[Distributed to the Council, the Members Official No. : C. 476. M. 203. 1931. IX . of the League and the States invited [Conf. D. 6 ] to the Conference.] Geneva, August 21st, 1931. LEAGUE OF NATIONS PARTICULARS UIITH REGARD TO THE POSITIOH OF ARUIAUIEUTS IH THE VARIOUS COUNTRIES 4*. COMMUNICATION FROM THE BRITISH GOVERNMENT Note by the Secretary- General : At the request of the British Government, the Secretary-General has the honour to com­ municate to the Governments invited to the Disarmament Conference, a letter from the British Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs dated August 4th, with an annex containing detailed returns with regard to the position of the armaments of the United Kingdom. COMMUNICATION FROM THE BRITISH SECRETARY OF STATE FOR FOREIGN AFFAIRS TO THE SECRETARY-GENERAL OF THE LEAGUE OF NATIONS. Foreign Office, S.W ., A ugust 4th, 1931, With reference to your letter C.L.124.1931.IX of June 13th requesting His Majesty’s Government in the United Kingdom, in accordance with the resolution of the Council of May 23rd last, to furnish information regarding their armaments and expenditure on armaments in the form of the tables annexed to the draft Disarmament Convention and to the report of the Committee of Experts on Budgetary Questions, I am directed by Mr. Secretary Henderson to transmit herewith the returns, in the desired form, in respect of the military, naval and air forces of His Majesty’s Government in the United Kingdom. 2. The returns contained in Tables I-V annexed to Chapter A of Part I and the return of Budgetary Expenditure for Land Forces relate only to forces under the direct control of, or expenditure directly incurred by, His Majesty’s Government in the United Kingdom. Small armed land forces or formations organised on a military basis are maintained by the Govern­ ments of Southern Rhodesia and of certain colonies and dependencies. Returns of these will be furnished to you at the earliest possible moment ; but in view of the remoteness of some °f the territories concerned, it is regretted that they may be slightly delayed. Every effort wiU, however, be made to complete the returns by September 15th. 3- I am to request you to be good enough to communicate copies of this letter and its enclosures as soon as possible to all Members of the League, and to other Governments participating in the Disarmament Conference. (Signed) A. S. A. L e e p e r . * For Nos. I, 2 and 3, see documents C.413.M.169.1931.IX (Conf. D.i) : Communication from the government of the United States of America ; docum ent C.436.M. 183.1931.IX (Conf. D.4) : Communication rorn the Belgian Government ; and document C.440.M.187.1931.IX (Conf. D.5) : Communication rom the French Government. (Communiqué au Conseil, aux Erratum au document Membres de la Société et aux C.476. M.203. 1931. IX. Etats invités à la Conférence) (Conf. D.6) Genève, le 31 août 1931. SOCIETE DES NATIONS INDICATIONS RELATIVES A L’ETAT DES ARMEMENTS DES DIVERS PAYS. Erratum à la Communication du Gouvernement britannique. 1 - Page 8, dans la Note de renvoi (1) Y compris, etc., lire: "129 officiers de la marine et de l ’infanterie royale de marine ..." au lieu de 126. 2 - Page 21, Tableau F, III, Pensions de guerre, etc., dans la colonne lire "£50,353,000" au lieu de "(Sera complété par le Ministère des Pensions)". LEAGUE OF NATIONS PARTICULARS WITH REGARD TO THE POSITION OF ARMAMENTS IN THE VARIOUS COUNTRIES. Errata to the Communication from the British Government. 1 - Page 8, footnote 1 - "Includes: etc.", should read "129 Royal Naval and Royal Marine Officers...." and not 126. 2 - Page 21, Table F, III, "War pensions, etc.," the side column should read "£50,353,000'’, and not "(To be completed by the Ministry of Pensions)". TABLES ANNEXED TO CHAPTER A OF PART I. Table I. L a n d A r m e d F o r c e s s t a t io n e d in t h e H o m e C o u n t r y . Average daily number of Actual strength on April ist, I 93I effectives reached during the year ending September 30th, 1930 Item D etail Regulars and Permanent Reserves, Territorials, Total effectives Rem arks No. Forces Militia, etc. including the effectives specified Officers separately in Total Officers Total Officers this table (a) (b) I. R egular A r m y .............................. 104,995 7,278 106,724 7,371 / Strength April 1 ist, 1931 * - 95 1 Average daily Includes I num ber of Chaplains \ effectives, j year ending I September [ 3 0 th ,1930 . 95 2. Regular Army Personnel employed with Other Govern­ ment Departments or Domi­ nion Forces ................................... 358 24 319 21 — — 16,968 716 263 3 - Supplementary Reserve . 53 6,817 7-388 4 - Territorial A rm y .............................. — — 135,649 365 5 - Officers Training Corps (Officers) G eneral L is t................................... — 951 951 51 5 i Total Average Daily Effectives .... 114,745 7,861 — 3 — E x p l a n a t o r y N o t e s s h o w in g t h e B a s is o f Ca l c u l a t io n a n d t h e N u m b e r o f D a y s ’ S e r v ic e p e r f o r m e d . Item i of Table I. — Regular Army. The average daily effectives reached during the year ending September 30th, 1030, are computed as follows : Total Officers A verage m onthly s t r e n g t h .......................................106,724 7 , 3 7 1 Number of days’ service performed .... 365 365 A verage daily e f f e c tiv e s ............................................106,724 7 , 3 7 1 Item 2 of Table I. — Regular Army Personnel employed with Other Government Departments or Dominion Forces. The average daily effectives for the personnel thus employed and not included in the returns of the Air, Naval, or Dominion Forces, are computed as follows : Total Officers Average monthly strength .................................. 319 21 Number of days’ service performed .... 365 365 Average daily effectives ....................................... 319 21 Item 3 of Table I. — Supplementary Reserve. The average daily effectives reached during the year ending September 30th, 1930 (including drills on the basis of 6 drills = 1 day’s duty), are computed as follows : Total Officers Average m onthly s t r e n g t h ................................ 15,965 662 Average number of day’s service performed 6 29 Average daily effectives ..................................... 263 53 Item 4 of Table I. — Territorial Army. The average daily effectives reached during the year ending September 30th, 1930 (including drills on the basis of 6 dr ills=1 day’s duty), are computed as follows : Total Officers Average monthly strength ........................................I 3 5 »7 3 ° 6,941 Average number of days’ service performed 19.8 20.5 Average daily e f f e c tiv e s ....................................... 7-3^8 365 Item 5 of Table I. — Officers Training Corps (Officers) General List. The average daily effectives reached during the year ending September 30th, 1930 (including drills on the basis of 6 drills=1 day’s duty), are computed as follows : Total Officers Average m onthly s t r e n g t h .................................. 955 955 Average number of days’ service performed 19.5 19.5 Average daily e f f e c tiv e s ....................................... 5 1 5 1 Table II. L a n d A r m e d F o r c e s s t a t io n e d o v e r s e a s . Average daily number of Actual strength on April ist, 1931 effectives reached during the year ending September 30th, 1930 Item Regulars and Reserves, Territorials, No. Detail Total effectives Rem arks Permanent Forces Volunteers, Militia,etc. including the effectives specified Officers separately in Total Officers Total Officers this table (a) (b) 6. R egular A r m y .............................. 27,480 1,386 27,696 1,440 1 Strength April I ist, 1931 . 36 1 Average daily Includes J num ber of Chaplains j effectives, 1 year ending [ September | 30th, 1930 . 35 7 - Colonial and Indian Troops. 2,1 7 4 93 —— 2,062 91 8. Colonial Militia and Volunteers . —— 387 19 19 I Total Average Daily effectives adminis­ tered by the War Office overseas .... 29,777 1,532 — 5 — E xplanatory N otes sh o w in g the B asis of Calculation a n d th e N u m b e r of D a y s ’ Service p e r f o r m e d . Item 6 of Table I I . — Regular Army. Territories. — Cyprus, Gibraltar, Malta, Aden, Ceylon, China, Malaya, Mauritius, Palestine, Egypt, Sudan, Bermuda and Jamaica. The average daily effectives reached during the year ending September 30th, 1930, are computed as follows : Total Officers Average monthly strength ................................ 27,696 1,440 Number of days' service performed .... 365 365 Average daily effectives ..................................... 27,696 1,440 Item 7 of Table II. — Colonial and Indian Troops. Territories. — China, Malaya, Malta, and Aden. The average daily effectives reached during the year ending September 30th, 1930, are computed as follows : T otal Officers Average monthly strength .................................. 2,062 91 Number of days’ service performed .... 365 365 Average daily e f f e c tiv e s ....................................... 2,062 91 Item 8 of Table II. — Colonial Militia and Volunteers. Territories. — Malta and Bermuda. The average daily effectives reached during the year ending September 30th, 1930 (including drills on the basis of 6 drills = 1 day’s duty), are computed as follows : Total Officers Average monthly strength .................................
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