Sedgeberrow Parish Council Minutes of an Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council held in The Betteridge Room, Sedgeberrow Village Hall on Wednesday 12th September 2018. Present: Councillors: C Devereaux-Little (Chairman), S Morris, M Pratt, R Hunt & E Kearsey In Attendance: District Councillor George Mackison & Donna Bowles, Clerk, County Councillor Liz Eyre (8.45pm) Also in attendance: 2 members of the public. 1 Apologies for absence: None 2 Register of Interests: Members were reminded of the need to keep their register of interests up to date Declaration of Interests: Members were asked to disclose any disclosable pecuniary interests in items on the Agenda and their nature. Councillors with a disclosable pecuniary interest are required to leave the room for the relevant agenda item. a) Pecuniary Interests. Members were asked to declare any other disclosable interests in items on the Agenda and their nature. Other Disclosable Interests. None. 3 Acceptance of Minutes: a) The minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council meeting held on Wednesday 4th July 2018 at The Betteridge Room, Sedgeberrow Village Hall were agreed by the Council to be a true record of the meeting and signed by the Chairman. 4 Open Forum: The Chairman moved that the meeting be adjourned for the Public Open Forum and this was agreed. 1. A resident pointed out that there were no links from the new Parish Council website to any local organisations. To put on the agenda for discussion at the next meeting. 2. A resident stated that it has been confirmed by Planning that he is not considered a neighbour regarding the planning application at The Mill. 3. A window at Willow Cottage, a listed building, has been reported as being plastic. This comment has been forwarded to the Enforcement Dept and is being followed up. Reports a) District Councillor G Mackison reported – 1. Elmley Castle Parish Council received a visit from the Worcestershire Police & Crime Commissioner regarding statistics. There have been several incidents that are not being shown on police statistics, even though they have been reported. He stated that this needs monitoring in all areas. 2. Any universal credit queries to be raised with District Councillor George Mackison. 3. The Government want to reduce the number of MPs in the Commons by 50. 4. The Pershore Plum Festival was very well attended. b) Police report received – theft of horse mats, theft of cast iron bath tub & 2 cases of burglary. Cllr Kearsey stated that this is not an appropriate report – it is lacking in detail. Clerk to contact the PCSO to request a more detailed report and to invite them to attend future Parish Council 23 of 2018 meetings. Cllr Hunt will contact PCSO Tinkler to find out whether the PACT meetings will be re- commenced. c) County Councillor Liz Eyre – Appendix B. 1. There are a number of issues regarding speeding throughout the village however the monies are not available from Highways and she has suggested the Parish Council make a contribution towards any measures put in place. Councillors stated that this is in fact under Highways remit, not the Parish Council’s. There are no funds for this and the plans for new signs should be postponed for the time being. d) Mike Parker – SeSaME reported that a dividend to the value of £650 is due from the Oil Buying Club which will go towards the SeSaME Post. His report is posted under Appendix C. 5 The Chairman closed the adjournment at 20:15 hrs. 6 Co-Option of Councillors: 2 applications had been received by the Clerk from Mr Hugh Snow and Mrs Jenny Westmacott for the positions of Co-Opted Councillor. These were considered by Councillors. Cllr Devereaux-Little proposed Hugh Snow and Jenny Westmacott are co-opted to fill the vacancies of Parish Councillor, Cllr Hunt seconded, unanimous approval. Clerk will inform Electoral Services and arrange for appropriate documentation to be completed. 7 Clerk’s Progress Report: a) Clerk has contacted Enforcement regarding the hedging issue with a planning application. Await response. b) Liz Eyre is hopeful the new signage proposed will ease the traffic on Winchcombe Rd, thus reducing any damage caused. Unfortunately, there are no monies available for the new signage. c) Meeting re Pear Tree Drive to take place between Gerry Brienza, Highways and Cllr Devereaux- Little Thursday 13th September. Await results of this meeting. d) 20 is plenty – permission is required from Worcestershire County Council for repeater signs. Clerk has contacted Highways regarding a possible way forward. Clerk to monitor. e) The Lengthsman, along with Cllr Hunt has cleared Glebe Meadow of all debris. Noted and Closed. f) Clerk has requested Highways clear the overgrown entrance to Bridewell Drive although there seems to be a query as to whether this is Highways or a Lengthsman job. It was confirmed this is Highways. Cllr Devereaux-Little to bring this up in his meeting with Gerry Brienza. g) The new church furniture equipment deposit has been issued. Awaiting final invoice. Cllr Morris recommended that this equipment is not gifted to the PCC until the Vestry Project is confirmed. Unanimous approval. h) The Parish Council’s Standing Orders have now been placed on the website i) Cllr Pratt stated that a Model Publication Scheme was put in place in 2008 however the Clerk has been unable to find this within the computer records. Cllr Devereaux-Little therefore proposed the scheme provided by the Clerk is accepted with all other Cllrs agreeing. 8 Planning Matters: Applications Considered: a) 18/01483/LB – retrospective application for internal partitions to form bedroom and ensuite at The Mill, Winchcombe Rd, Sedgeberrow, Evesham, WR11 7UA. Cllr Devereaux-Little to send comments to Clerk with all Councillors approval. b) 18/01785/LB – retention of satellite dish on eastern gable of The Mill, Winchcombe Rd, Sedgeberrow, Evesham, WR11 7UA. Cllr Devereaux-Little to send comments to Clerk with all Councillors approval. c) 18/01514/FUL – residential development of 20 dwellings and associated garaging at land to the rear of 43-57 Main St, Sedgeberrow. Clerk to contact Gavin Greenhow from Planning to see if this can be deferred further. d) 18/01613/HP – proposed bedroom, en-suite, kitchen, dining and porch extension at 2 Sandfield Cottage, Sandfield Lane, Sedgeberrow, WR11 7QS. Following discussions, Clerk to send No Objection comment to Planning. Planning Applications Noted: 24 of 2018 e) 18/000026/REG3 – Proposed renewal of Planning Consent for Mobile Classroom at Sedgeberrow CE First School, Main Street, Sedgeberrow, Evesham - Sedgeberrow Parish Council objects to the renewal of consent for a mobile classroom at Sedgeberrow CofE First School. There have been mobile classrooms on the site for over 25 years and they do not meet current Health and Safety standards, nor are suitable to provide access for the disabled. The previous renewal of planning permission for 3 years for this mobile was approved on 17/3/2014, with a condition that the mobile classroom was to be removed from the site by 31/12/2016. As the mobile classroom has been on the site illegally for 18 months with no planning consent, the Parish Council would question whether this application for ‘renewal’ is valid. The earlier planning approval stated that ‘a mobile classroom is a temporary structure and is not suitable for permanent retention on site’. It is imperative that these mobile classrooms are replaced with modern permanent structures with immediate effect, and a renewal for a further 5 years is totally unacceptable.” County Councillor Liz Eyre stated that a conditions survey needs to take place before the statement that it “does not meet health and safety standards” can be used. If disabled access is required it will be made available. She will in her statement state the background information, insist a conditions survey is completed before a planning decision is made. Councillors requested that she ask for it to be reviewed again in 12 months. Cllr Morris read out a report the School Secretary had produced. (Appendix D) Planning Decisions f) 18/01101/HP – extension to existing single storey building to the rear of Paddock Villa, 80 Main St, Sedgeberrow, WR11 7UF – this planning application was withdrawn by the applicant on 9th July 2018. 9 Playing Field: a) It was confirmed playing field inspections at the Jubilee playground have been carried out on a weekly basis by Cllr Devereaux-Little. b) Following the successful installation, and independent inspection of the new play equipment on Glebe Meadow in July 2018 the Parish Council gift this equipment to the Sedgeberrow Village Hall Management Committee. This is on the proviso that Sedgeberrow Village Hall Management Committee accepts complete responsibility for the equipment, including its maintenance, replacement and insurance. The Parish Council have also confirmed with PlayQuest that the right to recover under the guarantee has been transferred to Sedgeberrow Village Hall Management Committee. Clerk, following advice from Richard Levett, CALC, and Paul Hunston, the Village Hall Management Committee Solicitor, has drawn up a document to this effect for signature by Chair and Clerk of the Parish Council and Chair and Secretary of the Sedgeberrow Village Hall Management Committee. Cllr Pratt suggested making alterations however Cllr Devereaux-Little proposed this is accepted, with the agreement of the other Councillors. 10 GDPR: a) Clerk advised all new email accounts have now been set up. She reminded Councillors to update these. 11 Community: a) Cllr Devereaux-Little stated that it is Bredon’s Neighbourhood Plan, rather than Beckford’s that he has been looking into. A number of people have come forward to join the group to get the NDP going. First meeting date to be set.
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