Government Gazette Staatskoerant REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA REPUBLIEK VAN SUID AFRIKA Regulation Gazette No. 10177 Regulasiekoerant May Vol. 623 5 2017 No. 40827 Mei ISSN 1682-5843 N.B. The Government Printing Works will 40827 not be held responsible for the quality of “Hard Copies” or “Electronic Files” submitted for publication purposes 9 771682 584003 AIDS HELPLINE: 0800-0123-22 Prevention is the cure 2 No. 40827 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 5 MAY 2017 For purposes of reference, all Proclamations, Government Alle Proklamasies, Goewermentskennisgewings, Algemene Notices, General Notices and Board Notices published are Kennisgewings en Raadskennisgewings gepubliseer, word vir included in the following table of contents which thus forms a verwysingsdoeleindes in die volgende Inhoudopgawe ingesluit weekly index. Let yourself be guided by the gazette numbers wat dus weeklikse indeks voorstel. Laat uself deur die Koerant- in the righthand column: nommers in die regterhandse kolom lei: Weekly Index Weeklikse Indeks 40827 Page Gazette BladsyKoerant No. No. No. No. No. No. PROCLAMATION PROKLAMASIES R.17 Wet op Spesiale Ondersoekeenhede en 4 40810 R.17 Wet op Spesiale Ondersoekeenhede en 6 40810 Spesiale Tribunale (74/1996) :Verwysing Spesiale Tribunale (74/1996) :Verwysing van aangeleenthede na bestaande spesi- van aangeleenthede na bestaande spesi- ale ondersoekeenheid .............................. ale ondersoekeenheid .............................. R.18 Special Investigating Units and Special 8 40810 R.18 Special Investigating Units and Special 11 40810 Tribunals Act (74/1996) :Referral of matters Tribunals Act (74/1996) :Referral of mat- to existing special investigating unit .......... ters to existing special investigating unit ... R.19 Wet op Spesiale Ondersoekeenhede en 14 40810 R.19 Wet op Spesiale Ondersoekeenhede en 16 40810 Spesiale Tribunale (74/1996) :Verwysing Spesiale Tribunale (74/1996) :Verwysing van aangeleenthede na bestaande Spesi- van aangeleenthede na bestaande Spesi- ale Ondersoekeenheid ............................. ale Ondersoekeenheid ............................. GOVERNMENT NOTICE GOEWERMENTSKENNISGEWINGS Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Department of Landbou, Bosbou en Visserye, Departement van 358 Agricultural Product Standards Act 17 40793 358 Agricultural Product Standards Act 17 40793 (119/1990) :Invitation for public comments: (119/1990) :Invitation for public comments: Proposed amendments to the regulations Proposed amendments to the regulations relating to the grading, packing and mark- relating to the grading, packing and mark- ing of garlic intended for sale in the Re- ing of garlic intended for sale in the Re- public of South Africa ................................ public of South Africa ................................ 359 Agricultural Products Standards Act 18 40793 359 Agricultural Products Standards Act 18 40793 (119/1990) :Invitation of comments: Pro- (119/1990) :Invitation of comments: Pro- posed regulations relating to the Grading, posed regulations relating to the Grading, Packing and Marking of Yams intended for Packing and Marking of Yams intended for sale in the Republic of South Africa .......... sale in the Republic of South Africa .......... 360 Subdivision of Agricultural Land Act 19 40793 360 Subdivision of Agricultural Land Act 19 40793 (70/1970) :Enlargement of the area of ju- (70/1970) :Enlargement of the area of ju- risdiction of the Polokwane Local Munici- risdiction of the Polokwane Local Munici- pality in Limpopo Province in terms of the pality in Limpopo Province in terms of the subdivision ................................................ subdivision ................................................ 361 Agricultural Product Standards Act 20 40793 361 Agricultural Product Standards Act 20 40793 (119/1990) :Proposed Amendments to the (119/1990) :Proposed Amendments to the Regulations relating to the Grading, Pack- Regulations relating to the Grading, Pack- ing and Marking of Garlic intended for ing and Marking of Garlic intended for Sale in the Republic of South Africa ......... Sale in the Republic of South Africa ......... R.370 Agricultural Product Standards Act 11 40794 R.370 Agricultural Product Standards Act 11 40794 (119/1990) :Regulations relating to the (119/1990) :Regulations relating to the grading, packing and marking of Soya grading, packing and marking of Soya Beans intended for sale in the Republic of Beans intended for sale in the Republic of South Africa .............................................. South Africa .............................................. 378 Broad-Based Black Economic Empower- 4 40803 378 Broad-Based Black Economic Empower- 4 40803 ment Amendment Act (53/2003) :Codes ment Amendment Act (53/2003) :Codes of Good Practice on Broad Based Black of Good Practice on Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment: Amended For- Economic Empowerment: Amended For- est Sector Code and determine that these est Sector Code and determine that these Codes come into effect on publication Codes come into effect on publication date ........................................................... date ........................................................... Basic Education, Department of Basiese Onderwys, Departement van 376 South African Schools Act (84/1996) :An- 4 40798 376 South African Schools Act (84/1996) :An- 4 40798 nouncing the period for the 2018 School nouncing the period for the 2018 School Governing Bodies Elections ..................... Governing Bodies Elections ..................... This gazette is also available free online at www.gpwonline.co.za STAATSKOERANT, 5 MEI 2017 No. 40827 3 Page Gazette Page Gazette No. No. No. No. No. No. Health, Department of Gesondheid, Departement van 380 National Health Act (63/2003) :Addendum 4 40807 380 National Health Act (63/2003) :Addendum 4 40807 to the list of approved facilities for the pur- to the list of approved facilities for the pur- poses of performing community service by poses of performing community service Environmental Health Practitioners ........... by Environmental Health Practitioners ...... 392 National Health Act (61/2003) :Regula- 4 40816 392 National Health Act (61/2003) :Regula- 4 40816 tions regarding the general control of Hu- tions regarding the general control of Hu- man Bodies, Tissue, Blood Products and man Bodies, Tissue, Blood Products and Gametes: Amendment .............................. Gametes: Amendment .............................. Higher Education and Training, Department of Hoër Onderwys en Opleiding, Departement van 377 Continuing Education and Training Act 4 40802 377 Continuing Education and Training Act 4 40802 (16/2006) :Submission dates for the Audit- (16/2006) :Submission dates for the Au- ed Annual Financial Statements for Tech- dited Annual Financial Statements for nical and Vocational Education and Train- Technical and Vocational Education and ing Colleges .............................................. Training Colleges ...................................... 381 National Qualifications Act (67/2008) :Call 4 40808 381 National Qualifications Act (67/2008) 4 40808 for comments on the proposed Occupa- :Call for comments on the proposed Oc- tional Qualifications for Registration on the cupational Qualifications for Registration Qualifications-Sub Framework for Trades on the Qualifications-Sub Framework for and Occupations ....................................... Trades and Occupations ........................... Home Affairs, Department of Binnelandse Sake, Departement van 362 Births and Deaths Registration Act 21 40793 362 Births and Deaths Registration Act 21 40793 (51/1992) :Alteration of surnames in terms (51/1992) :Alteration of surnames in terms of section 26 ............................................. of section 26 ............................................. 363 Births and Deaths Registration Act 36 40793 363 Births and Deaths Registration Act 36 40793 (51/1992) :Alteration of Forenames .......... (51/1992) :Alteration of Forenames .......... Justice and Constitutional Development, Department of Justisie en Staatkundige Ontwikkeling, Departement van 379 Magistrate’s Court Act (32/1944) :With- 4 40806 379 Magistrate’s Court Act (32/1944) :With- 4 40806 drawal of a notice annexing the seat of the drawal of a notice annexing the seat of the district in Rustenburg to the Sub-district district in Rustenburg to the Sub-district Tlhabane ................................................... Tlhabane ................................................... Labour, Department of Arbeid, Departement van R.371 Labour Relations Act, 1995 :Cancellation 21 40794 R.371 Labour Relations Act, 1995 :Cancellation 21 40794 of Registration of an Employers’ Organisa- of Registration of an Employers’ Organi- tion ............................................................ sation ........................................................ R.372 Labour Relations Act, 1995 :Cancellation 22 40794 R.372 Labour Relations Act, 1995 :Cancellation 22 40794 of registration of a Trade Union: National of registration of a Trade Union: National Sugar Refining and Allied Industries Em- Sugar Refining and Allied Industries Em- ployee’s Union (LR2/6/2/133) ................... ployee’s Union (LR2/6/2/133) ................... National Treasury Nasionale Tesourie 364 Taxation Laws Amendment Act (17/2009) 46 40793 364 Taxation Laws Amendment Act (17/2009) 46 40793 :Allocation to Metropolitan Municipalities :Allocation to Metropolitan Municipalities of General Fuel Levy Revenue ................. of General
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