, ; ■ ■- y - . .A i- -•/ .................. ]4 ; I >M Pfe ><'L îhU-V is M * k H , tô Leltz-Sclinellhefter - Fo!loyr6»se f.c. PJHtfwb. y « 3 <2~ca^-c~e-*6^- y* •>tP-z y - V£?^?/7 rJ-Z^r- 'c?<£/^> ^ - s ^ c l^ c ^ - * v^-d>zy ^ « otLS^eOe e^e^u^- ^-W" « , t-z^ /L- tr^^f-e. / '-''• çjèv ■e^^-^rû-^Cf'tr^- le e^~ g^ÛM -^92/2- A*- pjfl? / .^-z/./f''^--7>■-/-£A .--■ .v v /^ ':'Æ'>>,/ i vV‘ o ./'L cr f M ? > ' Co lenso Sofia üjth refugees transports continued voyage over Odessa Hovurossij ak Rep oner Ode 'sa, 3.VITI.1023 * UO T>y n " ■ ei if i 3si on Ode ssl tluhn r. ij 137 Can you give me jiny in fo rm a tio n regarding 700 refuge 33 mho l e f t Varna f o r Odessa on steamer S e r g ie f f tw e n ty ft ra t July atop please take benevolent intereat welfare these refugees stop above re marna also apply 88 refugees jjho l e f t Varna steamer Soug ~5th - Colenso S o fia Nr.risO ^ 'T k J d ^ X , . „ j Mission Varisen Ojsssa, deiC7 . Angus1 Odes sa , P e te r d . 0 rosse 3 1 r . 10. j . T n J r T t y t m fierrn J.Qoruin, yy V e rtre te r des Dr. Hansen in Uu3 sland Itoskau. , W» ) iS ehr qeahrter da rr Goroin / Hie rduroh teile ioh ergeoenst mit, dans mit dem Dampfer "ignati Sergeev" am <;3.Juli a. a, uon V arna h i e r 1000 ftiiokvanderer dint rafen. Der T ranspo rt ging naah kurzeai AufQntho.lt u)eiter naah M ovo rossij sk. W eitu rhin tra f am ^.9 , J u l i a .o . d e r Dampfer "Bug" n i t 250 Riio kioande rs r ein/toelohe eb en fa l l s naah i l ooo ro s s ij sk v e it e r b e f iir d e r t lourden. H it d i s ­ sent letzteran Dampfer truf auoh die russisahe Rote-*reuz- Delegation, 20'o ie dfrs Bii.ro u 'e s Verbandes d e r d ci f '.Kehrer und l i e H°.drih i i on " .7 e u RuoiiJ r/id * au 3 Buigarien e in. ti 00 hachtun gsvoll LEAGUE OF NATIONS Telegrams: GOLENSO SOFIA S0F|A r V \ 7th August 1923. \ \ J 77 / L N / 266 ■ - . Your wire of 6th from Constantinople to hand this rorning. It i • quite inroo--;ible to post you copies to Athenv a- lettw-rs tak. at least a week. I am therefore ; : ■ mo co i 0 thi letter to V ie /a. I n w ■1 >opy 0 ' 1 1 ' ran : rom G orvin (ann x I ). It in code but we have done our best to .. ,'cy.hur it. I also enclose 1 ra D r . Hi ( x 2). In addition, I enclose correspondence from Geneva (annex 5), cop: r a m i -oi Hansen (annex 4) and two rivate letters (annexes: 5). It is obvious that the Soviet -re '..ocbav.iing N mi iti lints. I . ect 1 tl en to 1 - : x the blame on me because they want to shift it from their own Iders. I thin er t he - ;raphed co:ies .1 docui: nts found in the ?.us~ian Had Cross Offices will 5; how to everyone concerne.-, that Koretskys ’."ission-indulged in conside- Lntri le ____ r ... ’• t Bulgarian Govern., eut I was at the o w n i n g of the .-.vais which war.; put on the door: : f the rooms in the Russian Pud v ... lg the . • 3 m ti it thr e 1 the papers. I ha z ey h r..i not b e a l l ..-Lu- ia the .1 . s : on. I ah .Id say that at .. rough estimate two thirds of the papers dealt Lth re i n ir th , LEAGUE OF NATIONS HIGH COMMISSION FOR RUSSIAN REFUGEES Representative in Bulgaria Telegrams : COLENSO SOFIA 5 rue Shenova Telephone : 1662 SOFIA "2 " M intrigue, r non-r . a cont nt to leave the accusations against the Bulgarian Government to the reader of the .e documenta. I personally consider that. I should have very seriously impaired the prestige of Dr.Nansen if I had blindly espoused the cause of the Red Cross Mission. My task is to help the refugees and to take up an impartial attitude. My task is also to collaborate with the Government hich ha ac : j v , here. I again mai itain that the accusations which Mr.Tcbitcherin and other Soviet Officials have brought against both me and my Varna Representative are absolutely groundles . end should be repudiated without ,*elay. I categoric Lly deny 1 /ing . • ai .... ent of the Bolsheviks to dvy resembles the treatment of 7/rangelists last „ ear. T al o c gc ri :allj e e accusation that I took no action on learning fre ï .K >ret ..a his - snt .. :re being perr.vcut^d. The real fact or the uutter is that jV.Koretekys "*i •: i 'n has "let down" rose or: auu. Mo-: cow is anxious to blame somebody else. I know fully well how difficult it is to judge things from distance but at the beginning of September I hope to be able to _;ivu a ver: el e.::;,l ; nation of the whole matter. There is however one urgent matter and that is the ■ s snce ■ i Varna f L20C refuge Lesir . be ted. These refugees* ar.= being lo-_ud by us and fed by the Bulgarian Government. Howeve f affair :an for tver and if the "oviet Authorities wish the refugees to be repatriated they will u. d to send a Representative here. LEAGUE OF NATIONS HIGH COMMISSION FOR RUSSIAN REFUGEES Representative in Bulgaria : GOLENSO SOFIA B rue Shenova Telephone: 1562 - 3 “ SOFIA 'her £ bl r at1 r ii Leti i co , Mr . Gorvin and the Soviet Authorities that I mould like to reply to but I dont want to complicate the main isr:ue ..o I prefer to stop here. ^ With kindest regards Yours truly /s/ J.W.Collins. Representative of the League of Nations for Russian Refugees in Bulgaria. 5 annexes. Copy to Dr.Nunsen (without enclosures)» \ SOCIETE DES NATIONS. High com m issariat LEAGUE OF NATIONS, for Refugees.- r 193 Ropptlrr dans la correspondance — In reply please quote — Geneva, 21st August 1923. My dear Sorvin, I have received a very disturbing le tte r trom a representative of a very powerful American re lie f society, which has promised to make funds available for Dr. Nans en for h is repatriation and general refugee work, to the effect that General PBÏR3NK0, who was repatriated from Bui caria under the auspices of the Hi eh commissariat last spring to the town of KISLOVODSK in the Terek Province, was arrested on his arrival together with 16 other officers and shortly afterwards the whole group was shot by the joviet authorities. This gentlemen has also been informed >71 'hat he x ) describes as very good Russian authority that no less than one-third of the refugees repatriated by Dr. liar.sen have since been put to death by the Soviet authorities. I have of course been obliged to point out that this information, p articularly emam ting from such sources, should be received :ith the very erett .st reserve, but as i t has naturally tended to shake very consiuerably the interest of this American society in refugee work I should like to be able on your authority to give the true facts of the case at the e a rlie st possible moment, and I feel aire that the Soviet authorities will be only too pleased to enable you to do this. Yours sipperoly, John "iorvin, 2 s<i., c/o Li. la: la Ci , Bus te i Boulevarü, 11, u. V, NATIONS GENÈVE ÜOCIÉTË DES NATIONS. / LEAGUE OF NATIONS. r Geneva, August 22nd 1923. U n f peler dans h correspondais In reply please quote — J9ï) My dear Gorvin, I have received a telegram from our Constanti­ nople Office to-day to the effect that 159 Kalmucks were repatriated from Constantinople to Hovorossisk on the I9th inst. This telegram further states that these Kalmucks were repatriated under the Kalmuck amnesty of the 2nd* Oc­ tober, and that they all signed declarations to this effect. We are not officially acquainted with the terms of Vhe Kalmuck amnesty referred to, hut I have some faint im- v pression that an amnesty of this nature was issued by the Soviet authorities in favour of Kalmuck refugees. Perhaps you could very kindly let me have a co­ py of the full terms of this amnesty. Constantinople is sending to you direct a detailed list of the above mentioned refugees and I should be very glad if you would kindly let me know what arrangements are being made for their reception in Russia. V.'ith kind regards. H. Gorvin, Esq. c/o. M. Gallati, B:.stei Boulevard II, Qu. 7. Copy for Mr. Gorvin Telegram 22/8/23 ^tO 0 Tchitcherin Commissariat Foreign Affairs Moscow Soviet steamship agent Varna offers ship for repatriation 1200 refugees provided Bulgarian government pay ton shillings head exempting harbour duos which government accepts stop Ho fefugees repatriated unless guaranteed own desire stop Is agent acting your authority stop understand Bulgarian government answering you this week willing give satisfaction stop sincerely hope repatriation can proceed stop leaving Friday for Geneva telegraphic address Nations Hansen 415 SOCIETE DES NATIONS- Hiph Commission LEAGUE OE NATIONS.
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