Consul warns Tongans not to interfere, 260 Index payment eases M’s path to power, 293 Ata, Hihifo chief, Ad-Interim Government, Fiji, opposes lotu, 8 chiefs’ rights ensured, 397-398 appointment and membership, 399 Baba, Tui Moala, no right to demand taxes under old laws, installation, 118, 134 404 Baker, Rev. Shirley Waldemar, (1836-1903), Anderson, J.W., resident of Matuku, Wesleyan missionary in Tonga, M’s ‘magnates ... full of their own chief influence over 1862 Tongan Code superiority’, 460 of Laws, 200 praise for M, 461 devised 1875 Tongan Constitution, 458 Aleamotu`a, TK (d. 1845), nature of Tongan kingship, 457-458 father of M, 1 claims Gordon wanted M to succeed in visited Lakeba as a young man, 77 Tonga, 495 ‘friend’ of Malani, TN, 77 appointed Premier of Tonga (1880), 496 appointed TK, 3,5, 7-8 welcomed news of M’s death, 510 detains Tahitian missionaries, 5, 77 Baker, Rev. Thomas, (1832-1867), Wesleyan permits missionaries to proceed, 6 missionary, limited power, 3-4 account of Cakobau’s capture of Mara, 175 authorises missionary school, 6 on Fiji’s Realpolitik, 206-207 supporter of Christianity, 6 describes Golea as ‘a thorough heathen’, flees Tongatapu, 6 207 agrees to renounce lotu, 7 witnesses treaty between Bua and Tonga resumes lotu, 8 (1865), 235-236 baptism as Josiah and marriage, 9-10 Barff, Rev. Charles, (1792-1866), Wesleyan influence on young M, 12 missionary, description of his compound, 15, 25 visits Tongatapu (1830), 5, 12 seeks Tāufa`āhau’s help (1840), 29 Bataillon, Pierre, Monseigneur, (1810-1877) meeting with Rabone and Tucker, 30 asked to ensure French protection for meeting with Commodore Wilkes, 30-31 Ovalau, 146 seeks help from Captain Croker, 32-33 Bau, supplies cutters for 1829 sandalwood offers tribute to visiting Tongans (1840), 71 expedition, 37 growing conflict with Rewa, 108 provides men for 1842 expedition, 38-40 deteriorating fortunes against Rewa, 137 writes to Queen Victoria, 48-49, 83 peace concluded with Rewa, 137 fears French influence in Tonga, 49 victory over last Rewan opponents, 143 receives gifts from George Miller, 50 Bayley, George, final illness and death, 50-51 M’s choice as Secretary for Lau and missionary criticism of, 51, n.104 private secretary, 341-342 assessment, 51 on M’s reasons for secession, 352 American ‘debt’, fails to convince Hedemann that origins, 95 rifles contract is void, 435 US Consul believes Tupou should be partly Beddoes, William, American settler in Fiji, responsible, 164 buys plots of Vanuabalavu land, 281 Cakobau given one year to pay, 164 friendship with M, 281, 512 Polynesian Company’s offer to pay, 165 Beecham, Rev. John, (1787-1856), General supposed admission of liability by Secretary of WMMS, Cakobau, 178 condemns slaughter at siege of Hule, 23 M offers to pay, 178 Belmore, Lord (Somerset Lowry-Cowry, Americans prefer payment by the British, 1835-1913), Governor of New South Wales 196 1868-1872, 655 Ma`afu, prince of Tonga, chief of Fiji urged to press Whitehall for annexation Gordon’s praise for M, 480 of Fiji, 301 adopts Native Taxation Ordinance as suggests Hawaiian protectorate for Fiji, reform measure, 481 301-302 chiefs’ disapproval of ‘the way Beqa island, [Ordinance] was worked’, 481 visit of Tongan folau (1855), 144 Lau report an exercise in dissimulation, rebellious villages subdued, 144 481 chiefs cede island to M, 176-177 Bua meeting (1878), 485-486 labourers removed in 1870 still not chiefs’ concerns for the future of Fiji’s repatriated in 1874, 378 lands, 485 labourers had been rehired, 414 Bosevakaturaga as theatre, 485-486 430 labourers finally repatriated (1875), Bau meeting (1879), 490-491 431, 434 M’s report, 490-491 Bete, Macuata chief, M absent from ensuing debate, 491 rival of Ritova, 170 Mualevu meeting (1880), 496-502 becomes chief of western Macuata, 172 M and Roko Tui Dreketi admonished for advised that Pritchard will deal with their alcoholism, 498-499 Ritova, 185 Lau report uninformative, 499 supported by Col. Smythe as Tui Macuata, ‘licentiousness and debauchery’, 502 185 Boutwell, Edward, commander of USS John murdered by Ritova’s son, 189 Adams, Biganzoli, Louis, investigates American ‘debt’ (1855), 148 becomes Secretary for Lau (1870), 278, 328 presents demand for US$30,000, 148 resigns, 341 raises demand to US$43,686, 148 appointed SM for Moala, 342 Bréheret, Père Jean-Baptiste, (1815-1898), Binner, Rev. John, (d.1863), Wesleyan Marist missionary, missionary, accuses M of carrying on religious war in tries to warn Tongan emissaries of danger, Macuata, 173 138 complaint against Semisi Fifita, 191 Vanuabalavu ‘heathens’ call themselves claims French man-of-war about to visit lotu popi, 159 Fiji, 233 anticipates departure of Tongan British Subjects’ Mutual Protection Society, ‘marauders’, 181 self-appointed opposition to government, Blyth, James, temporary British Vice-Consul 329 in Tonga, ‘manifesto’ sent to CO, 329-330 instructed that Tonga’s independence threat of armed force against government, must be respected, 495 338 Bonaveidogo, Macuata chief, half-brother of requests King to annul constitution, 338- Bete, 339 becomes chief of eastern Macuata, 172 Britton, Henry, Australian newspaper Bosevakaturaga (Great Council of Chiefs), correspondent, established by Provisional Government, description of M, 278-279 430 praises M’s management of Lau, 279, 294, Draiba meeting (1875), 450-452 300 Waikava meeting (1876), 469-471 Brooks, Rev. Samuel, Wesleyan missionary, prison regulations, 470 expresses views of planter community, 369 debate on lala, 471 Brower, Dr Isaac Mills, US Vice-Consul in Fiji, letter to Queen Victoria, 471 says M sought US recognition as king of M’s outstanding performance, 471 Fiji, 162 Rewa meeting (1877), 480-481 acknowledges M’s power in Lau, 163-164 M’s late arrival, 480 claims Tupou is partly responsible for 656 Index American ‘debt’, 164 planned wholesale ‘extirpation’ of appointed as Vice-Consul, 183 Christians, 103-104 ‘probability’ that Tongans will overrun aware of menace posed by resident Fiji, 207 Tongans, 104-105 claims that Wainiqolo had M’s consent to wants to remove Lakeba Tongans, 105 wage war in 1862, 212 fears intentions of visiting US warship, belligerence towards Tupou, 218 105-106 encourages Cakobau to organise armed declares ‘freedom of conscience’ at Bau, resistance to Tongans, 223 106 false account of meetings with Jones and remains wary of Mara, 106 Tupou, 231 urges Moala chiefs to rebel against M, 118 rapacious attitude towards Tongans, 232 formal installation as Vunivalu, 127 favours British protectorate for Fiji, 269 allows resident missionary at Bau, 127 M ‘a disturbing element’ and a ‘tool of presents Ra Marama to Tupou, 127 faction’, 292-293 decides to lotu, 129-130 Bulu, Joeli, (c.1810-1877), Tongan teacher receives submission of Rewan chiefs, 142- arrives in Lakeba (1838), 73 143 accompanies M to relieve Lomaloma approves mooted cession of Ovalau (1855), Christians (1854), 131 146 appeals to Golea to stop fighting (1862), 206 acknowledges American ‘debt’ ‘through requests M ‘to help in the war’, 207 fear’, 149 accompanies M to conference at Wairiki, sends fleet to relieve Buan villages, 159 219 asks Tui Bua not to appeal to M for help, Burnes, William, Viti Levu planter, 159-160, 165 murdered with wife and children, 344 seeks Tupou’s help against Mara and his Burt, George Rodney, planter in Nadroga, Buan allies, 160 invites M to ‘clear out the mountains and again seeks help from Lakeba, 163 reign there’, 272, 410 under intense pressure over rebellion and instigates meeting of Europeans at Levuka ‘debt’, 164 (1871), 305 formal offer of cession to Great Britain, 164 ‘nucleus’ of Cakobau government formed, prestige weakened by American ‘debt’, 305 165 Burt, Sydney, commercial agent to Cakobau, visits Bua to pressure ‘heathen’ chiefs, 167 Chief Secretary of Fiji apprehends M’s involvement in Bua and sails yacht Xarifa to Fiji and sells it to M, Macuata, 170 287-288 appeals to Pritchard to check M’s Premier of Kingdom of Fiji, 313 ‘intrigues’, 175 Buzacott, Rev. Aaron, (1800-1864), LMS deprecated cession of Beqa to Tongans, missionary, 176-177 sees divine judgment of Samuel Henry, 46 enhanced prestige following first cession offer, 181 Cakobau, Vunivalu of Bau, (c.1815-1883), Tupou ‘dead with crying’ over proposed complains about Lakeban vassals, 71 cession of Fiji, 184 depends on support of Lauan Tongans, 76 detained as hostage on board Cornélie, 191 assumes power at Bau, 87 refuses to sell Wakaya to Pritchard, 192- erroneously called King of Fiji, 87 193 intends to lotu eventually, 87-88, 98 confirms foreign ownership of lands in approves conversions on Lakeba, 97 Fiji, 198 sends gifts to Tui Nayau, 98 apprehensive about Tongan intentions, 215 foments violence against Bua Christians, plans for code of laws similar to Tonga’s, 102-103 215-216 657 Ma`afu, prince of Tonga, chief of Fiji tells Tongan Commissioners he desires resents Goodenough’s attitude, 369-370 peace, 227 misrepresents M’s career in Fiji to says Tupou is ‘at rest’, 228 Goodenough, 370-371, 372-373 under pressure from many sides, 233 seeks to influence Commissioners against dilemma posed by limits to his power, 233 M, 32 would never relinquish Lau, 233 desperation to have M removed from Fiji, refuses to give up land to Tongans, 233-234 378 proposes joint expedition to Macuata reluctantly tells M he can remain in Fiji, with M, 234 383 pressed by Europeans to resist Tongans, annoyance with M, 383 236 formal refusal of Cession, 387 protests about Tongan occupation of requests Thurston to carry on Matuku and Moala, 237 government, 387 contemplates the chimera of power, 244 recognises Thurston as head of new first president of the Fijian Confederation government, 391 (1865), 246 offer of Cession, 396 desires to form government like that of fears Fijians’ loss of land and chiefly Sandwich Is, 251 authority, 396 ‘coronation’ at Levuka (1867), 251 formally presents Cession letter to chiefs’ oath of allegiance, 252 Commissioners, 396 writes to U.S president, 253 reasons for reversing his decision, 397, 398 agreement with Polynesian Land supposed jealousy of M, 39 Company, 258-259 offered a yacht if he agrees to Cession, 398 repudiates P.L.C.
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