厦门大学博硕士论文摘要库论文提交日期: 2014 年 0 4 月 论文答辩日期: 2014 年 0 5 月

厦门大学博硕士论文摘要库论文提交日期: 2014 年 0 4 月 论文答辩日期: 2014 年 0 5 月

View metadata, citation and similar papers at core.ac.uk brought to you by CORE provided by Xiamen University Institutional Repository 学校编码:10384 分类号_______密级 ______ 学 号: 25520121154236 UDC 硕 士 学 位 论 文 菲律宾达沃华人社会:移民历史、生活与适应 The Chinese Filipinos in Davao City: Their Migration, Way of Life and Adaptation in the Philippines Jackielou Niña R. Dellosa 指导教师姓名: 施雪琴教授 专 业 名 称: 国际关系学院 厦门大学博硕士论文摘要库 论文提交日期: 2014 年 0 4 月 论文答辩日期: 2014 年 0 5 月 学位授予日期: 2 0 1 4 年 月 答辩委员会主席: 评 阅 人: 2014 年 04 月 厦门大学学位论文原创性声明 本人呈交的学位论文是本人在导师指导下,独立完成的研究成 果。本人在论文写作中参考其他个人或集体已经发表的研究成果, 均在文中以适当方式明确标明,并符合法律规范和《厦门大学研究 生学术活动规范(试行)》。 另外,该学位论文为( )课题(组) 的研究成果,获得( )课题(组)经费或实验室的 资助,在( )实验室完成。(请在以上括号内填写 课题或课题组负责人或实验室名称,未有此项声明内容的,可以不 作特别声明。) 声明人(签名): 年 月 日 厦门大学博硕士论文摘要库 厦门大学学位论文著作权使用声明 本人同意厦门大学根据《中华人民共和国学位条例暂行实施办 法》等规定保留和使用此学位论文,并向主管部门或其指定机构送 交学位论文(包括纸质版和电子版),允许学位论文进入厦门大学图 书馆及其数据库被查阅、借阅。本人同意厦门大学将学位论文加入 全国博士、硕士学位论文共建单位数据库进行检索,将学位论文的 标题和摘要汇编出版,采用影印、缩印或者其它方式合理复制学位 论文。 本学位论文属于: ( )1.经厦门大学保密委员会审查核定的保密学位论文, 于 年 月 日解密,解密后适用上述授权。 ( )2.不保密,适用上述授权。 (请在以上相应括号内打“√”或填上相应内容。保密学位论 文应是已经厦门大学保密委员会审定过的学位论文,未经厦门大学 保密委员会审定的学位论文均为公开学位论文。此声明栏不填写的, 默认为公开学位论文,均适用上述授权。) 厦门大学博硕士论文摘要库 声明人(签名): 年 月 日 摘 要 总的来说,本文是首次对菲律宾达沃市的华人与菲律宾人之间关系进行研 究,文章将解析华人迁移至达沃市的原因和动机,通过描绘他们的生活方式来 了解他们在当地的生活状况,以及探究他们是如何适应和融入到菲律宾社会。 具体而言,本文特别运用迁移理论中的“推拉理论”,对那些早年迁移并 定居在菲律宾达沃市的华人进行调查和分析,了解他们迁移至此的普遍和特殊 原因。“推拉理论”是新古典主义理论,该理论认为迁移行为通常同时受积极 的(拉力)和消极的(推力)因素相互作用而成。外部积极的“拉力”推动人 们向外迁出,而内部的“推力”则吸引着区域内的人迁往他处。 当迁入达沃市后,华人们便开始定居,建立自己生活。他们的生活状况通 常在家庭、社区、组织、教育、商业、贸易和工业、政治、政府、宗教、语言 和文学等各个方面表现出来,以此同时,也展现出他们的生活当中的态度、信 念、文化、习俗、惯例以及传统。鉴于此,本文将主要从文化与传统、社区和 社团、教育、贸易和工业、政治、政府、宗教、语言以及文学几个方面描绘达 沃市华人的生活状况。 描述他们的生活状况将是一种了解达沃华人是否在生活中依然延续中华性 的可行途径,并且知道他们在哪些方面具有更强的中华性。 通过描述他们的生活状况,本文探究了他们是如何的适应新环境。迁移后适 应环境通常有“融合”和“同化”两种方式。融合是指个体保持其原有的文化 特性,整合到居住国的社会文化中(约翰·贝里 1997);另一方面,同化是指 完全的融入到居住国的社会文化中,排斥原有的文化特性。本文采用约翰·贝 里“文化适应模式”的概念,分厦门大学博硕士论文摘要库析达沃市的菲律宾华人究竟是通过融合还是同 化的方式融入到菲律宾达沃市的社会生活中,与此同时,强调保持迁移族群的 文化的特性,和保持与移居国社会的关系都非常重要。 研究发现,达沃市的华人(以及他们的祖先)出于对迁移至达沃市将有更 加美好生活(经济的原因/财产保障的未来)的向往和允诺,被吸引拉动迁移至 此。他们迁移达沃市也是出于在那有着更多的机会。 对于那些早前便迁移至达沃市的人群,他们大多是因为亲戚或朋友在那有 着更好地生活而拉动至此。 ii 他们迁移至达沃市后并开始定居下来,这为他们每天的生活奠定了基础。 本文研究发现,达沃市华人在其生活过程中,在许多方面既保留了其原有的华 人文化传统,与此同时也通过合作与联合融入到菲律宾社会中,而且这一现象 非常普遍。具体来看,在家庭、宗教、商业、语言和文学方面,他们保留并延 续着原有的文化特性,在这些方面,他们都倾向于保持原来的文化,特别是在 家庭方面,他们保持有很强的中华文化,与此同时也掺杂些居住国文化。在合 作与联合方面,主要体现在社区、政治和政府方面,为保持华人与菲律宾人保 持良好关系,并且融入到菲律宾社会。 达沃市华人保持了很强的中华文化传统,与此同时也与区域内的其他族群 团结合作,和谐共存。可以说,菲律宾达沃市华人已经融入到了菲律宾社会以 及达沃市的生活之中。 关键词: 迁移;生活方式;适应;整合;同化;推拉迁移理论;文化适应模式 厦门大学博硕士论文摘要库 iii Abstract Generally, as it would be the very first time to present a study about the Chinese Filipinos in Davao city, the study prompted to find out their reasons and motivation for migration, describe their way of life and from describing how they live, the study discovered how they adapted well in the Philippine society. Specifically, this study investigates the main motivating factors/reasons as well as the degree of motivation of the Chinese-Filipinos in Davao City to migrate and settle in the Philippines generally and specifically in Davao City using the Push-Pull Theory on Migration. Push-Pull Theory on Migration is a neoclassical theory that emphasizes a migratory move is being stimulated by positive (pull) and negative (push) factors. Pull (positive) factors are opportunities attracting in-migration to a place. Push (negative) factors stimulate out-migration from a place. After migration, settlement takes place in which way of life could be established. One’s way of life can be seen or reflected in the attitude, belief, culture, customs, practices and traditions on various aspects of life like family, community, organization/ associations, education, business trade & industry, politics and government, religion, language and literature. In line with this, the study describes the Davao City’s Chinese Filipino’s way of life on the following aspects mentioned above. Describing their way of life could be a way to know if they are still imbibing Chineseness in every aspect of their life, and what aspect in their life that has more Chineseness.厦门大学博硕士论文摘要库 From describing their way of life, the study identifies how they have adapted to their new environment. Adaptation of migrants can be in two ways, it can be integration or assimilation. Integration is when individuals maintain their culture of origin and adapts to the culture of the host society (John W Berry, 1997) Assimilation on the other hand, is the full adaptation to the host society’s culture and rejecting the culture of origin (John W Berry, 1997). This study borrows the concept of Quadri-Modal Acculturation Model adopted from Berry (1997) (Figure 1) to iv determine whether the Tsinoy in Davao city has been integrated or assimilated to Philippine’s way of life through focusing on the two fundamental issues, the maintenance of the migrants’ culture of origin and the maintenance of relationships with members of the host society. The study found out that the Chinese-Filipinos (and their ancestors) in Davao city were prompted or pulled to move to Philippines due to a promise of a better life (economic reasons/financially secured future). Their migration was motivated by the many opportunities presented to them by Philippines. As for the ones who internally migrated to Davao city, they were pulled to transfer to the city due to close affinity to family and friends who might have a better living condition in the city. Their transfer to Davao city was motivated by following their family and friends who might have a better life in the city. Their settlement after migration paved the way of living their day to day life as Davao City Tsinoy and the study can describe their way of life as this - in almost of the aspects in their lives, preservation of Chinese heritage/culture and cooperation and unity with the Philippine society is prevalent. Among the aspects that gears towards preservation of culture are family, religion, business, language and literature. These aspects have all the inclinations from the Davao city Tsinoy to maintain their origin’s culture especially the family aspect that is surrounded more with traditional Chinese cultures. As for cooperation and unity, it is the aspect on organization/association, community, politics and government that gears toward achieving good relationship and cooperation with the Philippine society as well as with fellow厦门大学博硕士论文摘要库 Chinese Filipino. As Davao City Tsinoy’s way of life is gearing to maintaining their origin’s heritage and culture and at the same time achieving cooperation and unity with other members of community, it is more likely to say that Davao city Tsinoy are integrated to the Philippines and Davao city’s way of life. Keywords: Migration; Way of Life; Adaptation; Integration; Assimilation; Push and Pull Theory on Migration; Quadri-Modal Acculturation Model (Berry) (1997) v Table of Contents Abstract (Chinese) ------------------------------------------------------- ii Abstract (English) ------------------------------------------------------- iv Table of Contents ------------------------------------------------------- vi List of Figures ---------------------------------------------------------- ix List of Tables ----------------------------------------------------------- ix Chapter I The Problem and Its Background ---------------------------- 1 Section 1 Introduction- ----------------------------------------------------------- 1 Section 2 Historical Background ------------------------------------------------ 4 2.a Chinese Diaspora in the Philippines -------------------------------------- 4 2.b PHI Chinese Settlement and Chinese Immigrant Generations ------- 9 2.c Tsinoy’s Way of Life in the Philippines ------------------------------- 10 2.d Tsinoy in Davao City --------------------------------------------------- 12 Section 3 Theoretical Framework ---------------------------------------- 14 3.a Motivation to Migrate/Migration Theory --------------------------- 14 3.b Adaptation Mode – Is it Integration or Assimilation ---------------- 14 Section 4 Statement of the Problem --------------------------------------- 15 Section 5 Significance of the Study --------------------------------------- 16 Section 6 Scope and Delimitation of the Study ------------------------- 17 Section厦门大学博硕士论文摘要库 7 Definition of Terms ---------------------------------------------- 18 Chapter II Review of Related Literature and Studies -------- 21 Section 1 Migration ----------------------------------------------------------- 21 Section 2 Way of Life -------------------------------------------------------- 22 Section 3 Adaptation – Integration or Assimilation? ------------------ 31 vi Chapter III Research Methods and Procedures ------------------- 32 Section 1 The Area of Study ----------------------------------------------- 32 Section 2 Sources of Data, Sample and Sampling Technique --------- 32 Section 3 Data Gathering Techniques ------------------------------------ 33 Section 4 Research Methods ------------------------------------------------ 34 Chapter IV Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data Results -------------------------------------------------------------------- 35 Section 1 Sample Profile Results ----------------------------------------- 39 Section 2 Motivation/Reasons for Migration Results ----------------- 47 Section 3 Way of Life Results --------------------------------------------- 55 Section 4 Adaptation Mode – Integration or Assimilation ----------- 77 Chapter V Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation --------- 85 Section 1 Summary -------------------------------------------------------- 85 1.a Sample Profile ---------------------------------------------------------

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