

Festschrift to Honour Doctor Roberto Gulbenkian on the Occasion of his SeventiethBirthday On the occasionof his seventieth tions for bravery, and in 1983 he birthday on April 7, t993, Doctor was made an officer in the Légion RobertoGulbenkian, longtime Di- d'honneur.In December1951 he rector of the CalousteGulbenkian married Paulette Bertelier. From Foundation,economist and his- their marriage three sons were torian with a particularinterest in born, Michael, Sarkis and Markos, the history of the Armenians,\À/as all of whom today occupy distin- honoured with a Festschrift, guished positions as scholars.In entitled Paris and Lisbon Gulbenkianac- bZbt, 1u1 4uyputftupbpft u{un- quired university degreesin eco- ûntpbult nomy. In 1946 he enteredin the service of his uncle, Calouste Pagcs the History of the from Sarkis Gulbenkian and upon the ArmenianDiaspora. latter'sdeath in 1955,he movedto Publishedthis yearby the National Lisbon to devotehis energyto the Academyof Sciencesof Armenia, newly established benevolent it was edited by ProfessorV.B. Foundation.Within a short period Barkhudarianfrom the Academy the GulbenkianFoundation became and Dr. Zaven Yegavian,Director the largestof its kind in Europe, of the Departmentof Armenian comprisingalso variousspheres of Affairs of the CalousteGulbenkian art, music and other branchesof Foundation.This combinationof culture, as well as a museum. editors reflects the fact that the Within the GulbenkianFoundation, jubilary is not only the Directorof Dr. Gulbenkianheld the offices of a Foundationwhich ranksamong Director of the Department of the most importantMaecenases of Amrenian Affairs and of Director- Armenian studiesthroughout the Leaderof the Departmentsof the world, but also a memberof the Middle Eastand of Oilproduction. ArmenianAcademy of Sciences. On April 7, 7964his economicex- pertise and diplomatic abilities RobertoGulbenkian was born on eamedhim the position of Mem- April 7, L923 as the third son of ber of the Board of Directors,to the brother of CalousteGulben- whichhe waselected unanimously. kian, Vahan, and Mrs. Françoise Dr. RobertoGulbenkian occupied Trillat-Gulbenkian.He finished many other posts, and is now highschoolwith honours,and in memberof the Board of Directbrs V/orld War II servedin the French of severaloilproducing and selling army. He was seriouslyinjured in companies. battlein the Schwarzwald.Gulben- Dr. Gulbenkian holds many dis- kian was awardedseveral distinc- tinctionsawarded to him by a wide range of countries. Armenia and bear ample testimony to his lively tZhp 1u 1 qu qpu 4- tf bt,I, ultum ûn tpbub the Armenian Church honoured and sustainedinterest in the history bpQru him with several awards. In 1960 of the Armenians, particularly in l*ue the Holy Seeof Edjmiacin awarded their relations to other peoplesand Introduction m him the Order of Saint Gregory nations. Zuttùu no n hbh u u qpn t p lt tû ? nl1n n p ft nu1 b p p n hft qulbù I1huù [t the llluminator, which he received Biography of Dr. Roberto Gulbenkian ry out of the hands of Katholikos The Fesrschrift containsa collec- {. Fupfuntryupbuh Vazgen I. In 1964he was awarded tion of articles on the Armenian 2 u /4u QtubI u qp u 4* U,b t, p.,u ntuZn L û g, ù2tuh u Qnt p ft ûtg the Order of the Holy Church of diasporathroughout the ages,from Vladimir Barkhoudarian the Resurrection by Patriarch the sixth to the twentieth century. Beginnings and Importance of Armenian Settlements Eghishe II, in the name of the Ar- All are written in Armenian, and Ulrg*ttftuh menian Patriarchateof Jerusalem. are followed by a brief summary 4. ln 1967 Khoren I, Katholikos of in English. The articles are pre- 2u/pufuuhupmu4uql|p (6-19 q-+.) Antelias, awarded him with the ceded by an Introduction and a VardgesMichaelian Order of the Knighthood of Saint short biography of Dr. Roberto Exodus of the Armenian People in the VIth-XIXth Century 2l Nerses Shnorhali of Cilicia, fol- Gulbenkian,followed by his bibli- lI. bryfturyupbuh lowed in 1968 by the Order of ography. A full page colour por- ll tpn uu bp 1u y uù ulunûtu Quù Q*"tbph Abbot Mekhitar, photo is 4ô 4iftu Quh awarded by the trait of Dr. Gulbenkian Ruben Egheiazarian Mekhitarist Congregationin Vien- publishedopposite the title-page. Feature Articles on Anglo-ArmenianHistorical Relations na. A year later the Government The contributions to the volume (VII th-VIII th Century A.D.) 43 of the Armenian Republic present- are listed below: ed him with the Mesrop Mashtoc' U. Fnqnbuù Memorial medal. In 1992 Dr. @hûutn"tnpft lulQuQtuh pùuQ2n$trtbp h Çu1pttqtuùryulguh Gulbenkian was awarded the b4b qbg tu p u qrup u tyuh * nln tu p u p bp n4 t ùb hp g è F tpup ft bpltt np + Order of Yakob Meghapartby the llbuftft decision of the Scientific Commit- tee of the National Library of AzatBozoian Armenia. Ar menian Po pulat ion of Philip oupolis and Armenian'Byzantine ReligiousPolitical Relations in the SecondHalf of the XIIth Century 61 Next to his everyday work Dr. t.hupmbuh Gulbenkian pursues two other 2 u /1tulltuh 4u qp u 4* U,b t, I, u nu ttu g nt ûp ll ilg u ft u y uI main interests, sculpting and the h lbÇuumuhnuf study of history. He has been a JuliettaO. Galstian member of the PortugueseAcade- Increase of Armenian Settlementsin Ukraine and Poland 77 my of Historical Sciencessince 2. Uupmltpnubu'h 1983, of which he servesas the Vice-Presidentsince the beginning llh mnh ll nt pn ult f bg f &ufi u u1u p I np qnt p ft t'h2 ftù u un ult of this year. Last year he was elec- HemayakMardirossian ted member of the Academy of Anthon of Sultaniye - A Journey to China 99 Sciencesof Armenia and of the f. lùutftpbuh Academy of Sciencesof Portugal. Qnnhhyf}p Fpftùft <ntqh4pntpttù>g npultu Çu1ryuqpoyufuhbt{t Dr. Gulbenkian'sCollected Works, publishedin threevolumes in 1995 u1um ûn tph uh nt un t ûùu uttp ûuù u ry ft ry Elizabeth Tadjirian Vol L qlunûtulltub "Travel Notes" by Corneille le Bruyn as a Sourcefor llrunt[fuuuttpntpftthtuhp - 2,uyuumuùft, IIhZIrb Uphûpft bt Stttdying the History of A,rmenianSettlements 123 Qng p nt lpu7ft u1um ûu Quù yt pu p bpn tp ft thhhp '{,. Uupmlrpnubuh 2u p 4pu um uh u nbt n p u mùtn bu u ufugn tû $p ft lruh Qh èb gbnu4pf ûft ulumûntpftùp - Sftuntubuù lïftupuùtntphuh V.M. Martirossian ryupnt uhryrutf alupqtnt-h Armenians in the Commercial-EconomicLife of Georgia 2-!t, huûuqg (Second Half of WIIIth CenturT) 147 Publishedin Pornrguese:see Studia Lisbon,April 29,1970,p.4445. ql.2npuùbuh Armenian Translation : in 2-! Qnppnttlulbult Supuphpntpftùùbp, 2,u yu un uh * n n ûtb hp U rllru U ut ng huh U u n hùu tTtu- 2 u y ttpu g- nnt uu Qtuùy p u p bp ng ! tùbbp ft u1u mûn t pft ,ùh g lt lt $ lr ft Quçb 1ft 2ut bphuuh 1986, 270-285 ( 18-pry +tutth I 0 - u tyutupn uu Quhùhp ) Fuh, tZ l4ùil. Pavel Chobanian On the History of Relations betweenthe Armenian, Georgian In4fiu1ft 1u1 {utunuQuù @trpulnu 8g |uqLh h ulutpuQuÇul unbr and RussianPeoples (Ninth Decadeof theWIIIth Century) 161 mpu luumumnt[p Uhpà-01ufibuù hpQftghhpt è. Uhuùbuh lt'ù Publ. in French:REArm ns V - 1970,361-390. u nu lltuhn tp tù n 2u 1 {ut ft I fl tu u um uù nuî Publ. in Armenian:lùt, t2 311-351. (17-F* +.4btr1 - 19-trf +. ultlrq!) Publ. in Persian:Tarikh-Shamarat, Vol. 2, 57, Tehran 1972,1-58. JamesH. Ananian Armenian Merchants in Russia Uuunùglt ?u$lt uuuùr1nt[af,ùl pun èP +u(nl hpllm rfnppnilryulglt (End of the XVIIII6- Beginning of the XIXth Century) 181 t,u ûpn p 17ùbp nt ( 2. 0lt p u1t t1b u'14, I hn [tt u mb q). {. Iuuyunpbult Publ. in French:REArm ns VI - 1971,p. 175-188. rn nt p 4tu1 ryu,4p tt ûth Uu m p u fuuh nt tl Publ. in Arm: 2A3, fu 231-245. ( 18-r+ +. [bIrZ - 20-tr+ +. ulthq.F) Vartan Khatchaturian tuQnû( Upntbut (Uppul 1uyu44ft bulttutlnulnu Uupupupft tttz The Armenian Pressin Astrakhan (End of the XVIIIIb- ( 1503-[ss0) Beginning of the XXth Century) 205 Publ. in English: Arquivos do Centro Cultural Portuguesa,Vol. 4, 149- U. Iuunuunhuh 176. [CalousteGulbenkian Foundation, Paris 1972). Q,[tttph uCu 1 4u rypn Ao luh rî2rut1n 1p p Armenian:2Q3, t2 286,310. Albert Kharatian Culture in the Armenian Settlementof Smyrna 225 Qnppntlltutgh Ut4nunlthbuhùbpnt ht Enr\ftfultlyuùùbpntyupuphpnr FnttuhrpuQngf ût 24r plrùtuhpp Çu1nn[ftùftL1utuùhpnt lbm èl ryupnuît Contents 243 Publ. in French: RômischeQuartalschrift ftir Christliche Altertumskunde und Kirchengeschichte,Roma-Freiburg-Wien, Vol. 70, (\975) 79-99. V/e add the contents Dr. of Gulbenkian'sthree volume If uQunup Publ. in Armenian:Z,Qt, t2 222-230 h yutblnuut. bpQhpnttnqn{tutnt lCompleteWorlcsl, which was publishedin Lisbon in 1995under the aegisof the PortugueseAcademy of History, and presented Z,ut1uunutulrtu cDnppnil1u1,ft1uptuphpntpfûtùhf g uqhqltb firù2tu UI,Zlrl, to the public in the presenceof the Presidentof the National Academy of ?upnt Sciencesof Armenia, Prof. Dr. FadeiTachati Sargsian. [htrZn, Publ. in French:REArm ns XIV-1980, 17l-213. Publ. in Armenian: Zcùt, fg 6-55. ûp*utntuùft Êuqntl[t' Phpbtuhft @unump bt huQtuQuhlfupnftpn- un tp buh alu m[n tp lt th pt Publ. in French: Bedi Kartlisa, Vol. 40 L982. hpoùuQtufuyuptupbpntpfûhbp lu1bpru bt $nppnttltutgl, unynuut!' - Publ. in Portuguese: Anais de Academia Portuguesade Historia, 2nd ûnubuûùbpnt èl filupuluuuuùtt tllgt çupnt Series,Vol. 30- 1980. Publ. in Portuguese:bfQhpl, IftuQunup ènqnt/rutn4 1. U, t2 211-253, Publ. in Georgian: GeorgianAcademy of Sciences,Tbilisi, L987. lftqqnù 1995t Publ. in Russian:by the GeorgianMecniereâc Publishing House, Tbitsi, 1987. qlupuQhplh - ùnpu Utbnupuûbbgnt 9bnugttpg qnp uluÇuluùnuut t Qnppntlpupugltùbpnt bt Çugutulttù Uftyuqbngltfu luntqftunuù luu' Ihqqrtl, u44ufitb qFuqluttuùE - If bë Unùqn1p, tftuntubub nunnrut Uuùmlugf llpohuquuuùùbpnl Uftupuùntpbuù lugbpp tu Zu$ppt guqueuQuù {tnfu-ytptu' Publ.

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