I ln SI®p Newsmqgdzine NEWS I 661 N. W-lel Slreel, Suil® 411 Main Chb Fi;e Kills Tiro rmwl]ilkee, WI 53202 Mihoat4hee Grou|is to Meet u)ith Police Chief ......... 7 (414) 278-7840 v®ico DEFIARTMENTS (414) 278-5868 lax Nedonal &Worid Neuis INSTEPwl@AOL.(out Grou|) Notes ISSN# 1045-2435 The Arfu The Calendar Ronold f. Geimon The Chasies founder Jo,ge L (flbol I:EATURES presidanl Travel Feature: We'll Ahoay§ Hdue Paris ............. 26 Movie Reuleu) - Euitd William Attewell editor-imhief COLUMNS , Legally S|)eaking Jorge LCobol . .20 Deep h§ide Hollyiijood uns editor Inside out Monuel Komght Keepin' In Step calendar editor Out of the Stars Keith Clqrk, Ron Geimon, Kevin lsom, Jomokoyo, Owen Keehnen, Chn.stopher Krimmer, Jim W. Louten,both, Chorlene Lichtenstein, Morvin uebmon, Cheryl Myers, Richard Mohr, Dole Reynolds, Shelly Roberis, Jamie Toylor, Rex Wockner, Arlene Zorembkq, Yvonne Ziprer •onrfuingwriters Richard Whife in'ern James Toylor phalographer Robert Arnold, Paul Berge Ill STEP OFFICE IIOIIRSs carloonists Our oun.es are open \o \h® publi. Irom Wells Ink 9am \® 5ptn, lH®nda\r \hrough Friday al.. aridiredionanduldosisn Pubb(allen of the none, photngmph or cher likeness of any person or oTgonr The IIor\I\ern \igh\ Buildihg zotion in /n 5fty Wel.ryriqgrzfro is not to be consmied as ony indication of the 1661 Norlh WIIIer Slreel, Su.IIe 411 sexed, ielgivus or politttol oriBntofion, prodi(e oi holief§ of such person oi men- ' hers of surh orgrmzofiors. lHIIwaukee, WI 5S202 Wo`maenerriorighttoeditonysubmissions,odwhsingotedwholo1our5ole dis((givn. We essomo no Tespomuffltry for tynyophi(01 or others ewers unless (omemedycapyisprovided.Weossunonoresporslblftyforodverrisers'thims. ON OUR 00VEll: /A 5fap Wowrmogozt'ne is o reoirfe/ed trademark. Ewire (onlents ineludlng qdverfu'try ©1997 by /n Step Wourragrz]'no, except wheie specifitolly noted Madoma and Jonathan Pryce star in "Evita" othorwi'se.AIIright§resend.Repioduch`on,¢frorinwholoorpmisprohibifed. i INews Friends, Family Mourn Two Who Died ln Main Club Blaze byWillliamMowell more. The absence of the Main Club will be felt by a lot ofpcople. oflhelnSlep5Iaff "Most are hoping the Main Club will be rebuilt because Superior -Two men and a northland landmark it provided so much support to organizations and individuals perished in the early morning on Friday, December 27 when in the community," Knopp continued. the well-known Main Club in Superior wem up in flames. As part of the rou[inc investigation, police had ques- The firt, reported shordy after 3 am, destroyed the century- tioned Jansen about people who may have had a grudge old two-Story brick building at 1813 N. Third Street. against him or the club. Jansen is an outspoken advocate for Laird Rengo, 40, of Duluth and Montroi "Troy" Burchard, 32, of Superior, who were in an apartment above gay and lesbian issues. Investigators now doubt the fire was in[entionally set. the bar, died in the blaze. Autopsies revealed the two men died of carbon monoxide poisoning due to sxpokc inhalation. Fire trucks arrived within minutes of the first report, but the building already was engulfed in flames. A battalion chief declared the building lost as soon as he arrived. The Main Club, valued at more than $41,000, burned to its foundation. Assistant Fire Chief Brad Buhr said the men likely died of smoke inhalation. Buhr told /„ 5£cp the investigation a[ the site of the fire is complete and nothing suspicious had been found, stating, "We've have no reason to suspect arson in this fire." Much like Madison's Hotel Washington, the Main Club was a focal point for northland gays and lesbians. More than just a bar the Main was considered by many the hub for Superior and Duluth's queer community. The bar's owner, 'Rober[ John Jansen Jr., a gregarious inn with an outlandish mustache served as master of ceremonies. The Main Club was one of the few places many gays and lesbians c'ould feel safe. That kind of place wlon't be easy to rcplacc, said marry in the Twin Ports gay and lesbian comrilnity. , Larry Khopj)' he?d of the geography department at the University of Mirmcsota-Duluth and a leader in the Twin Ports gay community told /# Sap, "I think it is a real loss. wc have rcli€d on the Main Club for thirteen years to be more I than just a bar. The Main club provided that and a whole lot 11 Jonuoiy 8,1997,-Jonuory 22,1997 'H a,EP Though the Main club has had financial difficulties for programs, arc merging their efforts, it was learned months, press reports indicate that investigators privately last month. doubted Jansen was ever involved in any way. County records Officials from both organizations said the mcrgcr will show the propcny was three years in arrears on property taxes benefit people who use the services while cutting administra- and Jansen owes the county $5,292 in back taxes and inter- tive costs. cst. In Scptembcr ]ansen also reported to police that he sus- The merger, which was formalized.in late Dcccmber, will "increase services to clients in all areas of the city and ;28:8:oaifo::;Ira;:ep:,oy=ees?afu:a:::griospha.y#secnth£ decrease the costs to provide those services, which is very since paid all the debts the state was demanding. important these days," said Rob Humrickhousc, interim The wood and brick, two-story building was a tinder box, executive director for STOP AIDS. aa=ording to assistant fire chief Buhr. That may have caused Howard Brown provides medical care and mental health the firc's rapid spread. City records show the building has had assistance [o people with HIV/AIDS. STOP AIDS staffcrs a solid fil.e and building inspection record for more than and volunteers go to places frequented by people considered four decades. [o bc at high-risk, such as nightclubs, parks and some street At press time it was still unclean whether the Main Club corners, Humrickhouse said. They pass out condoms and dis- would be rebuilt. /% SJcp will continue to cover this story as cuss how to protect oneself from HIV/AIDS, hc said. it develops. They assist people who want to have anonymous AIDS testing and provide "buddies" for people who arc afraid to be Chicago's Largest HIY/AIDS Groups tested, Humrickhouse said. STOP AIDS offices win remain open and in the coming To Merge Efforts weeks, representatives from Howard Brown will mcct with Chicago, IL - The Howard Brown Health Center, workers and leaders in the surrounding communities to Chicago's largest private HIV/AIDS service provider, and dcterminc what kinds of health-care services to offer from STOP AIDS, an agency stressing education and prevention the offices. IN Step Jonuory 8,1997 -January 22,1997 11 Gays Set To Meet New FJ)EE Milwaukee Police Chief FIRST 20 MINUTE byWI.IlianAttowell cONsuLtrmioN ofthelnSlepSfaff Milwaukee - Representatives from KATHLEEN E. HUME Milwaukee gay and lesbian organizations and Attorney at Lou) businesses and new Milwaukee Police Chief Arthur Jones have scheduled January 13th • 529 - 2129 meeting to address concerns in the communi- FaLx: 529-9545 ty and to establish a line of dialog with the 5665 South 108th Street Hales Comers, WI 53130 new police administration. Jones was appointed Police Chief late last year by Milwaukee Mayor John Norquist If lt Concerns You, It Concerns lls:! after the resignation of Chief Phillip Areolla. 529-2800 ullilunokeepoli(9{hiefAthurJones Stephanic Hume, of Police Relations for the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Community is organizing the meeting. According to Hume, a number of persons in the community have expressed concerns that Milwaukee police officers may rctum to a pattern of harassment and intense scrutiny of gay owned businesses and hopes Warren J. Klaus & the meeting will give persons in the community a chance to address the concerns Michael T. MeyerB with the Chief. In particular, tavern owners and community organizations are concerned :¥;:*gjfidv#k§¥3:+iigfrE;On:, successes and strides made under the previous police administration may have the potential to be rcverscd. In recent months, patrons and ow.ncrs of Milwaukee area gay and lesbian taverns FREE FIRST MEETING have reported incidents of what they consider to be police harassment. The Station 2 at 1534 W. Grant, The Boot Camp at 209 E. National Ave., and South Water Street #er:fo=Tiy:#g:r#fnggT:gte!a:f Docks at 354 E. National Avenue all have reported to /# Sfcp incidents with CALLFORANAPP0INTMENT the police. Additional incidents with police at other gay and lesbian taverns and Evenmg and Weekend Hours clubs could.not be confirmed. CBA Services "This is our opportunity to let the Chief know there are problems in the community," stated Si Smits owner of The Boot Camp Saloon, adding, "As a tax- payer I feel I have a right to address the Police Chief and these issues." Hume was positive about the meeting, stating, "I am hoping Chief Jones will issue a mandate to his department on his stand on the treatment of people from our community, " Humc added chat she will propose a community forum with Chief Jones that 5665 South 108th Street would be open to the entire gay and lesbian community. She hoped it would be DHOH*#owf:g;:3,u#an%|#es scheduled no later than Pridefest 1997. Hume also stated that a strategy could bc developed to set up meetings with dis- trict captains and gay and lesbian tavern owners and business owners to make sure NEW STORE HOURS issues arc discused with the Chief Jones achieve a satisfactory resolution. Tuesday thru Saturday Representatives from several organizations and businesses including The Brady Noon to 8pm East STD Clinic, The Milwaukee AIDS Project, Human RIghts League, Lesbian Surd:;--i-p;to5pm Alliance of Metro Milwaukee, Station 2, The Boot Camp, Pridefest, Rlverwest Monday Closed Rainbow Association, Sherman I'ark Rainbow Association among many others arc expected to attend the meeting.
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