MOSSERI III.182.1 & V.201 Isaac Alfasi Topics of the responsum Sevenresponsaonthefollowingissues: . The responsum is fragmentary. A responsum concerning a legal document testifying to a debt, where one of the witnesses is a close relative [and therefore an invalid witness] of the owner of the document. The ownerofthedocumentgivesthedocumenttohissonwhoisnotconsideredacloserelative of the witness—is the document considered valid?1 . Part of a responsum concerning a legal document testifying to a deed of indebtedness. Concerning a debtor who admits that the debt itself exists but claims not to know the amount he owes.2 . Whether a creditor needs to swear under oath that a debt has not been repaid to him, when the debtor has at first denied the existence of the loan yet a document exists testifying to the loan.3 . Concerning the heirs of a creditor, who produce a legal document pertaining to the debt, and the debtor (or his heirs) demands the creditor’s heirs take an oath that the loan has not been repaid;4 similarly if the document contains a hatra§a of ne§emanut (‘faithfulness’)—a clause saying that the lender will believe the borrower if he asserts that the debt was paid without the presence of witnesses; and also defines the law where there is no collateral guaranteeing the debt testified to by the document. Concerning the obligation to give a bill of divorce in a child divorce case.5 Egypt; Judaeo-Arabic; oriental square script; th–th century. Physical description—III..: paper; torn, holes, rubbed; lines. Page dimensions:×.. Text area:×. [?]. Margins,upper:[?];lower:[?];inner:;outer: [?]. Physical description—V.: paper; leaf torn; + lines. Page dimensions: .×.. Text area:× [?]. Margins,upper:[?];lower:.;inner:[?];outer: .–. Content notes: The fragments in MS III.. and in MS V. are parts of the same responsum. 1 See Resp. Alfasi, §. 2 See Resp. Alfasi, §; MT Laws of Disputes between Plaintiffs and Defendants :; Sulˇ han. Aruk, Ho. ˇsen Miˇspat. :. ¯ 3 See MT Laws of Disputes between Plaintiffs and Defendants :, :; Sulˇ han. Aruk, Ho. ˇsen Miˇspat. :. 4 ¯ MT Laws of Lending and Borrowing :; Sulˇ han. Aruk, Ho. ˇsen Miˇspat. :. 5 ¯ The text from recto l. to verso l. is the same as that found in MS Copenhagen, –: Rotsh. tain,. Shut ha-Rif, pp. –). The words in square brackets derive from this manuscript. Headings for the responsa, on the basis of Maimonides’ MT, have been added in the margin. responsa of the rishonim – Bibliography: On the different printed editions of the responsa of Isaac Alfasi see Glick, Kuntress, , pp. –. no. –. Catalogues: CDLCJM, p. , n. III.., p. ; V.. The responsum äáåùúä (recto) §à ãö [...] . 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Shut ha-Rif, §. It also appears in Pe"er ha-Dor, §. 11 = Laws of Claimant and respondent. 12 The first person singular future tense is marked here with ð rather than à, which is a known phenomenon among Maghrebi dialects. See also line . 13 It seems that there is a word missing, such as äàî. 14 Name of the currency. 15 BT Bava Mesi. #a a..
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