND ACT’ The ‘Great Recession’ became the The former Shandwick exec. is map- ideal time to start a new PR firm. ping an aggressive strategy to expand.16 38 RECONCILING ‘THE TURNS’ NUCLEAR 2.0: A NEW A solution to offer an official desig- CONVERSATION 40 nation for our nameless decade. Americans have slowly begun to devel- PROFILES OF CRISIS op a wary tolerance for nuclear sites. 18 COMMUNICATIONS FIRMS NEVER EQUALED NEVER FOCUS ON LAW HURT 42 EDITORIAL CALENDAR TIGER’S DEFENSE WASHINGTON REPORT January: Crisis Comms/Buyer’s Guide Tiger Woods is relying too much on lawyers and not enough on PR. 20 62 COLUMNS February: Environmental & P.A. ,ILPLWDWLRQLVWKHVLQFHUHVWIRUPRIÀDWWHU\ZHVKRXOGEHEOXVKLQJ$IWHUDOO March: Food & Beverage VRPDQ\RIRXUFRPSHWLWRUVKDYHUHFUXLWHGRXUIRUPHUDVVRFLDWHVZHPXVWEH CRISIS TO ABOUND FOR PA PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PROS IN 2010 Fraser Seitel April: Broadcast Media Services GRLQJVRPHWKLQJULJKW A new series of challenges await the 54 FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT May: PR Firm Rankings pros working in public affairs. 22 Richard Goldstein HIERARCHIES SET TO June: Global & Multicultural ,W¶VWDNHQXVDTXDUWHUFHQWXU\WREHFRPHWKHPRVWWUXVWHGQDPHLQEURDGFDVW 56 GUEST COLUMN FALL IN 2010 Kevin Foley July: Travel & Tourism PHGLDVHUYLFHV.()0HGLD$VVRFLDWHVKDVEHHQFDOOHG³WKHDJHQF\¶V Communicators must learn to adapt, 58 as the worlds of PR and marketing blur. 24 OPINION August: Financial/I.R. DJHQF\´E\GLVFULPLQDWLQJSXEOLFUHODWLRQVSURIHVVLRQDOVZKRXQGHUVWDQGMXVW Jack O’Dwyer 60 September: Beauty & Fashion KRZEHQH¿FLDOWKHULJKWSDUWQHUFDQEHWRJURZLQJWKHLUFOLHQWUHODWLRQVKLSV LITIGATION COMMS. IN A MEDIA WORKSHOP October: Healthcare & Medical POST-MADOFF ERA George S. McQuade III 64 November: High-Tech Why a resurgence in regulatory 2010 PR BUYER’S GUIDE 6RLI\RXKDYHDFKRLFHZK\KLUHDQLPLWDWRUZKHQ\RXFDQSDUWQHUZLWKWKH activism can be expected for the future. 26 65 December: Entertainment & Sports RULJLQDO" ADVERTISERS AP Images........................................9 EurekAlert!....................................33 Log-ON...........................................61 Ruder Finn......................................57 ARA Content..................................17 Filtrbox...........................................11 Matchpoint....................................27 Sard Verbinnen & Co......................51 Auritt Communications Group.......45 Fineman PR....................................34 Media Communications & Strat....28 Send2Press....................................16 Booz Allen Hamilton......................25 Fleishman-Hillard..........................55 Medialink.......................................49 Electronic Publicity Solutions Cantor............................................60 Gorvitz............................................35 Modern Health..............................14 Stanton Communications..............37 Caplan........................INSIDE COVER Joele Frank, Wlksn Brim. Katcher..13 Montieth & Company.....................20 Strauss Radio.................................31 7(/(9,6,215$',2,17(51(7 Davies Public Affairs.....................19 Kaplow...........................................15 M S & L..........................................39 Tierney Communications...............21 Dilenschneider.................................3 KEF...................................................5 Nicolazzo & Associates.................36 DS Simon.......................................23 Kundell Communications...............38 Omega World Travel......................59 TV Access......................................58 Edelman.........................................41 Lippincott.........................................7 PIMS.............................BACK COVER Visible Technologies......................29 O’Dwyer’s is published monthly for $60.00 a year ($7.00 for a single issue) by the J.R. O’Dwyer Co., Inc., 271 Madison Ave., New York, NY 10016. (212) 679-2471; fax: (212) 683-2750. Periodical postage paid at New WWW.KEFMEDIA.COM York, N.Y., and additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send address changes to O’Dwyer’s, 271 Madison Ave., New York, NY 10016. O’Dwyer’s PR Report ISSN: 1931-8316. Published monthly. IMITATED OFTEN IMITATED OFTEN EQUALED NEVER EQUALED NEVER ,ILPLWDWLRQLVWKHVLQFHUHVWIRUPRIÀDWWHU\ZHVKRXOGEHEOXVKLQJ$IWHUDOO VRPDQ\RIRXUFRPSHWLWRUVKDYHUHFUXLWHGRXUIRUPHUDVVRFLDWHVZHPXVWEH GRLQJVRPHWKLQJULJKW ,W¶VWDNHQXVDTXDUWHUFHQWXU\WREHFRPHWKHPRVWWUXVWHGQDPHLQEURDGFDVW PHGLDVHUYLFHV.()0HGLD$VVRFLDWHVKDVEHHQFDOOHG³WKHDJHQF\¶V DJHQF\´E\GLVFULPLQDWLQJSXEOLFUHODWLRQVSURIHVVLRQDOVZKRXQGHUVWDQGMXVW KRZEHQH¿FLDOWKHULJKWSDUWQHUFDQEHWRJURZLQJWKHLUFOLHQWUHODWLRQVKLSV 6RLI\RXKDYHDFKRLFHZK\KLUHDQLPLWDWRUZKHQ\RXFDQSDUWQHUZLWKWKH RULJLQDO" Electronic Publicity Solutions 7(/(9,6,215$',2,17(51(7 WWW.KEFMEDIA.COM EDITORIAL Legal trumps PR in Tiger fiasco EDITOR-IN-CHIEF lthough Tiger Woods is being tried in the Court of Public Opinion, he is mostly Jack O’Dwyer A listening to the advice of those who practice in the Court of Law. [email protected] The PR advice, as usual, is to come clean quickly with all the facts no matter how ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER bad they may be. The Court of Public Opinion renders swift justice and does not wait Kevin McCauley around for briefs to be filed (our story on this issue, including expert attorney opinion, [email protected] is on page 20). EDITOR In this case, the truth is so awful — multiple sexcapades over many years with many Jon Gingerich partners — that heavy penalties must be paid. To make amends for all the hundreds of [email protected] millions that he took under false pretenses, Tiger should return whatever is left to his sponsors or to charities. He has not only cheated his wife and sponsors who paid him SENIOR EDITOR $900 million of the $1 billion he has taken in. Ideal PR: confess and pay up Greg Hazley [email protected] Tiger could have described his complete lack of discipline in sexual matters, admitted the many CONTRIBUTING EDITORS liaisons over the years, apologized for cheating Fraser Seitel his wife, fans and sponsors, and offered to Richard Goldstein donate what’s left of his sponsorship income Christine O’Dwyer to charities, including one that helps those who have lost control of their sex drives. ADVERTISING SALES He should also submit to sexual behavior counseling. John O’Dwyer Advertising Sales Manager None of the sponsors such as Nike and [email protected] AT&T would have let their names within ten miles of Tiger had there been any evi- Joshua Fierman
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